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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #1001
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    side note here -

    domestic UGL vs Above ground international labs

    over the years I've mainly used international sources and more 'pharma grade' gear. I have gave some UGLs a try here and there.

    I've got pharma grade test sitting here and thats what I'd been using for awhile.. but I got these couple bottles of UGL brand Test e so I decided what the heck I'll give them a try.
    bad move . I'm 6 injections into their test E and I have severe PIP and terrible knotting up . I never never get pip or anything with fricking test e . wtf.. my right glute swelled up alll the way to my lower back. my upper right pec I injected swelled up twice the size of my left pec . my front left delt I injected kept me from doing shoulders for nearly a week.

    at first I thought it may of just been a fluke. but I pre loaded some of this test e into slin pins. and then only injected the slin pin amount of gear into my pec and front delt (rather then taking a large 3cc dosage with other compounds mixed in) . and sure enough I got bad pip and knotting up.
    who the heck gets this type of knotting up and swelling from test E . test e is the smoothest of all compounds and doesn't even require much BA . so I'm not sure what the heck is wrong with this stuff. sucks I'm going to have to ditch two bottles of test.
    I expect some PIP from injectible anadrol and tren base , but not test e.

    interesting thing is the same labs Deca and Masteron are perfectly smooth. even the test P I tried out was smooth .. so how the hell did the test e end up so fucked up. idk. I don't know shit about brewing, but something isn't right with this stuff

    guess things are just hit or miss with some domestic UGLs .. In 8 years straight of injecting test e several times per week every week, 100s of injections, I never once had PIP or swelling like this.
    but then again I never really bothered using UGLs for stuff like test

    maybe a lot of you guys that use primarily UGLs are used to this PIP and knotting up after an injection , so you think its a common thing ?

  2. #1002
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    and before someone jumps on here and accuses me of bashing domestic UGLs , I'm not. I'm just stating my current experience right now.
    I'm all knotted up and swollen from some gear. just stating thats never happened with international sources.
    I'm not naming the lab either. it doesn't matter. every UGL is going to likely have some hit or misses. just like some International sources have their problems as well and your gear gets stuck in customs for months.

  3. #1003
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    My last source’s test e was fucking brutal. Tried it subq in the first pin like an idiot and ended up with a nasty welt that took a week and a half to go away. Had some of it purge from my side delt and end up holding at the bottom of the insertion. My whole right arm looked like I’d gotten stung by a hornet. No matter where I put that shit, it hurt like hell.
    I think some guys might be overdoing it on the BA because “better more pip than infection risk”. That’s literally the only reason I can think of for shit to be that harsh.

  4. #1004
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    Training update - so this is what training has been looking like.

    very simple routine right now. I'll get more technical later on when I gain some mass and strength back that I had lost.

    push, legs, pull , push , rest, legs, pull, push, rest

    everything is simple meat and potato type exercises, mainly all compound .
    bench press, overhead press, incline dumbbell, machine press, lateral raises, close grip bench
    squat, belt squat, leg press, smith front squats, leg extension, leg curls
    chest to bar pull-ups, lat pull down, Tbar rows, low cable row, chest supported row, rack deadlifts, shrugs

    for now everything is just straight sets (no drop sets, rest pause, super sets, or anything like that for now).. most sets are RIR of 3 . I'll pick a couple select exercises and sets to go to failure and thats it.

    pretty basic shit for now. 5-6 meals per day. compound exercises. a little bit of nandrolone and test. trying to sleep 8+ hours (even if I can't fall asleep I'm still in bed).

    once I get to my past weight and regain my lost gains . I'll step it up

  5. #1005
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    What are your thoughts on the Rich Piana arm feeder workouts? I decided to give it a try for the past 12 weeks, doing about 5 sets of 50 reps of curls and scull crushers with 5kg dumbells in the afternoon and evenings. Trying to really focus on a slow negative and the contraction for each repitition. I've been getting better arm pumps doing this than I do in the gym...

