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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #921
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Glad to hear your getting good rest (sleep is very underrated) and your previous injuries are feeling good. Hope you can get other life things in good line as well.

    Years ago when I was running keto I too found doms to last extremely long. It was quite normal for me to be sore from squats 4-5 days after lifting. Interestingly enough though I also have noticed extended periods of doms when eating in a calorie deficit and not on keto. I genuinely believe that true keto (even modified keto/Atkins) is about as far as you can get from an ideal method to grow. Muscle building (with or without AAS) truly requires carbs. I just smh every time I see a YT pro or semipro bb guy exclaim keto is awesome. To believe the physique they currently have was attained with keto is beyond comical. While they may not straight up say I didn’t grow on keto they don’t explain the challenges of growing with it. Don’t get me wrong though keto can get you diced but actually grow I have reservations.

    I know you are a coffee guy I would be interested to know if your coffee intake has changed much while on keto?

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  2. #922
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    yeah I agree . anyone who looks jacked and has lots of size yet claims Keto, built that physique with carbs and is just using keto to stay lean.
    I actually think carbs are the most anabolic bang for your buck food. it generates the greatest hormone responses in the body (like Insulin, IGF, and blocking Cortisol) and its capable of directly hypetrophying muscle cells (by volumizing them with glycogen, water, and nutrients).. heck amino acids and proteins have a hard time getting into muscle cells without 'catching a ride' with the glucose/carbs.

    I wouldn't doubt that if I switched to a super high carb diet right now, with a little bit of slin , I could probably blow up 20 pounds in a few weeks and change my look. carbs make the muscle fuller, rounder, and harder. this is also why most contest prep clients I have dieting on a fairly high amount of Carbs (never once did keto for a whole contest prep). Carbs definitely have a more cosmetic effect on the body.

    for bodybuilding purposes,, I'll definitely be going back to a carb based diet. keto has a lot of benefits outside of bodybuilding though. so I'll take advantage of those for now, but when I got back to putting on size again, its Carbs all the way.

    as for coffee.. I drink it for a few hours every morning. no change other then its not as good after eating a meal. because my breakfast is just salty protein and fats, theres no carbs or sugar or anything sweet to finish the meal off with that keeps me craving coffee after

  3. #923
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    I would have to say that raw animal organs are probably the the most anabolic. I can't see how white rice could induce a higher hormone response than eating fresh heart or kidneys.

    I've been eating fish and meats uncooked for several years but decided to finally go all out and diet for this cycle on a raw carnivore diet. This means no cooked foods. By far this is the best I've felt in a long time.

    Recently, I moved to a big fishing town and the tuna is incredible. Very inexpensive at about $2.50 / lb. The beef and dairy come from a local farm and is great as well. I usually go early in the morning to the butcher and buy about 5 lbs every few days, along with some milk and cheese.

    Here's a sample meal plan that I'm doing:

    Meal 1
    1 egg
    100g fermented beef liver

    Meal 2
    3oz tuna (fresh sashimi)
    3oz steak (chuck or round beef)
    2 tbsp raw butter
    1 egg

    Meal 3,4,5
    6oz tuna or steak
    1 cup white rice
    50g cheese (Queso maduro)
    2 tbsp butter
    1 tbsp honey
    1 egg

    Meal 6
    8oz beef liver
    50g cheese
    2 tbsp butter
    1 egg

  4. #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    I would have to say that raw animal organs are probably the the most anabolic. I can't see how white rice could induce a higher hormone response than eating fresh heart or kidneys.
    just a quick response here.. as much as organ meats are 'micro nutrient' dense and super healthy in the long term . I don't know that they generate much if any hormonal responses in the body.

    2 cups of white rice is going to illicit a very strong insulin release (proteins and organ meats will to a much less degree) . insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body (next to IGF , and carbs also release more IGF).. carbs also , via secondary pathways due to insulin release, also block cortisol (which is a catabolic hormone that promotes gluconeogenisis and the breaking down of muscle tissue for amino acids to convert into energy).
    carbs also help load glycogen and drive water and nutrients into muscle cells . pretty much instantly causing a growth in muscle cell size .. which is why bodybuilders 'carb load' before a contest . they don't 'organ meat' load

    over a long period of time, yes I see organ meats as beneficial for muscle building. but they likely don't illicit near the immediate hormonal response that carbs due (and I haven't even touched on leptin and ghrelin and all that stuff) .

    gurantee you've probably never seen a 500 pound women that eats only organ meat . she got that big from eating carbs her whole life,
    carbs and their strong anabolic hormonal effects create 500 pound fat women, and they create 300 pound bodybuilders.
    eating only organ meats or protein and fat doesn't (though that may create healthy individuals who are lean)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-21-2019 at 06:01 PM.

