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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #841
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    just to put it in perspective ..

    today my only meal has been 4 whole eggs, 1 cup of cooked spinach, 1 apple.
    yesterday my only meal was 10oz of steak with cooked bell peppers

    you can't grow off that , lol . but just trying to get these digestion issues under control. even if that means just one meal a day to test and see what foods are causing what issues

  2. #842
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes thats what I'm going to do . I'm going to eliminate pasta (rely on that a lot for bulking) and I'm going to cook all my veggies (rather then eating raw like I often do)..

    funny thing is, the scale is not going up at all. the weights in the gym are not going up at all . but I did the ol mirror check today and my physique actually does look better (despite the stomach problems and super low cals) , so I guess something is working even though I "feel" like nothing is working
    Why cook the veggies rather than raw? I eat most of mine raw.

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  3. #843
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Why cook the veggies rather than raw? I eat most of mine raw.

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    I prefer raw as well.

    the problem with eating raw veggies is based on where your source them from. how they are processed. how you wash them once they are getting put on your table . etc etc..
    raw veggies have led to a number of digestive issues across the board effecting millions of people..

    simply taking those same veggies and baking them for 15 minutes can lead to way less digestive stress and kill way more contaminants then washing veggies in your sink with your dirty city water

  4. #844
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I prefer raw as well.

    the problem with eating raw veggies is based on where your source them from. how they are processed. how you wash them once they are getting put on your table . etc etc..
    raw veggies have led to a number of digestive issues across the board effecting millions of people..

    simply taking those same veggies and baking them for 15 minutes can lead to way less digestive stress and kill way more contaminants then washing veggies in your sink with your dirty city water
    I prefer raw too. I can't finish otherwise

  5. #845
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I prefer raw too. I can't finish otherwise
    We still talking about veggies?

  6. #846
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I prefer raw too. I can't finish otherwise
    You shouldn’t be fucking vegetables in the first place. What if they come out of their coma and you’re the first thing they see?

  7. #847
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    You shouldn’t be fucking vegetables in the first place. What if they come out of their coma and you’re the first thing they see?

  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    You shouldn’t be fucking vegetables in the first place. What if they come out of their coma and you’re the first thing they see?
    Ohh how clever!

  9. #849
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    ugh . thats all I gotta say. too much shit and not enough shovels.. I could go on about all my F'ing problems but we all got them so who cares.

    SO can only focus on the plans going forward.

    F_k this one meal per day shit I have been on. yes my digestion and IBS and stomach problems are a bit better , but my physique looks like dog shit right now. I've lost about 8 pounds of fullness. I'm super weak and soft.

    I'm going to implement a modified 'carnivore' diet with multiple feedings per day. intermentant fasting can help with digestion thats for sure but it does not help with muscle retention. I've lost a lot of muscle even with the support of AAS in the background (doesn't help I've been sick as a dog, stressed out, and not getting any sleep)

    so instead of this fasting BS , I'm going to go carnivore, but my own style.. I'll 'protein over feed' several times per day on animal products mainly (red meat preferred). this will take a lot of different foods out of my diet and allow me to maybe track whats causing me all the problems (rather then just restricting food to one meal per day) . I will add in some occasional veggies and fruit at select times only and a very rare carb re feed.

    to put it in perspective most my meals will look something like 6oz of venison, 5 whole eggs, and some cheese (that was my breakfast today) . occasionally pre workout I might add in just one small piece of fruit, and post workout I may add in a carrot and beets and an occasional starch like a potato . but pretty much the bulk of every meal is going to be 'steak and eggs', or combining multiple animal products, like eating chicken with pork with cheese, or eggs plus bison, or deer plus chicken.
    my meals will mainly consist of just mainly 2-3 animal sources of protein and thats about it.

    this one meal per day and fasting bullshit is NOT working out

    also with my training. I'm going to focus on getting strong. just some basic shit for now , nothing complicated. I have multiple injuries and problems but F it, I just want to get to feeling strong again

    as for drugs .. came down with this stomach bug awhile ago , then suddenly went into a double ear infection and throat and glands issue. I stopped pinning my cycle a bit ago back.

