side note here -
domestic UGL vs Above ground international labs
over the years I've mainly used international sources and more 'pharma grade' gear. I have gave some UGLs a try here and there.
I've got pharma grade test sitting here and thats what I'd been using for awhile.. but I got these couple bottles of UGL brand Test e so I decided what the heck I'll give them a try.
bad move . I'm 6 injections into their test E and I have severe PIP and terrible knotting up . I never never get pip or anything with fricking test e . wtf.. my right glute swelled up alll the way to my lower back. my upper right pec I injected swelled up twice the size of my left pec . my front left delt I injected kept me from doing shoulders for nearly a week.
at first I thought it may of just been a fluke. but I pre loaded some of this test e into slin pins. and then only injected the slin pin amount of gear into my pec and front delt (rather then taking a large 3cc dosage with other compounds mixed in) . and sure enough I got bad pip and knotting up.
who the heck gets this type of knotting up and swelling from test E . test e is the smoothest of all compounds and doesn't even require much BA . so I'm not sure what the heck is wrong with this stuff. sucks I'm going to have to ditch two bottles of test.
I expect some PIP from injectible anadrol and tren base , but not test e.
interesting thing is the same labs Deca and Masteron are perfectly smooth. even the test P I tried out was smooth .. so how the hell did the test e end up so fucked up. idk. I don't know shit about brewing, but something isn't right with this stuff
guess things are just hit or miss with some domestic UGLs .. In 8 years straight of injecting test e several times per week every week, 100s of injections, I never once had PIP or swelling like this.
but then again I never really bothered using UGLs for stuff like test
maybe a lot of you guys that use primarily UGLs are used to this PIP and knotting up after an injection , so you think its a common thing ?