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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001


    We have all got to get on the same page...

    I am so tired of waking to see the pms about how this one and that one are at each others throat. Not funny, not a pissing contest, not a dick size contest, not who has what contest, not a he said she said contest... etc... you get the idea....

    I do not care about any of the above and from my pms neither do many of the members here. Many are afraid to post anything for the fear that when they do it gets over taken by mines better, bigger, and the only way. Truth is someone always has better, bigger, and there are plenty of ways to do things that are right, just not maybe for every individual.

    Fact is that is not what this board is about and in these times why make it about that. Many people are struggling lets try to lift people up not tear them down.

    I have some choices to make and I am not happy about them. Let's see what happens with this thread and the pms I have sent... and pms I receive...but things have to change we are not supposed to be a board divided.

    yes, I know this will bring out the theatrics of I will just leave then... seen it before and it is your choice but if you have no restraint maybe it is for the best. I would hope instead you all would check yourselves and go wow this could be about me and I need to remember who I am. Then think before you respond to any thread. How does this make me look and how am I making others feel.

    Read and reread a thread or post try to see the context for what it may be, a joke, light hearted poke, or do you need to leave the thread or post and not open it again. Check the context of how it could be taken when posting also.

    We have people on here that use this board as therapy for the things life is throwing at them. Cancer, surgeries, mental illness, and other illnesses, Finances, children, divorce, parent issues, family issues, school issues, not being the biggest in the gym, not having the right cycle, diet not on point... etc... again you get the idea...

    So what are we going to do to fix this problem?... I am asking because I have an option but do not like it... so lets hear what you all have to say without an argument. Can you all actually stay on point here?

    BTW if you think this is about you, you may be right BUT, you could be dead wrong!

    (most people do not see their own faults, while others always worry that it is them)


    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    a land far from here.


    How about a click through screen upon sign on, like they put in front of YouTube videos that some sensitive types might be offended by, saying that you understand that the content on this site is intended for adults and, hence, some might be offended by it.?

    That would cover anyone’s issue.

    They would know coming in that it’s the internet, and it’s possible that being one of 4.7 billion people in the world with internet access, it is likely that you might see something somewhere occasionally that might offend you. But since you are an adult, it shouldn’t really be an issue for you.

    It doesn’t mean that you are right and they are wrong, it just means that your taste in certain issues diverges enough to be palpable.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    How about a click through screen upon sign on, like they put in front of YouTube videos that some sensitive types might be offended by, saying that you understand that the content on this site is intended for adults and, hence, some might be offended by it.?

    That would cover anyone’s issue.

    They would know coming in that it’s the internet, and it’s possible that being one of 4.7 billion people in the world with internet access, it is likely that you might see something somewhere occasionally that might offend you. But since you are an adult, it shouldn’t really be an issue for you.

    It doesn’t mean that you are right and they are wrong, it just means that your taste in certain issues diverges enough to be palpable.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I believe that you have missed the point entirely!

    Take the time to reread the thread.

    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

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  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    A few of you guys are becoming toxic to the board, like cancer you will be removed if need be.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  5. #5
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    Not here.
    From my experience here, even though it’s stated that we shouldn’t get personal, it does and it’s a lot.

    Case and point, on the hot topic thread on c-virus, a member in an “attempt” to bring peace and unity, said there’s a lot of bitches on the thread. Seriously; your putting out a fire using gasoline. The vile crap people have been called on this forum is appalling. There’s a member here that is a bit “off” at times, but the crap said to him is disgusting.

    Threats have been made to more than a few members. Be it in jest or not, threats are just that.

    When members are told to die or don’t procreate? Seriously, wtf?

    Threats, telling someone to die = banishment. Name calling clearly not in jest - suspension for x amount of week/months and on a progressive scale.

    I personally have been posting far more inflammatory crap in response to what I’ve caught over and over and over. Sometimes now I myself am posting borderline crap, because from what I’ve witnessed here, it is the norm.

    I have said this so many times, the mix of individuals we have here is phenomenal. The regional & philosophical variations, insane. There has been some amazing debates here, that is, until members start to make generalizations and jabs.

    Oh you live in so and so, so that means you are x,y and z, you faggot, bitch, cunt, pussy.

    FFS, enough.

