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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #1041
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Damn man...sounds like your body is just shutting down for whatever know exactly what you gotta do R&R
    Best wishes man

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates
    sucks .. I'm just sitting here with these weird pains contemplating if I want to go and get a 3500$ medical er bill when all I may need is a 30$ chiropractic adjustment cause I just have a rib head out of place

  2. #1042
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sucks .. I'm just sitting here with these weird pains contemplating if I want to go and get a 3500$ medical er bill when all I may need is a 30$ chiropractic adjustment cause I just have a rib head out of place
    Ah man.... I hope you feel better soon!

  3. #1043
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    I need to write myself a diet and program etc. and start coaching myself instead of just everyone else lol . I feel absolutely miserable physical wise right now. should start following my own advice

  4. #1044
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sucks .. I'm just sitting here with these weird pains contemplating if I want to go and get a 3500$ medical er bill when all I may need is a 30$ chiropractic adjustment cause I just have a rib head out of place
    Fucking American medical system!
    You ever talked to doctors from other countries..They laugh at our non practical pharmaceutical approach..You hurt..instead of finding the cause it’s here’s some pills that will be a nightmare to come off of..why $$$$$
    Sorry for hijacking man, just sore subject

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates

  5. #1045
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Fucking American medical system!
    You ever talked to doctors from other countries..They laugh at our non practical pharmaceutical approach..You hurt..instead of finding the cause it’s here’s some pills that will be a nightmare to come off of..why $$$$$
    Sorry for hijacking man, just sore subject

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates
    yeah I get it .. my mom died in her mid 40s because of being over prescribed pain pills for her aches and pains. I've had close to 10 surgeries in my life and spent months hooked on pain pills that almost killed me as well (I'm talking a pulse rate of 20 and blood pressure of 40/25).
    a doc visit will end up in running a bunch of tests that actually don't do a single thing for you (they have to pay for their fancy machines) and a prescription to big pharma. thats about it

    the answer is generally in nutrition and your own health . not pills

  6. #1046
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I get it .. my mom died in her mid 40s because of being over prescribed pain pills for her aches and pains. I've had close to 10 surgeries in my life and spent months hooked on pain pills that almost killed me as well (I'm talking a pulse rate of 20 and blood pressure of 40/25).
    a doc visit will end up in running a bunch of tests that actually don't do a single thing for you (they have to pay for their fancy machines) and a prescription to big pharma. thats about it

    the answer is generally in nutrition and your own health . not pills
    Thats a good post.

  7. #1047
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sucks .. I'm just sitting here with these weird pains contemplating if I want to go and get a 3500$ medical er bill when all I may need is a 30$ chiropractic adjustment cause I just have a rib head out of place
    Go to a GOOD chiro

  8. #1048
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I need to write myself a diet and program etc. and start coaching myself instead of just everyone else lol . I feel absolutely miserable physical wise right now. should start following my own advice
    I'll make a diet plan for you GearHeaded.

  9. #1049
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    I'll make a diet plan for you GearHeaded.
    yeah but I can't eat raw meat though .
    from my religious and cultural background cooking meat is the only way to eat it. its a sacrificial offering and meal between me and my god. the cooking of the meat after the offering of the animal is a smoke that goes up into heaven and is a pleasant smell and offering to his , ie the gods, nostrils.
    I know that may sound silly . but thats cultural and religious and something built into some human cultures over thousands and thousands of years (wither pagan, crhistian, etc.).
    cooking meat is a cultural and religious experience and way of life for me.. which is why I've always raged against vegans . because my god(s) have never accepted offerings of veggies. my cultures have never accepted this garbage.. we only present an animal sacrifice and we present it cooked where the smoke of the flesh can go up to heaven and appease the god(s) . and thats how we fellowship with him(them)

  10. #1050
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Thats a good post.
    It really is,..they give away drugs that are the hardest to kick and deadly af right at Walmart..
    Too much money to be lost to care..
    Then when you can’t pay here comes heroin..then your life is over..
    Sorry hear about your mom GearHeaded..
    I’ve lost many to overdoses, they don’t suprise me anymore..just part of American culture.

