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Thread: Corona Virus

  1. #1

    Corona Virus

    This virus is harming many people around the world.
    Universities are on alert, postponing their classes etc.

    Even professional bodybuilding competitions are being postponed because of this damn global pandemic virus.

    Well, I am very angry with this virus .. My life cannot stop ..

    I need to work and live to pay my bills ..
    I need to train and get muscular ..

    Can you imagine if all gyms close? It would be a shame ...

    Damn, this virus is due to the filthy Chinese bastards who lived eating mice, cats, dogs, etc.

    Many motherfuckers ... Misfortune is about to happen all over the world ... All countries must begin to ban foreigners from entering ... You cannot be unlucky.

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  2. #2
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    Just my perspective Davi with full respect to your opinion.

    As nasty is this virus is, I hate to categorize people so blatantly.

    As more get sick & die; and as more inconvenience is placed on us all, unfortunately people will get more angry & reactive. Maybe it isn’t wise to add fuel to that fire, but like I said, just my point of view.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Damn, this virus is due to the filthy Chinese bastards who lived eating mice, cats, dogs, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post

    As nasty is this virus is, I hate to categorize people so blatantly.

    s more get sick & die; and as more inconvenience is placed on us all, unfortunately people will get more angry & reactive. Maybe it isn’t wise to add fuel to that fire, but like I said, just my point of view.
    I agree wholeheartedly, no reason to generalize an entire culture and make the assumption that there all shit just because they live there....

    They have a pretty big overpopulation problem and the poor especially have to resort to eating what ever it takes to survive.....

    Not saying there's not scumbags there just like everywhere, just not cool to generalize IMO.....

  4. #4
    Well, in China they make dog sandwiches because they want to ... They eat rats because they want ... This was all very common in their culture, not because of socio-economic situation ... but because they wanted to enjoy the taste of rats that they roam the streets and their own viral dogs on street corners.


    The world is being paralyzed with this virus .. I do not hope for the evil of anyone. But the truth be told, the corona virus comes from the Chinese

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  5. #5
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    I don't agree with eating dogs or cat's....

    But in the Netherlands they eat horse meat (We can't in the USA), in Australia they eat Kangaroo....

    Just because we don't live by the same cultural standards.....

    I don't think that makes them a troglodyte sub-human species that we should completely shun because of there cultural differences that they where born and breed into.....

    Not hating just my opinion....

  6. #6
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    Davi, folks eat squirrels here, so what? I’ve eaten snakes & alligator when I’ve been down to New Orleans. Again, so what? Dogs are cute and cuddly, but so are deer, and I’ve eaten them too.

    The Chinese make some kick-ass dim sum as well and I sure ain’t going to hate them for that.

    Like HORSE, not hating. Frankly, just home and “social distancing” with WAY too much time on my hands.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Like HORSE, not hating. Frankly, just home and “social distancing” with WAY too much time on my hands.

    LOL, same with me.... This is the most I've posted in god knows how long.....
    Last edited by HORSE; 03-15-2020 at 02:37 PM.

  8. #8
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    And NO GYM !?!?

    Actually it’s time to shrink wrap myself in plastic and go take a walk around the neighborhood.

  9. #9
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    For me, I'm going to by lube, red wine and Viagra....

    Buy the wife some lavender roses (her favorite) and hope to get my cardio in horizontally.....

    Might have to slip her a shot of test and maybe a little testo gel to boot....

  10. #10
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    Whelp, she said no so I guess I'll have to do it manually....

  11. #11
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    I have a cold sore and just drank a Corona was her excuse.....

  12. #12
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    I don't think the Corona virus itself is crippling the world .. I think over reaction of people, media hype, and governments using any excuse they can to take away peoples rights is the main cause of the 'crippling' . Corona virus itself is just a simple common cold (viral infection, which there are thousands of).

    if there was no such thing as social media and news outlets .. we'd all be living our daily life as usual despite 'corona'

  13. #13
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    Figured we needed to bring it back to the original topic of the Corona virus.....

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    in Australia they eat Kangaroo....
    There's an Australian-themed restaurant in my town here and they serve kangaroo meat. I order it occassionally.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    For me, I'm going to by lube, red wine and Viagra....

