ok so there is no 'excess estrogen" if you don't have any exogenous test coming in, and your in pct and your natty test is crashed as well.
you don't have any aromatization hardly happening at all. so there is not going to be any excess or any new estrogen really even coming in. which is why an AI would be pointless really and risk crashing the little estrogen you do have.

in fact your symptoms may not be all that "high" estrogen related at all.. many guys get gyno symptoms or high estrogen symptoms, even though E levels are normal, simply because they no longer have enough androgens to off set things. if your estrogen to androgen ratio is way off (meaning androgens are lower then estrogen), then that will cause E like symptoms.

this is why guys, may often times run things like Halotestin at the first signs of gyno. because its a very very potent androgen. also why Masteron helps (its not only androgenic but its specifically made to blunt receptors in the breast .. thats why its called MASTeron , "mast" means "breast'').

so again,, you'd hate to think that you have estrogen problems (which is not likely cause you don't have any testosterone to convert to estrogen in the first place) and throw an AI at the problem , and end up making things worse.

start with the basics . 40mg of Nolva for 7 days then drop to 20mg and just see what happens . but again IF your androgen levels are super low or non existent, its doing to take some time to off set things until your androgen levels get elevated.

if you have low T to begin with, you'd probably be better off and healthier blasting and cruising then messing with PCT though