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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #641
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I remember when you were on your knees. LOL

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    Come on charger set this guy straight about his “lack of stims causing blindness” routine

  2. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Is someone keeping tabs on this dude to make sure he’s alright?

    truth is I've been a terd all day.. not sure whats wrong with me. BUT fuck shit I just signed up for the most insane muscle transformation contest ever and first place gets 10k of prizes. I don't care that I'm feeling like I'm dying, I'm gong to win..

    my forehead is probably a 110 degrees right now and my fingers feel like they are on fire typing this

  3. #643
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    ugh I'm delirious for real.. hurts to breath

  4. #644
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    truth is I've been a terd all day.. not sure whats wrong with me. BUT fuck shit I just signed up for the most insane muscle transformation contest ever and first place gets 10k of prizes. I don't care that I'm feeling like I'm dying, I'm gong to win..

    my forehead is probably a 110 degrees right now and my fingers feel like they are on fire typing this
    Wtf! 10k?? In gear or what?

  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Wtf! 10k?? In gear or what?
    you can win more $ doing body transformation contests then you can competing on stage,, for sure

  6. #646
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    truth is I've been a terd all day.. not sure whats wrong with me. BUT fuck shit I just signed up for the most insane muscle transformation contest ever and first place gets 10k of prizes. I don't care that I'm feeling like I'm dying, I'm gong to win..

    my forehead is probably a 110 degrees right now and my fingers feel like they are on fire typing this
    Testosterone DTs?

  7. #647
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    20-50 is a big range!
    I am doing my best to make it 20... Be patient I am trying ffs

  8. #648
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    truth is I've been a terd all day.. not sure whats wrong with me. BUT fuck shit I just signed up for the most insane muscle transformation contest ever and first place gets 10k of prizes. I don't care that I'm feeling like I'm dying, I'm gong to win..

    my forehead is probably a 110 degrees right now and my fingers feel like they are on fire typing this
    Why won’t you let me do that?? LOL

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  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ugh I'm delirious for real.. hurts to breath
    go to a doc boss.
    If I had insurance I would take an ambulance just cuz I am tired of driving.

  10. #650
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    spent the night puking .. think I just was coming down with a bug or flu or something. when your body gets sick it can do weird things with heart rate and blood pressure

  11. #651
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Wtf! 10k?? In gear or what?
    I won a body transformation contest for enhanced athlete a couple years ago.. they sent me a check for 1000$ and sent me 1500$ worth of sarms and peptides (that I picked out).

    this time around the winner gets to fly out with Tony Huge to Thailand and spend a week or so there with him, all expenses paid. I want to win and go on that trip just so I can rub shoulders with those guys and then ask for a job I'm sure they could use someone like me in some capacity

  12. #652
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    spent the night puking .. think I just was coming down with a bug or flu or something. when your body gets sick it can do weird things with heart rate and blood pressure
    Pulled up to my local gas station yesterday and a man had collapsed.
    He had a couple of ladies helping him. One was a nurse luckily.

    He said he got too hot but had recently been diagnosed with afib.

    His heart rate and blood oxygen plummeted and he was about to die. I know the look well. He started shaking uncontrollably.

    The nurse said to set him up. We are in bfe so ambulance was taking forever.
    I sat him up at the nurses direction and she had him breathe deep and heavy and lean on me.

    In five minutes she had his oxy gen up from 45 to 71.
    We loaded him on the stretcher and he was much better than when we found him when he left.

    Dont push it too hard GH.
    I sat thinking about what I did earlier in the day and its amazing I haven't been stretched out somewhere.

    Don't lay down lol stay sitting up and breathe deep.
    That nurse is the only thing that saved that old man.
    He was heading for a stroke I think.

  13. #653
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    Also, don't be the motherfucker that walks on by.
    Don't know how many males I watched go to and from that gd gas station just staring as they went by.
    Ladies were too small to lift him and I freed up our one cop to communicate with the ambulance.

    People are pussies about shit. Makes me want to slap the fuck out of them. What goes around comes around. If that nurse had walked on by that old guy would have died.

