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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #681
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    New plan looks really interesting (beyond the crazy doses) in that there is very little aromatizing compounds in the mix. Yes the huge quantities will provide some aromatization, but the ratio appears quite low/dry. Are you going to run orals with this plan also like Dbol? Also while there is no test in this mix is it still possible to have something similar to test flu due to the mass influx of these other types of compounds?

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    The ment is what’s gonna cause a ton of aromatization. It’s a super wet compound. That’s why it’s such a strong bulker

  2. #682
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    flat and weak and totally depleted pics .. just so you guys can see the progress along the way to getting huge and jacked.

    ok guys, keep in mind these are "before" pics . not after pics. I'm supposed to look small as fuck like this pic .. 30 pounds heavier and leaner to this in 90 days . magic gonna happen

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3f3.jpeg 
Views:	131 
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ID:	176835

  3. #683
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    The ment is what’s gonna cause a ton of aromatization. It’s a super wet compound. That’s why it’s such a strong bulker
    Little known fact. True source of ment:Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpg 
Views:	132 
Size:	7.7 KB 
ID:	176836

  4. #684
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    Little known fact. True source of ment:Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpg 
Views:	132 
Size:	7.7 KB 
ID:	176836
    only is activated post workout with 30iu of slin

  5. #685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    Little known fact. True source of ment:Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpg 
Views:	132 
Size:	7.7 KB 
ID:	176836

  6. #686
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    The ment is what’s gonna cause a ton of aromatization. It’s a super wet compound. That’s why it’s such a strong bulker
    Oh I’m dense, I didn’t realize the update was the first week front load. Question still stands though on the large front load causing test flu like symptoms even though not straight test?

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  7. #687
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Oh I’m dense, I didn’t realize the update was the first week front load. Question still stands though on the large front load causing test flu like symptoms even though not straight test?

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    What’s test flu? I’ve heard that term before but never experienced anything flu like from testosterone. Even in large doses. Is there something specific that causes this?

  8. #688
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    What’s test flu? I’ve heard that term before but never experienced anything flu like from testosterone. Even in large doses. Is there something specific that causes this?
    It is generally caused by psycological dillusion and can have symptoms such as swelling of the vagina, bitching about imaginary things, and full on pussyitis.

  9. #689
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    if I'm not 30 pounds bigger and fuller in 30 days from now , then I def I have test flu..
    yet I've taken no test in months .. fucking stab me in the forehead with a sharp blade and thats your "testosterone". ok .. I'm talking shit right now but really test is totally over rated

  10. #690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    The ment is what’s gonna cause a ton of aromatization. It’s a super wet compound. That’s why it’s such a strong bulker
    Are these two separate statements?
    I didn't think "wet" had anything to do with aromatization but with water retention in the muscles. For example, deca is considered wet, but aromatizes very little

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  11. #691
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    I was a bit tipsy last night and stubborn .. but Balances statement about test flu is totally spot on (even without me taking test) . If I go front loading that much oil at once , considering I've not been on much gear at all lately , I likely could get an immune system response that could make me sick as a dog. so I need to be careful. I may be better front loading with more orals (its actually the breaking down of carrier oils from injections that can cause "test flu")

  12. #692
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    The ment is what’s gonna cause a ton of aromatization. It’s a super wet compound. That’s why it’s such a strong bulker

    MENT is super estrogenic , however I'm not sure how much it actually aromatizes. the thing is its a 19 nor. and when you look at chemical structure of 19 nors aromatization should be very limited (they are not suppose to aromatize by design).. what I think is going on with Ment is that its such a strong progestin based compound that it itself will interact with both progestin and estrogen receptors directly AS estrogen, apart from aromatizing . its almost like injecting pure estrogen into your body (yet being 10x more anabolic then test and twice as anabolic as tren)

  13. #693
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Are these two separate statements?
    I didn't think "wet" had anything to do with aromatization but with water retention in the muscles. For example, deca is considered wet, but aromatizes very little
    a lot of guys have always thought that "wet" meant estrogenic.. but really in the AAS world there are so few steroids that are estrogenic in regards to aromatization compared to don't aromatize its hard to make the comparison..
    so I happen to agree with you there. a "wet" compound is something that is 'RETENTIVE' in nature and causes an increase in blood volume and whole body water retention (apart from estrogenic factors) and nutrient retention.. your body and cells get saturated with blood, water, nutrients, minerals, etc.. and help stimulate growth through these mechanisms and not just through protein synthesis. by expanding the cells with more volume, even water retention, you are setting the ground work for more growth potential.