    I'm super soft and watery and weak and way down from my normal weight. I don't think I've had a good run of progress in a very long time
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  10. #850
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    this chest is shit and needs way more size ..
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    this back needs way more thickness and a ton more width
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    I need to start feeling better and pushing a lot more weight

  11. #851
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    calves are on point , but that shit is easy to maintain compared to everything else
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    hot wife is still on point I guess
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    maybe I shouldn't be drinking anything but protein shakes eh

  12. #852
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    for dinner I'm going to have a 4oz hamburger patty grilled with cheese on top, then a whole fried egg on top of that, with another 4oz hamburger patty on top of that with cheese as well . then I'm going to have 6oz of ground turkey for my side dish .. if I get the munchies later I'll snack on beef jerky or sausage

  13. #853
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    my final thoughts being I'm ranting shit on my own stupid ass log

  14. #854
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    I forgot everything you said after the wife pic....
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  15. #855
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I forgot everything you said after the wife pic....
    Did he say something after the wife pic?

  16. #856
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    so I weighed myself today .. I'm 30+ pounds down. I knew I was down but damn 30 pounds is a lot. and when I was 30 pounds heavier I was still lean with a fairly small waste.
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    so its not like I lost 30 pounds and got shredded from being fat. I'm just losing muscle I guess. I know my strength is way down.. I used to over head press 245 for reps and bench press 315 (and that was just 6 months post back surgeries). I'm not touching those kinda weights at all any more. heck hammer strength machine press was 5 plates per side for 8 reps,, now I'm barely hitting 2 and a half per side for reps.

    I need to go get some blood work done. I know this digestion issues, ibs, inflammation, and inability to eat is fucking me over and causing most this weight loss and strength gains loss,, but shit I'm going down hill fast.

    its time for a damn challenge I guess. gonna get my health checked out, but shit I need to gain 30+ pounds in 30 days.

    I'll track my diet and training and my weight gains and strength gains here.. we'll see if I can do this or not.
    diet is mainly going to be meat ( I need to sell a gun or something and take the funds and go by half a cow from my local rancher or plan a trip to Costco.. but I need to eat F'ing steak multiple times per day).

    AAS .. idk. depends on my blood work. I'm just not assimilating grains and carbs very well. F's my stomach up and I get all inflamed and achy everywhere. so no insulin or hgh or anything like that. probably keep things simple and just run test and deca (which should help with inflammation).

    going to be hard as hell to gain 30 pounds on limited carbs and no insulin. idk maybe I'll think of something, I've probably got a trick or two left up my sleeve

  17. #857
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  18. #858
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
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    sweet,, maybe health insurance will cover 6iu of HGH and some pharma deca

  19. #859
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so I weighed myself today .. I'm 30+ pounds down. I knew I was down but damn 30 pounds is a lot. and when I was 30 pounds heavier I was still lean with a fairly small waste.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177411

    so its not like I lost 30 pounds and got shredded from being fat. I'm just losing muscle I guess. I know my strength is way down.. I used to over head press 245 for reps and bench press 315 (and that was just 6 months post back surgeries). I'm not touching those kinda weights at all any more. heck hammer strength machine press was 5 plates per side for 8 reps,, now I'm barely hitting 2 and a half per side for reps.

    I need to go get some blood work done. I know this digestion issues, ibs, inflammation, and inability to eat is fucking me over and causing most this weight loss and strength gains loss,, but shit I'm going down hill fast.

    its time for a damn challenge I guess. gonna get my health checked out, but shit I need to gain 30+ pounds in 30 days.

    I'll track my diet and training and my weight gains and strength gains here.. we'll see if I can do this or not.
    diet is mainly going to be meat ( I need to sell a gun or something and take the funds and go by half a cow from my local rancher or plan a trip to Costco.. but I need to eat F'ing steak multiple times per day).

    AAS .. idk. depends on my blood work. I'm just not assimilating grains and carbs very well. F's my stomach up and I get all inflamed and achy everywhere. so no insulin or hgh or anything like that. probably keep things simple and just run test and deca (which should help with inflammation).

    going to be hard as hell to gain 30 pounds on limited carbs and no insulin. idk maybe I'll think of something, I've probably got a trick or two left up my sleeve
    Is it all grain/carbs, or can you handle slow cooked oats and cream of rice?

    Definitely get the issue identified, but don't let them throw celiac disease at you as a diagnosis unless you feel comfortable with that as the issue.