    I would like to hear your ideas admin, really. This is my second home for a variety of reasons. I personally put myself in time-out for over a year after witnessing some b.s. bullying that was going on here with virtually no action taken. It sickened me.

    I’m back and I’m seeing the same f’d up crap.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Admin* View Post
    We have all got to get on the same page...

    I am so tired of waking to see the pms about how this one and that one are at each others throat. Not funny, not a pissing contest, not a dick size contest, not who has what contest, not a he said she said contest... etc... you get the idea....

    I do not care about any of the above and from my pms neither do many of the members here. Many are afraid to post anything for the fear that when they do it gets over taken by mines better, bigger, and the only way. Truth is someone always has better, bigger, and there are plenty of ways to do things that are right, just not maybe for every individual.

    Fact is that is not what this board is about and in these times why make it about that. Many people are struggling lets try to lift people up not tear them down.

    I have some choices to make and I am not happy about them. Let's see what happens with this thread and the pms I have sent... and pms I receive...but things have to change we are not supposed to be a board divided.

    yes, I know this will bring out the theatrics of I will just leave then... seen it before and it is your choice but if you have no restraint maybe it is for the best. I would hope instead you all would check yourselves and go wow this could be about me and I need to remember who I am. Then think before you respond to any thread. How does this make me look and how am I making others feel.

    Read and reread a thread or post try to see the context for what it may be, a joke, light hearted poke, or do you need to leave the thread or post and not open it again. Check the context of how it could be taken when posting also.

    We have people on here that use this board as therapy for the things life is throwing at them. Cancer, surgeries, mental illness, and other illnesses, Finances, children, divorce, parent issues, family issues, school issues, not being the biggest in the gym, not having the right cycle, diet not on point... etc... again you get the idea...

    So what are we going to do to fix this problem?... I am asking because I have an option but do not like it... so lets hear what you all have to say without an argument. Can you all actually stay on point here?

    BTW if you think this is about you, you may be right BUT, you could be dead wrong!

    (most people do not see their own faults, while others always worry that it is them)


    I told you that You we’re getting bored and that I would change that. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    People. Please read the words admin wrote. While you read it stop thinking of how you are going to respond to it..No response is necessary. Think about what he wrote..don’t think how to defend yourself or blame others. Just read and understand. Things are already in motion.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    People. Please read the words admin wrote. While you read it stop thinking of how you are going to respond to it..No response is necessary. Think about what he wrote..don’t think how to defend yourself or blame others. Just read and understand. Things are already in motion.
    He asked for a response.

  9. #9
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    La Cocina
    Couldn’t agree more, thank you for taking the time to remind us all why we are here and the purpose this community serves.

    I’ve always utilized it as a was to build myself and others and the lounge specifically as turned into a platform to tear things down. Enough is enough.

    I’m not ashamed to admit that this place has been a very welcome escape from the realities I’ve been facing these past few months. Some around me read books, others watched movie and plenty napped. I came here to escape my reality and am getting emotional just typing this. It truly was cathartic. Please please please let’s get on track and look to better each other instead of going after each other.

    I will take my own advice and not take the bait that has been laid out before me. I’ve taken measures by blocking the few that put me into a tizzy. I recommend you all do the same.

    Appreciate the time to make this thread.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    People. Please read the words admin wrote. While you read it stop thinking of how you are going to respond to it..No response is necessary. Think about what he wrote..don’t think how to defend yourself or blame others. Just read and understand. Things are already in motion.
    Cape- he’s asking us misfits to stay on point.. I think he’s delirious. We are worse than a bunch of kindergarteners. LOL

    Seriously, there is so much crap going on, it has disoriented everyone. You have personal preferences which collide. We need to get back to why we are here..... AAS and training. At least we were more tolerable on having different cycles than wearing face protection. LOL
    We need another competition. Cali vs NY- Cali gets the gyms and NY is still closed. CAli wins!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Heed this as a warning this place is becoming toxic...
    We won’t stand for much more of it.
    Everyone needs to think about how they see this board,this is meant to be a community of like minded people....
    Not all of us are going to agree about things but fuck me calm the shit down a tad ��*♂️ .......

