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Thread: Stock market

  1. #1
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    Stock market

    I have been slowly adding to my long term portfolio with these prices. I still think we have another 10+% to drop but will keep adding on each drop. Also playing short term options here and l loving this volatility. Chance of a lifetime to make a fortune. After the fed cut to 0% today I will be looking at TLT/GLD/CLX mainly tomorrow to make some big moves. Also have NVDA/ADBE/AMZN on my watch list for tomorrow. Still holding long term puts on oil, expect most smaller companies to drop heavy/BK. Curious as to what you all hold/play and what is on your watch list for tomorrow
    Last edited by GymHero; 03-15-2020 at 08:26 PM.

  2. #2
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    My bitcoin and bitcash portfolio lost 50% since January

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Ouch. I’ve never been a fan of holding crypto. Too much risk for me

  4. #4
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    I had some left in there due to a rise in value during the time between deposit and order going through.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
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    I'm riding it out on regards to my 401k. It's through Vanguard, but I don't have any in a brokerage account at the moment, it's all in funds.

    People keep talking about how much money they have lost and I keep reminding them it's only a loss on paper unless they cash/sell out right now.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I'm riding it out on regards to my 401k. It's through Vanguard, but I don't have any in a brokerage account at the moment, it's all in funds.

    People keep talking about how much money they have lost and I keep reminding them it's only a loss on paper unless they cash/sell out right now.

    Exactly, same here. Most of my funds are set up through 2045 which means I have a ways to go working before I begin to worry about a down market. That being said, the cash and stocks I did have in a brokerage account too a beating, luckily I moved a bunch of cash to a Marcus savings account (1.70 return on cash) to your point gym hero I am looking to capitalize on the down turn. Amazon, Chipotle and Boeing are on my watch list. Obviously with today’s news, we haven’t seen the bottom. My guess is this week will be the time to capitalize (good call on the 10% drop).

    Probably up into my 2045 funds as well

  7. #7
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    Not here.
    You know it will rebound. And likely like a mofo as well, when everyone is getting over this one singular cause that is so easily identified.

  8. #8
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    This madness is going to hurt all business including mine. Irritated.
    I dont think you can lose buying in but I would wait 3 weeks so it settles down.

    The problem is we were in such a peak and a bubble it will take a while to get where it was.

  9. #9
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    This is the time to buy - if you aren't already tapped out

  10. #10
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    I've been waiting to pull the trigger on buying a few stocks but I think it's going to keep going down for a while. This is crazy.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    I've been waiting to pull the trigger on buying a few stocks but I think it's going to keep going down for a while. This is crazy.
    Itsgonna take three to four weeks for the US to start having news articles that CV is in a decline.
    Until then it will continue lowering

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Itsgonna take three to four weeks for the US to start having news articles that CV is in a decline.
    Until then it will continue lowering
    Let me know when it's time to buy.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I'm riding it out on regards to my 401k. It's through Vanguard, but I don't have any in a brokerage account at the moment, it's all in funds.

    People keep talking about how much money they have lost and I keep reminding them it's only a loss on paper unless they cash/sell out right now.
    Couldn’t agree more. Not a loss/gain until position is closed. As long as you aren’t trying to retire within the next few years you will recover fine.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Exactly, same here. Most of my funds are set up through 2045 which means I have a ways to go working before I begin to worry about a down market. That being said, the cash and stocks I did have in a brokerage account too a beating, luckily I moved a bunch of cash to a Marcus savings account (1.70 return on cash) to your point gym hero I am looking to capitalize on the down turn. Amazon, Chipotle and Boeing are on my watch list. Obviously with today’s news, we haven’t seen the bottom. My guess is this week will be the time to capitalize (good call on the 10% drop).

    Probably up into my 2045 funds as well
    Today was insane. Especially watching boeing. Never would have expected such a drop. This will be a great buying opportunity soon. We are still 4-8 weeks away from this virus peaking imo so there is plenty of time to be patient and wait for better prices for the long haul

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    You know it will rebound. And likely like a mofo as well, when everyone is getting over this one singular cause that is so easily identified.
    Definitely and in the short term historically and even recently after a major drop like today we usually have a 5-10% + rebound the next day and then lose it all and make lower lows the following day.. Makes for some great gains if you day trade/play options.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Itsgonna take three to four weeks for the US to start having news articles that CV is in a decline.
    Until then it will continue lowering
    Ya I would say 4 weeks minimum. Going off of China and how long it took them to peak ( roughly 3 months ) we still have yet to see the worst of it

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    This madness is going to hurt all business including mine. Irritated.
    I dont think you can lose buying in but I would wait 3 weeks so it settles down.

    The problem is we were in such a peak and a bubble it will take a while to get where it was.
    The market was just looking for a reason to have a correction and it sure got it and more. It’s going to be a brutal few months ahead. Sorry to hear about your business, the economy is going to be hurting long term from this.