    Personally, I feel that is the fallback excuse of lots of internists and Drs. when there are other factors in play. I'm not saying celiac is a bogus/ imaginary condition, it just seems to be the "diagnosis of the day" right now.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  20. #860
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Is it all grain/carbs, or can you handle slow cooked oats and cream of rice?

    Definitely get the issue identified, but don't let them throw celiac disease at you as a diagnosis unless you feel comfortable with that as the issue.

    Personally, I feel that is the fallback excuse of lots of internists and Drs. when there are other factors in play. I'm not saying celiac is a bogus/ imaginary condition, it just seems to be the "diagnosis of the day" right now.
    from what I can tell thus far .. cream of rice seems to be ok, as does rice Chex cereal, white rice and white potato. oatmeal, bread, pasta cause issues . also I've notice high amounts of fats cause problems too, especially if combined with carbs. lets say I had a really fatty cut of meat, then had mash potatoes with lots of gravy, then had bread with that,, a couple hours later I'd get some bad gallbladder area pain that may last for days.

    which sucks because fats are the best way for me to get in sufficient calories being I'm not able to eat very much right now.
    theres no way I can get enough cals in from just chicken and rice. even though that very well could be the best for my digestion right now, idk..
    I may try something with macro intake and timing .. so one meal will be a very lean protein source with some carbs. then another meal I'll have a fattier protein source with no carbs and maybe add some veggies . try to separate fats and carbs as much as I can (even though combing fats and carbs together is one of the best ways to grow especially for guys with fast metabolisms)..

    in regards to celiac . I agree with you. its over blown and a diagnosis thats just easy to throw out there.. when in reality we've all been eating grains for thousands of years, how the heck do I just wake up one day at 42 years old and have a gluten allergy.

    I'll likely have to do private blood work and do my own diagnosis though. going through a doc is going to be pricey as heck and I'm currently in a financial jam

  21. #861
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    I like the idea of the macro segregation. A guy I worked with had some horrible intestinal issues, pain, irritable bowels, etc. His first Dr immediately diagnosed him as gluten intolerant/ having celiac disease simply via a visual examination. I encouraged him to fire that Dr and go to a internist. They ran some blood and fecal labs and it ended up all he needed was to be on a bile binder for a few months until the condition abated.

    Please update with progress and thoughts on your issue, GH.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #862
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I like the idea of the macro segregation. A guy I worked with had some horrible intestinal issues, pain, irritable bowels, etc. His first Dr immediately diagnosed him as gluten intolerant/ having celiac disease simply via a visual examination. I encouraged him to fire that Dr and go to a internist. They ran some blood and fecal labs and it ended up all he needed was to be on a bile binder for a few months until the condition abated.

    Please update with progress and thoughts on your issue, GH.
    Good idea. I have heard a few times the combination of fats and carbs can cause issues

  23. #863
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Good idea. I have heard a few times the combination of fats and carbs can cause issues
    decided I'm just going to pull the carbs out for now and go Keto for a bit .. which I'm NOT a fan of for bodybuilding purposes or strength gains, but I've done it several times before and always felt really good health wise on it. about 7 years ago I did keto for a year. didn't make any gains at all, thats partly why I've been a high carb and insulin advocate (I made way more progress with high carbs)
    but feeling better is the ultimate goal right now. if going keto helps out and I'm able to get down plenty of food then I'll do keto in a surplus, blast a cycle, and see if I can grow at all on it.

    if after a bit I'm feeling better I may switch over to cyclical keto. and once a week or so have a carb meal post workout just to replenish glycogen stores. muscle glycogen doesn't throw you out of ketosis because its glucose that is 'trapped' within muscle cells and it can only be used by that muscle cell for energy (it can't be released back in the blood stream).. so your liver is still producing ketones and your brain is still running on Ketones for fuel (thats all ketosis is anyways) but you can still have muscle glycogen stores.

    and at some point , heck I may play around with insulin with keto. the interesting thing about using insulin when in ketosis is that you can't really ever go hypo (again your brain is running on ketones and not glucose).

