well a lot of the things we know come down from others as well as is speculation .. do we ever really really test these things on ourself. much of the time we don't and we just accept what we think is common practice.
I'd rather do things different and find out for myself then go by an online steroid profile which has the soul purpose of selling ad space then it does to actually teach anyone the truth about the steroid its writing about.
most sites that teach about AAS that have ads on them, just stay away their usually BS. the real truth about AAS is often found in old medical journals and articles (no ads) written for the medical community (not the steroid community)
anyhow, thats a rant in itself.
to get to the questions posed..
so the reason I'm only running dry compounds is to test out how well they work at actually regenerating muscle tissue. we already know that wet compounds work great at adding size and muscle fullness.. so why should I not take this perfect opportunity and just see how well dry compounds work.
my workout split - again we all know that hitting a single muscle group hard and then letting it recover is ideal for growth. I don't need to try out what I already know.. so what I'm going to do is use the blood flow / pump method and see how well that works. I don't think at this stage I really need to tear apart and break down muscle tissue to grow. All I need to do is drive as much blood and nutrients into the muscle as possible and as OFTEN as possible to help regenerate and restore muscle tissue. the more blood I can pump the more nutrients I can bring in the better, and the more muscle groups I can hit, as often as possible, the quicker the regeneration should occur.
at this stage if I only hit one muscle group , like chest, once per week, the growth process would take way longer. again I'm not that far removed from where I was (only 6 weeks).. if I can get blood and nutrients into my chest, and multiple other body parts a whole bunch of times per week, then the faster things should happen.
regarding free T crashing with no test. yes this is likely to happen.. but whats that going to really do in this case ? a small amount of free T from a natty dose of test doesn't build muscle anyhow.. I've got 500mg of a test derivative, EQ, to give me plenty of anabolic load (and bind to androgen receptors at a very fast rate). 200mg of Tren that will act as androgenic as 1000mg of test, and anavar lowering SHBG and freeing up everything to bind to receptors without being gobbled up by SHBG.. do I really need a minisucule amount of free T to really do anything for me?
the estrogen is the only thing I'm worried about.. and as I said above I can just throw in 10mg of Dbol per day to get some estrogen.
I'm really just looking to experiment right now. lets see what can be learned . I don't need to repeat things I already know works for dozens of guys.
eg., I know running a TRT dose of test with your cycles works great for pretty much everyone .. lets see what happens with no test in this scenario. we all can learn a something from it I bet