  14. #694
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    MENT is super estrogenic , however I'm not sure how much it actually aromatizes. the thing is its a 19 nor. and when you look at chemical structure of 19 nors aromatization should be very limited (they are not suppose to aromatize by design).. what I think is going on with Ment is that its such a strong progestin based compound that it itself will interact with both progestin and estrogen receptors directly AS estrogen, apart from aromatizing . its almost like injecting pure estrogen into your body (yet being 10x more anabolic then test and twice as anabolic as tren)
    Isnt the anabolic rating on MENT like 2300? And it sounds like that actually carries over to real life unlike say... Halotestin, who’s numbers would lead you to believe it’s much more powerful that trenbolone, but it just doesn’t pan out that way.

  15. #695
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if I'm not 30 pounds bigger and fuller in 30 days from now , then I def I have test flu..
    yet I've taken no test in months .. fucking stab me in the forehead with a sharp blade and thats your "testosterone". ok .. I'm talking shit right now but really test is totally over rated
    ^^ I have no clue what the hell I'm talking about here . WTF is this lol !

    I will say though that not being on Test for weeks/months, and having the sex drive and performance I have without it is better then with it. the idea that you need to run Test as a base for every cycle you do is total bullshit..

    funny thing is, AAS usage in sports like track and field have known this for decades and its rare that you find Test being used in cycles for olympic level athletes . I think test has just been over blown and propagandized in the bodybuilding world, and its not even an anabolic steroid (its a simple androgen that was originally derived in the late 1930s from dog piss.. yet this "dog piss" derivative is touted by guys as 'king' and 'test is best' .. I call bullshit on this. I call bullshit on 'test only' cycles as well. look at the logs of forums over all the years , these test only cycles guys don't even grow and put on any muscle. they just get shitty side effects and complain).
    thats my rant for now

  16. #696
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Isnt the anabolic rating on MENT like 2300? And it sounds like that actually carries over to real life unlike say... Halotestin, who’s numbers would lead you to believe it’s much more powerful that trenbolone, but it just doesn’t pan out that way.
    yes you are spot on. the MENT anabolic ratio definitely carries over to real life. where halo on the other hand is just a strong androgen and thats it (and its anabolic rating does not carry over)..

    I personally think it has something to do with how MENT works on both androgen and estrogen receptors and "syncs things up" perfectly sort of speak. unlike most AAS that are dependent on test or some other compound to convert to estrogen. MENT has ability to act on estrogen in an anabolic way (this is just a theory of mine)

  17. #697
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    lol yes.. you get a bunch more hormones this way because of all the shit they inject into the meat . its like getting protein, carbs, and steroids all in one yummy bite
    What do you hit for macros or just whatever?

  18. #698
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Are these two separate statements?
    I didn't think "wet" had anything to do with aromatization but with water retention in the muscles. For example, deca is considered wet, but aromatizes very little

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    I guess it was one statement really. I might be wrong but aren’t most wet compounds ones that either directly aromatize or act on estrogen/progestin receptors In some way

  19. #699
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    MENT is super estrogenic , however I'm not sure how much it actually aromatizes. the thing is its a 19 nor. and when you look at chemical structure of 19 nors aromatization should be very limited (they are not suppose to aromatize by design).. what I think is going on with Ment is that its such a strong progestin based compound that it itself will interact with both progestin and estrogen receptors directly AS estrogen, apart from aromatizing . its almost like injecting pure estrogen into your body (yet being 10x more anabolic then test and twice as anabolic as tren)
    I guess I should have been more specific because your right that very few steroids aromatize yet a lot
    More do have some sort of estrogenic activity(anadrol comes to mind)

  20. #700
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes you are spot on. the MENT anabolic ratio definitely carries over to real life. where halo on the other hand is just a strong androgen and thats it (and its anabolic rating does not carry over)..