  24. #864
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    decided I'm just going to pull the carbs out for now and go Keto for a bit .. which I'm NOT a fan of for bodybuilding purposes or strength gains, but I've done it several times before and always felt really good health wise on it. about 7 years ago I did keto for a year. didn't make any gains at all, thats partly why I've been a high carb and insulin advocate (I made way more progress with high carbs)
    but feeling better is the ultimate goal right now. if going keto helps out and I'm able to get down plenty of food then I'll do keto in a surplus, blast a cycle, and see if I can grow at all on it.

    if after a bit I'm feeling better I may switch over to cyclical keto. and once a week or so have a carb meal post workout just to replenish glycogen stores. muscle glycogen doesn't throw you out of ketosis because its glucose that is 'trapped' within muscle cells and it can only be used by that muscle cell for energy (it can't be released back in the blood stream).. so your liver is still producing ketones and your brain is still running on Ketones for fuel (thats all ketosis is anyways) but you can still have muscle glycogen stores.

    and at some point , heck I may play around with insulin with keto. the interesting thing about using insulin when in ketosis is that you can't really ever go hypo (again your brain is running on ketones and not glucose).
    Makes sense. I hope it works out. I just hears fuad talking about, with feroce in his last podcast, only having carbs peri-workout
    I tried keto a few times. Killed my enjoyment at the gym. But health comes first!

  25. #865
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Makes sense. I hope it works out. I just hears fuad talking about, with feroce in his last podcast, only having carbs peri-workout
    I tried keto a few times. Killed my enjoyment at the gym. But health comes first!
    yeah who would of thought that the "chicken and rice mother F'ers" guy would ever go keto . guess he's lost about 10 pounds, which is NOT his goal. he's just losing a lot of glycogen and water . this is why I think doing cyclical keto and doing a carb re-feed once per week post workout when glut 4 levels are high can help keep glycogen in muscle tissue without throwing you out of ketosis, which in turn will still help you stay full and maintain some strength in the gym .. of course you have to get in to ketosis first. you can't re-feed until after that point.

    its at this re-feed meal once per week that I'd use exogenous insulin and try to super compensate glycogen stores

  26. #866
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah who would of thought that the "chicken and rice mother F'ers" guy would ever go keto . guess he's lost about 10 pounds, which is NOT his goal. he's just losing a lot of glycogen and water . this is why I think doing cyclical keto and doing a carb re-feed once per week post workout when glut 4 levels are high can help keep glycogen in muscle tissue without throwing you out of ketosis, which in turn will still help you stay full and maintain some strength in the gym .. of course you have to get in to ketosis first. you can't re-feed until after that point.

    its at this re-feed meal once per week that I'd use exogenous insulin and try to super compensate glycogen stores
    I have also heard of carb refeeding every 4th day.
    Apparently there is some study somewhere that says it takes 3 days to deplete glycogen stores on average. So someone took that and said to maximize gym performance on such a diet to refeed carbs every 4th day.... Sounds good ... Idk how well it works in practice

  27. #867
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    ok so begins the keto ..

    last night meal
    8oz ground Italian sausage
    tomatoes cooked and smothered in mozzarella cheese
    spinach salad with a half can of olives and olive oil dressing

    fasted for 15 hours

    meal 1 today
    4 eggs scrambled with cheese and milk and oil
    4oz ground turkey
    small bowl cottage cheese
    1 carrot

    will do an hour of cardio and a light weight depletion style weight session today (the more active you are the faster you'll get into ketosis)

  28. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok so begins the keto ..

    last night meal
    8oz ground Italian sausage
    tomatoes cooked and smothered in mozzarella cheese
    spinach salad with a half can of olives and olive oil dressing

    fasted for 15 hours

    meal 1 today
    4 eggs scrambled with cheese and milk and oil
    4oz ground turkey
    small bowl cottage cheese
    1 carrot

    will do an hour of cardio and a light weight depletion style weight session today (the more active you are the faster you'll get into ketosis)
    Maybe try cooking the egg whites in raw butter instead of oils and adding the yolks and cheese in at the end to preserve more of the nutrients. After I started doing this I began feeling 100x better in the mornings. Also, I started adding a little bit of beef liver to my meals, which I would highly recommend as well.