  5. #925
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    if all you ate was organs and meat your whole life . and you were a guy of medium build you'd probably be about 150 pounds max..

    anyone who has ever got huge , either hyper muscular or hyper fat or obese .. Carbs were a primary food for that person most their life
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-21-2019 at 06:06 PM.

  6. #926
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    I'm pretty sure eating a bunch of goat testicles might have the immediate hormonal response of carbs...

    My problem with carbohydrates is that most of them are unhealthy and aren't optimal for long term positive health. Like you said, carbs have a more cosmetic effect on the body. Many carbohydates in their raw form are loaded with oxalates, anti nutritents and toxins. The agenda from big government and corporations to push more and more carbs is not because they care about your health. If you go to a big supermarket, how much of the food is healthy in there? While carbs may be good for building muscle, it seems to be the biggest contributor to the ever increasing stupidity and obesity in modern society.

    What do you think the best carbohydrate sources are?

    I've been drinking about 1 liter of raw cow milk per day. That and honey are my two favorites. Fruit comes in third place but it's best to eat it with butter to slow the digestion. Followed by white rice.

  7. #927
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    I'm pretty sure eating a bunch of goat testicles might have the immediate hormonal response of carbs...

    My problem with carbohydrates is that most of them are unhealthy and aren't optimal for long term positive health. Like you said, carbs have a more cosmetic effect on the body. Many carbohydates in their raw form are loaded with oxalates, anti nutritents and toxins. The agenda from big government and corporations to push more and more carbs is not because they care about your health. If you go to a big supermarket, how much of the food is healthy in there? While carbs may be good for building muscle, it seems to be the biggest contributor to the ever increasing stupidity and obesity in modern society.

    What do you think the best carbohydrate sources are?

    I've been drinking about 1 liter of raw cow milk per day. That and honey are my two favorites. Fruit comes in third place but it's best to eat it with butter to slow the digestion. Followed by white rice.

    Claiming carbs are unhealthy is just like vegans claiming meat is unhealthy. Sure, there are bad sources but saying carbs are unhealthy is way too much of a stretch.

    Whats wrong with white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes? I agree with you about super markets having a ton of unhealthy food and if you're talking about boxed carbs then not many can argue with what you're saying in terms of them being unhealthy in the long run but there are plenty of healthy carbs out there.

  8. #928
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    My carb sources daily are: sweet potato, potato, basmati rice, cream of rice, honey, blueberries, banana, honey crisp apple, organic cranberry juice and oats. The "unhealthy carbs" I add to my diet would be cereal and candy as well as pasta although I do go with the organic pasta from Costco because of taste.

  9. #929
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Claiming carbs are unhealthy is just like vegans claiming meat is unhealthy. Sure, there are bad sources but saying carbs are unhealthy is way too much of a stretch.

    Whats wrong with white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes? I agree with you about super markets having a ton of unhealthy food and if you're talking about boxed carbs then not many can argue with what you're saying in terms of them being unhealthy in the long run but there are plenty of healthy carbs out there.
    Humans have a carnviore digestive tract and are unable to fully digest the majority of plant foods. Most vegitables have digestive enzyme inhibitors. Wheat protease inhibitors, and of course plant lectins that act as a defense for the plant becuase the plant does not want to be eaten in nature by other animals. Potato, cranberry, cherries, etc. all have a protective layer of cyanogenic glycosides, which are compounds that release cyanide and block cellular respiration.

    Vegans are morons becuase they lack the essential animal fats for there brains to function, so most of them are complete idiots. There are many tribes that have lived off of raw meat, fish and dairy and live very healthy lives well into 100 years old. Point me to a vegan tribe?

    I highly reccommend watching this to learn more.

  10. #930
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    Humans have a carnviore digestive tract and are unable to fully digest the majority of plant foods. Most vegitables have digestive enzyme inhibitors. Wheat protease inhibitors, and of course plant lectins that act as a defense for the plant becuase the plant does not want to be eaten in nature by other animals. Potato, cranberry, cherries, etc. all have a protective layer of cyanogenic glycosides, which are compounds that release cyanide and block cellular respiration.