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  12. #12
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    Sep 2012
    It's getting ridicules now with the amount of threads that are getting derailed. The same people the same shit the same stupid childish arguments, we want new people to join the board.

    Can you really see this happening with all the threads turning to shit because of the same clowns derailing then ? NO! Don't think they will. Grow up man, get a grip ffs.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    while admin and the staff handle their stuff, we as members need to take it upon ourselves to be bigger then the petty shit going on.

    respect each other fellas, we may argue or disagree but we need to be a better community.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Cape- he’s asking is misfits to stay on point.. I think he’s delirious. We are worse than a bunch of kindergarteners. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    20 years teaching teens. They are generally more “aware” than us and I have taught some goofs.

    I’m no where near as senior as many of you here and I definitely don’t have the clout. So I respectfully ask, when you see b.s. here, END it immediately. Is it your “job” of course not. But, you have the respect that other’s don’t. Thank you!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Having been a member since 2003, spending 99% of that time in the lounge, this place is out of control. The only reason I even come here now is to see how low some members can go. That's not why I signed up on this board, that's not why I stayed on the board all these years, but that's what this place has devolved into.

    What makes it worse is the fact that the lounge is far less active but way more toxic than years past. This is how you turn away new and returning members.

    5+ years ago, suspensions and bans would be handed out much more quickly, threads would be locked, or at a minimum, warnings given within the thread at early signs that they are getting out of control, and the board would move on. Now I see threads that go on for pages with many posts that break the rules but they keep going.

  16. #16
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    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you've had one other post on here in months and it was this months ago.

    you lurk and you rarely log in .. yet you have an opinion on the environment of the boards. . ok
    Look GH I like you. But this bullshit post is part of the problem we are talking about. That is way out of line.

  17. #17
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you've had one other post on here in months and it was this months ago.

    you lurk and you rarely log in .. yet you have an opinion on the environment of the boards. . ok
    He probably is not around as much as like he said this place is turning toxic...
    Wether he is here much or not he’s entitled to his opinion mate and it’s bang on.....

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  18. #18
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Try not to hate

    Love your mate
    Don't suffocate on your own hate
    Designate your love as fate
    Thanks for sticking that song in my head...

    FFS fellas, read Admins post. It’s easy. Enough already. Lighten up, our fight is not with each other

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by *Admin* View Post
    So what are we going to do to fix this problem?... I am asking because I have an option but do not like it... so lets hear what you all have to say without an argument. Can you all actually stay on point here?


    Please reread the first post.
    This thread was started by the *admin* of the website.
    He is trying to fix our board by ending the bullshit.

    He specifically asked "Can you all actually stay on point here?"

    This isn't a social thread.
    This isn't a pissing contest.

    Reread the post by admin.

    If you have something constructive to say then state it.
    Otherwise stay quiet.

  20. #20
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post

    Please reread the first post.
    This thread was started by the *admin* of the website.
    He is trying to fix our board by ending the bullshit.

    He specifically asked "Can you all actually stay on point here?"

    This isn't a social thread.
    This isn't a pissing contest.

    Reread the post by admin.

    If you have something constructive to say then state it.
    Otherwise stay quiet.
    Beat me to it DD....
    You lot are already derailing the post that’s warning you all not to

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  21. #21
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Booz View Post
    He probably is not around as much as like he said this place is turning toxic...
    Wether he is here much or not he’s entitled to his opinion mate and it’s bang on.....
    its a reflection of the times. folks are hyper-partisan these days. has been more so for the last four years now.

    SOme folks seem to not just disagree with folks, they think they need to hate them also.

    This president tries every day to divide us. The right wing media does it constantly.

    the left felt marginalized from being frozen out of government actions, so they got defensive and started hating the right.

    Russia has active measure programs to sow division in our society by using social media.

    The BLM shit is the most divisive shit ever to appear since Jim Crow.

    The loss of income for most of the country has folks bitter and on edge, with hair triggers on certain issues.

    City folks feel masks are necessary for protection of society. Country folks see it as a method of "control" from big government, and refuse to wear them in. Each side hates the other.

    The members here are from the same society where this is going on. They are a reflection of it.