  14. #654
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I won a body transformation contest for enhanced athlete a couple years ago.. they sent me a check for 1000$ and sent me 1500$ worth of sarms and peptides (that I picked out).

    this time around the winner gets to fly out with Tony Huge to Thailand and spend a week or so there with him, all expenses paid. I want to win and go on that trip just so I can rub shoulders with those guys and then ask for a job I'm sure they could use someone like me in some capacity
    Well I guess that rules out one of the people I thought you might be in real life.

    Thats pretty cool though

  15. #655
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    I have an oxygen monitor and an oxygen machine at home.. was given it when I was released from the hospital after my last surgery because I was on such high dosages of meds I couldn't be without oxygen.
    I have used the oxygen machine after being on high dose deca for like 12+ weeks when you get that 'can't breathe feeling'..
    my oxygen is generally good in the upper 90s.

    anyhow awhile back I made the mistake of getting drunk as fuck when pissed off and then lead to me slamming a whole bunch of pain pills. later that night laying in bed my wife felt my legs and they were freezing cold and I started shivering bad, even though it was summer in a house that does not have AC.. she then checked my oxygen and my BP. my oxygen was in the 60s and my BP and heart rate barely had a reading, like 40/20 with a 40 or so pulse. I was over dosing from the pain meds I slammed (being I had been off them for awhile my tolerance level was way down)..
    I refused to let my wife call 911 and basically said if I die I die.

    monitoring oxygen and blood pressure is something we should probably do in this sport all the time. massive fluctuations can give us hints at other shit that may be going on in our body

    that old man probably had an underlying heart condition that lead him to that situation

  16. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Well I guess that rules out one of the people I thought you might be in real life.

    Thats pretty cool though

    Lol .. who you think I was ? coach Trevor ? me and that guy share the same brain waves.. can ask my wife, when he was popular on youtube and I watched vids I could finish his sentences

  17. #657
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Lol .. who you think I was ? coach Trevor ? me and that guy share the same brain waves.. can ask my wife, when he was popular on youtube and I watched vids I could finish his sentences
    Yes, I figured it was a possibility lol

  18. #658
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    so this challenge/contest I'm going to do is only a 30 day contest and the goal is to put on 20 pounds in 30 days.. obviously this isn't your basic transformation contest as no average person can barely make changes in 30 days. its really a "chemical warfare'' challenge. drug use is part of the gig and the stack you use will probably be part of the judging process (reason why I like Enhanced Athlete as a company)

    so first things first I need to go get a physical and dr check up and blood work done

    then this is kinda what I'm thinking for a 30 day mass blast

    test (sustanon) - 1000mg per week
    Tren ace - 350mg per week
    Ment - 350mg per week
    NPP - 700mg per week
    Masteron - 600mg per week

    Anadrol - 50mg per day
    Dbol - 40mg per day

    Mk677 50mg per day (can't afford growth right now)
    insulin 40iu per day
    T4 75mcg per day
    LGD 40mg per day
    Clen 20mcg per day

    training - 2x per day
    diet - Mcdonalds every day

  19. #659
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    this is my current depleted skinny 20 pounds down back right now .. if I'm going to put on as much muscle as fast as possible its going to need to go in big body parts (forget biceps and calves). I want my upper back to waist ratio to be huge . adding a bunch of thickness up top here will really make a big difference imo

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  20. #660
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this is my current depleted skinny 20 pounds down back right now .. if I'm going to put on as much muscle as fast as possible its going to need to go in big body parts (forget biceps and calves). I want my upper back to waist ratio to be huge . adding a bunch of thickness up top here will really make a big difference imo

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    Nice vee!

    You will do well though your ratio is already great.

  21. #661
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    Have you ever tried "apple pickers"?

  22. #662
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Have you ever tried "apple pickers"?
    not sure what that is

  23. #663
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    not sure what that is
    I will post a video.
    I do them as a warmup now but from a lower angle with the band.
    It absolutely charges my back on warmup.

  24. #664
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    7:27 start watching.