  6. #1006
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    post workout meal done
    15iu insulin
    entire box of Mac and cheese (750 cals, 150g carbs, 30g protein)
    4oz lean turkey

    still deciding on what to eat next

    not really what my diet calls for . but right now I'm just trying to slam as many calories as I can and gain some of my weight back

  7. #1007
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    What are your thoughts on the Rich Piana arm feeder workouts? I decided to give it a try for the past 12 weeks, doing about 5 sets of 50 reps of curls and scull crushers with 5kg dumbells in the afternoon and evenings. Trying to really focus on a slow negative and the contraction for each repitition. I've been getting better arm pumps doing this than I do in the gym...
    yes I'm a fan of feeder sets . Rich Piana made them popular , but truth is they have been part of exercise science for a very long time. its technically called "cell swelling sets" . this is where you take smaller muscle groups with a high stimulus to fatigue ratio, and your train them apart from your normal workout for very high reps and light weight (40-60 reps generally) . to drive blood and cause "swelling" in the muscle cells.

    I think they work great and will not cause too much fatigue and may help bring nutrients and blood to the muscle trained and even promote recovery from your heavier loaded workouts.

    delts, biceps, triceps, calves .. all good muscle groups to do cell swelling work for.

    I'm trying to bring my biceps up , so maybe I'll start implementing them in again .

    that is, after I finish the Rich Piana 8 hour arm day workout

  8. #1008
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    When I started reading this, I thought that my next diet would include alcoholic beverages.

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    Yeah. Me too. If a few shots before bed destroyed his appetite, I’m hitting the liquor store today.

    Who knew?

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  9. #1009
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    Red wine works nicely for me. Nice night’s sleep & no hangover.

  10. #1010
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    and before someone jumps on here and accuses me of bashing domestic UGLs , I'm not. I'm just stating my current experience right now.
    I'm all knotted up and swollen from some gear. just stating thats never happened with international sources.
    I'm not naming the lab either. it doesn't matter. every UGL is going to likely have some hit or misses. just like some International sources have their problems as well and your gear gets stuck in customs for months.
    I’m new to this game, but I just thought this was part of it, which is why you have multiple sources.

    Shit, last Summer my tren & Dbol just didn’t feel as effective as everyone here says happens to them. So I try another source & all is copacetic.

    From the way you guys are describing it though, I consider myself fortunate to have not had any pip.

  11. #1011
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Red wine works nicely for me. Nice night’s sleep & no hangover.
    Must be nice. There’s no hangover like a wine hangover for me

  12. #1012
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Must be nice. There’s no hangover like a wine hangover for me
    I’m pretty lucky in the hangover department, lol.

  13. #1013
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    well its been 7-8 days of a consistent strong appetite and good digestion all week . I'm up 12 pounds in that time.. not too shabby. shows just how depleted of glycogen I was from my past stomach problems and running that keto diet for a few weeks.

    also, I started pinning injectible Anadrol a few days ago. today the lower back pumps during squats were sick. only 25mg of Adrol. damn that shit kicks in fast!

  14. #1014
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well its been 7-8 days of a consistent strong appetite and good digestion all week . I'm up 12 pounds in that time.. not too shabby. shows just how depleted of glycogen I was from my past stomach problems and running that keto diet for a few weeks.

    also, I started pinning injectible Anadrol a few days ago. today the lower back pumps during squats were sick. only 25mg of Adrol. damn that shit kicks in fast!
    Is there any advantages to injectable drol over oral? Easier on your guts?

  15. #1015
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Is there any advantages to injectable drol over oral? Easier on your guts?
    yes, it doesn't negatively effect appetite as much as oral . I've got some high quality pharma Iranian 50mg Adrol tabs calling my name here , but I don't want to chance my appetite at this point, so I'm just going with the injectible stuff for now

  16. #1016
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    my 2020 gear protocol -- 6 month goal, put on about 35 pounds from the low weight I hit this year