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socratesä
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-19-2020 at 07:56 PM. Reason: Iam drunk

  11. #1051
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah but I can't eat raw meat though .
    from my religious and cultural background cooking meat is the only way to eat it. its a sacrificial offering and meal between me and my god. the cooking of the meat after the offering of the animal is a smoke that goes up into heaven and is a pleasant smell and offering to his , ie the gods, nostrils.
    I know that may sound silly . but thats cultural and religious and something built into some human cultures over thousands and thousands of years (wither pagan, crhistian, etc.).
    cooking meat is a cultural and religious experience and way of life for me.. which is why I've always raged against vegans . because my god(s) have never accepted offerings of veggies. my cultures have never accepted this garbage.. we only present an animal sacrifice and we present it cooked where the smoke of the flesh can go up to heaven and appease the god(s) . and thats how we fellowship with him(them)
    I have a jewish friend that I helped get his health back by getting into eating raw eggs and raw fish. He was eating pretty much all plant based and wouldn't eat anything that's not kosher. Also, got him into raw butter and now he eats a ton of that and just got a new girlfriend and turned his life around.

    It's not only about eating raw meat but also about getting the nutritents from the best possible sources. For example, finding the best farms to get raw milk from, making raw butter, finding raw honey, fresh cheese, etc. You can also eat fresh raw fish? I'm sure your gods don't want you to be unhealthy and ill from a diet of cooked meats that your body might have difficulty digesting properly. But if people are unwilling to eat certain foods because of there religious beliefs then obviouslly I can't help them.

  12. #1052
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    It really is,..they give away drugs that are the hardest to kick and deadly af right at Walmart..
    Too much money to be lost to care..
    Then when you can’t pay here comes heroin..then your life is over..
    Sorry hear about your mom GearHeaded..
    I’ve lost many to overdoses, they don’t suprise me anymore..just part of American culture.

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socratesä

    Lol . I love the reason for editing post comment

  13. #1053
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    I'm getting to the point of total frustration and pissed off.. I've got clients I've been cancelling on all week cause I've not felt well enough to leave the house let alone train myself.
    this is not a good start to the new year.

    its funny the only thing I'm craving is eggs, steak, and rice. I think there is something about that combo. take 7oz of steak chopped up really small pieces, and sear it. then take your eggs and put them in a frying pan but make sure the pan has boiling hot chicken broth and butter in it. the eggs will cook in the broth and be half fried and half poached . then take the steak, the eggs, and a couple cups of rice and mix it all together . add a bit of cooked spinach or salsa

  14. #1054
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm getting to the point of total frustration and pissed off.. I've got clients I've been cancelling on all week cause I've not felt well enough to leave the house let alone train myself.
    this is not a good start to the new year.

    its funny the only thing I'm craving is eggs, steak, and rice. I think there is something about that combo. take 7oz of steak chopped up really small pieces, and sear it. then take your eggs and put them in a frying pan but make sure the pan has boiling hot chicken broth and butter in it. the eggs will cook in the broth and be half fried and half poached . then take the steak, the eggs, and a couple cups of rice and mix it all together . add a bit of cooked spinach or salsa
    Butter?????? No wonder why you don’t feel good. LOL

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  15. #1055
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Butter?????? No wonder why you don’t feel good. LOL

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    yeah I know its clogged my arteries

  16. #1056
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Butter?????? No wonder why you don’t feel good. LOL
    Butter is possibly the most important nutrient. Fats cleanse, fuel, lubricate and protect the body and is needed more than any protein, sugar or starch. People who eat low fat diets develop terrible immune deficiencies. I do not agree with cooking butter and if you cook it much over 100°F it become almost impossible to digest and will not properly bind with toxins. Without raw fat to escort toxins to the bowels, toxins will often stay in the body. Fresh cheese is of course one of the best ways to get good fats as well.

  17. #1057
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    Butter is possibly the most important nutrient. Fats cleanse, fuel, lubricate and protect the body and is needed more than any protein, sugar or starch. People who eat low fat diets develop terrible immune deficiencies. I do not agree with cooking butter and if you cook it much over 100°F it become almost impossible to digest and will not properly bind with toxins. Without raw fat to escort toxins to the bowels, toxins will often stay in the body. Fresh cheese is of course one of the best ways to get good fats as well.
    No cheese and no butter happening here. LOL

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  18. #1058
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    No cheese and no butter happening here. LOL

  19. #1059
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I get it .. my mom died in her mid 40s because of being over prescribed pain pills for her aches and pains. I've had close to 10 surgeries in my life and spent months hooked on pain pills that almost killed me as well (I'm talking a pulse rate of 20 and blood pressure of 40/25).
    a doc visit will end up in running a bunch of tests that actually don't do a single thing for you (they have to pay for their fancy machines) and a prescription to big pharma. thats about it

    the answer is generally in nutrition and your own health . not pills
    Same thing happened to my mom in her early 50s doctors keep misdiagnosing her and giving pain pills, and meds to counteract the sides then one day she just had a massive heart attack and the doctor said an autopsy wasn't necessary because it was a natural cause.

