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Thread: Thoughts on sus?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Thoughts on sus?

    So I have a friend who loves sus 250. Uses it on the occasions he cycles, tells me it’s the best the original!
    I read some forums and the steroid profile linked on this site. It’s made me realise p,e & c are not the only Ester around (yes I’m still a nooooob).
    The profile says it’s no different to any other form of test. The forums post that I have read say the same and that you may as well just use it on its own, ie p,e or c.

    I was wondering if the gurus here think any different?
    Also told sus250 is a prescribed form in UK and he can get actual Pharma grade that you would get on a prescription.
    If it is indeed the same would this make it a better choice just because it’s pharma grade?

    Also if it is the same why was it created in the first place.


  2. #2
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    Feb 2014
    It was created to be able to be injected infrequently, but still get the effects quickly because of the short Esthers. The original contained Propionate, phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, and Deconate I believe.

  3. #3
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    The goal with all steroids are highly elevated stable levels without a great hysteresis of trough and peak.

    Unfortunately sust is the absolute worst candidate for what we are after regarding administration of exogenous hormones

  4. #4
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    Sep 2017
    They have tried to create a combination that yields the closest releasing profile to endogenous testosterone secretion. However, what they came up with is nowhere close to their initial intentions.
    Couch knows his shit about ester profiles and so, listen to him. Enanthate or cypionate administered in shorter intervals (3x a week or EOD) work much better in that sense as far as I have learnt from him and science (check steroidcalc for blood serum release graphs). Sustanon provides larger gaps between the troughs and peaks. This is for TRT protocol of course, when you are blasting you'll have supraphysiological levels anyway.
    I can get pharmagrade sustanon where I live without prescription too, but still I stick with enanthate for better results in my self administered TRT.

  5. #5
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    Test is test

    Test is best

  6. #6
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    I would personally pin Testosterone Suspension three times per day before using Sustanon. Too much roller coaster of serum levels from the mix of esters.

    The only worthwhile Test Blend in my opinion is Test E/C/D and that's more suited for HRT rather than cycling.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  7. #7
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    ^ I like sustanon, it’s the primary test I use now

    I feel great on it, no sides + I get no sides when I go shot free for a few weeks every once in a while

  8. #8
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    when your injecting 1.5 - 2grams of sustanon per week . stable blood levels are not an issue . personally I like to use sustanon 500 to get these levels . but I'll still shotgun it an throw in some Test e and test prop with various injections.
    the point is to get to 10,000+ ng/dl test levels, and if it drops off 40% cause you missed an injection, so what your still at 6000 ng/dl

  9. #9
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    for the OP -

    the best way to think about Test and the different esters is to think about a PBJ, peanut butter jelly sandwich. no matter how you make it with whatever flavor of jelly you spread on it , the peanut butter is still always just peanut butter. once you take a bite and swallow it and digest it, it don't matter what type of jelly you added onto that bitch , your still just getting peanut butter (nothing more of less). thats what test is, the peanut butter, (the ester is the jelly)

  10. #10
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    when your injecting 1.5 - 2grams of sustanon per week . stable blood levels are not an issue . personally I like to use sustanon 500 to get these levels . but I'll still shotgun it an throw in some Test e and test prop with various injections.
    the point is to get to 10,000+ ng/dl test levels, and if it drops off 40% cause you missed an injection, so what your still at 6000 ng/dl
    Dosages being too small seems to be a common trend.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Dosages being too small seems to be a common trend.

    mainly with Testosterone ONLY cycles .. I've been around the block for years , and can't tell you how many times I've seen 500mg test only cycles (like is always recommended) result in just some bloat and puff and guys consider that a good cycle, but from the outward observer its a total fail.
    test only cycles suck imo.
    and if you are going to do a test only cycle (which I don't consider a steroid cycle at all) , you might as well run enough test to get some real anabolic load and put on real tissue and not a bunch of puff. I think test starts to reap real anabolic load at about 1000mg per week + . if your not going to run at least that much test , then don't run a test only cycle and run a 'real cycle' with anabolics added in.