  29. #869
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    was able to get 4 full meals in yesterday. digestion and stomach issues are not totally out of whack.

    last few Keto meals have been

    8 oz Italian sausage
    1 tomato
    handful of mozzarella cheese
    mixed greens salad with beets and olives

    8 oz of fish
    bowl of mixed nuts

    4oz of chicken with cooked carrots in a 1/2 cup of chicken broth
    small bowl of cottage cheese

    then started today off with

    5 whole eggs scrambled with milk, cheese, spinach
    6 oz of "organic" ham

    note - you may notice me eating a lot of pork (even though I prefer red meat and steak). its all "organic" in that it was all wild boar hunted, killed, and butchered . I've got a freezer full of dead boar to eat up.

    also of note - most guys will generally think that during times of some health issues and when diet or training are not really on point its not a good idea to take gear . I'm thinking the opposite here. when in a calorie deficit and your training is weak you have more chance of losing muscle (heck most steroids were invented to help sick people maintain or even build muscle) .
    so I've lost 30 pounds already through this crap . so as I transition into a new diet and figure out my digestion and stomach problems I'm going to go ahead and run something small

    500 test
    250 deca
    350 Mast
    25mg Winstrol - mon-friday only
    50mg dbol 50mg anadrol - Saturday - Sunday only

    I will be having my carb re-feeds on Saturdays. Androl and Dbol will be ran on the weekend only to help partition nutrients, load glycogen, hydrate cells, store minerals and electrolytes ,, etc.. along with the Carbs

    ^ this was NOT my plan at all a month or two ago. was planning on blasting a fairly big cycle with wet compounds and Tren. but health issues have changed that.. gotta be willing to make changes on the fly . the whole idea that you have to have one "fixed" or set cycle for 12 weeks and stick to that only I don't agree with. theres no issues swapping out compounds and going in a completely different way (I do it all the time with clients as well depending on progress)

  30. #870
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    My digestion issues disappeared when I started eating more raw meats like steak Tartare and organs, which are the most digestible foods on the planet. My skin problems vanished and my anxiety and depression vanished as well. Like most people, I was brainwashed into belieivng that raw meat, eggs, organs, etc. are bad and vegetable and fruits are good for you. There are many many many studies that show how toxic plants are to humans and there are no essential nutrients in seeds, plants and fruits that can't be found in animal products.

    If you want to improve your digestion then I would definitely recommend excluding all plant products, nuts, and seeds for a while. Try it for a few days... When I eat nuts I just crap them out whole like corn. Nuts and seeds are for the most part indigestible. Try getting a lot more saturated fats from raw butter, raw egg yolk and raw whole milk and I guarantee you that your digestion problems will disappear in 2-3 days. I've helped people with digestion issues cure them pretty much overnight by following a diet like this.

    It's best to try and have as natural of a diet as possible. In nature, you won't find fruits, nuts, seeds year round. You would never eat spinach unless someone told you that it's healthy. Nobody likes the taste of raw spinach... When something tastes like crap, it's a warning by our body that it shouldn't be eaten. You can watch children being fed broccoli and they will cry and not want it. When you give them raw meats they will smile and eat all of it. This is because its our natural diet and babies instictviely know this.

    Anyways, just try to keep an open mind and there's so much we still don't know about nutrition... I've been on the most extreme diets over the past 15 years and spent nearly all my time studying nutrition. There's always more to learn but the closer you get to our true diets for optimal health, the less information you will find...

  31. #871
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    was able to get 4 full meals in yesterday. digestion and stomach issues are not totally out of whack.

    last few Keto meals have been

    8 oz Italian sausage
    1 tomato
    handful of mozzarella cheese
    mixed greens salad with beets and olives

    8 oz of fish
    bowl of mixed nuts

    4oz of chicken with cooked carrots in a 1/2 cup of chicken broth
    small bowl of cottage cheese

    then started today off with

    5 whole eggs scrambled with milk, cheese, spinach
    6 oz of "organic" ham

    note - you may notice me eating a lot of pork (even though I prefer red meat and steak). its all "organic" in that it was all wild boar hunted, killed, and butchered . I've got a freezer full of dead boar to eat up.

    also of note - most guys will generally think that during times of some health issues and when diet or training are not really on point its not a good idea to take gear . I'm thinking the opposite here. when in a calorie deficit and your training is weak you have more chance of losing muscle (heck most steroids were invented to help sick people maintain or even build muscle) .
    so I've lost 30 pounds already through this crap . so as I transition into a new diet and figure out my digestion and stomach problems I'm going to go ahead and run something small

