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Thread: On 1st Cycle. 1 issue & 1 question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    On 1st Cycle. 1 issue & 1 question

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm on week 14 of Test E @ approx 500mg p/wk. Beginning around week 10, my testes began to randomly ache. It's week 14 and they're still randomly aching. Weeks 1-9 I felt absolutely no aching from my testes, literally zero. I'd describe the feeling as someone lightly kicking me in the nuts. It's getting a little annoying. I was hoping at some point the feeling would go away. Is this something I have to live with while cycling? I imagine being shut down is the reason I'm experiencing this? So even if I were to cruise, I could still have this issue, correct?

    2nd part. I'm planning a 2nd cycle soon (500/500 Test E/NPP). Before the 2nd cycle I need to cut down a little bit. Maybe 1-2 months of cutting. I'm currently around 16-17% and I'd like to get to 13-15% before starting cycle 2. Would it be a waste of Test if I continue the 1st cycle while I cut down (versus a cruising dose)? 500mg of Test feels pretty mild to me, hell it feels normal to me at this point. I don't want to PCT at this point because I want to start the 2nd cycle soon as I cut down. The thing is I'm not sure if I'm going to cruise for the rest of my life. At some point I was planning on PCT'ing. And I do understand when I end up PCT'ing, if I happen to be an unlucky one & can't fully recover I'll have no choice but to cruise - but one thing at a time here. Stats: 37 years old, 5'8, 193ish lbs, about 16-17% bf at the moment.

    Appreciate any advice/help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Regarding your nuts, are you taking HCG? From what I understand, the pain in your balls is most likely due to them shrinking, which is due to you being suppressed/shut down. I'm also on my first cycle so people with way more experience and knowledge will have more to say on the issue. If you are taking HCG, I'm not sure what to think other than...take more?

    If you cut, you probably don't want to do it after a cycle or between cycles. If you have to use a certain amount of test or other stuff to get you UP to a certain point, it'll be hard enough maintaining that after the cycle. But if you cut while your levels are lower than they were while bulking, I imagine there's going to be a lot of gainz lost during that cut

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    Regarding your nuts, are you taking HCG? From what I understand, the pain in your balls is most likely due to them shrinking, which is due to you being suppressed/shut down. I'm also on my first cycle so people with way more experience and knowledge will have more to say on the issue. If you are taking HCG, I'm not sure what to think other than...take more?

    If you cut, you probably don't want to do it after a cycle or between cycles. If you have to use a certain amount of test or other stuff to get you UP to a certain point, it'll be hard enough maintaining that after the cycle. But if you cut while your levels are lower than they were while bulking, I imagine there's going to be a lot of gainz lost during that cut

    I'm not taking HCG. I'm not sure if the HCG would fix the aching issues I'm having. It's my understanding I'm having this ache because I'm shut down. If I were to enlarge my testes with HCG, they'd be larger but still shut down, hence, the ache would still be there. But I'm not too knowledgeable on this, hopefully other's will be able to chime in. I appreciate your input.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by JackMan017 View Post
    I'm not taking HCG. I'm not sure if the HCG would fix the aching issues I'm having. It's my understanding I'm having this ache because I'm shut down. If I were to enlarge my testes with HCG, they'd be larger but still shut down, hence, the ache would still be there. But I'm not too knowledgeable on this, hopefully other's will be able to chime in. I appreciate your input.
    The hCG would keep your testicles functioning... they wouldn't be shut down but the rest of your HTPA would be shut down.
    the ache would probably be remedied with the hCG

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the ache in the nuts is totally normal for guys on their first cycles. your nuts are supressed for the first time ever and they are basically yelling at you saying wtf is going on.. the longer they are supressed and the longer you take AAS, that feeling will totally go away and never come back.
    if you end up blasting and cruising or TRT , then it will go away sooner.

    I would NOT end this cycle and go right into a cut. you want to acclimate to any gains you made from this cycle. thats best done with a calorie surplus. after about 6 weeks of acclimation, then start your next cycle and cut when on the cycle. never cut in between cycles.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    The hCG would keep your testicles functioning... they wouldn't be shut down but the rest of your HTPA would be shut down.
    the ache would probably be remedied with the hCG
    This is exactly what I'm thinking. With HCG, the nuts themselves will not be shut down

  7. #7
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    Jul 2017
    So the nut aching has gone down. It's less, it's livable. I'm content.

    But....I'm at week 18 now of Test 500 p/wk. And I don't want to come off.... I'm still growing, everything's great, can easily pound the clean calories, sleeping 8+ hrs every night, great training sessions, etc. I have NPP, but don't want to add it in just yet. I want to continue staying on at 500 and try and maximize the gains out of 500 before introducing the NPP. Is that logical thinking?

    I understand what I'm doing (staying on) may not be safe and could come with risks, but I'm just being honest with everyone here. I've had bloodwork done around week 9 and all looked fine. I'm 37, never cycled till now, and now that I'm on, honestly I want to go for a long first/second cycle. And PCT or cruise after that.

  8. #8
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    Your boys would still ache with or without the hcg. I took hcg and they would ache on and off throughout the cycle. Annoying but not a major issue.

  9. #9
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    I like staying ON all year round, thats why im on trt. I go to the dr twice a year and around those times im not blasting. Keep your gains and continue to make progress but with greater rewards comes greater work ethics its a task pinning eod

  10. #10
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    Like said the testicle pain comes and goes we all freak out thinking something is wrong the first time completely normal

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Like said the testicle pain comes and goes we all freak out thinking something is wrong the first time completely normal
    Bruh, you look like Neegan with an extra 120 pounds of muscle. Good god. All you need is Lucile now haha

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    Bruh, you look like Neegan with an extra 120 pounds of muscle. Good god. All you need is Lucile now haha

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