  12. #12
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    Time for a new “My first cycle” protocol?
    watchu got in mind?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    mainly with Testosterone ONLY cycles .. I've been around the block for years , and can't tell you how many times I've seen 500mg test only cycles (like is always recommended) result in just some bloat and puff and guys consider that a good cycle, but from the outward observer its a total fail.
    test only cycles suck imo.
    and if you are going to do a test only cycle (which I don't consider a steroid cycle at all) , you might as well run enough test to get some real anabolic load and put on real tissue and not a bunch of puff. I think test starts to reap real anabolic load at about 1000mg per week + . if your not going to run at least that much test , then don't run a test only cycle and run a 'real cycle' with anabolics added in.
    Where the f were you 3-4 years ago?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    for the OP -

    the best way to think about Test and the different esters is to think about a PBJ, peanut butter jelly sandwich. no matter how you make it with whatever flavor of jelly you spread on it , the peanut butter is still always just peanut butter. once you take a bite and swallow it and digest it, it don't matter what type of jelly you added onto that bitch , your still just getting peanut butter (nothing more of less). thats what test is, the peanut butter, (the ester is the jelly)
    I always love your analogies!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Time for a new “My first cycle” protocol?
    watchu got in mind?
    the issue is I'd have to put together like 10 different ones. because guys have different situations and goals and there really is not one universal "best first cycle" protocol to follow..
    example - check out Balances first cycle log he did when I was coaching him this winter . his first cycle was a great success and had a lot of different factors to it that were suited for his exact situation. we did 'phases' and rotated compounds in. started with test and primo, then added test prop in to get his test to 1000mg per week, then added Masteron in for more androgen load. he responded very well to the androgen side of things, so the last 3 weeks we added in a low dose of tren ace.
    that was his first cycle and it worked like a charm . had he done a 500mg test only first cycle he would have been disappointed.

    another example - have a guy on TRT that wanted to run essentially his first cycle. well we left his TRT and test dosage alone. We added 50mg of Var, and some Clen and T3. then 4iu of HGH . he responded really well to those simple compounds and got leaner and put on actual muscle tissue.. we then came off of everything, got blood work, and then decided to 'cruise' on low dose Tren ace (only 75mg per week to start) which more then helped him keep his gains and leanness. after 6 week cruise, we added in some Dbol and Masteron and upped the Tren. after a few weeks of that we added in some Anadrol.

    anyhow, just examples of different ways of going about doing a 'first cycle' then simply jumping on some test only

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Time for a new “My first cycle” protocol?
    watchu got in mind?
    Yes along with blast and cruise practices..

    GH we

  17. #17
    I love SUSTANON. In my early years my cycles were primarily just SUST at relatively small dosages and I always made fantastic gains.

  18. #18
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    I don't care much for the original blend of sustanon. But a lot of UGL have blends better suited for bodybuilding and not trt

    Right now I'm running a test blend of 50mg Prop, 200 Enen, 100mg Cyp per ML. I pin every third day and my body responds nicely to it.

    Everyone reacts differently. So a little trial and error is necessary to find out what works best.

  19. #19
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    ^ that’s what I call sust - ugl mix

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    ^ that’s what I call sust - ugl mix
    Isn't the point of sust to have 4 different esters w different half lives? Prop cyp and E doesn't seem like it really hits the mark (since cyp and E are so similar)

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  21. #21
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    Always had real good gains off of it when i ran it. Might do a sust and dbol cycle next

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Isn't the point of sust to have 4 different esters w different half lives? Prop cyp and E doesn't seem like it really hits the mark (since cyp and E are so similar)

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Yeah... on paper it seems weird. BUT I'm not using it for TRT purposes... I'm pinning 3X a week. And my body reacts differently to it than when using a single heavy ester.

    Maybe a placebo effect, but I always seem to get better results using prop only every day or this test blend rather than a single heavy ester.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by neloza View Post
    Yeah... on paper it seems weird. BUT I'm not using it for TRT purposes... I'm pinning 3X a week. And my body reacts differently to it than when using a single heavy ester.

    Maybe a placebo effect, but I always seem to get better results using prop only every day or this test blend rather than a single heavy ester.
    If it works well and not causing problems, it works. That's what matters

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

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