    I'm going to run a base for 6 months straight, with phase cycling and compound rotations added to that base at various times

    my base - will run this for 6 months straight
    250mg test a week
    300mg deca a week

    my first 'phase' and compound rotation - volumization phase (about 6 or so weeks)
    350mg NPP
    350mg Mast
    30mg injectible Anadrol day
    30mg Dbol day

    next - androgen and cosmetic phase (only about 4-5 weeks)
    350mg Mast
    400mg Tren
    20mg Dbol pre workout only

    cruise for about 5 weeks.. then

    anabolic phase
    500mg EQ
    150mg tren
    25mg Winny
    25mg Var

    then assess and adjust from there for the last part of the 6 months

    being 'brands' seem to be a hot debatable topic recently,, and I'm not a brand loyalist at all and will use various different brands based on compounds I'm running and other factors . I will list some of the brands I'll be running

    Bayer Test, and then 7l pharma test
    Dragon Pharma Deca
    Val NPP (finishing up val mast e front load right now)
    Vermodjie Mast
    Vermodjie Tri Tren
    Euro-pharm tren base
    Valkyrie inject Andarol, Iranian hormone oral Adrol
    Balkan Dbol
    Blakan Winny
    Roxpharama Var
    Euro-pharma EQ, Valkyrie EQ

  17. #1017
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    my 2020 gear protocol -- 6 month goal, put on about 35 pounds from the low weight I hit this year

    I'm going to run a base for 6 months straight, with phase cycling and compound rotations added to that base at various times

    my base - will run this for 6 months straight
    250mg test a week
    300mg deca a week

    my first 'phase' and compound rotation - volumization phase (about 6 or so weeks)
    350mg NPP
    350mg Mast
    30mg injectible Anadrol day
    30mg Dbol day

    next - androgen and cosmetic phase (only about 4-5 weeks)
    350mg Mast
    400mg Tren
    20mg Dbol pre workout only

    cruise for about 5 weeks.. then

    anabolic phase
    500mg EQ
    150mg tren
    25mg Winny
    25mg Var

    then assess and adjust from there for the last part of the 6 months

    being 'brands' seem to be a hot debatable topic recently,, and I'm not a brand loyalist at all and will use various different brands based on compounds I'm running and other factors . I will list some of the brands I'll be running

    Bayer Test, and then 7l pharma test
    Dragon Pharma Deca
    Val NPP (finishing up val mast e front load right now)
    Vermodjie Mast
    Vermodjie Tri Tren
    Euro-pharm tren base
    Valkyrie inject Andarol, Iranian hormone oral Adrol
    Balkan Dbol
    Blakan Winny
    Roxpharama Var
    Euro-pharma EQ, Valkyrie EQ
    You really do not have much that aromatize s. Why the deca and the NPP together and not just one. I think it is for a kickstart (NPP) and for the long term with the deca. Why not frontload??

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  18. #1018
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You really do not have much that aromatize s. Why the deca and the NPP together and not just one. I think it is for a kickstart (NPP) and for the long term with the deca. Why not frontload??
    no not a ton of aromatization, everything is pretty mild and fairly low dosages for me . I forgot to mention, at various times I may double up on the test dosage for the week , hit 500-750mg on some weeks just to get more estrogen if I feel I need it.

    as for NPP on top of deca. well I already have the NPP on hand and so will just use it being I got it.. also the first phase in only 6 weeks long. NPP (with deca as a base in the background) is going to provide more effeciency during that 6 weeks then front loading deca would.
    being I'm running deca for 6 months straight, don't really want to front load. If I was only running deca for 8-10 weeks then I'd likely front load it at 1000mg for the first couple weeks.. so I'll just use the NPP I have on hand for that 6 weeks phase instead

  19. #1019
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    No poptarts and insulin?

  20. #1020
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    No poptarts and insulin?
    lol.. insulin is pretty much a given. I already shot 10iu for breakfast with my cream of rice

  21. #1021
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    pre cycle/ pre blast, update pic..

    so after many many months of slacking, not eating, having digestion problems, drinking whisky every night ,, and all that bullshit.

    heres where my physique is at today and my starting point going into this cycle.
    I'm looking pretty damn small at the moment. but thats why I set the goal at gaining 35 pounds over the next 6 months . looking back over stuff , I haven't ran a full blown long term successful cycle since January last year. so hopefully shit stays on track and I can string together a good run finally.

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  22. #1022
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    Great starting point.