  18. #18
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    Sold my puts and covered my shorts today. Except in oil, still holding those long term. Grabbed some weekly calls and shares on SPY/AMD/ADBE/MO/TLT/SNAP. Expect to have a Green Day tomorrow ( 5-10%+ ) and will sell mid day and then most likely switch back to puts. 3k points down on the DOW today, the largest point drop in history but not %. I’ve been keeping a personal log of this day to day for myself. It will be Interesting down the road in life to look back and read through history. Good luck to everyone in the market and remember to have PAYtience. Don’t get FOMO, plenty of opportunities to come to make money. China took roughly 3-4 months to peak and we are barely a few weeks in. Stay safe
    Last edited by GymHero; 03-16-2020 at 10:23 PM.

  19. #19
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    First case in my county is in my tiny town!
    Suck a dik!

    I willbe down 2 mos

  20. #20
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    * Tin foil hat on, just my .2 * All of the U.S will be on lockdown just like Italy. 10 days from now the number infected will be x10-20. Number infected/deaths will continue to rise daily for 2-3 more months. We are hardly testing people so the number they are giving us is way under than what it actually is. This will last longer than most anticipate and will drastically hurt our economy causing a recession worse than 2008. We will have an all time high for unemployment/job loss/homeless. Many will lose there homes/business/401k. The virus isn’t what you should fear, it’s the impact it’s going to have mixed in with the oil trade war. The bubble has popped
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    First case in my county is in my tiny town!
    Suck a dik!

    I willbe down 2 mos
    It will be everywhere in time. Soon this virus will be the least of our worries

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    It will be everywhere in time. Soon this virus will be the least of our worries


    This is what it was aimed to do - not actually take a population out

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    * Tin foil hat on, just my .2 * All of the U.S will be on lockdown just like Italy. 10 days from now the number infected will be x10-20. Number infected/deaths will continue to rise daily for 2-3 more months. We are hardly testing people so the number they are giving us is way under than what it actually is. This will last longer than most anticipate and will drastically hurt our economy causing a recession worse than 2008. We will have an all time high for unemployment/job loss/homeless. Many will lose there homes/business/401k. The virus isn’t what you should fear, it’s the impact it’s going to have mixed in with the oil trade war. The bubble has popped
    Prob right but its not that bad.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Prob right but its not that bad.
    I agree the virus isn’t that bad but the effects it’s going to have short/long term on the economy are drastic.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Sold my puts and covered my shorts today. Except in oil, still holding those long term. Grabbed some weekly calls and shares on SPY/AMD/ADBE/MO/TLT/SNAP. Expect to have a Green Day tomorrow ( 5-10%+ ) and will sell mid day and then most likely switch back to puts. 3k points down on the DOW today, the largest point drop in history but not %. I’ve been keeping a personal log of this day to day for myself. It will be Interesting down the road in life to look back and read through history. Good luck to everyone in the market and remember to have PAYtience. Don’t get FOMO, plenty of opportunities to come to make money. China took roughly 3-4 months to peak and we are barely a few weeks in. Stay safe
    Everything on my watch list did great today. Sold my calls/shares before close and got back into puts for the week. Oil dropped more and will most likely continue to do so for the remainder of the year. For those interested I have been shorting (USO). Expecting a red/flat day tomorrow. I might start adding some Boeing to my portfolio soon. Crazy seeing it near 100$ but can see it bottoming near 50-70$.

  26. #26
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    Watch list/plays for tomorrow -


    Watching TLT/GLD/UNH/CLX

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    My 401k is now worth about 90k less than it was pre- COVID-19, but in for a penny, in for a pound. I increased my contributions by another 2%.

    Wish DODGX was in with our Vanguard choices. Back when I was with Fidelity, I always liked Dodge&Cox fund. It's a tortoise, not a hare, but the returns were pretty dang consistent.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-18-2020 at 12:11 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    My 401k is now worth about 90k less than it was pre- COVID-19, but in for a penny, in for a pound. I increased my contributions by another 2%.

    Wish DODGX was in with our Vanguard choices. Back when I was with Fidelity, I always liked Dodge&Cox fund. It's a tortoise, not a hare, but the returns were pretty dang consistent.
    Ya brotha if you aren’t trying to retire anytime soon I would be adding little amounts on each drop. Long term you will have some great gains for sure ����

  29. #29
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    USO Puts looking juicy. Oil is dropping hard today

  30. #30
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    the thousands of rounds of 45 ACP ammo I bought for $6 a box 20 years ago is now up 1000+% . not a bad investment and I can actually use it if needed (unlike stocks, bonds, gold, paper) .. you can't kill zombies with account balances on paper
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-18-2020 at 12:36 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the thousands of rounds of 45 ACP ammo I bought for $6 a box 20 years ago is now up 1000+% . not a bad investment and I can actually use it if needed (unlike stocks, bonds, gold, paper) .. you can't kill zombies with account balances on paper
    This quarantine of healty individuals is going to kill the economy. We are standing on the brink of collapse because of reaction by politicians.


