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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #601
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    Ok I'm stumped . not sure what is going on.

    so 6 months ago I was 20 or more pounds heavier and more muscular then I am right now.. I was also on 2 grams of test per week, 1 gram of tren per week, and 600mg of Mast per week (and thats after running 900mg of deca, dbol, anadrol, etc.),, and back then my blood pressure was just fine.

    now I'm not eating much, I'm light and thin, and I'm barely on any gear at all and my BP is constantly 170/100.

    the other night I woke up with a nose bleed that poured (not dripped) blood for 5 hours straight (filled up an entire sink,, guessing was at least 2 pints). thats basically 2 blood donations done in one shot, so I'm good in that regards for awhile and won't donate blood again for a year or more.

    I've been on Atenolol (heart/bp meds) for 2 years. my BP has always been pretty in check since getting on that.

    I just started up a measly 500mg of EQ and 200mg of Tren cycle.. which really shouldn't phase me compared to past cycles.

    so kinda at a loss here as to what to do.. I can't lose water weight (I had just lost 25 pounds), I'm only running dry compounds with no test, my diet is fairly clean and not calorie excessive. add more BP meds ? pull the plug on the cycle (EQ and Tren have both been known to raise BP for some guys, but never have for me)?

    I'm guessing the cause is stress. lots going on and lots of stress last couple months. never thought I'd have BP issues on such a mild cycle after losing weight . just seems really odd to me

  2. #602
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    Is it possible that the lack of testosterone in your body is somehow linked? Or maybe some secondary effect of testosterone was keeping your blood pressure lower and now it’s gone?

  3. #603
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    Also if you need a test subject while you’re trying to figure this all out...

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Is it possible that the lack of testosterone in your body is somehow linked? Or maybe some secondary effect of testosterone was keeping your blood pressure lower and now it’s gone?
    yes this crossed my mind and only thought I had was estrogen as a secondary component to test, which helps keep your vascular systems elastic.. but I would think this would take months and months not weeks.
    I could pin some Sustanon and see what happens. to be honest , times like this I wish I had actual pure estrogen in a bottle to pin and see what happens with just that .

    ok UGLs , we need pure Estrogen suspension in a bottle ASAP !
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 06-13-2019 at 08:30 PM.

  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Also if you need a test subject while you’re trying to figure this all out...
    1000 mg of EQ
    400 mg of Tren
    75mcg per day T4
    10mg Dbol pre workout
    No test

    thats it. very simple. think the combo (which is not popular) can be super effective

    edit - notice I'm doubling your dosage of eq and tren as thats what I would have went with had I been on point with my diet and training and not recovering from injury and other BS

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok UGLs , we need pure Estrogen suspension in a bottle ASAP !
    wouldn’t dianabol be a fast way to blow some estrogen into yourself?

  7. #607
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    1000 mg of EQ
    400 mg of Tren
    75mcg per day T4
    10mg Dbol pre workout
    No test

    thats it. very simple. think the combo (which is not popular) can be super effective

    edit - notice I'm doubling your dosage of eq and tren as thats what I would have went with had I been on point with my diet and training and not recovering from injury and other BS
    I’m game for trying this at some point

  8. #608
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    wouldn’t dianabol be a fast way to blow some estrogen into yourself?
    absolutely .. thats why I include it above and you don't need much because its a more potent (bioavailable) form of estrogen . on this NO TEST experiment I've been popping 10mg Dbols at various times. thats how I been getting my E with no test (and libido function is through the roof)

  9. #609
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    10mg of dbol is not going to provide the kind of steady levels of E2 as a constant steady dose of TRT would provide though

  10. #610
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    absolutely .. thats why I include it above and you don't need much because its a more potent (bioavailable) form of estrogen . on this NO TEST experiment I've been popping 10mg Dbols at various times. thats how I been getting my E with no test (and libido function is through the roof)
    I think you’re onto something here. Everyone just assumes test is best because that’s what we make naturally, but that may not really be the case at all. Some combination of other compounds may truly be more efficient, but we’ve been screwing up all this time by allowing our bodies at least a TRT dose of testosterone instead of forcing it to fully evolve and run on other compounds.

    Just a thought...

  11. #611
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes this crossed my mind and only thought I had was estrogen as a secondary component to test, which helps keep your vascular systems elastic.. but I would think this would take months and months not weeks.
    I could pin some Sustanon and see what happens. to be honest , times like this I wish I had actual pure estrogen in a bottle to pin and see what happens with just that .

    ok UGLs , we need pure Estrogen suspension in a bottle ASAP !
    Can’t you take birth control for the estrogen?

