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Thread: freedom - does it even exist

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    When you use a road, then it's no longer your freedom, but the safety and wellbeing of everyone else who uses that road and it's surroundings. You can be free all you want, go to some third world country and you can piss in the street, do doughnuts wherever, pay 3 hookers for a week... but then you don't have the luxuries and protection afforded by civilization. Soon as the tyrant down the street finds out you have something he doesn't, he comes and robs you and your family and possibly kills you for the hell of it. This is why civilizations were created. We live in a system, we can't just do what we want if we want to participate. We are safer and healthier than we've ever been, so on paper, we are better off now than ever. I understand your point, but trust me, you don't want that freedom.
    I understand public roads, safety, licensing, taxation to pay for roads and all that ... its the signing the waiver that I can be asked by authorities to drag me in to a station and draw my blood at anytime . that has nothing to do with road safety. thats total govt over reach

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Maybe a vacation when the travel ban is lifted? I understand the amount of Covid 19 there is extremely low.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    On our last weekend together, my ex-girlfriend brought me to a bar are in Brooklyn where we met a female friend of hers of similar age. My ex-girlfriend was saying to her "oh so you need to see the room we got in the hostel". After 2 or 3 minutes, watching my exgirlfriend grope and sweet-talk her friend, I realised that she was strongly hinting for her friend to come to bed with us. I took offence to this at the time as this was one of the many situations in which she had taken a liberty when she should have asked me first. She had been having threesomes with her exhusband before I came along, and it seemed that she used her exhusband as the gauge to try judge what I deemed to be okay and not okay. It was the following day that I broke up with her, but for a different (but similar) reason.

    I have zero interest in having multiple women (even if everyone involved is consenting).
    Dude wtf

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2jz_calgary View Post
    Dude wtf

    This is y I refuse to read anything from that < srsly, I c the user name & I stop - apparently still 4 a good reason

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 2jz_calgary View Post
    Dude wtf
    Thats all he wants is to get reaction. Like a child seeking negative attention.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Thats all he wants is to get reaction. Like a child seeking negative attention.
    Like 2 women would ever fuck a child lmao. Sounds like those old articles in playboy lmao

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