    Vegans are morons becuase they lack the essential animal fats for there brains to function, so most of them are complete idiots. There are many tribes that have lived off of raw meat, fish and dairy and live very healthy lives well into 100 years old. Point me to a vegan tribe?

    I highly reccommend watching this to learn more.

    You do realize that you’re falling victim to the same kind of agitprop garbage as vegans do, right?

    Just because you’re left of center and they’re right of center, doesn’t mean that the truth isn’t still somewhere between the two.

  11. #931
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    just to clarify . I did Keto about 7 years ago and I did it for a full year. I was a bit of a Keto "zealot" and anti carb. I've been in that camp way before it was mainstream. I followed all the Keto Phd guys, had books like "the fat of the land", followed you tubers like 'primal edge health' etc..

    however. when I got back into bodybuilding and off that little 'health kick phase' I was in, I knew for a FACT that carbs were essential for putting on size and muscle.

    so in bodybuilding the whole Carniovore vs Keto vs Vegan , debate is pointless . we are NOT trying to get jacked and huge and strong as F-k for our health . I don't inject 3 grams of gear and swallow Dbols like candy for my health.
    Same with CARBS . do some carbs have some possible unhealthy attributes and perhaps cause inflammation.. sure. but if I'm bodybuilding and want to be as jacked as possible, I don't care. I'm eating as many carbs as I can and shooting 40iu of insulin per day.

    in bodybuilding its simply about what works the best. and a high carb diet no doubt works the best for getting huge.

    the mainstream 'fad diets' like vegan and carnivore etc.. are just that. fad diets for mainstream people. bodybuilding diet is tried and true and been around and working for decades.

    now sure a bodybuilder can utilize some of these fad diets for certain purposes. just like me doing keto right now for a bit for some digestive and inflammation issues. but they are just a tool , imo , and NOT a lifestyle choice. heck go vegan for a couple months as a tool. go carnivore for a couple months as a tool . but don't commit your life to some silly fad.

    for me my "lifestyle diet" is Omnivore .. a wide range of all natural foods. steak, chicken, pork ,, rice, oats, grains, potato,, veggies and fruits. all in as natural a state as I can get them.
    well balanced and simple . if I choose to go Carnivore and eat only steak and organ meat for a month, thats just a tool for a time, not a lifestyle diet
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-22-2019 at 08:40 AM.

  12. #932
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    just to put it in perspective from my last point ..

    right now I'm focusing on my health a bit. I'm eating mainly all natural organic meats and a few veggies and thats about it.

    when I get back to wanting to put on size . post workout I will be injecting 20iu of Slin and slamming a whey shake and 2 pop tarts and a whole bagel . then an hour later I'm going to eat an entire box of Mac and Cheese with a burger patty

    the diet difference is based on goals at the time

  13. #933
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    Humans have a carnviore digestive tract and are unable to fully digest the majority of plant foods.
    agree with this to a point . humans digestive tract is the most similar in the mammal world to that of a dog. people think we are most similar to chimps or gorillas, but not even close. a dog and human digestive systems are very similar. which is interesting because thats one animal we can co habitat with (mans best friend) and eat the same exact food.
    but , keep in mind a dog as a carnivore can still eat some grains and veggies and assimilate them just fine. you can cut up some steak and mix it in a bowl with some rice and some cooked carrots and your dog will eat that no problem and have good nutrition from it.
    same with us.
    so as a carnivore, we are still able to assimilate some select grains and veggies.

    the actual biggest difference between humans and mammals that are herbivore, is that we don't have a 4 chamber stomach like an herbivore. we can't eat grass and veggies and get essential fats from them like a cow, deer, or lamb can do. we would die of malabsorption if we tried to go only vegan like an herbivore.
    so we let the cows eat the grass, get all the essential nutrients and fats out of the plants, and then we simply eat the cow and take on all those good nutrients and fats for ourselves .
    Geeesh , what a genius idea. no wonder humans starting raising animals and fencing them in. no refrigeration required

  14. #934
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    Personally I miss Pop Tarts.
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  15. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Personally I miss Pop Tarts.
    pop tarts and insulin . the 'secret' to getting huge

  16. #936
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    pop tarts and insulin . the 'secret' to getting huge