    Good luck GH!

  23. #1023
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    You're only doing 250mg test for all 6 months?

  24. #1024
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    You're only doing 250mg test for all 6 months?

    well thats my minimum 'base' . there will probably be a couple weeks here and there where I bump it to 500-750 for a short time. BUT I'm primarily going to rely on anabolics as my heavy hitters. Anabolics are way more efficient at building 'new tissue' and quality keepable gains compared to test. Test is a naturally occurring androgen, its very 'cosmetic' in nature and not the greatest new muscle tissue builder (in comparison to anabolics).

    guys that 'blow up' on test only cycles, generally have to keep running a fairly moderate dose of test in order to keep those 'cosmetic' gains.
    blowing up on Deca, Primo, Var and Tren over 6+ months is going to lead to actual new quality tissue that is sustainable.

    mg per mg Test is not very anabolic compared to other drugs. thats because 40+% of the test you take is converting over to DHT (which is not anabolic in muscle tissue at all) and estrogen (which is beneficial for gains, but is not as anabolic as a pure anabolic steroid itself).
    so 500mg of test , is really only giving you 280mg of anabolism at a very low anabolic rating of 100.

    where as something like Var is not going to convert to dht or estrogen, and it will all go to anabolism. so 500mg of Var will give you about 3000mg of anabolic load (in comparison to test)

    so I'm relying more on anabolic properties for this 6 month run.

    having said that -- TEST at high dosages, 1500+ mg per week, is a whole different thing. it takes on a new 'nature' sort of speak and it can be pretty damn anabolic at those dosages.. but for the most part, your basic 500mg or so test only cycle is mainly cosmetic and not really all that anabolic. and most guys are going to have to stay on that dose year round to maintain the cosmetic look they get from test only cycles .

    most guys that talk about losing all their gains after cycle, are guys that run moderate dose test only cycles .

    note- I'm running 250mg test as a base mainly to get the aromatization out of it

  25. #1025
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    going to give some props to a client of mine. been his off season and we've been bulking trying to put on as much size as possible before going into contest prep mode. its been damn successful so far. bulked up to 255 pounds , and still really LEAN.
    probably put on around 25 pounds of quality tissue. he's a work horse and been pounding 5500 cals per day, gym 6 days a week, and been on top of the AAS protocols and compound rotation.
    hard work pays off! yes you can lean bulk, it just takes discipline and the right protocols

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  26. #1026
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    going to give some props to a client of mine. been his off season and we've been bulking trying to put on as much size as possible before going into contest prep mode. its been damn successful so far. bulked up to 255 pounds , and still really LEAN.
    probably put on around 25 pounds of quality tissue. he's a work horse and been pounding 5500 cals per day, gym 6 days a week, and been on top of the AAS protocols and compound rotation.
    hard work pays off! yes you can lean bulk, it just takes discipline and the right protocols

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177808
    Holy shit! Looking great. Just let me know where he is competing so I don’t compete there. LOL

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  27. #1027
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    so the weight gain has stalled out. as to be expected around this time. I'm stalled at about 14 pounds up.

    easy little adjustments to get things trending upward again though.

    - I took 3 days off training to help boost recovery (I also needed to try and shake this cold bug I've been fighting)

    - I was only taking in a whey shake upon waking in the AM in milk. ,, but now upon waking, I take the same whey shake, then add 10iu of insulin, 10mg of Dbol, and 40g of carbs.

    - I'm adding 25mg of oral Anadrol to my 30mg of injectible anadrol

    - I'm adding in more carbs to each meal

    simple little adjustments here. nothing extreme.. weight should begin trending back up again .

  28. #1028
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    update -
    thought I was just coming down with and/or had a cold bug or flu or something.. ended up extremely ill and spent a couple nights in the hospital to get IV fluids in and on antibiotics. not really able to function at all right now. fever, delirious, chills. need to follow up with docs . more going on then just a flu bug (not AAS or bodybuilding related). several factors kinda accumulated all at once on me and what landed me in the ER. have bad stomach pain and pancreatitis on top of it. not going to be eating much anytime soon now

  29. #1029
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update -
    thought I was just coming down with and/or had a cold bug or flu or something.. ended up extremely ill and spent a couple nights in the hospital to get IV fluids in and on antibiotics. not really able to function at all right now. fever, delirious, chills. need to follow up with docs . more going on then just a flu bug (not AAS or bodybuilding related). several factors kinda accumulated all at once on me and what landed me in the ER. have bad stomach pain and pancreatitis on top of it. not going to be eating much anytime soon now
    Hope you recover soon.