    I have protracted shoulders which you dont at all but this fires up my back and shoulders to want to kill.

    I dont do the 1 rep of 20 sets shit though
    I just do three sets of ten with the heaviest band I can find.

  25. #665
    McDonald's every day is that the secret?

  26. #666
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    McDonald's every day is that the secret?
    lol yes.. you get a bunch more hormones this way because of all the shit they inject into the meat . its like getting protein, carbs, and steroids all in one yummy bite

  27. #667
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    lol yes.. you get a bunch more hormones this way because of all the shit they inject into the meat . its like getting protein, carbs, and steroids all in one yummy bite
    Are you changing my diet???? LOL
    Why the mast, T4 and clen?

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  28. #668
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Are you changing my diet???? LOL
    Why the mast, T4 and clen?
    con prep with mcdonalds every day would be quite the experiment...

    reason for the Mast in a bulk cycle like this is because of the NPP, Tren, and Ment, are all 19 nor based progestins.. the mast is going to off set negative progestin effects plus provide me some androgen load to keep glycogen full. reason for the T4 is because both the Tren and the MK677 (HGH) are thyroid suppressive, and when I'm eating a large surplus of calories I'm going to need my metabolism running at a good pace.. reason for the clen at such a low dose is just to provide some synergy with the T4 and HGH (clen is not for fat loss here),, the clen has synergetic properties with both HGH and T4 (mainly the conversion of T4 into T3 by the liver) and will help with IGF output as well as provide additional anabolic enzymes

  29. #669
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I won a body transformation contest for enhanced athlete a couple years ago.. they sent me a check for 1000$ and sent me 1500$ worth of sarms and peptides (that I picked out).

    this time around the winner gets to fly out with Tony Huge to Thailand and spend a week or so there with him, all expenses paid. I want to win and go on that trip just so I can rub shoulders with those guys and then ask for a job I'm sure they could use someone like me in some capacity
    Click image for larger version. 

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    heck I still have the check, maybe I should cash it eh

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ID:	176831
    the sups have been long gone used up by now though

  30. #670
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Is someone keeping tabs on this dude to make sure he’s alright?
    Yes, both GH and Obs. The both need baby sitters because they are dangerous to themselves. LOL

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  31. #671
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    lol yes.. you get a bunch more hormones this way because of all the shit they inject into the meat . its like getting protein, carbs, and steroids all in one yummy bite
    Ha might have to give that a try next time. Id love 20lbs in a month but I'm too much of a pussy to take that much gear...then again a few months ago I said id never do tren.

  32. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Yes, both GH and Obs. The both need baby sitters because they are dangerous to themselves. LOL

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    We all have our hobbies

  33. #673
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3fe.jpg 
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ID:	176830
    heck I still have the check, maybe I should cash it eh

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	176831
    the sups have been long gone used up by now though
    That’s pretty freakin cool!!

    Good luck man I know you will kill it!!

  34. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post

    then this is kinda what I'm thinking for a 30 day mass blast

    test (sustanon) - 1000mg per week
    Tren ace - 350mg per week
    Ment - 350mg per week
    NPP - 700mg per week
    Masteron - 600mg per week

    Anadrol - 50mg per day
    Dbol - 40mg per day

    Mk677 50mg per day (can't afford growth right now)
    insulin 40iu per day
    T4 75mcg per day
    LGD 40mg per day
    Clen 20mcg per day

    training - 2x per day
    diet - Mcdonalds every day
    just keeping you guys in the loop as I prepare to start a cycle in about 10 days .. I'm modifying the above

    I'm going to start week 1 out with a front load

    2000mg of Deca (week 1 only then its just npp)
    1500mg of EQ (week 1 only).. note this would be higher if I weren't already running a bit of EQ with my cruise
    1000mg mast e (week 1 only but then a combo of mast e and mast prop for duration)

    all this shit will likely just get injected all in one day when I start my cycle (in 10 days) .. inject all this to be my slow steady long ester working in the background, then the short ester cycle I list above takes over

  35. #675
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just keeping you guys in the loop as I prepare to start a cycle in about 10 days .. I'm modifying the above