    Duly noted.
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  17. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Duly noted.
    I should do an experiment . break this keto for a week , then do 2 pop tarts with 15iu of slin, twice per day. see how much weight I put on without changing anything else

  18. #938
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    Now that would be interesting! Like Star Trek, going places where no man has gone before.....
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  19. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Now that would be interesting! Like Star Trek, going places where no man has gone before.....
    slin, pop tarts and BEYOND ! would be the most extreme experiment I ever did lol

  20. #940
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    absolutely zero pump in the gym today.. did a pull day with biceps at the end. how frustrating it is to do curl after curl waiting for a bicep pump that never comes. and that was with taking a pump product, salt, and creatine drink.
    now sure, I never really got winded or tired during the workout and I felt it was a decent workout, but no pump what so ever is really lack luster.

    I'm going to take this Thanksgiving week holiday and Carb load the F_k up, put on like 12 or so pounds. get my pump back , then go back to a modified Keto . I think with all the fasting I did going into Keto I just depleted myself way too much (add on top of the fasting two a day cardio sessions).
    I think I'm going to need a whole week at least to fill back up and load glycogen stores . will use a little bit of insulin and some Dbol to help out

  21. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    absolutely zero pump in the gym today.. did a pull day with biceps at the end. how frustrating it is to do curl after curl waiting for a bicep pump that never comes. and that was with taking a pump product, salt, and creatine drink.
    now sure, I never really got winded or tired during the workout and I felt it was a decent workout, but no pump what so ever is really lack luster.

    I'm going to take this Thanksgiving week holiday and Carb load the F_k up, put on like 12 or so pounds. get my pump back , then go back to a modified Keto . I think with all the fasting I did going into Keto I just depleted myself way too much (add on top of the fasting two a day cardio sessions).
    I think I'm going to need a whole week at least to fill back up and load glycogen stores . will use a little bit of insulin and some Dbol to help out

    Pop Tarts are calling your name....

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  22. #942
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    Pop Tarts are calling your name....
    heck yeah , I'm ready to rock and roll
    Click image for larger version. 

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  23. #943
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heck yeah , I'm ready to rock and roll
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ID:	177524
    The amusing part is that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an identical picture on T2D social media.

  24. #944
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heck yeah , I'm ready to rock and roll
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177524

    Breakfast of champions!
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  25. #945
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    Ugh , looks like I'm going to be shoveling snow all damn day again. this is like the 5th blizzard we've had and its only November

    Click image for larger version. 

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    its hard to see but thats a bicycle wheel barely sticking out of the snow. its sticking straight up.. a bicycle wheel is 26" btw

  26. #946
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    no gym today.. got about 4 feet of snow in the driveway. can't even find my car. no shoveling either cause it was so damn windy and snowing all day no damn point.
    not a good start to this Thanksgiving week mini bulk (um yeah the bicycle wheel and the chair have disappeared as well)

    oh well I'm used to this shit.. the worst snow storm I remember some years back, when I lived on the continental divide at the top of the rocky mountains, was 9 feet of snow dumped in 48 hours. we were absolutely buried in our house. the snow was higher then the front door . you literally could not open the front door (whats a door jam at , like 7 feet). only from the upper level could we look out the windows . my dodge 2500 sitting outside was no where to be found. on the edge of one side of my property I had put up an elevated/raised 8 foot cedar fence. that disappeared too . I think we were stuck in the house about 2 weeks before a front loader got to us to dig us out. and even then it was like driving through a narrow tunnel to get to a paved road

  27. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    no gym today.. got about 4 feet of snow in the driveway. can't even find my car. no shoveling either cause it was so damn windy and snowing all day no damn point.
    not a good start to this Thanksgiving week mini bulk (um yeah the bicycle wheel and the chair have disappeared as well)

    oh well I'm used to this shit.. the worst snow storm I remember some years back, when I lived on the continental divide at the top of the rocky mountains, was 9 feet of snow dumped in 48 hours. we were absolutely buried in our house. the snow was higher then the front door . you literally could not open the front door (whats a door jam at , like 7 feet). only from the upper level could we look out the windows . my dodge 2500 sitting outside was no where to be found. on the edge of one side of my property I had put up an elevated/raised 8 foot cedar fence. that disappeared too . I think we were stuck in the house about 2 weeks before a front loader got to us to dig us out. and even then it was like driving through a narrow tunnel to get to a paved road
    Damn two weeks locked with the loud assholes in my house and it would be a scene from the shining.

