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Thread: Pretty off topic but air compressors anyone have brand recommendations?

  1. #1

    Pretty off topic but air compressors anyone have brand recommendations?

    Looking to upgrade the air compressor in my shop ive had a 60 gallon kobalt (Lowes brand) for 15+ years and love the thing just not big enough for my needs anymore and the quality of their newer ones seems to have gone down. been looking at quincy, and ingersol rand but am open to other brands between those two the IR is half the price of a quincy having similar specs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Ingersol Rand makes pretty good stuff. I certainly would trust their air compressors.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    A second vote for IR. I don't have any personal experience, but the mechanic friends I have like the brand.

    My Craftsman has given me 20+ years, but who knows who was actually making them at that time? EDIT: I should also mention that for like the last 8 years or so, all I've really used it for is airing up tires and occasionally spinning an impact wrench, so it's not getting the use it did at one time.

    If you have the money and the need, peek at the commercial line of products rather than consumer oriented. They usually come with better specs and increased longevity. I would think that would be true of any of the major brands that have commercial lines.
    My dad had a couple Craftsman's the first one was pretty quiet, put out a good amount of air for it's size, and was over 20 years old and the tank finally got some pin holes in it. The second was one of the oil free ones which sucked.

    I love my Kobalt one from Lowe's the only reason I need a new one is I've got an industrial sand blasting cabinet which needs a lot more than it can put out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Get an oil filled one that runs on 220v. And commercial brand should last and be repairable. The cheap chinese ones usually come here packed in a ISO container with no parts available in this country.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Agree on the Ingersoll Rand. Some of the larger Campbell Hausfeld give decent service for most shops.

    If you're feeling into trailer mounted compressors, the Atlas-Copco screw compressors are nice.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    All impacts I use are iR, i have no room for a large compressor - so, I use a high psi PorterCable

    For a big one - I’d go iR, I suppose - never did me wrong yet

    Fuck Chinese no name crap

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    All impacts I use are iR, i have no room for a large compressor - so, I use a high psi PorterCable

    For a big one - I’d go iR, I suppose - never did me wrong yet

    Fuck Chinese no name crap
    only bad thing ive heard about IR is the motors are made in china and a lot of them have been failing lately.

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