    I personally think it has something to do with how MENT works on both androgen and estrogen receptors and "syncs things up" perfectly sort of speak. unlike most AAS that are dependent on test or some other compound to convert to estrogen. MENT has ability to act on estrogen in an anabolic way (this is just a theory of mine)
    We are getting MENT...
    Its real... Its actually happening...

    I told them to make it a platinum edition and call it,
    "MOTHER... FUCKIN'... MENT!" on the label.

    I doubt the last part happens but in a couple months we will see.

    Calm down though!
    I peed a little too.
    Its a ways out though.
    But its on the way!

  21. #701
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    Quote Originally Posted by family_guy View Post
    i guess i should have been more specific because your right that very few steroids aromatize yet a lot
    more do have some sort of estrogenic activity(anadrol comes to mind)

  22. #702
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ^^ I have no clue what the hell I'm talking about here . WTF is this lol !

    It made perfect sense to me but I was drinking at the time I liked it.

  23. #703
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    I am gonna mix my MENT with tren base and call it BASEMENT!


  24. #704
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    Where's it at?

    It's in the BASEMENT.


  25. #705
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    What do you hit for macros or just whatever?
    my go to macros is generally 300 protein, 400 carbs, 100 fat .. this time around I'm going to shoot for higher protein though. 50-75g per meal 6x or more per day and then limit direct sources of fat a bit.

    going to try and increase my meal frequency even if that means some meals are just protein only meals, just to try to get protein in every couple hours.
    so for example this morning I had whey isolate shake and cooked cup of egg whites and some whole eggs. no carbs. just wanted to get a protein feeding in to start the day

  26. #706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Where's it at?

    It's in the BASEMENT.


    Your tourettes is kicking in again.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  27. #707
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    UPDATE -
    so you guys know I have not been running test for quite some time. no need to repeat myself but feel great with no test. however I've not really been on a 'cycle' or 'blast' per se .. I started a bit of EQ and Tren with no test a few weeks back. started with 500mg EQ and 200mg Tren e. I ended up cutting that in half and just cruising on 250mg EQ and 100mg Tren.
    sure I talk about all these plans for cycles I'm going to blast. but have not yet pulled the trigger. been dragging my feet.

    this week was a good week of training and diet. I really filled out from the depleted state I was in from all the fasting I had been doing. I took my before pics for this June improvement contest in this super depleted state. I'm up at least 8 pounds just from some food and training.

    I planned on staying depleted to enter this enhanced athlete competition of gaining 20 pounds in 30 days .. but shit I just can't keep sitting on my ass and not eating and training hard and not taking drugs . so fuck it, I trained and ate hard all week. and today I injected 500mg of Test, 250mg of Deca, 100mg of NPP, and 100mg of Tren , and swallowed 30mg of Dbol.
    time to get growing !

  28. #708
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    How’s this going?

  29. #709
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    How’s this going?

    I'm up 15 pounds . but thats still down 10 or more pounds down from my normal on cycle weight.. which sucks because I'm already experiencing bad anxiety, breathing problems, lack of sleep etc.. even though my dosages are super low for me and my weight is only up 15 pounds from a depleted state and still down from my normal lifting hard and on cycle weight .
    maybe I'm just gettin old and my body doesn't want to grow

  30. #710
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm up 15 pounds . but thats still down 10 or more pounds down from my normal on cycle weight.. which sucks because I'm already experiencing bad anxiety, breathing problems, lack of sleep etc.. even though my dosages are super low for me and my weight is only up 15 pounds from a depleted state and still down from my normal lifting hard and on cycle weight .
    maybe I'm just gettin old and my body doesn't want to grow
    You still have about what? 60 days to come up with the other 15 - 25 pounds.

    Maybe you just need to try some new tricks? Something fresh?

  31. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    You still have about what? 60 days to come up with the other 15 - 25 pounds.

