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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #1081
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I slept for about 16 hours.. which I needed cause I've been exhausted and not sleeping well at all , and waking up at 3am every morning as usual .
    woke up and had a half cup of coffee then puked it up

    I should probably get some Pedialyte and sip on that. if my damn stomach will settle down would be nice to get some nutrition in me

    a week or so ago I pounded like 3000 cals in one sitting cause I was so depleted and starving .. unfortunately I think that put a ton of extra strain and stress on both my pancreas and prob gallbladder (per almostgone post) , which essentially need to "rest" to get the inflammation down.
    kinda sucks to have the goal of wanting to get huge, shoot a ton of gear, lift heavy ass weight.. yet have to purposely not eat food so your pancreas can heal

    at least the flu bug I had subsided.. still got lingering double ear infections. but I never finished taking the anti biotics

    man , just typing this post out I'm realizing I'm an absolute mess. heck 4 or so weeks ago I felt great. downward spiral everything kinda just hit all at once.
    at least I figured out a lot of my stomach issues over the past year or so are likely due to my pancreas and gallbladder getting inflamed. years of drinking shots of whisky to help me go to sleep at night probably caused this.
    Definitely a go on the electrolytes and small amounts of food that you think your system can handle. Maybe soft scrambled eggs, small amounts of baked potatoes as tolerated ( I don't use butter or rarely a little margarine, but a tablespoon or two of plain FF Chobani yogurt improves russet or red potatoes somewhat). I'm not one for bananas, but maybe some mashed up bananas. IDK.... applesauce anything easy on the system that appeals to you, just don't upset the applecart by taking in too much at once.

    Really wish I could offer more advice, but a lot depends on your taste buds right now and what your system will process. If you happen to have any pickled ginger slices lying around, they sometimes help me with bad intestinal issues, but that may not be something you want to consider.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  2. #1082
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    finally feeling better

    4 days ago I couldn't hold down a half cup of coffee without puking it right back up . 3 days ago I barely got down one can of soup. yesterday I got in a few simple meals no problem.

    so tonight finally taking in a real 'bodybuilding meal'
    6oz salmon
    200g of Jasmin rice
    1 cup of veggies with olive oil and lime
    3 slices of pineapple for digestion
    teriyaki sauce
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  3. #1083
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    finally feeling better

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    Glad to see you're still alive! I also enjoy adding some pineapple or papaya with my meals sometimes. Pineapple is supposed to help dissolve hardened fat, which helps to reduce the craving of alcohol.

  4. #1084
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    finally feeling better

    4 days ago I couldn't hold down a half cup of coffee without puking it right back up . 3 days ago I barely got down one can of soup. yesterday I got in a few simple meals no problem.

    so tonight finally taking in a real 'bodybuilding meal'
    6oz salmon
    200g of Jasmin rice
    1 cup of veggies with olive oil and lime
    3 slices of pineapple for digestion
    teriyaki sauce
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	178087
    Glad you’re on the mend GH.

  5. #1085
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    one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time . has anyone ever had a bad thing to say about this guy ?

  6. #1086
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time . has anyone ever had a bad thing to say about this guy ?

    Seen this, I grew up lifting in my dads basement gym.brought back memories..I assume you've seen his cooking shows and shops?Evan is a really intelligent bodybuilder imo and I love his content..seems like they angled to like a Seth Feroce blue collar type thing here..hope it works for him..

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates

  7. #1087
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    .I assume you've seen his cooking shows and shops?Evan is a really intelligent bodybuilder imo and I love his content.
    oh yeah I've seen all his cooking videos, shopping, meal prep, etc.. been following him for a long time. always respected his well balanced approach to nutrition, growing his own food, preparing dinner and meals for his whole family, etc..
    and then of course their is his bad ass physique, and his meat and potato style basic training (no fancy bullshit, just push weight with intensity and focus and do it day in and day out)

  8. #1088
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    oh yeah I've seen all his cooking videos, shopping, meal prep, etc.. been following him for a long time. always respected his well balanced approach to nutrition, growing his own food, preparing dinner and meals for his whole family, etc..
    and then of course their is his bad ass physique, and his meat and potato style basic training (no fancy bullshit, just push weight with intensity and focus and do it day in and day out)
    He's a beast in the gym! I like his approach on nutrition too, no 40/50/10 bs..he's smashing 6 eggs daily and soaking his food in good fats..growing his own food, he even inspired my turmeric on rice fetish lol..if it wasn't for injuries, I feel he coulda had a much better honor of Evan, iam gonna eat a nice omelet and catch up on any new content..hopefully this is start of some more videos by him..