    500 test
    250 deca
    350 Mast
    25mg Winstrol - mon-friday only
    50mg dbol 50mg anadrol - Saturday - Sunday only

    I will be having my carb re-feeds on Saturdays. Androl and Dbol will be ran on the weekend only to help partition nutrients, load glycogen, hydrate cells, store minerals and electrolytes ,, etc.. along with the Carbs

    ^ this was NOT my plan at all a month or two ago. was planning on blasting a fairly big cycle with wet compounds and Tren. but health issues have changed that.. gotta be willing to make changes on the fly . the whole idea that you have to have one "fixed" or set cycle for 12 weeks and stick to that only I don't agree with. theres no issues swapping out compounds and going in a completely different way (I do it all the time with clients as well depending on progress)
    Please explain the mast and Winnie in the cycle and why only on Saturday and Sunday for the dbol and drol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  32. #872
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    My digestion issues disappeared when I started eating more raw meats like steak Tartare and organs, which are the most digestible foods on the planet. My skin problems vanished and my anxiety and depression vanished as well. Like most people, I was brainwashed into belieivng that raw meat, eggs, organs, etc. are bad and vegetable and fruits are good for you. There are many many many studies that show how toxic plants are to humans and there are no essential nutrients in seeds, plants and fruits that can't be found in animal products.

    If you want to improve your digestion then I would definitely recommend excluding all plant products, nuts, and seeds for a while. Try it for a few days... When I eat nuts I just crap them out whole like corn. Nuts and seeds are for the most part indigestible. Try getting a lot more saturated fats from raw butter, raw egg yolk and raw whole milk and I guarantee you that your digestion problems will disappear in 2-3 days. I've helped people with digestion issues cure them pretty much overnight by following a diet like this.

    It's best to try and have as natural of a diet as possible. In nature, you won't find fruits, nuts, seeds year round. You would never eat spinach unless someone told you that it's healthy. Nobody likes the taste of raw spinach... When something tastes like crap, it's a warning by our body that it shouldn't be eaten. You can watch children being fed broccoli and they will cry and not want it. When you give them raw meats they will smile and eat all of it. This is because its our natural diet and babies instictviely know this.

    Anyways, just try to keep an open mind and there's so much we still don't know about nutrition... I've been on the most extreme diets over the past 15 years and spent nearly all my time studying nutrition. There's always more to learn but the closer you get to our true diets for optimal health, the less information you will find...
    I agree but optimal diet is the most person dependant thing that can be found.
    You name it and someone ran it as a diet and swears it changed their life.

    A guy recently was pulled over by police acting drunk. He was given a breathalyzer test which blew three times over the limit.

    He swore he hadnt been drinking and was furious.

    It turned out he was telling the truth.
    He had in the past taken an antibiotic that killed off the wrong enzyme in his body.
    Yeast was literally growing in his stomach breaking down cabs into alcohol.

    Now from a bodybuilders standpoint...

    How many of those carbs were turned into energy rather than alcohol?

    You can speculate.

    What would his optimal diet have been?

    You can speculate.

    Now consuder a lack of wheat digestion enzymes or a slightly lowered ability to process amino acids or bcaa's.

    Well wtf do we have here...

    Everyones digestion is entirely different in terms of optimization and the only way to determine "optimal" is by trial and error in the specific individual.

    Not to brag but this post needs to be the #1 sticky in the diet section.

  33. #873
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Please explain the mast and Winnie in the cycle and why only on Saturday and Sunday for the dbol and drol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    He's taking orals? That could definitely fuck up his digestion

  34. #874
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    He's taking orals? That could definitely fuck up his digestion
    to put it in perspective, one winstrol pill weighs like 1 gram .. compare that to the thousands and thousands of grams, ie, pounds, of food you put into your stomach. weight for weight which one is likely to be causing issues ?
    its not the aas orals believe me. I have not been on oral aas and my stomach is the most jacked its ever been. I have no problem adding a small amount in because oral aas rarely effect peoples digestion. maybe 1 out of 100 guys get a little bit of heart burn or something but thats about it.. your more likely to get a F'd up stomach from pre workout or creatine then you are from oral AAS