  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    I think you’re onto something here. Everyone just assumes test is best because that’s what we make naturally, but that may not really be the case at all. Some combination of other compounds may truly be more efficient, but we’ve been screwing up all this time by allowing our bodies at least a TRT dose of testosterone instead of forcing it to fully evolve and run on other compounds.

    Just a thought...

    well the guy in your Avi , Arnold, ran plenty of 'no test' cycles.. so theres really nothing new under the sun or re-inventing the wheel sort of speak with me.. its funny, I posted about the combo of DNP + Insulin together, several years ago and explained synergy and reasons why and people thought this was crazy and thought using the two "deadliest drugs in bodybuilding" together would be nuts. it caught wind (not from me) and is popular within very small circles today.. but its not some NEW thing. fact is I have copies of underground bodybuilding journals written in the late 90s that go into explicit detail about how to run dnp and slin together (even giving dosage protocols).
    don't let people trick you. there is nothing new under the sun.

    a lot of the information I provide is based on my understanding of drug use in bodybuilding history. I'm a researcher not a chemist.. I know dnp and insuin work well together based on historical research and not lab analysis.. my point is a lot of what comes across as "new" is not really new and I will never take credit for it,, science is both analytical and historical. to many people now days simply don't know history.

    if you want to know more about "Masteron", instead of typing that word in google and coming across the most add invested money making for google sites that simply state silly steroid profiles on masteron.. how about type in "HISTORY of Masteron" and go deep into google pages until you find medical journals worth of info. then next type in "drostanolone propionate medical treatment" and read real world treatment information.

    get the history. within the history you'll find the facts. again there is nothing new under the sun.

    now sure, protocols and procedures can be new. I will say the theories I have on phase cycling with compound rotation is a "new practice" that I formulated based on my research.. but I'm in no way a chemist and making anything "new"

  13. #613
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Can’t you take birth control for the estrogen?
    yes I suppose but I've heard birth control for women is as bad for your health as taking steroids

  14. #614
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes I suppose but I've heard birth control for women is as bad for your health as taking steroids
    FG thinks he’s a she. LOL

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  15. #615
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    I can relate to your situation. BP on cycle was never an issue. Now I need to have The atenolol ready for the cycle.
    This is why I do believe in bloods. I have seen changes in the results as I age.
    Maybe it is just your body is changing.

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  16. #616
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I can relate to your situation. BP on cycle was never an issue. Now I need to have The atenolol ready for the cycle.
    This is why I do believe in bloods. I have seen changes in the results as I age.
    Maybe it is just your body is changing.

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    Ya maybe you getting old like these old fuggers

  17. #617
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Ya maybe you getting old like these old fuggers
    You take that back!

  18. #618
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    Not here.
    Hey being old isn’t bad - until you get old. Moral here, don’t “get” old.

  19. #619
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    Dont forget the rapid is a big change in how it hits you. I dont know your job but I literally cant run my novolog in the summer working food or not.
    Its just too much shit to stay hammering this shit out like I have been. Slin is my rejuvenation therapy but I know that doesnt suit a comp prep.

  20. #620
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    ok now I'm really frickin confused.. I don't know what the hell is going on with me. my BP has been super high all week. last night I got up off the couch to go to bed and I completely lost my vision and got dizzy and fell down. vision came back after a couple mins.
    checked my BP and it was 65/30.. super super low. woke up this morning feeling a bit dizzy as well. BP was 70/40 this morning as well.. changed batteries in BP monitor just to be sure and had my wife take her BP and she was 115/75 like she always is, so I know BP monitor is working just fine.

    wtf is going on . super high blood pressure to the point of nose bleeds for the last week or more. then suddenly it just crashes. yesterday day I was 170/100 ,, then last night it crashed to the point of me losing my vision upon standing up and was 65/30 . how does this happen ?

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok now I'm really frickin confused.. I don't know what the hell is going on with me. my BP has been super high all week. last night I got up off the couch to go to bed and I completely lost my vision and got dizzy and fell down. vision came back after a couple mins.
    checked my BP and it was 65/30.. super super low. woke up this morning feeling a bit dizzy as well. BP was 70/40 this morning as well.. changed batteries in BP monitor just to be sure and had my wife take her BP and she was 115/75 like she always is, so I know BP monitor is working just fine.

    wtf is going on . super high blood pressure to the point of nose bleeds for the last week or more. then suddenly it just crashes. yesterday day I was 170/100 ,, then last night it crashed to the point of me losing my vision upon standing up and was 65/30 . how does this happen ?
    Stim overuse

  22. #622
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    I frequently lose vision in my left eye in the morning from low blood pressure if I drop ephedrine flat.

    Any sudden changes in stimulants use?

