blood pressure was 118/77 this morning .. heck a week ago I'm 150s over 100 . how the heck can my blood pressure drop to normal range just from pulling carbs out of my diet for 4 days. weird. anyone else ever do keto and notice a dramatic improvement in blood pressure ?
I don't have a keto meter, but pretty sure I'm in ketosis. my last cardio session was an hour and it was easy and felt I had endless energy (which is basically how I felt everyday when I did keto 7 years ago)
digestion is better. I don't have that gallbladder pain I used to get when I would have a carb heavy meal along side fats. that shit would keep me up at night it would get so bad.
I had fasted for about 28 hours. then my next meal was last night , steak and veggies. thats it. thats all I've had in the last couple days.
so don't know if its the fasting or simply the lack of carbs thats helping.. I'm doing both keto and interment fasting for now to help both my digestion and to get into ketosis faster.
when I feel things are on point I will start ramping up the food. stop the fasting, and eventually get into a "keto bulk". see how much lean gains I can make while doing keto
so yes digestion and stomach issues are a bit better now.. but heck I weighed myself today. I'm down 32 pounds from what I was last year at this time. and last year at this time I was fairly lean and not super bulked up.
I need to stop worrying about the scale. but man thats a lot of weight to lose. will be interesting to see how a 'keto bulk' does while on cycle
interesting this vid just popped up on you tube
I disagree with pretty much everything this guy says. but still interesting his client is bulking up and getting huge on keto (I just think he has the science and biology behind what he is saying all F'd up and has not got a clue .. the anecdotal evidence is working despite his ignorance)
not sure exactly what day of Keto this is , but this is what I've noticed
my digestion is way better. I'm way more regular as well.
also, I just realized I've not had to take a Zantac or Prevacid at all in the last like 4 days. no heartburn. and I've struggle with that for years. my blood pressure as stated is staying low as well.
my waist is smaller and tighter.
my post meal blood sugar was really low , 84 (thats 1.5 hours after eating a meal). heck on a high carb diet I wasn't even that low fasted in the morning
I shot a little bit of masteron and test . have not taken winny or anything else just yet.
the negative -
I don't have much of an appetite (may be hard to bulk on keto)
I'm super flat and weak in the gym (but damn I tell you I can easily bust out an hour of cardio no problem)
edit - oh yeah I drank quite a bit of whisky last night . not sure how that effects keto or not. I know alcohol sugars are metabolized different then starches
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-06-2019 at 01:22 PM.
Your stated negative was why I abandoned my one attempt at keto bulking. My lifts just sucked complete shit, and I was still in the “noob gains” stage, which just kinda proves to me that “beginners can do anything and it’ll work” is bullshit. As soon as I went from 200g fat/day and sub-25g carbs to 45g fat and 300g carbs, my shit started jumping through the roof in half the time. Amusing that I was also consuming less total kcals, and the weight gain slowed after the initial glycogen restoration jump.
And for the people who were “abloobloo fat adaptation”, I had been using keto to cut down from 200 to 150 for about 8 months prior. If 8 months isn’t enough time, “fat adaptation” is nonsense.
this is exactly why I'm probably going to do a once per week post workout carb re-feed with 15iu of insulin . just to replenish glycogen.. if I can time things right and use the exact right amount of carbs, I likely won't spill over and knock myself out of ketosis (not that important really though) . muscle glycogen, even when totally full, does not knock you out of ketosis. the glucose in muscle can only be used for energy within the muscle cell its stored, it can't be released back into the blood stream and used for energy by the brain (thats what knocks you out of ketosis, the brain using glucose instead of ketones).
we'll see if pumps and strength is ok doing that.
what type of drugs/AAS were you running while doing keto ?
I'm hopeful with the right pharmacology and AAS wizardry at my disposal I can make a keto bulk work . I'm definitely going to need to get some more MK677 and get my appetite revving again though
None. This was before I even knew that I was hypogonadal. In retrospect, I find it amusing that even without any of the nutrient partitioning benefits of AAS (or even TRT in my case), that keto was such a performance killer in the noobie stage.
Granted, drugs may change the picture, but in my own experience, it’s great for a cutting strategy, but all it did was make me fat, weak and slow when compared to a carb-centric approach for surplus.
I've been 'carb-centric' for sure . of the 40 or so clients I have , they are ALL on a carb focused diet for the most part (expect one that is keto, but he's a long distance runner).
most my posts in the diet section are me pounding guys with carbs, hgh, and insulin . for strength performance and growth, thats the key . got guys that are only 190 pounds slamming 600g of carbs and 30iu of slin and 6iu of hgh per day.