    Buy the wife some lavender roses (her favorite) and hope to get my cardio in horizontally.....

    Might have to slip her a shot of test and maybe a little testo gel to boot....
    Sounds like a plan! But damn our liquor stores are slammed. Thinking lots of folks have similar ideas.

    Guess we’ll repopulate from this thing in about 9 months or so.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Davi, folks eat squirrels here, so what? I’ve eaten snakes & alligator when I’ve been down to New Orleans. Again, so what? Dogs are cute and cuddly, but so are deer, and I’ve eaten them too.

    The Chinese make some kick-ass dim sum as well and I sure ain’t going to hate them for that.

    Like HORSE, not hating. Frankly, just home and “social distancing” with WAY too much time on my hands.
    Okay brother..

    So tell me, how did the corona virus develop?[emoji5]

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Sounds like a plan! But damn our liquor stores are slammed. Thinking lots of folks have similar ideas.

    Guess we’ll repopulate from this thing in about 9 months or so.

    The new baby boomer generation may be upon us.....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    There's an Australian-themed restaurant in my town here and they serve kangaroo meat. I order it occassionally.
    What’s it taste and texture like?

    With the snakes & alligator, I’ve had it it in stew only so the meat didn’t have to stand on its own. The deer wasn’t bad, same with bison; but still prefer steak from cattle.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I don't think the Corona virus itself is crippling the world .. I think over reaction of people, media hype, and governments using any excuse they can to take away peoples rights is the main cause of the 'crippling' . Corona virus itself is just a simple common cold (viral infection, which there are thousands of).

    if there was no such thing as social media and news outlets .. we'd all be living our daily life as usual despite 'corona'
    The media reports what is happening ,GearHeaded ... I don't think they are wrong..Because we cannot underestimate the power of the corona virus, it has already killed some people in a short time ..

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  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    What’s it taste and texture like?

    With the snakes & alligator, I’ve had it it in stew only so the meat didn’t have to stand on its own. The deer wasn’t bad, same with bison; but still prefer steak from cattle.

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Okay brother..

    So tell me, how did the corona virus develop?[emoji5]

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    Seriously though, you are entitled to your opinion, no hate from me. I think part of my response is because I teach high school and I’m a sherif to about 175 kids every day. Things can go badly very easily with just an off-handed comment so I’m a little sensitive. I ain’t a teacher here, have to watch myself, lol.

    It started however it started. All Coronavirus can be transferred from animals. The flu is a Coronavirus, where did that start?

    Let me tell you, if this was done maliciously to damage a population, this situation would be a thousand times worse right now because of how easily and invisibly you can spread it.

    This forum might get argumentative from all of this social distancing, so I’ll be the first to apologize if I came off rudely.

    Hey, the USA didn’t really start HIV & AIDS, but we sure managed to spread it.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    The media reports what is happening ,GearHeaded ... I don't think they are wrong..Because we cannot underestimate the power of the corona virus, it has already killed some people in a short time ..

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    in the US , there have been 60 deaths from corona .. 100x more people have died in the US from choking on their food this year then corona. and 900x more people have died of the flu this year then corona (56,000 from the flu).

    your odds of dying from choking on your food while simultaneously having the flu is higher then your odds of dying from corona.

    in the US, there has not been a single death reported of a child dying from corona . yet again, thousands of kids die every year choking on food or getting the flu

    just to put it in perspective .. again , this whole thing is pretty 'hyped' up. but thats how media outlets make their millions of dollars by getting views for 'hype' and selling add space . this is a big $ making opportunity for the media

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    in the US , there have been 60 deaths from corona .. 100x more people have died in the US from choking on their food this year then corona. and 900x more people have died of the flu this year then corona (56,000 from the flu).

    your odds of dying from choking on your food while simultaneously having the flu is higher then your odds of dying from corona.

    in the US, there has not been a single death reported of a child dying from corona . yet again, thousands of kids die every year choking on food or getting the flu

    just to put it in perspective .. again , this whole thing is pretty 'hyped' up. but thats how media outlets make their millions of dollars by getting views for 'hype' and selling add space . this is a big $ making opportunity for the media
    Then GearHeaded. Certainly the media makes a lot of money from it, supermarkets also have this idea of ​​hand washing with 70% alcohol ....... In this, you are right, the media takes the opportunity to make money ... But putting my point of view here, the corona virus does not act strongly on young people ... The first victims are elderly people aged 70 to 80 ...

