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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Your stated negative was why I abandoned my one attempt at keto bulking. My lifts just sucked complete shit, and I was still in the “noob gains” stage, which just kinda proves to me that “beginners can do anything and it’ll work” is bullshit. As soon as I went from 200g fat/day and sub-25g carbs to 45g fat and 300g carbs, my shit started jumping through the roof in half the time. Amusing that I was also consuming less total kcals, and the weight gain slowed after the initial glycogen restoration jump.

    And for the people who were “abloobloo fat adaptation”, I had been using keto to cut down from 200 to 150 for about 8 months prior. If 8 months isn’t enough time, “fat adaptation” is nonsense.
    this is exactly why I'm probably going to do a once per week post workout carb re-feed with 15iu of insulin . just to replenish glycogen.. if I can time things right and use the exact right amount of carbs, I likely won't spill over and knock myself out of ketosis (not that important really though) . muscle glycogen, even when totally full, does not knock you out of ketosis. the glucose in muscle can only be used for energy within the muscle cell its stored, it can't be released back into the blood stream and used for energy by the brain (thats what knocks you out of ketosis, the brain using glucose instead of ketones).
    we'll see if pumps and strength is ok doing that.

    what type of drugs/AAS were you running while doing keto ?

    I'm hopeful with the right pharmacology and AAS wizardry at my disposal I can make a keto bulk work . I'm definitely going to need to get some more MK677 and get my appetite revving again though

  2. #2
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this is exactly why I'm probably going to do a once per week post workout carb re-feed with 15iu of insulin . just to replenish glycogen.. if I can time things right and use the exact right amount of carbs, I likely won't spill over and knock myself out of ketosis (not that important really though) . muscle glycogen, even when totally full, does not knock you out of ketosis. the glucose in muscle can only be used for energy within the muscle cell its stored, it can't be released back into the blood stream and used for energy by the brain (thats what knocks you out of ketosis, the brain using glucose instead of ketones).
    we'll see if pumps and strength is ok doing that.

    what type of drugs/AAS were you running while doing keto ?

    I'm hopeful with the right pharmacology and AAS wizardry at my disposal I can make a keto bulk work . I'm definitely going to need to get some more MK677 and get my appetite revving again though
    None. This was before I even knew that I was hypogonadal. In retrospect, I find it amusing that even without any of the nutrient partitioning benefits of AAS (or even TRT in my case), that keto was such a performance killer in the noobie stage.

    Granted, drugs may change the picture, but in my own experience, it’s great for a cutting strategy, but all it did was make me fat, weak and slow when compared to a carb-centric approach for surplus.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    None. This was before I even knew that I was hypogonadal. In retrospect, I find it amusing that even without any of the nutrient partitioning benefits of AAS (or even TRT in my case), that keto was such a performance killer in the noobie stage.

    Granted, drugs may change the picture, but in my own experience, it’s great for a cutting strategy, but all it did was make me fat, weak and slow when compared to a carb-centric approach for surplus.
    I've been 'carb-centric' for sure . of the 40 or so clients I have , they are ALL on a carb focused diet for the most part (expect one that is keto, but he's a long distance runner).

    most my posts in the diet section are me pounding guys with carbs, hgh, and insulin . for strength performance and growth, thats the key . got guys that are only 190 pounds slamming 600g of carbs and 30iu of slin and 6iu of hgh per day.

    I've said on numerous occasions. carbs and insulin are the most anabolic substances , not protein. they are also the best performance and strength enhancers .

    so me going keto myself is a huge change from my actual bodybuilding philosophy (but I have done keto for almost a year about 7 years ago but that wasn't for bodybuilding)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    None. This was before I even knew that I was hypogonadal. In retrospect, I find it amusing that even without any of the nutrient partitioning benefits of AAS (or even TRT in my case), that keto was such a performance killer in the noobie stage.

    Granted, drugs may change the picture, but in my own experience, it’s great for a cutting strategy, but all it did was make me fat, weak and slow when compared to a carb-centric approach for surplus.
    heck I'd be really curious to see what your Keto experience would of been like, as a new lifter, IF .. you have a bodybuilding/hypertrophy focused routine , got your hypogonadism fixed and ran 800mg of test per week , and did a 150g carb re-feed post workout once per week with 15iu of slin.. <-- nothing fancy there really (I'd also add in 25mg of MK677 with that)

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