  28. #948
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    so heres my last house, just down the road from where I live now..
    heres what 6 feet of snow accumulation looks like. I open the garage door.. my vette here is maybe 5" tall , but its way closer to the camera and totally out angling the snow. umm yeah this car is not getting out for months.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2696.JPG 
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ID:	177537

    hard to tell here, but I'm looking at my center island of my driveway ( a big circle drive with a center island), in the middle of the driveway was a 6 foot tall water fountain and park benches . totally gone
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177538

    heres my back up truck.. even that won't do shit half the time
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177539

    oh and one more interesting tie bit where I live .. this is NOT snow. this is the middle of summer and this is a rain and hail storm. the city keeps plow drivers on full time cause our hail gets so bad it fills the streets
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177540

  29. #949
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Damn two weeks locked with the loud assholes in my house and it would be a scene from the shining.
    lol . funny as shit , I actually keep an ax as my go to melee weapon (its right next to where I normally sit) . my kids have seen the shining and they are terrified .
    well the good things about storms like this though, you never have to worry about intruders . ain't no one getting to your house period unless it was by helicopter

  30. #950
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so heres my last house, just down the road from where I live now..
    heres what 6 feet of snow accumulation looks like. I open the garage door.. my vette here is maybe 5" tall , but its way closer to the camera and totally out angling the snow. umm yeah this car is not getting out for months.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2696.JPG 
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ID:	177537

    hard to tell here, but I'm looking at my center island of my driveway ( a big circle drive with a center island), in the middle of the driveway was a 6 foot tall water fountain and park benches . totally gone
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2695.JPG 
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ID:	177538

    heres my back up truck.. even that won't do shit half the time
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2882.jpg 
Views:	114 
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ID:	177539

    oh and one more interesting tie bit where I live .. this is NOT snow. this is the middle of summer and this is a rain and hail storm. the city keeps plow drivers on full time cause our hail gets so bad it fills the streets
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177540
    Lmao on the hail damn

  31. #951
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    lol . funny as shit , I actually keep an ax as my go to melee weapon (its right next to where I normally sit) . my kids have seen the shining and they are terrified .
    well the good things about storms like this though, you never have to worry about intruders . ain't no one getting to your house period unless it was by helicopter
    You need a d12 with a v-blade

  32. #952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Lmao on the hail damn
    when I was in commercial HVAC , I loved the mega hail storms we got here .. one year I had a 250,000 sq foot mega church get nailed with hail damage and it destroyed a ton of AC condensers (we are talking 150 ton AC units). of course insurance covered their loss and I sold a 300,000$ job with 60% profit margins .. not a bad pay day for a months worth of work

  33. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You need a d12 with a v-blade
    I'll ax my arm off and go from like evil dead to army of darkness and have that d12 permanently attached .. of course the wife will want me to make it functional so I can also swap it out for some sort of super vibrator on the end as well

  34. #954
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'll ax my arm off and go from like evil dead to army of darkness and have that d12 permanently attached .. of course the wife will want me to make it functional so I can also swap it out for some sort of super vibrator on the end as well
    Click image for larger version. 

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  35. #955
    Join Date
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    Damn you GH! Since you started posting pics, sunny SoCal has turned into dreary wet and cold SoCal

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  36. #956
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Damn you GH! Since you started posting pics, sunny SoCal has turned into dreary wet and cold SoCal
    the world is getting colder and colder . we are entering into an ice age (mainly to purge the world of Veganism.. but thats a whole other topic)

  37. #957
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    Happy turkey day gh

  38. #958
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    well shit , I think I'm regressing and going downhill and not getting better at all . just for the F of it I looked at my phone see if I had any progress pics from last year thanksgiving.
    not happy with my back thickness last year and this year its probably even worse. wtf
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  39. #959
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    holy shit , I found a really old pic of me. I think this was after my 2nd or 3rd back surgery about 7 or more years ago . damn I was small as shit

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    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-29-2019 at 03:41 AM.

  40. #960
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well shit , I think I'm regressing and going downhill and not getting better at all . just for the F of it I looked at my phone see if I had any progress pics from last year thanksgiving.
    not happy with my back thickness last year and this year its probably even worse. wtf
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_435.jpg 
Views:	192 
Size:	399.9 KB 
ID:	177560
    Been to hectic this year to do much.

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