    I'm going to start week 1 out with a front load

    2000mg of Deca (week 1 only then its just npp)
    1500mg of EQ (week 1 only).. note this would be higher if I weren't already running a bit of EQ with my cruise
    1000mg mast e (week 1 only but then a combo of mast e and mast prop for duration)

    all this shit will likely just get injected all in one day when I start my cycle (in 10 days) .. inject all this to be my slow steady long ester working in the background, then the short ester cycle I list above takes over
    So I am super curious amount MENT. Currently my favorite substance is DHB, but some of the thing I hear make me think MENT might change all that

  36. #676
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    So I am super curious amount MENT. Currently my favorite substance is DHB, but some of the thing I hear make me think MENT might change all that

    I've ran ment a handful of times and have helped some clients out as well over the years .. I'll say this, Ment is a nightmare drug for anyone that is progestin/estrogen sensitive . but if your not , then its a tremendous bulking steroid. just be aware its such a great bulker that you can easily find yourself in the "I can't breathe can't sleep can't function have tons of anxiety all day long" camp very quickly .. gaining lots of weight quickly is not easy or comfy. ment will make your uncomfortable.. its basically the estrogenic 'wet' version of tren (both are 19 nors) .. but I actually recommend running tren with it just to get some androgen load with the cycle .

    some guys think Ment is weak and prob cause they were running fake ment as test prop or were not running high enough dosages. its a complete blood saturation bomb and will get you big and full quick . but stay away if you have anxiety (which I have but I don't give a fuck, I'm gaining 30 pounds and ment is one of the best tools to do the job)

  37. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've ran ment a handful of times and have helped some clients out as well over the years .. I'll say this, Ment is a nightmare drug for anyone that is progestin/estrogen sensitive . but if your not , then its a tremendous bulking steroid. just be aware its such a great bulker that you can easily find yourself in the "I can't breathe can't sleep can't function have tons of anxiety all day long" camp very quickly .. gaining lots of weight quickly is not easy or comfy. ment will make your uncomfortable.. its basically the estrogenic 'wet' version of tren (both are 19 nors) .. but I actually recommend running tren with it just to get some androgen load with the cycle .

    some guys think Ment is weak and prob cause they were running fake ment as test prop or were not running high enough dosages. its a complete blood saturation bomb and will get you big and full quick . but stay away if you have anxiety (which I have but I don't give a fuck, I'm gaining 30 pounds and ment is one of the best tools to do the job)
    Never tried it but Doctoxin said it was some of the best stuff there is. He said it was damn hard to find legit anywhere.

  38. #678
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Never tried it but Doctoxin said it was some of the best stuff there is. He said it was damn hard to find legit anywhere.
    I agree . and don't blame the source either.. I think they do their best to brew quality but the raws were just not up to par. so they can have weak batches here and there. thats why most UGLs just say fuck it and stay away and stick with what makes them money.
    but I've had quality ment it is a great bulking compound at just 350mg a week . its one of the few compounds that actually 'scare me' , if that makes sense ( a gram of tren a week with tren suspension and 2 grams of test aint' shit)

  39. #679
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I agree . and don't blame the source either.. I think they do their best to brew quality but the raws were just not up to par. so they can have weak batches here and there. thats why most UGLs just say fuck it and stay away and stick with what makes them money.
    but I've had quality ment it is a great bulking compound at just 350mg a week . its one of the few compounds that actually 'scare me' , if that makes sense ( a gram of tren a week with tren suspension and 2 grams of test aint' shit)
    I shall recommend Val try to source some.
    I want to try it and foget about it.

  40. #680
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    New plan looks really interesting (beyond the crazy doses) in that there is very little aromatizing compounds in the mix. Yes the huge quantities will provide some aromatization, but the ratio appears quite low/dry. Are you going to run orals with this plan also like Dbol? Also while there is no test in this mix is it still possible to have something similar to test flu due to the mass influx of these other types of compounds?

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    Last edited by balance; 06-16-2019 at 08:34 PM.

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