    If someone is sick they need to quarantine. Quarantine infants and elderly and people with pre existing lung conditions.

    This scare has shut my business down butt cold. Everyone is scared and holding on to their money.
    I have one small job lined up.
    One fucking piss ass contract.
    My phone stopped ringing and my town is a ghost town.

    Kansas givernor closed all schools for the year.

    Actions like that compound the panic.
    This virus wont be gone in two weeks.
    It will take months and the rate at which businesses full of healthy people are closing, we a heading for a depression.

    This virus does not worry me.
    People though scare the shit outta me.

    This virus has moderate symptoms in an otherwise healthy person. It is dangerous to people of poor health.

    I cannot believe a virus that has killed 8000 people and is not even a tenth as contagious as the flu has cause this terrible offset and its only just started.

    People keep comparing us to italy and china.
    "Lets do what they did!"

    Fuck no,
    We are the leaders and the world economy is on our shoulders! Its time for people to quit being pussies.

    Grow spines and if healthy get back to work.

    You could infect every man woman and child with this virus and it wouldnt cause the long term death and destruction that a real recession or depression would.

    People are trading wealth and freedom for security.
    Its irritating and fearful.

  32. #32
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    here is what shelves at the store look like where I'm at
    Click image for larger version. 

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    meat, eggs, milk, and of course toilet paper totally wiped out .

    I just traded a few boxes of ammo for several packages of chicken breast from a friend yesterday.. didn't think I'd be trading ammo for chicken , but heck I guess so

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    here is what shelves at the store look like where I'm at
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Either they got so mad at the store that they even flipped over the shelves on their sides, or you dont know how to rotate photos.

    (Since some here mistake my tone for being a dick, insert some hilarious emoji here to show I was joking, since I dont know how)

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    here is what shelves at the store look like where I'm at
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_4194.jpg 
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ID:	178386
    Click image for larger version. 

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    meat, eggs, milk, and of course toilet paper totally wiped out .

    I just traded a few boxes of ammo for several packages of chicken breast from a friend yesterday.. didn't think I'd be trading ammo for chicken , but heck I guess so
    Good lord...
    I hope you are safe and we all get through this panic with a country left and money that is worth something.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the thousands of rounds of 45 ACP ammo I bought for $6 a box 20 years ago is now up 1000+% . not a bad investment and I can actually use it if needed (unlike stocks, bonds, gold, paper) .. you can't kill zombies with account balances on paper
    I have a few thousand rounds of green tip that i got at a gun show in Penn. a decade ago. But i got so much clutter around here, i cant even find what i did with it. i better buy some zip lock bags to make tradable portions.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Either they got so mad at the store that they even flipped over the shelves on their sides, or you dont know how to rotate photos.

    (Since some here mistake my tone for being a dick, insert some hilarious emoji here to show I was joking, since I dont know how)
    well being 99% of people use mobile electronic devices now days ,, its pretty damn easy to just rotate your phone

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    I have a few thousand rounds of green tip that i got at a gun show in Penn. a decade ago. But i got so much clutter around here, i cant even find what i did with it. i better buy some zip lock bags to make tradable portions.
    heck , I got so many guns I lose track of them as well , let alone the 10,000 rounds of ammo

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heck , I got so many guns I lose track of them as well , let alone the 10,000 rounds of ammo
    just a few weeks ago I was going through some stuff in my safe and I was like "man I could swear I still had my Springfield 1911 EMP in 9mm .. where the heck is it" .. found it later stuffed in a closet between a pair of jeans . I'm like that. have guns stuffed in different areas of the house . in cars .. in "bug out bags" etc.
    of course I always know where the semi auto shotgun is (stuffed with 00 buck and slugs), and my Glock 19, and my Glock 10mm , and my AR-10 .. but misc. 9 mms and 1911s , idk , they could be in any nook or cranny around the house

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the thousands of rounds of 45 ACP ammo I bought for $6 a box 20 years ago is now up 1000+% . not a bad investment and I can actually use it if needed (unlike stocks, bonds, gold, paper) .. you can't kill zombies with account balances on paper
    Very true. I chose to go that route and grab more lately compared to others wanting to have 10 years of tp on hand lol

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well being 99% of people use mobile electronic devices now days ,, its pretty damn easy to just rotate your phone
    i spent $379 to get a new laptop at Christmas, so i get my use out of it when i can. that tapatalk app i only use when i am killing time waiting for my lady to get out of a store, or in the doctor office.

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