  30. #1030
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update -
    thought I was just coming down with and/or had a cold bug or flu or something.. ended up extremely ill and spent a couple nights in the hospital to get IV fluids in and on antibiotics. not really able to function at all right now. fever, delirious, chills. need to follow up with docs . more going on then just a flu bug (not AAS or bodybuilding related). several factors kinda accumulated all at once on me and what landed me in the ER. have bad stomach pain and pancreatitis on top of it. not going to be eating much anytime soon now
    Doesn't seem right to "like" that post, lol. Glad you're feeling better.

  31. #1031
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update -
    thought I was just coming down with and/or had a cold bug or flu or something.. ended up extremely ill and spent a couple nights in the hospital to get IV fluids in and on antibiotics. not really able to function at all right now. fever, delirious, chills. need to follow up with docs . more going on then just a flu bug (not AAS or bodybuilding related). several factors kinda accumulated all at once on me and what landed me in the ER. have bad stomach pain and pancreatitis on top of it. not going to be eating much anytime soon now

    Very sorry to hear this! Hope you feel better soon!
    How'd your BW look or did you get any questions from the doc's?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  32. #1032
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update -
    thought I was just coming down with and/or had a cold bug or flu or something.. ended up extremely ill and spent a couple nights in the hospital to get IV fluids in and on antibiotics. not really able to function at all right now. fever, delirious, chills. need to follow up with docs . more going on then just a flu bug (not AAS or bodybuilding related). several factors kinda accumulated all at once on me and what landed me in the ER. have bad stomach pain and pancreatitis on top of it. not going to be eating much anytime soon now
    Sorry man.
    Make a speedy recovery

  33. #1033
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    At least he didn’t break any bones this time.

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  34. #1034
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    At least he didn’t break any bones this time.

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    Wtf did you infect him with you perv?

  35. #1035
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    Damn GH, get better brother!

  36. #1036
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    update -

    absolute utter dog shit the last 6 days or so. been taking anti biotics and pain pills. have not left the house in a week. I'm done with these pills cause they are Fing with my brain and my blood sugar (blood sugar should not be 160 when you have not even eaten a meal in 3 days). appetite was totally crashed. which is probably a good thing when you have pancreatitis and are not supposed to eat anyhow.

    I dropped these meds altogether and been off for the last 30 hours or more.

    beast mode just took over. with that shit out of my system my appetite just came back in full force.. I just slammed in one sitting
    7 whole eggs
    6oz steak
    3 cups rice
    3 cups spinach
    a bag of pretzels

    and now I'm about to go lay down and eat a bag of M&Ms

    if my pancreas gives out and you guys never hear from me again you know I'm going out in style .. I'll probably go shoot 3cc of Tren just for the fuck of it as well. dumping these anti biotics and pain pills down the toilet.

  37. #1037
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    edit - double post

  38. #1038
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    Thats some terrible shit. Glad its getting better. I hate being sick.

  39. #1039
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    ugh ... contemplating another trip to the ER. keep getting these really bad and weird shooting chest pains. yesterday I blacked out and hit the floor just out of the blue. thought the brain fog was from the anti biotcs but I've not been on them in days. stupid ears keep ringing and full of pressure and its annoying the fk out of me

  40. #1040
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ugh ... contemplating another trip to the ER. keep getting these really bad and weird shooting chest pains. yesterday I blacked out and hit the floor just out of the blue. thought the brain fog was from the anti biotcs but I've not been on them in days. stupid ears keep ringing and full of pressure and its annoying the fk out of me
    Damn man...sounds like your body is just shutting down for whatever know exactly what you gotta do R&R
    Best wishes man

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates

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