I've said on numerous occasions. carbs and insulin are the most anabolic substances , not protein. they are also the best performance and strength enhancers .
so me going keto myself is a huge change from my actual bodybuilding philosophy (but I have done keto for almost a year about 7 years ago but that wasn't for bodybuilding)
heck I'd be really curious to see what your Keto experience would of been like, as a new lifter, IF .. you have a bodybuilding/hypertrophy focused routine , got your hypogonadism fixed and ran 800mg of test per week , and did a 150g carb re-feed post workout once per week with 15iu of slin.. <-- nothing fancy there really (I'd also add in 25mg of MK677 with that)
I’ve been curious to try it again at some point, but I’ve just never been able to justify the strength loss. I’m an oddity here though. I don’t give as much of a shit about how I look, and it’s more just a consequence of my chasing strength and endurance.
I’ve had people ask why I just don’t get Iron Bibby back titty fat then, and all I can say is that crap only works for geared powerlifting, where squeezing a fat ass into a squat suit does wonders (geared deads are a joke even compared to reasonably strong raw guys in the same weight classes).
Absolutely. I’m currently running Wendler’s Krypteia program, and I’m pretty sure I would fail miserably on it with keto.
For example, this was my squat day this week, and I managed to just barely beat the 45 minute time limit due to a respiratory infection.
Back Squat: 1x135/5x185/5x225/5x265/5x310/5x350/5x390/5x5x310
Dips: 6x15
Pullups: 5x10
Time: 42:56
Not sure, but the name actually came from the old PSX game Medi-evil. It was the name of the town central to the plot involving a necromancer.
I stole it and started using it as my username on when I was primarily an undead player in Warcraft 3. Then carried it over to my undead warlock in WoW, and it just stuck from there.
so I made italian food last night . I purposely shredded some zucchini to use as my "pasta" . but the kids are not going to eat that so I still have to make some pasta noodles for them . well shit it looked so damn good I had to have some too.
stomach is all jacked up today and I feel like crap . clearly pasta does not do me well . if I do end up doing a carb re-feed at some point I'm just going to try white rice . no pasta (which sucks cause I love pasta)
I'm half temped to just run a gram of Tren on this Keto diet and see what the heck happens
I always appreciate this type of content in bodybuilding industry
so starting Monday going to transition into a keto bulk . been doing this intermentent fasting and 2 meal per day shit and some keto for a bit now. digestion is better other then that pasta cheat meal that totally F'd me up.
so going to ease into a bulk with Keto.. also , even though it sounds counter productive when on keto , I'm going to try to get some strength back . I know if I can hit 245 pound over head press for 3 reps and a 295 incline bench press for 5 reps , my physique will follow.
just gotta get back there
but shit .. I've already lost this much weight and I'm totally depleted right now , maybe I should just finish the process and get shredded.
eh . who cares though. being strong is way more rewarding then being shredded and makes training more fun
That's the eternal debate... Strong versus Jacked.... Although I'd argue that any physique that catches my eye is probably owned by someone who is already relatively strong. Or at least strong enough.
As I knock on 50's door, it's harder to maintain size and physique, than strength.
I spend 6-7 hours a week in the gym... I spend way more time NOT in the gym. No one has ever came up to me and said 'damn your strong'. They have said "damn you look strong'.
Training update -
so on Sunday I started a new training phase with an emphasis on strength . will be doing a push, legs, pull, focused around the main lifts and compound movements with some accessory work thrown in. the workouts always start with technique work and training for the "movement" first.
so heres what the push session looked like
Bench Press - worked on technique work with sets of 5 reps .. did around 12 sets. only worked up to a very light (for me) 225 for sets of 5 . I'm going to slowly be increasing strength through this phase so I gotta hold myself back a bit, also need to save my shoulders which have issues
Overhead Press - did 3 non working sets . then did 2 sets of 185 by 5. and finished with a 20 rep back off set with light weight
Incline Bench Press - 6 sets of 8. time under tension focus here. did a very slow eccentric, then held the bar about 1" off my chest and paused and held it there then slowly pressed back up. only used 135 here (focused on contraction of the pecs , not moving the weight)
compound work done .. then moved on and did more high rep bodybuilding focus and superset dumbbell chest press, with lateral raises and front raises.. did 3 rounds of that . then moved on to a bit of tricep work
pretty simple shit . over the last 6 months or so I've gotten pretty damn weak.. between the busy summer and not hitting the gym much and between staying away from compound movements and mainly doing isolation and pump workouts I've lost a lot of strength.