  20. #1060
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    No cheese and no butter happening here. LOL

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    I’m a fussy eater and I get most of my fats from my protein.

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  21. #1061
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm getting to the point of total frustration and pissed off.. I've got clients I've been cancelling on all week cause I've not felt well enough to leave the house let alone train myself.
    this is not a good start to the new year.

    its funny the only thing I'm craving is eggs, steak, and rice. I think there is something about that combo. take 7oz of steak chopped up really small pieces, and sear it. then take your eggs and put them in a frying pan but make sure the pan has boiling hot chicken broth and butter in it. the eggs will cook in the broth and be half fried and half poached . then take the steak, the eggs, and a couple cups of rice and mix it all together . add a bit of cooked spinach or salsa
    I have that same craving on a regular basis.
    That's pretty damn close to Monster Mash. Efferding's Vertical Diet does fill a void in my nutrition from time to time. I also find myself craving it. Has to mean something.

  22. #1062
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    its cold alot
    @GearHeaded any chest pain updates?

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  23. #1063
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    Quote Originally Posted by teejey View Post
    @GearHeaded any chest pain updates?

    Sent from my moto g(7) play using Tapatalk
    I spent the other night sleeping on the hard tile bathroom floor puking every hour.. I think its this pancreatitus radiating pain into my chest and my back, and not "heart pain" .
    I'm supposed to schedule an MRI for my stomach where I drink a gallon of contrast dye ahead of time so they can see how my organs are.
    the ultra sound already confirmed acute pancreatitis but they want to look deeper.. unfortunately I don't have 2800$ for this test so I'll just figure it out on my own

    I've lost 16 pounds in 14 days .. whatever, I'll bounce back. never been this sick before

  24. #1064
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I spent the other night sleeping on the hard tile bathroom floor puking every hour.. I think its this pancreatitus radiating pain into my chest and my back, and not "heart pain" .
    I'm supposed to schedule an MRI for my stomach where I drink a gallon of contrast dye ahead of time so they can see how my organs are.
    the ultra sound already confirmed acute pancreatitis but they want to look deeper.. unfortunately I don't have 2800$ for this test so I'll just figure it out on my own

    I've lost 16 pounds in 14 days .. whatever, I'll bounce back. never been this sick before
    Hopefully you get better soon. I think I took your 16 lbs.

  25. #1065
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    Hopefully you get better soon. I think I took your 16 lbs.
    yes I give a lot back to my clients .. you can have my 16 pounds
    but your right , at the end of the day seeing you guys succeed is my main purpose in life. its what makes me work

  26. #1066
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I spent the other night sleeping on the hard tile bathroom floor puking every hour.. I think its this pancreatitus radiating pain into my chest and my back, and not "heart pain" .
    I'm supposed to schedule an MRI for my stomach where I drink a gallon of contrast dye ahead of time so they can see how my organs are.
    the ultra sound already confirmed acute pancreatitis but they want to look deeper.. unfortunately I don't have 2800$ for this test so I'll just figure it out on my own

    I've lost 16 pounds in 14 days .. whatever, I'll bounce back. never been this sick before
    I’m going to start calling you a tweeker. LOL

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  27. #1067
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I’m going to start calling you a tweeker. LOL

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    yeah but I hate stimulants and you know this .. heck I helped you from a near heart attack telling you to back off the stims and cut them out just before your heart went whacky and you ended up in the ER..

  28. #1068
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    opinion , is this tattoo of mine a dagger of death or of life. anyone of Celtic knowledge please enlighten me
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_338.jpeg 
Views:	112 
Size:	138.1 KB 
ID:	178053

  29. #1069
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah but I hate stimulants and you know this .. heck I helped you from a near heart attack telling you to back off the stims and cut them out just before your heart went whacky and you ended up in the ER..
    Stimulants are life

  30. #1070
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah but I hate stimulants and you know this .. heck I helped you from a near heart attack telling you to back off the stims and cut them out just before your heart went whacky and you ended up in the ER..
    I know but losing that much weight it’s like being a tweeker.

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  31. #1071
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Stimulants are life
    Obs #2. LOL. Seriously I did go overboard and learned my lesson.

