Hehe u think its the Shitloard? If not he for sure doesnt know who he is dealing with.
But... I like the attitude. Remains me of the good old days in 2016.
Missouri and Kansas are basictly the same, i guess. Shiteating, sheepfucking rednecks all of them.?
And i think i remember the Lord told me Kansas is next to Missouri.
And most of the players come from Kansas, rigth?
No man... Pretty much the same if u ask me.
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There ain't a sheep for miles around here.
They were all raped and murdered years ago. We eat beef here and sleep with toothless women.
The Road is the Lord of the Shits aka the Elf aka Obs aka ObsPowerStrike aka the Shitloard aka Skinnylegs, aka the Throat, guys.
Fuck ur stupid. If ur gonna change profil, u cant continue talking like the one who u left.
Ur so stupid it hurts. Litterary.
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You seem pretty obs-essed with this guy...
I aint been back here a day and I can already sense you are catching for the other team.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-07-2020 at 11:07 PM.
Hole milk is milk with fat. Most anabolic there is. But.... The farts are extreme. Can kill a bull. And if u dont admit ur the retarded St Louis redneck with the skinny legs soon, ill get old marki to hack your ISP and tell me your adress. And i WILL send a letterbomb containing a wet sock, full of my wet hole milk farts in liquid form.
I promise bro. U wont like that..
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No ur not. Member since 2006. Lord of the shits could not fake that.
Well well well... What do u know..
Anyway, in Europe, american football is not very popular. We play Soccer. . Biggest newspaper in Norway speaks about AF once a year. The superbowl. Covers like half a side.
I Just saw Kansas mentioned. Thought it also was the name of the theme.
I dont know nothing about AF but im a fan of your country and i know AF is bigger than basketball, so really i wanna be respectfull to it.
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Good new guys. This chick agreed to collaborate at the gym today. Off everything and told her i dont have the same body as last time we trained. But stil.. She s in.
And u know me guys. I cheated on my offperiod and took 15 mg mk677 and 20 mg cardarine this morning, just to... I dunno man. Probably wont do shit. BUT.. I made my selv a killer pwo with No caffein but lots of NO2 boosters. So lets see how this goes.
Workout?.. Hole body, ligth.. Iguess ill do the same weigths as she does lol
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Got a nice smile Sil. Don’t be too rough.
Good wo today guys[emoji48][emoji48]
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-09-2020 at 06:32 AM.
Bad wo yesterday. Skinny fat. Guess its relates to low testo and HGH.
So.. Time for more nebido. I guess doc will give me 4 amp 1000 mg friday. Supposed to last 4 x 10 weeks, but that wont cut it for me.
Ill think i will do 500 mg every 3. week now for 12 weeks, then fade into 500 mg every 4. week.
And by then i guess i have managed to get some from the Black market and keep my going to next from doc.
Next, order mk677. Its a huge difference. Seriously.
Conclusion. U can add as much milk and eggs u want. And train like a mf. But if you dont get your hormones rigth, it really doesnt mean a shit..
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Crazy good wo today. Dont know why, but i welcome it.
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Celebrating good wo with wife and American History X... Finally at Netflix!!!
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