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates

  9. #1089
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    update -

    so I'm feeling a million times better. stomach pain and nausea are completely gone. I'm getting 5 good meals in per day now (though my stomach shrank). Whatever flu bug I had is gone, but the ear aches are still lingering.

    my weight had dropped to the lowest its been in a couple years (since my last back surgery where I was bed ridden for a long time)..
    Pancreatitus is no joke. it'll F you up and ruin your life for the time that its going on.
    there was a whirlwind of events that kinda all happened at once and looking back I see how things all lined up for me to get so damn sick.. but whatever, I'm on the mend now.

    my only goal right now is to gain some damn weight back and get my strength back . I'm keeping most my food pretty simple and clean , don't know what may or may not cause a flare up . steak and potato, chicken and rice,, just the basics.

    I'm back in the gym working and training clients. I've got about 5 training sessions in myself. I'm ridiculously weak. the severe dehydration and lack of nutrition over a period of weeks really took it out of me.
    but muscle memory is a wonderful thing.. as long as I stay healthy I don't see why I can't put on a good 25 pounds and add 70 pounds to my bench in the next 8 weeks. as long as the nutrition is there.

    bumping my TRT up, from basically non existent when I was sick (didn't bother injecting) to 750mg Sustanon per week.. with a low dose of Tren added in. mainly to help positive nutrient partitioning and help me fill back out and load up on glycogen.

    I'll be happy if I can just get back to a lean 215 pounds, overhead pressing 245, and benching 315 . I just need a good run with no set backs or injury or illnesses

  10. #1090
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    He's a beast in the gym! I like his approach on nutrition too, no 40/50/10 bs..he's smashing 6 eggs daily and soaking his food in good fats..growing his own food, he even inspired my turmeric on rice fetish lol..if it wasn't for injuries, I feel he coulda had a much better honor of Evan, iam gonna eat a nice omelet and catch up on any new content..hopefully this is start of some more videos by him..

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates

    from what I hear he is going to be doing the New York Pro this year for his comeback show

  11. #1091
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    from what I hear he is going to be doing the New York Pro this year for his comeback show
    Hope he stays injury free and places's a tough show, even for him..

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates

  12. #1092
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    and then of course their is his bad ass physique, and his meat and potato style basic training (no fancy bullshit, just push weight with intensity and focus and do it day in and day out)

    And that's what it's about. Day in and day out consistency. It doesn't have to include all the fancy machines and frilly exercises that you see on IG. The basics simply work and always will.
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  13. #1093
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    Glad to hear you're well GH.
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  14. #1094
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Glad to hear you're well GH.

  15. #1095
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    Update -

    been super busy lately with some some stuff that came up, plus business tax time, etc.

    anyhow. heres where I'm at.

    I just started a 10 week 'contest prep' today (not for a show, for a transformation contest, first place wins a pretty big chunk of cash).
    I need to recomp a bit and then get as lean and shredded as possible, then fill back out. I'll be treating this similar to an actual contest prep for show.

    Now. my goal was to get as big and strong as I can and put on like 40 pounds and bulk for a year. had zero plans on cutting , dieting, or leaning out. BUT I could really use the $10k if I won,, so I guess a short step back to try and get that isn't really much a compromise. its only 10 weeks.

    so I'll share a bit of the game plan. nothing fancy here, keeping it simple cause I got quite a bit other things going on.

    10 weeks contest prep. starting today.
    the first 3-4 weeks I'm just cruising on low dose test and deca , 150mg/150mg. Now I would generally never do that with a client. we would take advantage of the whole 10 weeks and likely phase cycle. but I have few different reasons that I need to do this right now and cruise right now and only want to blast hard for about 6 weeks.

    the cycle itself
    500mg Sustanon
    500mg EQ (1000mg frontload)
    450mg Tren (Tri-tren)
    450mg Masteron
    35mg Winny W/ 20mg Var - per day
    50mg Anadrol (only on high carb re-feed days, and leg days)

    extras -
    10mg Nolva (last 4 weeks only)
    50mcg T4 (maybe with 25mcg T3)
    20iu insulin (on Anadrol days , with high carb re-feed and leg day)

