using the compounds you have and the time duration your working with .. this is how I would set it up

weeks 1-4
300 test
600 mast
50 winny

drop the winny at week 5

weeks 6-8
300 test
300 mast
600 primo

weeks 9-12
300 test
300 mast
600 primo
50 winny

weeks 13-14 going into Pct
25mg winny

similar to what you were wanting to do in the first place but with a few tweaks.. the reason for the Mast the whole duration is to add some androgen load to your cycle. being your wanting to keep your test dosage low, and both primo and winny are not very androgenic, the Mast will be there for androgen load the whole cycle . for a cut its good idea to keep androgen load high (also why Tren works so damn good in a cut)