  23. #623
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    I wont go down.
    Ive gone to my knees but consider it a personal challenge when I start going down so I try to lsnd on shit to stay propped up.

  24. #624
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    interesting and very possible for stim users.. for me personally though I don't use stims. even my pre workout is stim free pump only product. I'll have some coffee in the morning and thats about it. if I add clen to a stack I'm running its only for synergy and I won't go over 20mcg.
    when I was younger I liked stims (even the not so legal ones). but now I just get bad anxiety from them. even coffee I switch to decaf if I've had a lot in a day.

  25. #625
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    for the last two days I did mega dose some L-Arginie,, and took triple dosages of an herbal OTC sup called "Carditone" .. maybe that all just hit me at once.
    also I had not drank alcohol in awhile but I did have some whisky last night after a day where I had not drank much water.. so was probably dehydrated on top of it.

  26. #626
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    Odd indeed.
    Maybe you should get looked at.
    I had a head rush in the heat a bit back and saw stars but this time they would not go away. It was an isolated incident though.

  27. #627
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok now I'm really frickin confused.. I don't know what the hell is going on with me. my BP has been super high all week. last night I got up off the couch to go to bed and I completely lost my vision and got dizzy and fell down. vision came back after a couple mins.
    checked my BP and it was 65/30.. super super low. woke up this morning feeling a bit dizzy as well. BP was 70/40 this morning as well.. changed batteries in BP monitor just to be sure and had my wife take her BP and she was 115/75 like she always is, so I know BP monitor is working just fine.

    wtf is going on . super high blood pressure to the point of nose bleeds for the last week or more. then suddenly it just crashes. yesterday day I was 170/100 ,, then last night it crashed to the point of me losing my vision upon standing up and was 65/30 . how does this happen ?
    That doesn’t sound good man. Might want to get checked out. Even though if your doc doesn’t know all the shit your doing he will freak the fuck out when he sees your BP that high. But the fact it’s so low now is very stange

  28. #628
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I wont go down.
    Ive gone to my knees but consider it a personal challenge when I start going down so I try to lsnd on shit to stay propped up.

    Wtf! That’s hilairous

  29. #629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I frequently lose vision in my left eye in the morning from low blood pressure if I drop ephedrine flat.

    Any sudden changes in stimulants use?

    Oh come on. Not that low blood pressure from lack of stims causing left eye blindness crap again!

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Oh come on. Not that low blood pressure from lack of stims causing left eye blindness crap again!
    Enlighten me

  31. #631
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I wont go down.
    Ive gone to my knees but consider it a personal challenge when I start going down so I try to lsnd on shit to stay propped up.
    I remember when you were on your knees. LOL

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  32. #632
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Odd indeed.
    Maybe you should get looked at.
    I had a head rush in the heat a bit back and saw stars but this time they would not go away. It was an isolated incident though.
    Fucking Obs recommending that other people get looked at. LMAO

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  33. #633
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    That doesn’t sound good man. Might want to get checked out. Even though if your doc doesn’t know all the shit your doing he will freak the fuck out when he sees your BP that high. But the fact it’s so low now is very stange
    The problem is when you go to a Dr. and you don’t reveal that you are cycling, they scratch their head and then start with a shitload of testing. They start going down rabbit holes and 6 months later they are still testing.

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  34. #634
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Fucking Obs recommending that other people get looked at. LMAO

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    They already told me there was no hope.
    I only have 20-50 years to live.

  35. #635
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Oh come on. Not that low blood pressure from lack of stims causing left eye blindness crap again!
    You need to read up on beta 2 agonists.
    You pound stims that downregulate them such as ephedrine and it takes days for them to return to normal.

    So you remove huge amounts amounts of drug induced adrenaline, norepinephrine, and epinephrine...

    Well now you have a normal flow of these things all at once with downregulated receptors.

    Now your bp is dangerously low.

    I thought you were a methead once?

  36. #636
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    Is someone keeping tabs on this dude to make sure he’s alright?

  37. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Is someone keeping tabs on this dude to make sure he’s alright?
    Which un?

  38. #638
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Which un?
    GH. You’re still posting. You’re fine lol

  39. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You need to read up on beta 2 agonists.
    You pound stims that downregulate them such as ephedrine and it takes days for them to return to normal.

    So you remove huge amounts amounts of drug induced adrenaline, norepinephrine, and epinephrine...

    Well now you have a normal flow of these things all at once with downregulated receptors.

    Now your bp is dangerously low.

    I thought you were a methead once?
    I know all that! You’ve told me before! Lmao

    I was a meth head and I never went blind!

  40. #640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    They already told me there was no hope.
    I only have 20-50 years to live.
    20-50 is a big range!

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