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Thread: Some bullshit that happened in the gym today

  1. #1

    Some bullshit that happened in the gym today

    Here's what happened to me today...
    I have an older gym bro who is a Personal trainer, AAS user and a dealer.
    Today, i saw him giving anavar to a beginner, that's 5'4' and weigh 110lbs.
    I went "Hey man, don't you think he needs to get his training and diet right first?".
    He then goes to say "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."

    Let me tell you guys a few interesting things about this guy...
    - His physique/career (the kind that easily impresses non gym goers) was mainly fueled by growth hormones and orals.
    - Did i mention he has a shit tier knowledge in nutrition too?
    He constantly tells me he wants to look like those classic physique bodybuilders and keep asking me how to get bigger.
    - Gets pissed at me when i simply tell him that he is not eating enough
    - He also competes in physique once, left halfway because it's "unfair", never competes again.
    - He calls me weird for wanting to use only Test for my first cycle and not wanting to start using now. (I'm turning 21 this year, am gonna wait till i'm at least 23 to start, ain't falling for that shit)

    We were great friends at first, but each and every day, and each decision he makes, his ego, just makes me lose respect for him as a person.
    To be honest, the only reason i am still friends with him now is that he's gonna teach me how to inject myself.

    "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."

    Been in the gym longer than me? Yes, i give you that.
    You know what you're doing? Nah, fuck off.

    You may spend all that time in the gym as you like, but you will never end up going anywhere if you do fuck all.

    I swear to God, man.

    What would you do if you had a friend like that?
    Last edited by menace2anus; 03-02-2020 at 05:45 AM.

  2. #2
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    Subd drivn

  3. #3
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    I think I host no opinions.

    He sounds like an over confident douche.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Straight dick, it happens a lot when younger guys get on group of friends made a vow not to speak until spoken too and think before talking during some high dose years..hormones can loosen that filter and make people irritable or rude if THEY let them..
    Weak minds..My advice keep it in your head, unfortunately I've found you can do very little to influence young or inexperienced from doing what they want..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli

  5. #5
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    Well..I think if someone insulted my gym knowledge by saying they have been in the gym longer than me (which is a roundabout way of saying hey im better then you) ...that would be the end of the friendship.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Well..I think if someone insulted my gym knowledge by saying they have been in the gym longer than me (which is a roundabout way of saying hey im better then you) ...that would be the end of the friendship.

    I was married once....ONCE!

  7. #7
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Well..I think if someone insulted my gym knowledge by saying they have been in the gym longer than me (which is a roundabout way of saying hey im better then you) ...that would be the end of the friendship.
    Not to mention, I’m sure we all know plenty of people who have been in the gym for many years, and look and lift the exact same, year after year.

    Doing it does not necessarily equal doing it right (or even half assed).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Not to mention, I’m sure we all know plenty of people who have been in the gym for many years, and look and lift the exact same, year after year.

    Doing it does not necessarily equal doing it right (or even half assed).
    I had to sit on my seatbelt because of the chime. I dont wear a seatbelt but it was buckled in to stop the chime when I bought it.
    You could tell it had been that way for years.

    It was uncomfortable and annoying.

    So I had enough.
    I was about to cut the seatbelt end off.
    Then I undid the buckle and was thinking....

    Hmmm... How do I fix this...
    Well I plugged the middle belt into it.
    Ner der! Problem solved!
    Years of multiple drivers and I was the first one to figure out the most obvious slap you in the face thing.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2007
    Btw a buddy helped me turn it off via the proper method but it just came back on...
    Thank god for the mid belt

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I had to sit on my seatbelt because of the chime. I dont wear a seatbelt but it was buckled in to stop the chime when I bought it.
    You could tell it had been that way for years.

    It was uncomfortable and annoying.

    So I had enough.
    I was about to cut the seatbelt end off.
    Then I undid the buckle and was thinking....

    Hmmm... How do I fix this...
    Well I plugged the middle belt into it.
    Ner der! Problem solved!
    Years of multiple drivers and I was the first one to figure out the most obvious slap you in the face thing.
    It’s amazing what a little critical thinking can do for any perceived problem, eh?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    none of ur business man.

    move on, stop considering him a friend and call him someone u know from gym.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by menace2anus View Post
    Here's what happened to me today...
    I have an older gym bro who is a Personal trainer, AAS user and a dealer.
    Today, i saw him giving anavar to a beginner, that's 5'4' and weigh 110lbs.
    I went "Hey man, don't you think he needs to get his training and diet right first?".
    He then goes to say "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."

    Let me tell you guys a few interesting things about this guy...
    - His physique/career (the kind that easily impresses non gym goers) was mainly fueled by growth hormones and orals.
    - Did i mention he has a shit tier knowledge in nutrition too?
    He constantly tells me he wants to look like those classic physique bodybuilders and keep asking me how to get bigger.
    - Gets pissed at me when i simply tell him that he is not eating enough
    - He also competes in physique once, left halfway because it's "unfair", never competes again.
    - He calls me weird for wanting to use only Test for my first cycle and not wanting to start using now. (I'm turning 21 this year, am gonna wait till i'm at least 23 to start, ain't falling for that shit)

    We were great friends at first, but each and every day, and each decision he makes, his ego, just makes me lose respect for him as a person.
    To be honest, the only reason i am still friends with him now is that he's gonna teach me how to inject myself.

