Lacking some motivation. I admit it. Been doing this shit for 35 years. Need more than the walls in a homegym to get by.
Scale showed 258 only today also.
Eating is hard.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-30-2020 at 06:17 AM.
Im leaner than that pic. Something about the way im sitting. But the previous abspic is too far in that other direction.
Less cardio these days. Because of the coronasituation, i train 6 days in row in my homegym.
And i dont do cardio on lifting days.
I know i probably should do cardio every other day mornings, but when u dont sosialize, why bother??
Chest and heart feel ok and i Havent gained any weigth. I was 255 when i started andnow i am 258 to 260.
I dont wanna eat pianaway. I save the willpower to the reopening.
Im testing. Trying to find out what u can get away with even on 400 mg tren.
It quickly take u to the next level and another even with your default routines. But, to go further without going crazy with the doses, u need to better the routines. Tren isnt magic. E stil is MC2. Einsteins sentence.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-30-2020 at 08:15 PM.
My name is Nathan. After Nathaniel of the bible.
"A gift from God." that's what the name means.
That's pure bullshit.
I was an accident.
No one wanted or gave a fuck about me.
Yet here I am a walking giant kicking your ass and you are ready to give up like a little bitch.
I have a taste for death. I like it.
Not a nihilist pussy like you.
Someone is measuring even if its only me.
Go on a cut you fat fuck.
Love you brother.
I may take up residence here because if you go I do too.
I messaged you a million times to get you back here.
Never doubt yourself or lose motivation.
You are a tank and should be proud and driven.
Its been some years now. Light your fire and get back at it.
Also... Get this fucking thread off the stickys. Everyone ignores stickys..
If it's highlighted no newbs pay attention.
Precisely why my thread has as many views after one year.
You are a cool dude.
Show them.
No!!!!.... I like to have it as a sticky. I dont care for newbis. All i want is to lure u inside, and fuck your life up. It gives me a hard on.
The newbis and serious members could be scared and think this is what steroid.com forum is all about. Not good.
And last, the sole purpose of this thread was to fuck marcus up too. And his stickythread. Now he is gone and im the only one left who leads a sticky. I got the best of him. I won.
Dont ever let me here those words again, Obs. If u are responsible for moving the Castle away from the stickies, i xxxx xxx, literary. Had to edit, cause who knows what u pussy americans are up to, with your stupid laws. But i know u read me, Obs.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-31-2020 at 02:07 AM.
Start week 6
Yo fat animal, im leaning out again... Loose
U see the vein on my ass lol... Damned fat animal.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-31-2020 at 06:23 AM.
Too gay?
Yes it is. But i need new Tinder pics and u guys are not worth 30 secunds cropping.
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What was your weight last year?
Also, you don’t feel what’s happening with your heart. Trust me, I have had so many tests and the come back and say they want to look at this or that because things look a little suspicious.
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Ok, first off 15-20lbs is a lot and you need to keep your heart up with your weight.
My mother in law had a heart attack and never knew it. No pain. It wasn’t deadly, but got her attention.
Get it out of your head that you will feel it. Maybe when it’s too late.
I had atrial fibulation and never knew it ( too many stims). I now have atrial flutter and never knew it. They were concerned that my heart was working very weak (attributed to the staff infection). I never knew it.
No signs, nothing.
How’s your BP?
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In military it was 140 90 hehe.
Early 40s 130 80.
I have a couple of homemeasures, but i guess they are not accurate.
So i dont know. Maybe i dont care. I do beetrootjuice every morning.
Guess ineed something bad to happen to wake up.
Look. Ive been like 100 pounds more than my normal weigth for some 25 years. 7 years straight with ephedrin. Dont have Kids. Wife though, but my finacial status will take care of here and her kid.
If he dies, he dies. I took this road. I needed to. And my life after 25 was so much better, cause i became big.
If i miss the 70s and 80s, so be it.
But... I didnt here No Bell yet. And.. I dont smoke, drink or do recs. And diett is good.
And family hearts are like Stones, my grandmother is 96, fatal cancer, dont eat anymore but her heart refuses to stop. They have never seen something like it before.
So let us see what tomorrow has to offer![]()
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-31-2020 at 06:49 PM.
How tall are you? If you don’t know feet and inches, I’m sure I can find a conversion calculator![]()
Actually im sick of everything. Wife too. We argue everyday now. Im not sure if im unfair or its the tren which makes me see things clearer.
Like. We chilled with Netflix. She was going to find a show. She put on this tiger man shit. I said, i have no interest in that show. Honestly. She come up with some pros, but everytime i said, i have No interest. I saw the intro. Wild animals in prison is not for me. She continued. Then i said u just put it on. Go ahead.
Then she just turned away and slept.
I put on The hunt for Red October.
Cold silence for 3 hours. I guess off tren i would had let her put it on without paying attention to my interests. On i stand up for my self.
Im not sure whats correct. Maybe we are too kind to them and tren makes us not so subbish.
But.. It for sure increases the break up chances. And when she leaves, it turns quiet in a secund and u regret your antisub behavior.
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I am usually much sweeter when on tren because I have learned to control it.
Just ask yourself, what will I win from this argument. Usually the answer is nothing. So why bother. Think of the risk reward and you will stop arguing 95% of the time....... unless you are Road. LOL
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Good wo today, guys.
Obs.. Ya fucking soab... I told ya.. Im one of u now!!!
Lets have a duel, cowboy... Slow fuck, i eat you and your skinny shadow.
Shut up i get it. I dont have the thighsmachines needed in my homegym [emoji34][emoji34]
O no... Im starting to look like Cape... Fuck this shit man..
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 04-02-2020 at 06:21 AM.
Sometimes, it's just easier to compromise. Let her pick the show and you just stare at the TV. If she asks what you think about the show, tell her you're having a hard time following the plot...
....BUT ....in reality, you're planning your next lift in your mind, running over your whole milk status, etc.
Some of the shows Mrs. AG wants to watch, I have zero interest in, but I'll generally give it a try. If I can't get into it, I watch reruns of the 3 Stooges in my mind or count the books on the bookshelf.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Yes sir, but when the wife asks me a question, I pause like I'm thinking about it, but really ( most of the time), I'm taking a few deep breaths. That way I don't say the first thing that pops into my brain. It does take a while to get in the habit of doing it and yes, absolutely there have been times I said exactly the wrong thing.
Even if you don't like the same things they like, I think most ladies are content if you just make the effort to give it a try. It isn't always easy, but it's better than giving each other the cold shoulder over something that really isn't that big of a deal.
I will say it is easier for me to do this @ 55 years old than it was when I was younger. On the other hand, my tren dosages are lower now.![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Yup, this ^^^^. I have to remember the deep breaths thing more often. And cold shoulders during this isolation crap; not what you want.
You think that until the cunts come back....
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