    Diet -
    300g protein, 200g carbs, 50g fats (fats will be cycled) .. w/ high carb day 1-2x per week

    Meal plan example - 6 meals per day with one meal as a shake.
    meal 1 - 50g protein shake

    meal 2 - 50g protein , 20g carbs- egg whites, ground turkey, toast

    meal 3 - 50g protein - chicken breast, veggies

    meal 4 - 50g protein 50g carbs - tuna, white rice


    meal 5 - 50g protein, 50g carbs - fish or chicken, potato

    meal 6 - 50g protein, 80g - lean ground beef, rice, veggies

    fats are only whats coming from the meat and a little bit of oil for cooking.. some days will be high fat days, like a rest day and I may swap out a chicken meal with a steak meal, but on a day like that carbs will be lowered.

    there are NO cheats .. a high carb re-feed is simply adding more rice and potato to my clean meals on that day.

    Cardio -
    to start . I'm doing 50 mins of steady state cardio in the morning AFTER meals 1 and 2,, then I have meal 3 after cardio.
    you'll notice that my carbs are only 20 grams total during this 5 hour period. so the cardio is a ''carb depleted" form of cardio.
    then another 20 mins cardio session post workout in the evening.

    at about 5-6 weeks out I will also add in fasted morning cardio upon waking. 20 mins medium intensity on a spin bike before hitting the meal 1 protein shake.

    weight training -
    6 days per week. each body part gets hit 2x per week.. the first time a body part gets hit its with heavier compound movements and lower reps. the second time in the week it gets hit its with lighter isolation movements and higher reps.

    all pretty basic and simplistic con prep here. nothing overly fancy (of course I will have a peak weak strategy ,water manipulation strategy, salt and carb load strategy, etc.. the very last week to implement)

  16. #1096
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    $10,000 for a transformation contest. Where do I sign up?

  17. #1097
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    this time of year all sorts of supplement companies are doing transformation challenges and have large cash prices.. Redcon1 gives like 10k, bodybuilding .com gives away like 25k. Enhanced Athlete did one before and gave 2500 (which I won). pretty common, lots of them out there. some of them you have to pay to enter or buy a certain amount of supplements to be entered.
    you have to catch them in time though. its usually a limited amount of time to enter and then it closes off to everyone and you have to wait until next year.

  18. #1098
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    Sounds like an excellent plan to stay motivated! How’s your digestion been?

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  19. #1099
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    What's your experience been with TriTren? I just started taking it last week and so far it's great.

  20. #1100
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Sounds like an excellent plan to stay motivated! How’s your digestion been?
    exactly . I been too easily side tracked by every little health issue and bump in the road, cause I really had no specific goal to keep me on track.

    well since that last health issue and hospital stay, after that I had started bulking again. and my digestion was doing pretty well even in a calorie surplus.
    couple of things I did that helped.
    - I ate mainly basic food, like meat, rice, and potatoes
    - I added some fruits and fruit juices to nearly every meal . this helped me easily get in extra calories without having to binge on junk cheat meals to get extra cals in
    - I started using Species Nutrition Fiberlyze supplement. that helped a ton surprisingly. I highly recommend it

    now that I'm 'cutting' , I'm sure my digestion will improve as well just because my food volume and total cals will be down

  21. #1101
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    What's your experience been with TriTren? I just started taking it last week and so far it's great.
    well I was the type of guy that always ran Tren Ace daily , but even when doing that I would front load or just weekly run a bit of Tren E with it as well (just to keep a background longer ester maintaining levels)

    so using Tri-Tren is basically just a convenience factor now . instead of having two different bottles and mixing injections , I can just pull from the Tri-Tren bottle and get the similar effects I was trying to achieve before

  22. #1102
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    exactly . I been too easily side tracked by every little health issue and bump in the road, cause I really had no specific goal to keep me on track.

    well since that last health issue and hospital stay, after that I had started bulking again. and my digestion was doing pretty well even in a calorie surplus.
    couple of things I did that helped.
    - I ate mainly basic food, like meat, rice, and potatoes
    - I added some fruits and fruit juices to nearly every meal . this helped me easily get in extra calories without having to binge on junk cheat meals to get extra cals in
    - I started using Species Nutrition Fiberlyze supplement. that helped a ton surprisingly. I highly recommend it

    now that I'm 'cutting' , I'm sure my digestion will improve as well just because my food volume and total cals will be down
    Two of the best fruits to add to your diet that help with digestion are unripe pineapple and unripe papaya. The pineapple has the protein digesting enzyme bromelain and papaya has a similar enzyme called papain. If you eat the yellow ripe pineapple, it has less of the enzyme and more sugar, same with papaya. Most of the bromelain is in the core of the pineapple. What I like to do is take the core and chew it up suck out the juices and spit out the uneditable fiber parts. I also find that if you have a craving for alcohol, eating some pineapple helps eliminate the craving.