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  24. #24
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    Now I’m being stupid.

    So f it then, legalize all abortions cause those death numbers pale & God forbid we restrict the rights of the mother. Seat belts, f-you, I grew up without them and I never got shot out of my parents windshield. I think we should encourage more smoking, obesity & drug usage. Business opportunities abound in those industries and who is likely to die, not kids. The alcoholic & crack head moms can abort as well, it’s win-win.

    Blatant stupidity over.

    Are folks over reacting, hell yeah!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Now I’m being stupid.

    So f it then, legalize all abortions cause those death numbers pale & God forbid we restrict the rights of the mother. Seat belts, f-you, I grew up without them and I never got shot out of my parents windshield. I think we should encourage more smoking, obesity & drug usage. Business opportunities abound in those industries and who is likely to die, not kids. The alcoholic & crack head moms can abort as well, it’s win-win.

    Blatant stupidity over.

    Are folks over reacting, hell yeah!
    Brother, I'm not mad at you ... I respect your opinion as much as mine ...... And I confess that I sympathize with your ideas, I think I went crazy and tense, blaming the Chinese. .. But the real thing is that the sensationalist media that is hurting our daily life more than the corona virus

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  26. #26
    I have conspiracy theories too, that this virus may have been created in the laboratory to kill the elderly population........[emoji15]

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  27. #27
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    well 50 people are likely going to be murdered in the streets of Chicago this month alone . they will all go un-reported in the news.

    yet one person in my entire state died of Corona virus (an elderly 80 year old woman with existing health problems) and the governor declares a state of emergency and shuts down the school system .

    yes we should take pre cautions. but the world has already been filled with much bigger problems that people have been dismissing and ignoring for years ,, but being this is "new" it can be hyped up.
    50 years from now when Corona virus is a common occurrence and everyone gets it every year (just like the flu) , we won't be talking about it any longer yet alone will it be all over the news

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I have conspiracy theories too, that this virus may have been created in the laboratory to kill the elderly population........[emoji15]

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    well china does have an over population problem (your not even allowed to have kids without govt. approval).. their population of just the elderly alone is like 250 million

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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Brother, I'm not mad at you ... I respect your opinion as much as mine ...... And I confess that I sympathize with your ideas, I think I went crazy and tense, blaming the Chinese. .. But the real thing is that the sensationalist media that is hurting our daily life more than the corona virus

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    Hey it’s the job of the media, it’s how they make THEIR $, its capitalism at its finest.

    The responsibility lies with the public to judge what they have been provided.

    I haven’t seen any proliferation of lies by what I’ve seen or heard to this stage.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well china does have an over population problem (your not even allowed to have kids without govt. approval).. their population of just the elderly alone is like 250 million
    It seems crazy to think about it but it makes a lot of sense too!!

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  31. #31
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    This virus was intentionally brought to the us by the democrats so they could cripple the economy and make trump look bad. There i said it. *readjusts tin foil hat*

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    This virus was intentionally brought to the us by the democrats so they could cripple the economy and make trump look bad. There i said it. *readjusts tin foil hat*
    well interestingly enough, there is nearly always some sort of 'pandemic' out break every election year (swine flu, bird flu, mad cow disease, heck even hiv outbreak years ago .. always goes in cycles and shows up during election years)

  33. #33
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    Much easier to have tainted the flu vaccine.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Much easier to have tainted the flu vaccine.
    thats already been done .. thats why 56k people have died from the flu this year, despite there being a vaccine . I'm wearing my tin foil cap right now

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    thats already been done .. thats why 56k people have died from the flu this year, despite there being a vaccine . I'm wearing my tin foil cap right now
    I really did like that movie. Mel Gibson did a great job

  36. #36
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    An underrated actor.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    This virus was intentionally brought to the us by the democrats so they could cripple the economy and make trump look bad. There i said it. *readjusts tin foil hat*
    Makes sense brother.

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