    Maybe you just need to try some new tricks? Something fresh?
    guarantee you if I just ate the food I'm supposed to eat I'd be jacked..thats the one "trick" I'm missing . it doesn't get more anabolic then red meat 12oz a meal 8 times a day . all the tren and Anadrol doesn't do shit for me unless I feed the beast

  32. #712
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    guarantee you if I just ate the food I'm supposed to eat I'd be jacked..thats the one "trick" I'm missing . it doesn't get more anabolic then red meat 12oz a meal 8 times a day . all the tren and Anadrol doesn't do shit for me unless I feed the beast
    So... what increases appetite? Boldenone, indica, maybe some kind of peptide or sarm I’m not familiar with?

  33. #713
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    So... what increases appetite? Boldenone, indica, maybe some kind of peptide or sarm I’m not familiar with?
    MK677 , its a beast when dosed twice per day ,, 25mg before bed and 25mg mid morning. I know exactly what to do . to be honest my wife and 4 kids and multiple businesses and legal issues etc. are whats holding me back . not the chemistry .. i have clients that are kicking total ass right now though too and they inspire me . I just need to get my shit together and and train and eat. I own a bad ass gym, I have tons of clients that kick ass in my gym, I train people and then get exhausted and don't train and eat like I should for myself .. to be honest I just need some "kick ass" thrown my way

  34. #714
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    short explanation - I'm being a pussy ass bitch . man the fuck up and hit the weights hard twice a day, hit the food 8 times a day, and take your drugs all day long

  35. #715
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    guarantee you if I just ate the food I'm supposed to eat I'd be jacked..thats the one "trick" I'm missing . it doesn't get more anabolic then red meat 12oz a meal 8 times a day . all the tren and Anadrol doesn't do shit for me unless I feed the beast
    Damn... 96oz of beef? If you ate 90/10, that's like 4,800 calories alone, with 530g of protein! I'd never poop!

    What did you want your carries to be?

  36. #716
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    short explanation - I'm being a pussy ass bitch . man the fuck up and hit the weights hard twice a day, hit the food 8 times a day, and take your drugs all day long
    Mind if I use this approach as well for the remainder of the Summer GH?

    Guys, I’ll take part of this blame for his shortage of time / energy. This dude has gotten me to a level I’d never dreamed of. Problem is, I ask him too many f’n questions, lol.

  37. #717
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Mind if I use this approach as well for the remainder of the Summer GH?

    Guys, I’ll take part of this blame for his shortage of time / energy. This dude has gotten me to a level I’d never dreamed of. Problem is, I ask him too many f’n questions, lol.
    Same here I feel bad to ask questions sometimes.

  38. #718
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    you guys keep me going ,, for real . if it wasn't for seeing your progress and me knowing my knowledge and research over the years is helping people out , I don't know what I'd do

  39. #719
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Damn... 96oz of beef? If you ate 90/10, that's like 4,800 calories alone, with 530g of protein! I'd never poop!

    What did you want your carries to be?
    idk , but thats about half what a bad ass mofo thats 260 pounds and trying to put on muscle eats..(8k cals with most of that coming from red meat is the norm for guys that get big) and over the years I've learned to not eat like what you are currently but what you want to be. so if your a stringy 180 pound dude and you want to be 220 and buff, then you need to eat like your 220 right now.

    96oz of beef aint shit.. just need to add some chicken and rice to that if you really want to grow

    edit - this is just my observational analysis

    the biggest complaint I've ever gotten over the years of all the diets I've ever written is usually about the amount of meat I "prescribed ". but plenty of pros are on my side advocating high protein/meat consumption like Milos Sarcev
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 07-14-2019 at 07:51 PM.

  40. #720
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    idk , but thats about half what a bad ass mofo thats 260 pounds and trying to put on muscle eats..(8k cals with most of that coming from red meat is the norm for guys that get big) and over the years I've learned to not eat like what you are currently but what you want to be. so if your a stringy 180 pound dude and you want to be 220 and buff, then you need to eat like your 220 right now.

    96oz of beef aint shit.. just need to add some chicken and rice to that if you really want to grow

    edit - this is just my observational analysis

    the biggest complaint I've ever gotten over the years of all the diets I've ever written is usually about the amount of meat I "prescribed ". but plenty of pros are on my side advocating high protein/meat consumption like Milos Sarcev
    I can dig it, you just need to make sure you’re getting some heavy fiber in there (supplemented or otherwise), probiotics, maybe apple cider vinegar. Gotta move that meat out once it does it’s thing.

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