  23. #1103
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    Two of the best fruits to add to your diet that help with digestion are unripe pineapple and unripe papaya. The pineapple has the protein digesting enzyme bromelain and papaya has a similar enzyme called papain. If you eat the yellow ripe pineapple, it has less of the enzyme and more sugar, same with papaya. Most of the bromelain is in the core of the pineapple. What I like to do is take the core and chew it up suck out the juices and spit out the uneditable fiber parts. I also find that if you have a craving for alcohol, eating some pineapple helps eliminate the craving.
    Interesting as I actually eat the pineapple core and enjoy chewing on it, however the pineapple is ripened. I used to live in FL and we could grow pineapple in the yard. I have to ask though where are you finding such fruits that are not already ripe as grocers rarely have such.

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  24. #1104
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Interesting as I actually eat the pineapple core and enjoy chewing on it, however the pineapple is ripened. I used to live in FL and we could grow pineapple in the yard. I have to ask though where are you finding such fruits that are not already ripe as grocers rarely have such.

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    I live in south america, so they are always in season here. It's very common here for the markets and grocery stores to carry plenty of unripe pineapples. I couldn't say where to get them in the US.

  25. #1105
    Hey GH, I am glad you are back and good luck with the contest.

    About your morning cardio, are gonna use insulin before it at any point?

  26. #1106
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    Quote Originally Posted by bwandrade View Post
    Hey GH, I am glad you are back and good luck with the contest.

    About your morning cardio, are gonna use insulin before it at any point?
    I only use insulin for fasted cardio if I'm also taking HGH or MK677, which I won't be taking during this prep.
    the reason I only use them together is because the synergy of HGH being hyper-glycemic and insulin being hypo-glycemic. plus when combined together you get a much greater hepatic pulse of IGF.
    your chances of going hypo using insulin fasted is much less when your HGH serum levels are elevated and glucagon is present in the blood stream .

    I only know of one person in fitness that died from insulin use , and that person was using it for fasted cardio. so again, I recommend guys only do this if they need to and are also running HGH/MK

  27. #1107
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    UPDATE -
    not much to report here. just been grinding it out , two a day workouts 6 days per week.
    50 mins cardio at 7am, with misc. accessory work training of things like abs, calves, abducters, forearms, etc.. then in the afternoon I do my normal weight training with 30 mins of cardio post workout (thats about a 2 hour session).

    diet is still super simple. no changes.. 6 meals per day, 300g of protein, 150-200g of carbs, no added fat.
    egg whites with a couple yolks, chicken breast, lean steak, ground turkey.. white rice, or white bread. some veggies here and there. thats about it.

    since starting the diet, I'm down about 8 pounds. my weight lifting belt is down a couple notches tighter.
    I expect the weight loss to only continue for a short time more, then it will stop and likely it will reverse AS I get on cycle and the gear starts kicking in and loading me up with glycogen, water, nutrients, and blood volume.
    at this stage I will actually begin gaining weight and losing body fat at the. same time. ie, recomping.

    I had been off cycle and just cruising on 150 test. the reason I started this prep and diet without starting a cycle is that I had got on new blood pressure medication and I wanted to see how the meds effected me and monitor my blood work for 3 weeks or so before I go throwing everything off with blasting a bunch of gear.
    but now I'm ready. blood pressure is good. 120/70 consistently every day.

    my simple blood pressure protocol
    25mg Atenolol (before bed)
    25mg Lasortan (upon waking)
    1 cap carditone daily

    zero side effects . blood pressure is good and resting heart rate is 69.

    ready to blast. starting today with 750mg test and 50mg dbol daily, 30mg injectible Anadrol eod. just going to volumize for a couple weeks with that before moving on to my planned 'cut stack' as I laid it out above. I generally do this 'volumizing' stage with pretty much everyone in contest prep , however I prefer to start that earlier at about 16 weeks out. I don't have that kind of time so I'm only going to be able to do that for maybe 2 weeks (maybe I'll double the dosages)