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  32. #1072
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Obs #2. LOL. Seriously I did go overboard and learned my lesson.

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    It happens to the best of us. The important thing to remember is...

    Don’t be a pussy

  33. #1073
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    opinion , is this tattoo of mine a dagger of death or of life. anyone of Celtic knowledge please enlighten me
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_338.jpeg 
Views:	112 
Size:	138.1 KB 
ID:	178053
    I don’t know about that stuff, but one observation is I bet the blood draw labs love to see you when you show up for bloodwork. Multiple great veins to choose from.

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  34. #1074
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm getting to the point of total frustration and pissed off.. I've got clients I've been cancelling on all week cause I've not felt well enough to leave the house let alone train myself.
    this is not a good start to the new year.

    its funny the only thing I'm craving is eggs, steak, and rice. I think there is something about that combo. take 7oz of steak chopped up really small pieces, and sear it. then take your eggs and put them in a frying pan but make sure the pan has boiling hot chicken broth and butter in it. the eggs will cook in the broth and be half fried and half poached . then take the steak, the eggs, and a couple cups of rice and mix it all together . add a bit of cooked spinach or salsa
    Sounds like what i ordered at the hibachi spot yesterday.

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  35. #1075
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Obs #2. LOL. Seriously I did go overboard and learned my lesson.

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    What was overboard?

  36. #1076
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I spent the other night sleeping on the hard tile bathroom floor puking every hour.. I think its this pancreatitus radiating pain into my chest and my back, and not "heart pain" .
    I'm supposed to schedule an MRI for my stomach where I drink a gallon of contrast dye ahead of time so they can see how my organs are.
    the ultra sound already confirmed acute pancreatitis but they want to look deeper.. unfortunately I don't have 2800$ for this test so I'll just figure it out on my own

    I've lost 16 pounds in 14 days .. whatever, I'll bounce back. never been this sick before

    Damn GH, that sucks big time. This too will pass.
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  37. #1077
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    Shit, hate to hear this GH. Been following the thread as you've posted updates, and I was almost going to suggest gallbladder issues, but if imaging showed pancreatitis, then it could be a combination of the 2.

    Don't fvck around with it too long. I know $$ are an issue, but this may need a little treatment beyond what you can treat on your own. Even if it's acute, at some point you'll want to get square so a recurrence can be avoided.

    Good luck and post updates frequently.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  38. #1078
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    What was overboard?
    way too much T3 and ephedrine while on high dose tren as well .. heart went into arythmia and ended up in the ER.

    but he is a bad ass, he pulled through that no problem. we adjusted his protocol and he went on to kill it on a bodybuilding stage just 5 weeks later

    and NO , btw, I don't ever protocol high dose T3 and ephedrine or high dose clen. that wasn't part of the protocol

  39. #1079
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    I slept for about 16 hours.. which I needed cause I've been exhausted and not sleeping well at all , and waking up at 3am every morning as usual .
    woke up and had a half cup of coffee then puked it up

    I should probably get some Pedialyte and sip on that. if my damn stomach will settle down would be nice to get some nutrition in me

    a week or so ago I pounded like 3000 cals in one sitting cause I was so depleted and starving .. unfortunately I think that put a ton of extra strain and stress on both my pancreas and prob gallbladder (per almostgone post) , which essentially need to "rest" to get the inflammation down.
    kinda sucks to have the goal of wanting to get huge, shoot a ton of gear, lift heavy ass weight.. yet have to purposely not eat food so your pancreas can heal

    at least the flu bug I had subsided.. still got lingering double ear infections. but I never finished taking the anti biotics

    man , just typing this post out I'm realizing I'm an absolute mess. heck 4 or so weeks ago I felt great. downward spiral everything kinda just hit all at once.
    at least I figured out a lot of my stomach issues over the past year or so are likely due to my pancreas and gallbladder getting inflamed. years of drinking shots of whisky to help me go to sleep at night probably caused this.

  40. #1080
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Shit, hate to hear this GH. Been following the thread as you've posted updates, and I was almost going to suggest gallbladder issues, but if imaging showed pancreatitis, then it could be a combination of the 2.

    Don't fvck around with it too long. I know $$ are an issue, but this may need a little treatment beyond what you can treat on your own. Even if it's acute, at some point you'll want to get square so a recurrence can be avoided.

    Good luck and post updates frequently.
    thank you brother , appreciate the support and advice . I know you've had your fair share of health issues you had to battle out against as well

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