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Thread: Covid 19 and steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Covid 19 and steroids

    we were all as meatheads worried about China no longer supplying 'raws' for steroids around the world months ago . we were worried we would no longer get test, deca, etc. or if we got it, it would be at high prices..
    truth is China was cutting off all drugs to the world. not just steroids.

    kinda funny we meatheads seen this coming down the pike

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Is / was China cutting off the drug (raws) supply because they are now holier than thou, or is it due to what has been termed as the ongoing trade war?

    I am not current on the situation, other than hearing that, for the moment, the pipeline has stopped (I have a buddy in LA who cooks).

    I concur with what Obs said awhile back. It was something to the effect that the Eastern Europeans would be stepping up to the plate and filling the void created by the absence of the Chinese in the marketplace.

    Lets see what is coming.

    Unfortunately we appear to be at the mercy of events.

    Kinda a helpless feeling, in a sense.

    I (although I don't have the knowledge etc that a lot of you guys have) am trying like hell to stay positive, with the thought that, "this can't last much longer... they gotta open up the economies / markets, even the AAS market, and start doing business... the cure can't be worse than the disease..."

    You know, we are Riding the Storm Out...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    “Meathead” lol i like that

    We seen it coming tho i agree lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    This was a very poor time for trade War. We could literally Turn Back Time on all markets and economies if China, the US, and Europe could come to an agreement. But the number one and the number to economy will not see eye-to-eye on any damn thing. I had hoped for a brief moment that China and the us could get along for the greater good of saving all businesses and the economy of the world. Now there's no chance of that happening. Now every nation will have to fix itself and suffer immensely.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Funny part is that "my guy" is fully stocked < since no one is buying shit

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    This was a very poor time for trade War. We could literally Turn Back Time on all markets and economies if China, the US, and Europe could come to an agreement. But the number one and the number to economy will not see eye-to-eye on any damn thing. I had hoped for a brief moment that China and the us could get along for the greater good of saving all businesses and the economy of the world. Now there's no chance of that happening. Now every nation will have to fix itself and suffer immensely.
    Yeah, I concur.

    It is going to be a hard row to hoe; a long, hard row, for that matter.

    Economically we were on the cusp of continued growth, prosperity and cooperation, and we let it slip away.

    Personally, my small business (English language school) fucking tanked. This bullshit C. virus wiped me out, for the moment. Every last one of my companies which I had contracts with, cancelled classes for their employees (primarily American aerospace firms with branches out here -here is where some of the American jobs have gone to, where labor is cheaper, fucking greedy owners- Tech firms and other companies); I went from hero to zero in a matter of a week or two... Companies that are working are obliged by law to practice this bullshit "social distancing" so this has had an enormous impact on everyone...


    I don't see it getting better too quickly either, and I am for the most part a positive thinker... Now I guess I am being more pragmatic...

    But, the rich, or somebody, is going to profit from all of this. Perhaps through their wanton destruction of the little guy/s (me...), and a forthcoming consolidation of the markets which are being devastated by the world's reaction to the virus... Who knows. But somebody is going to profit, turn a buck off these events; they always do.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Funny part is that "my guy" is fully stocked < since no one is buying shit
    Hell, I am fully stocked for a year.

    Just before the C. virus broke out, I was buying like a madman...

    My problem is that the gym is kinda closed (the owner is opening, on the sly for 3 hrs, 5 days a week, invites only, but you have to pay extra).

    Patiently awaiting the reopening...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2017
    What’s all your thoughts on the virus itself and how it rolled out?

    Any good conspiracies going??

    I managed to get some kettle bells and a weighted bag, so doing decent full body workouts every other day, stocked up gear wise for 2 years.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2018
    I read a few articles about what some prominent scientists think may be the outcome. They are saying in the worst case scenario we end up in a long cycle of lockdowns where we keep opening restrictions and having to lock it up due to too many being infected and overwhelming the medical system.

    The best case scenario is we develop “herd” immunity. There is a threshold where they say enough people have had the virus that we can end the lockdown, and that is around 75%. We don’t currently have the data because we still cannot reliably tell who has had it in many cases. Some optimists are saying we may already be close to that threshold because we may have already been exposed to it without knowing.

    There may also be other factors like genetic mutations of the virus which means people may be reinfected. I just read that some people who had the virus and beat it appeared to re-contract the virus.