  28. #1108
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    Glad you're back GH.
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  29. #1109
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Update -
    10 weeks contest prep. starting today.
    the first 3-4 weeks I'm just cruising on low dose test and deca , 150mg/150mg. Now I would generally never do that with a client. we would take advantage of the whole 10 weeks and likely phase cycle. but I have few different reasons that I need to do this right now and cruise right now and only want to blast hard for about 6 weeks.

    the cycle itself
    500mg Sustanon
    500mg EQ (1000mg frontload)
    450mg Tren (Tri-tren)
    450mg Masteron
    35mg Winny W/ 20mg Var - per day
    50mg Anadrol (only on high carb re-feed days, and leg days)

    extras -
    10mg Nolva (last 4 weeks only)
    50mcg T4 (maybe with 25mcg T3)
    20iu insulin (on Anadrol days , with high carb re-feed and leg day)
    1. Do you change the cycle over time ? You already know how the 6wks blast will look like ? Because androgens are already pretty high (Tren e.g.)
    2. Why not DNP, Clen, Yohimb., Halo maybe ?
    3. Why not increasing Var abit ?


    All the best for the prep

  30. #1110
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrRoid View Post
    1. Do you change the cycle over time ? You already know how the 6wks blast will look like ? Because androgens are already pretty high (Tren e.g.)
    2. Why not DNP, Clen, Yohimb., Halo maybe ?
    3. Why not increasing Var abit ?


    All the best for the prep
    ok so often times when I post my own cycles , people think they are absolutely 'ideal' and everything is laid out with a perfect plan. but this is not always the case.
    often times , its as simple as I'm only running 20mg of Var because thats all I have on hand

    why no DNP ? my source has run dry, plus I don't have enough time or muscle for DNP right now . I lost a lot of muscle with that sickness and pancreatitis and all that crap I went through.. DNP would just strip me down even more. I don't have time for it. I need to fill out and get lean at the same time . dnp is best for just simply getting lean.

    I do take Yohimbe before fasted cardio. I just didn't mention it.

    I do have Clen on the way. however I'm on a beta blocker, so I can't depend on very much clen at all. I'll take my beta blocker before bed, then I'll take only 20mcg clen in the AM and thats it. Clen doesn't work as well when your on beta blockers for your heart.

    halo . I simply can't afford it right now (same with HGH). instead, I'll just run higher doses of Tren to increase my androgen load when needed (even though ideal, adding halo would be the best bet)..

    and like any and every cycle. nothing is fixed in stone. I don't believe in 'fixed' 12 week cycles. I rotate things as needed based on how the physique is progressing along side the diet and training program .
    if my training calls for more androgen load, I'll give it more androgens. if my physiqe calls for more carbs then I may change my AAS and protocols to accompany more carbs . I do things 'on the fly' on an as needed basis.

    same with clients. when they get an initial 16 weeks AAS program and compounds rotation protocol from me . what they actually end up doing as we go could be very different then what was originally planned.

  31. #1111
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post

    and like any and every cycle. nothing is fixed in stone. I don't believe in 'fixed' 12 week cycles. I rotate things as needed based on how the physique is progressing along side the diet and training program .
    if my training calls for more androgen load, I'll give it more androgens. if my physiqe calls for more carbs then I may change my AAS and protocols to accompany more carbs . I do things 'on the fly' on an as needed basis.
    How do you tell if your training requires a higher androgen load?

  32. #1112
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    How do you tell if your training requires a higher androgen load?
    if your dieting down yet still having carb re-feeds and have plenty of fats and salt, yet you can't get a pump at all and you feel weak and lethargic in the gym. increasing your androgen load (while dieting) or your estrogen load while bulking, well most definitely help with your pump and training intensity..

    nattys would simply have to lower their training volume .. us enhanced folks need simply employ the right drugs

  33. #1113
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if your dieting down yet still having carb re-feeds and have plenty of fats and salt, yet you can't get a pump at all and you feel weak and lethargic in the gym. increasing your androgen load (while dieting) or your estrogen load while bulking, well most definitely help with your pump and training intensity..

    nattys would simply have to lower their training volume .. us enhanced folks need simply employ the right drugs
    I've been running tri-tren at 300mg for the past 4 weeks and feel great, with test at 500mg. I'm hesitant to go much higher because I like to get my sleep. Haven't lost as much weight as I thought I would... Maybe it's time for a higher androgen load?