    "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."

    Been in the gym longer than me? Yes, i give you that.
    You know what you're doing? Nah, fuck off.

    You may spend all that time in the gym as you like, but you will never end up going anywhere if you do fuck all.

    I swear to God, man.

    What would you do if you had a friend like that?
    1). He wouldn't be a friend any longer.
    2). If I didn't know how to inject, I would get a very ripe orange and practice on it to get the feel. When you are ready to start injecting, if you aren't flexible or comfortable injecting glutes, start on delts or quads.

    ^^^ That's just the way I'm wired to think; to each his own.

    If he is your source, work towards finding another one in the near future.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-02-2020 at 09:00 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What AG said^^^.

    There are tons of videos on line to guide you through injections. Don't let that asshat anywhere near you.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    It’s amazing what a little critical thinking can do for any perceived problem, eh?
    Even an expert can totally miss the most obvious things. Only way to advance methods is to reach outside the norms and any guy that thinks he knows it all will be passed up.

  15. #15
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    I would not consider him a friend but I would probably still be polite and say hi in the gym but that might be the end of it. Now, I would not end my friendship with someone because they insulted me as most people who do that do so because they are insecure in themselves and their comment is really about them, not you, like most things in life. You said you are 21 so most of these things you learn as you go through life and those who do not, you can easily spot those as keyboard warriors on various places or yelling at the TV thinking the country is going to hell in a handbasket.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I had to sit on my seatbelt because of the chime. I dont wear a seatbelt but it was buckled in to stop the chime when I bought it.
    You could tell it had been that way for years.

    It was uncomfortable and annoying.

    So I had enough.
    I was about to cut the seatbelt end off.
    Then I undid the buckle and was thinking....

    Hmmm... How do I fix this...
    Well I plugged the middle belt into it.
    Ner der! Problem solved!
    Years of multiple drivers and I was the first one to figure out the most obvious slap you in the face thing.
    Look up your car model online. On my chrysler, it gives you an option to turn off the beep in the onboard settings. many vehicles have this optional setting.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2015
    This isnt that unusual bud. People are assholes sometimes. Hes probably just a pompous ass know it all. Or maybe he had a bad day, maybe got into a fight with the girl, you never know. When someone snaps at me i just let it go. Water under the bridge. Talk to me however you want. Unless my family or finances are affected, you can say anything you want to me.

  18. #18
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    Not here.
    If he was in fact a “friend” he would consider it. He doesn’t sound like a “friend”, let it go imo.

  19. #19
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    Some bullshit that happened in the gym today

    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    This isnt that unusual bud. People are assholes sometimes. Hes probably just a pompous ass know it all. Or maybe he had a bad day, maybe got into a fight with the girl, you never know. When someone snaps at me i just let it go. Water under the bridge. Talk to me however you want. Unless my family or finances are affected, you can say anything you want to me.
    OP, you can take this advice to the bank. Live like this and the less amount of stress you will feel is going to be considerable.
    Last edited by tarmyg; 03-02-2020 at 05:24 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    This isnt that unusual bud. People are assholes sometimes. Hes probably just a pompous ass know it all. Or maybe he had a bad day, maybe got into a fight with the girl, you never know. When someone snaps at me i just let it go. Water under the bridge. Talk to me however you want. Unless my family or finances are affected, you can say anything you want to me.
    Thats the difference between mature men and little boys.

  21. #21
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    its cold alot
    "Friend" of mine is similar has a pretty good physique was selling gear to literally anyone giving out terrible advice. Selling test for 100 dollars a vial. Completely full of himself ran orals for a year straight ended up fucking his kidneys up scared himself now claims natty. Dude only hits me up when he wants something . 100%=full of himself. I don't really fuck with people like that anymore. I'm too old for the drama.

    Sent from my moto g(7) play using Tapatalk

  22. #22
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    It's the world of sales bud,

    SWIM has seen so many things sold to people nothing should be given to

    SWIM has also been the person himself nothing should of been sold to

    It life - Just seems shitty at times ey

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by teejey View Post
    "Friend" of mine is similar has a pretty good physique was selling gear to literally anyone giving out terrible advice. Selling test for 100 dollars a vial. Completely full of himself ran orals for a year straight ended up fucking his kidneys up scared himself now claims natty. Dude only hits me up when he wants something . 100%=full of himself. I don't really fuck with people like that anymore. I'm too old for the drama.

    Sent from my moto g(7) play using Tapatalk
    Sorry man... I meant to keep closer contact brah

  24. #24
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Thats the difference between mature men and little boys.
    Aww shit... You sound like my ex wife now!