    Personally I have enough test for a few years of TRT, and a few extra bottles of other crap. I’m not planning on running any cycles until we figure this shit out. I was supposed to start my blast next month, so we’ll see what happens. Maybe my shoulder will heal up by the time things settle, if they ever do. I feel bad for us all, this is a messed up situation.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I read a few articles about what some prominent scientists think may be the outcome. They are saying in the worst case scenario we end up in a long cycle of lockdowns where we keep opening restrictions and having to lock it up due to too many being infected and overwhelming the medical system.

    The best case scenario is we develop “herd” immunity. There is a threshold where they say enough people have had the virus that we can end the lockdown, and that is around 75%. We don’t currently have the data because we still cannot reliably tell who has had it in many cases. Some optimists are saying we may already be close to that threshold because we may have already been exposed to it without knowing.

    There may also be other factors like genetic mutations of the virus which means people may be reinfected. I just read that some people who had the virus and beat it appeared to re-contract the virus.

    Personally I have enough test for a few years of TRT, and a few extra bottles of other crap. I’m not planning on running any cycles until we figure this shit out. I was supposed to start my blast next month, so we’ll see what happens. Maybe my shoulder will heal up by the time things settle, if they ever do. I feel bad for us all, this is a messed up situation.
    Its too late.
    Herd immunity wont matter because these sheep have herd mentality.

    Best case the world goes back to work with 20% unemployment and people revolt if this shit ever happens again.

    Worst case total collapse and war.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The last line looks better every day.

    We need to purge the weak in this country.
    Make liberal a non-word

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    Yeah, I concur.

    It is going to be a hard row to hoe; a long, hard row, for that matter.

    Economically we were on the cusp of continued growth, prosperity and cooperation, and we let it slip away.

    Personally, my small business (English language school) fucking tanked. This bullshit C. virus wiped me out, for the moment. Every last one of my companies which I had contracts with, cancelled classes for their employees (primarily American aerospace firms with branches out here -here is where some of the American jobs have gone to, where labor is cheaper, fucking greedy owners- Tech firms and other companies); I went from hero to zero in a matter of a week or two... Companies that are working are obliged by law to practice this bullshit "social distancing" so this has had an enormous impact on everyone...


    I don't see it getting better too quickly either, and I am for the most part a positive thinker... Now I guess I am being more pragmatic...

    But, the rich, or somebody, is going to profit from all of this. Perhaps through their wanton destruction of the little guy/s (me...), and a forthcoming consolidation of the markets which are being devastated by the world's reaction to the virus... Who knows. But somebody is going to profit, turn a buck off these events; they always do.
    I had an argument with an old man as this started.
    He said "Nobody wants to see the stock market crash! Thats conspiracy theory."

    Well it made hegde fund millionaires billlionaires.
    We also compete on the world platform as capitalists.

    You can bet your ass if trump could crash chinas economy and vice versa we would.

    Personally I think this virus came from the same place they all do. Mutation.

    I also believe it will be leaving us shortly and not due to freaking quarantine and safe practice. Its starting to warm up outside!

    I hope people don't react like this again next time and we all may be too broke to trash the economy again.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Totally agree with The road, here.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    What’s all your thoughts on the virus itself and how it rolled out?

    Any good conspiracies going?? .
    China has thousands of Corona viruses they have obtained in labs from bats and other animals. they've been collecting them.
    ^ seen a documentary on this on the news , so not sure thats really "conspiracy theory"

    the conspiracy theory is that having thousand more corona viruses China has the ability to release these out any time they want as a "biological warfare" to alter economic and political systems around the world.. after this current Covid 19 virus gets contained , they can just unleash a new one.
    the Chinese Communist party is an 'evil empire' and wants to take over the world. but they prefer to do it by deception. but they have no problem killing millions of their own people. they've done it before. and they clearly despise the rest of the world.

    where I live is a very strong military area. we are in full ready mode.. all the main generals are 100s of feet under ground in the command center ready for action.
    we may be prepping for a possible military attack on the US or we may be prepping for getting ready to punch china in the face for what they did.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Working out at home is kicking my ass

    Now I’m on 300mg of test + 100mg of deca + daily Prov at like 20mg a day < I was starting to dry hump the wife too often at anything over 25mg daily

    I have been doing anything you can think of with 50Lb dumbbells + shit tons of pushups < this goes on for over 2 hours a day

    + since quite a few exercises are new - I feel sore af

    Yesterday I hit like 200 curls an arm - it’s like an ape pacing at the zoo

    Any day now I/we are gonna start humping all of the neighbors. The wife is being the semi responsible one here - this time. . . It’s too close to home, damn it

    I can’t help it, lock me up around it long enough - well, that should b entertaining for a while

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