  34. #1114
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    I've been running tri-tren at 300mg for the past 4 weeks and feel great, with test at 500mg. I'm hesitant to go much higher because I like to get my sleep. Haven't lost as much weight as I thought I would... Maybe it's time for a higher androgen load?
    well if your trying to bulk, adding some more estrogen load to that tren could be beneficial.. like 30mg a day of Dbol

  35. #1115
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    UPDATE -
    well it kinda sucks to be so damn efficient at cardio.. thats my genetics though. I was a sponsored high level cyclist at 17 years old. to this day, an hour of cardio is a total breeze . a stiff incline and a fairly fast (just before a jog) pace for an hour on the treadmill barely gets my heart rate to 90 bpm.

    so, I'm doing two hours of cardio per day. and two weight training sessions per day.
    up at 6am.. coffee and some fat burners (and some Dbol) and then hit the gym and do an hour cardio.
    then post cardio do about 25 mins of accessory weight work (abs, calves, arms, etc).
    then back at the gym later afternoon and do my normal weight training session. with 15 mins cardio after..
    then back at he gym at night for 45 mins or so more cardio..

    I'd rather stay active and burn more cals then simply eat less and consume less cals . but even saying, my diet is pretty strict too.

    so I was down 10 pounds and leaning out a lot . but just got on cycle and I'm back up 5 of those pounds (yet still dieting and lean) just cause of the glycogen retention from the gear.

    I prefer bulking much more then cutting. but this shit has to get done , so be it

  36. #1116
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    Giving away the pro secrets for free. My routine is pretty similar but a little less intense. I'm down about 10 lbs as well and have about another 10-15 to go. I started doing 20mg dbol in the mornings and increased tren and this week gained about 3 lbs, while in a pretty big caloric deficit. The glycogen retention is insane. Probably best just to not look at the scale, make sure all the calories are counted and get all the cardio and workouts in.

  37. #1117
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    Nov 2017
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    UPDATE -

    If its not one thing its another.. just when I finally was getting on track and getting things dialed in after spending last few years going though 4 surgeries, bankruptcy and other life bullshit and last few months getting extremely ill (I could go on and on), things were getting dialed in very well lately , but NO now that damn apocalypse has to hit. wtf

    no I don't believe in no apocalyptic end of the world bullshit. But as a gym owner forced to shut down , where I spent my entire life savings building this place, its an apocalyptic end for me. and so it is with lots of other small business right now.

  38. #1118
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    UPDATE -

    Holy shit life changes so fast.. a few weeks ago I was dieting myself , running an 800 member gym, and prepping clients for shows etc.. all gone. my gym has been closed by the govt. my bank account has went to zero , and my home is now under eviction . all in only a few weeks... man was that fast.

    life can change over night . there is no guarantee people !!

    I went from being a very successful businessman living in my mansion on the golf course .. selling it all to build a gym and get into the fitness industry for my early retirement cause fitness was my passion.. to now nothing .

    a member of my gym dropped off groceries for me knowing I have 4 kids to support. . that was awesome.
    another member of my gym just offered me a job , he owns a welding company, cause he knows I know how to work with my hands..
    but shit , life changes fast. living life on the golf course, driving the Mercedes or the vette, sitting in an awesome home office making bank , then cashing that all out cause of my fitness passion, to suddenly losing it all and having to think about grinding metal in a shit plant . lol . just crazy how fast life changes.

    whatever , at the end of the day I'll do whatever needs to be done and will get it done

  39. #1119
    Good to see you’re keeping your chin up but so sorry to hear you’re going through this GH. You’ll prosper again, it’s what you do.

  40. #1120
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    Good to see you’re keeping your chin up but so sorry to hear you’re going through this GH. You’ll prosper again, it’s what you do.
    bad ass house .
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    bad ass cars.
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    I gave that all up and sold it all years ago to build a gym and get into the fitness industry and follow my passion and not possessions, .. now thats getting taken away.

    I'll go work with my hands and weld or do whatever .. thats what built me to begin with. I built my whole life from working with my hands as a contractor and employing lots of people. was super successful at one point in my life and had it all , but sold it all cause none of that matters.

    I may be running out of bubble gum , but I'm not running out of kicking ass !

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