on a side note - the day that I did this workout I also did two cardio sessions, one 50 mins and one 25 mins , I also spent hours shoveling snow and breaking up ice . I seem to have endless energy on Keto, especially in regards to cardio/endurance
so the Keto bulk began Monday -
its starting off moderately and I'll increase the amount of food over time. right now I'm just trying to get 5 protein feedings in per day
meal 1 - whey shake in 2 cups full fat milk
meal 2 - 5 whole eggs with cheese, 5 pieces of turkey bacon, bowl of cottage cheese
meal 3 - 16 oz of ground sirloin (2 burger patties)
meal 4 - two 5oz pieces of fish with mixed veggies
meal 5 - 10oz of roast with green beans with butter
this is more of a modified high protein keto then a traditional keto . stomach and digestion feel fine so far today.
today I've hit my morning protein shake.. having black coffee now and then going to go hit 50 mins of cardio
as for AAS . very light
350mg Mast
250mg Deca
500mg Test
I know if I add in Tren and Dbol/Anadrol , my strength will go way up . but I'm holding myself back for now. get my joints accustomed to the compound movements again first .
as mentioned earlier, I still may add in 25mg winny mon- fri , and 50mg Anadrol on the weekends when I carb load , at some point
I've got pre filled slin pins with tren ace in them ready to go just staring at me every day telling me to pin them . but I'm going to hold off until I'm further along into this strength phase
your right. would be a perfect time to run some DHB and see how I respond to it. I would if I had some on hand
Looks pretty good. I add raw butter and cheese to all my meals but that all depends on how your body responds to dairy and if you can find a good organic source of dairy in your area. If you want amazing digestion then I would definitely reccomend adding raw beef liver to your diet if you can find a fresh source. I do 50-100 grams of fermented liver with most meals and you feel like a champion.
a close friend of mine is a hunting outfitter . I asked him just the other day what he does with the liver of the deer he kills. he said nothing.. I told him to save me a few. not sure what deer liver taste like or not, but thought I'd give it a try before spending $ on liver
You don't eat it for the flavor... If you can get it fresh, try not to freeze or cook it as that will kill many of the beneficial bacteria. You can have your friend chop up the liver as soon as they kill the deer and put it into air tight glass jars. After about a month of fermentation this is what they call "high meat" and if you've never had it before you won't believe how much energy it gives you.
Update -
been down and out the last week or so. just a lot of negative shit going on right now around me. but time to pull my boots up and kick some ass. ain't nothing going to happen unless I make shit happen.
anyhow . still on keto.
benefits thus far
- digestion is way better on all aspects. my IBS symptoms are pretty much gone
- energy levels seem to be endless.. yesterday I did a 3 mile hike and did not want to quit, then when I finished the hike I did 3 hours of yard work cutting down branches and over growth on my property. I could of just kept going and going (and I only had one small meal that morning)
- sleep is better. in the past I'd only get like 4-5 hours of sleep.. lately I've had nights where I've gotten 9 hours
- an hour long workout is a breeze. I can hammer the weights hard and still have energy for 30 mins of more cardio afterwards
- my waist is smaller and tighter, probably only 29" right now
- my blood sugars are way lower
- I'm not near as achy in my joints and my back and past surgeries don't seem to hurt as much
- I can't gain a pound. heck my weight doesn't even fluctuate anymore. usually I could fluctuate 5 pounds or more, but now its the same every time I step on the scale .. I'm the absolute lightest I've been in years. I feel really frickin small
- I've probably lost 1.5" from my arms.. just looking at them they look small and weak. my legs are even worse. I'm flat and non pumped everywhere. my shirts are all loose and baggy
- muscle soreness lasts a really long time. heck I hit my calves a week ago and they are still sore. chest workout soreness lasted for days (I think without carbs and glycogen the muscles are dehydrated)
conclusion thus far-
Keto is NOT ideal for bodybuilding. but for endurance athletes, overall health and well being, daily functions in life and having energy, etc. it is ideal. If I was a contractor again, and working a hard labor job 8 hours per day, then being on Keto would be ideal, I could just have a big breakfast and probably work my 8 hour job without even needing to stop for a meal at all and have endless energy.
I'm not really all that focused on "bodybuilding" at the moment. I've got a lot of shit going on right now I need to deal with.. so I'm going to stick with Keto for now.
BUT . I bet once I get back to it and I up my gear, hit the carbs and insulin hard, etc.. that I will have a pretty good rebound and will 'blow up' .
I've lost 30 pounds of lean tissue. so gaining that back won't be hard. gaining 30 pounds of new weight is hard, gaining back what you have lost is muscle memory and comes back fairly quick
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