  26. #26
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    This isnt that unusual bud. People are assholes sometimes. Hes probably just a pompous ass know it all. Or maybe he had a bad day, maybe got into a fight with the girl, you never know. When someone snaps at me i just let it go. Water under the bridge. Talk to me however you want. Unless my family or finances are affected, you can say anything you want to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    OP, you can take this advice to the bank. Live like this and the less amount of stress you will feel is going to be considerable.
    I get felony charges and lose 50k but whatever floats yer boat...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Look up your car model online. On my chrysler, it gives you an option to turn off the beep in the onboard settings. many vehicles have this optional setting.
    Already did it brother.
    It has a programming flaw. It shits off and comes back on.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I would not consider him a friend but I would probably still be polite and say hi in the gym but that might be the end of it. Now, I would not end my friendship with someone because they insulted me as most people who do that do so because they are insecure in themselves and their comment is really about them, not you, like most things in life. You said you are 21 so most of these things you learn as you go through life and those who do not, you can easily spot those as keyboard warriors on various places or yelling at the TV thinking the country is going to hell in a handbasket.
    Oh my God... A moderate...
    God help us in an agnostic way!

  29. #29
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by menace2anus View Post
    Here's what happened to me today...
    I have an older gym bro who is a Personal trainer, AAS user and a dealer.
    Today, i saw him giving anavar to a beginner, that's 5'4' and weigh 110lbs.
    I went "Hey man, don't you think he needs to get his training and diet right first?".
    He then goes to say "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."

    Let me tell you guys a few interesting things about this guy...
    - His physique/career (the kind that easily impresses non gym goers) was mainly fueled by growth hormones and orals.
    - Did i mention he has a shit tier knowledge in nutrition too?
    He constantly tells me he wants to look like those classic physique bodybuilders and keep asking me how to get bigger.
    - Gets pissed at me when i simply tell him that he is not eating enough
    - He also competes in physique once, left halfway because it's "unfair", never competes again.
    - He calls me weird for wanting to use only Test for my first cycle and not wanting to start using now. (I'm turning 21 this year, am gonna wait till i'm at least 23 to start, ain't falling for that shit)

    We were great friends at first, but each and every day, and each decision he makes, his ego, just makes me lose respect for him as a person.
    To be honest, the only reason i am still friends with him now is that he's gonna teach me how to inject myself.

    "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."

    Been in the gym longer than me? Yes, i give you that.
    You know what you're doing? Nah, fuck off.

    You may spend all that time in the gym as you like, but you will never end up going anywhere if you do fuck all.

    I swear to God, man.

    What would you do if you had a friend like that?
    All cred to you bro! Especially for confronting him

    I was that 110 lbs dude (a little more) and it f*cked me up totally and made me not even try to read on.
    I listened because the other guy was big and even competed (top tier).
    Started a horrible path, luckily I managed to get out and healthy again.

    Also love that you chose "Escanor" of SDS - that dude is badass delux!

  30. #30
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Aww shit... You sound like my ex wife now!
    Yeah. As I got older, I got wiser.

    I had the great ability to pick up useful lessons in life when others stepped in shit, negating the need for me to likewise step in it to learn the lesson.

    not having to make many of the usual mistakes of youth saved me from losing a lot of time and money growing up. For instance, visiting a couple of buddies in prison in high school made me see that i liked freedom and pussy too much to ever spend any time there. So i learned from their mistakes.

    Not everyone i knew chose to do it like that. some couldnt even learn from their own mistakes, let alone the mistakes of others. to each his own.

  31. #31
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    its cold alot
    Lmao. The responses!

    Sent from my moto g(7) play using Tapatalk

  32. #32
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    Also, any of this isn’t much worse than the PH garbage they push everywhere like it’s going out of style

    Shit - at this point we don’t even know what’s worse(I say PH)

    Shit, I was in some supplement hell hole yesterday & seen this garbage - 100 bucks for a bottle of like 60 of this trash

    Who’s dealing trash to whom now

  33. #33
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Yeah. As I got older, I got wiser.

    I had the great ability to pick up useful lessons in life when others stepped in shit, negating the need for me to likewise step in it to learn the lesson.

    not having to make many of the usual mistakes of youth saved me from losing a lot of time and money growing up. For instance, visiting a couple of buddies in prison in high school made me see that i liked freedom and pussy too much to ever spend any time there. So i learned from their mistakes.

    Not everyone i knew chose to do it like that. some couldnt even learn from their own mistakes, let alone the mistakes of others. to each his own.
    Was only teasing in the last few comments. Youre cool man

  34. #34
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Was only teasing in the last few comments. Youre cool man
    It’s all good brother. My lady gets tired of hearing me giving her my opinions on shit, so I come here to “share”.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Also, any of this isn’t much worse than the PH garbage they push everywhere like it’s going out of style

    Shit - at this point we don’t even know what’s worse(I say PH)

    Shit, I was in some supplement hell hole yesterday & seen this garbage - 100 bucks for a bottle of like 60 of this trash

    Who’s dealing trash to whom now
    Some of the old prohormones are great, and better then some of the OG orals. Methylstenbolone, superdrol, and epistane are great. Superdrol makes me to lethargic, but methylstenbolone or epistane are great. The PH's they sell now are garbage,

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    The PH's they sell now are garbage,

    Not according to the rat bastard pushing this garbage out of the nutrition hell hole by my house

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