So I did a quick check to see if I saw a place in the forum for logs but I didn't so if this needs to be moved admin feel free to fix it.
I'm a bit late. I wasn't going to do this log but I felt like it helps keep me accountable to log things.
Original start date was supposed to be Dec 1st but my order took a while to get here due to holiday shipping craziness.
Instead started Jan 1st
(I did a dumb thing by not getting feedback before ordering so I'll take any critisism or flamming deserved)
Cycle goal: Cut bodyfat while putting on any muscle I can (muscle was secondary though)
Planned Cycle: Jan 1-March 31
M-W-F Pinning
Test E
Edit: Week 1+2 was 1000/ week to jump start things since I was starting late
Entire Cycle 500/week
Weeks 1-3 50/day (20/AM 30/Pre-work out)
Weeks 4-6 30/day (Probably 10/am and 20 PreWO)
Weeks 7-9 20/day (All PreWO)
Weeks 2-End 500/week
Week 1-2 37.5/day (This was started a week before cycle start as I had it on hand)
Week 3-End 50/day (contemplating 75/d if needed later in cycle)
Tried it for 4 days at 40/day because I've never tried it and wasn't sure what to expect. Felt it the first day but didn't feel it after that.
Planning to try it again next week and stay on for longer, possibly upping dose if I don't feel anything
Last 4 weeks 50/day
Afterwords I will be staying on 150/week test so no PCT
It's late so I'm sure I'm missing info that would be important but if I didn't get this up now I would've put it off and probably not done it.