  35. #875
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    Eye of Terror
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    to put it in perspective, one winstrol pill weighs like 1 gram .. compare that to the thousands and thousands of grams, ie, pounds, of food you put into your stomach. weight for weight which one is likely to be causing issues ?
    its not the aas orals believe me. I have not been on oral aas and my stomach is the most jacked its ever been. I have no problem adding a small amount in because oral aas rarely effect peoples digestion. maybe 1 out of 100 guys get a little bit of heart burn or something but thats about it.. your more likely to get a F'd up stomach from pre workout or creatine then you are from oral AAS
    Im having recent issues with grains, oats, breads, if i eat them i crap 4 5 times a day and its always sludge like lol, i also fart horrible, if i throw out grains im fine, so now i just eat tons of potatoes lol till it soothes out

  36. #876
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Please explain the mast and Winnie in the cycle and why only on Saturday and Sunday for the dbol and drol
    Winstrol is only 25mg and its taken 5 days a week to help blunt Cortisol. which I think is extremely high right now with my lack of sleep and all the stress I have going on . Winstrol is one of the only AAS that does not just blunt cortisol receptors (like some other AAS do) it actually blunts cortisol production itself at the adrenal gland (thats why guys get achy joints on winny,, no cortisol)

    however this does not just happen with one dose , you have to keep consistent levels to get that effect, so thats why I'm taking it 5 days per week.

    as for Adrol and Dbol. those drugs do exactly what they do from one single dose. you don't need consistent blood levels. thats why Dbol is so popular as a pre workout. it just works from one single dose.
    thats why I'm only taking them on the weekends around my high carb re-feed day . to help drive nutrients, glycogen, water, minerals, etc. into the muscle cells when I have the carbs to do that.. once these two drugs do that, I'm done. I don't need to take these drugs all week long. just using them for a specific purpose.

    oral AAS can be used for specific purposes guys.. most of them you don't have to run day in and day out for weeks on end like your so used to doing with oils.
    again look at what I'm doing .. I'm using winstrol at a low dose 5 days a week just to blunt cortisol and thats it.. using Adrol/Dbol for carb re-feeds only.

    you can open up your medicine cabinet and have Var, Primo tabs, Winny tabs, Dbol, Adrol, Tbol, Proviron, etc.. all sitting there. you do NOT just have to pick ONE only and stick with it for 6 weeks. thats not how these drugs work
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-04-2019 at 08:23 AM.

  37. #877
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    intersting --

    my blood pressure has been really high lately (for months) a week ago was 160/100 upon waking . today , after going no carb for 3 days, BP was 120/77. kinda weird

    I also did an hour of cardio yesterday on the treadmill and I kept bumping up the incline and the pace cause it was just so damn easy

  38. #878
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    intersting --

    my blood pressure has been really high lately (for months) a week ago was 160/100 upon waking . today , after going no carb for 3 days, BP was 120/77. kinda weird

    I also did an hour of cardio yesterday on the treadmill and I kept bumping up the incline and the pace cause it was just so damn easy
    The guys back in the 60s and 70s ate more of a high protein, high fat, low carb diet, and they all seemed pretty healthy and athletic compared to the modern guys who always look like they’re exerting some effort trying not to die. Maybe you’re onto something...

    How’s the digestion handling it?

  39. #879
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    to put it in perspective, one winstrol pill weighs like 1 gram .. compare that to the thousands and thousands of grams, ie, pounds, of food you put into your stomach. weight for weight which one is likely to be causing issues ?
    its not the aas orals believe me. I have not been on oral aas and my stomach is the most jacked its ever been. I have no problem adding a small amount in because oral aas rarely effect peoples digestion. maybe 1 out of 100 guys get a little bit of heart burn or something but thats about it.. your more likely to get a F'd up stomach from pre workout or creatine then you are from oral AAS
    I see what you're saying. All I know, is there have been a few times taking orals it completely fucked up my digestion, and stopping fixed it. Same exact food through the whole process

  40. #880
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I see what you're saying. All I know, is there have been a few times taking orals it completely fucked up my digestion, and stopping fixed it. Same exact food through the whole process
    Drol does give me some pretty wicked heartburn, but so does a lot of things. I’m in a sticky situation since they took Zantac off the market.

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