    The issue cant be solved here without conscious effort of each one to not engage in gratuitous back and forth that doesnt add to the discussion, while at the same time not wear our heart on our sleeve, whereby we take offense to the slightest perceived insult. Be secure in yoiurself. Nobody here should have the power to hurt you with words or images.
    Last edited by C27H40O3; 06-25-2020 at 03:24 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post

    5+ years ago, suspensions and bans would be handed out much more quickly, threads would be locked, or at a minimum, warnings given within the thread at early signs that they are getting out of control, and the board would move on. Now I see threads that go on for pages with many posts that break the rules but they keep going.
    First good to see you...

    and sadly it looks like we will be going back to the old methods... I would rather hear crickets...

    side note...grown humans that can not just state their point without having to degrade someone at all cost just insane. ok so someone does not agree with you that does not mean you attack their very being... you just move on and agree to disagree.
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    its a reflection of the times. folks are hyper-partisan these days. has been more so for the last four years now.

    SOme folks seem to not just disagree with folks, they think they need to hate them also.

    This president tries every day to divide us. The right wing media does it constantly.

    the left felt marginalized from being frozen out of government actions, so they got defensive and started hating the right.

    Russia has active measure programs to sow division in our society by using social media.

    The BLM shit is the most divisive shit ever to appear since Jim Crow.

    The loss of income for most of the country has folks bitter and on edge, with hair triggers on certain issues.

    City folks feel masks are necessary for protection of society. Country folks see it as a method of "control" from big government, and refuse to wear them in. Each side hates the other.

    The members here are from the same society where this is going on. They are a reflection of it.

    The issue cant be solved here without conscious effort of each one to not engage in gratuitous back and forth that doesnt add to the discussion, while at the same time not wear our heart on our sleeve, whereby we take offense to the slightest perceived insult. Be secure in yoiurself. Nobody here should have the power to hurt you with words or images.
    Do you actually read the shit you post ?? Do you sit back and read the very first post of the thread.
    Then contribute the pure nonsense that you do that has ZERO! To do with the thread.

  24. #24
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Do you actually read the shit you post ?? Do you sit back and read the very first post of the thread.
    Then contribute the pure nonsense that you do that has ZERO! To do with the thread.

    I gave an explanation of why folks might seem a bit testy with eachother lately. Its my view.

    you have another explanation for the apparent hostility folks seem to show towards eachother lately? What is it?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    I gave an explanation of why folks might seem a bit testy with eachother lately. Its my view.

    you have another explanation for the apparent hostility folks seem to show towards eachother lately? What is it?
    C27- I will give my interpretation.....he was nicely trying to tell you to just leave it be.

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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    C27- I will give my interpretation.....he was nicely trying to tell you to just leave it be.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    oh, ok then. i was responding to the OP's question, and trying to stay on point, as requested.

    But, i get it.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    We have a bunch of guys on here who are using drugs, and we are asking them and expecting them to exercise a sense of equilibrium...

    That might be asking a lot.

    We just need to keep our exchanges civil. We are all in this together. We are all here for pretty much the same / similar purpose.

    I for one enjoy the board.

    And also, the members.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I thought this would be the last safe place on the internet where people don't cry when someone says something they don't like
    I don't want this place to turn into a toxic dump, but I feel like we should be self regulating way before contacting admin....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I thought this would be the last safe place on the internet where people don't cry when someone says something they don't like
    I don't want this place to turn into a toxic dump, but I feel like we should be self regulating way before contacting admin....
    Problem is we have a few that do not self regulate and turn every thread into a toxic dump of late. Almost like it is their personal goal to get a rise out of some people and ultimately destroy the board.

    I think you all know I have always tried to stay clear of the lounge completely and allow what ever to be said... but it has gotten way out of hand of late... very personal between a few... and they do it on EVERY thread which makes it spill over to everyone.

    If they want to create a dick measuring thread I say go for it BUT keep it in that thread, and do not complain to me when the other offends you for posting what their size is. And stop posting pictures of your damn dicks no one cares what you have seriously it makes you look a fool, children do that.
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days! -

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  30. #30
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    I reckon I'm the person referred to in the last sentence of the second paragraph of Post #5.

    I think behaviour has to be taken in the context of where and when it happens. Being told to become deceased on this board isn't the same as me walking into my local shop 5 minutes down the road and being told the same thing by a cashier who I've never seen before.

    What some people refer to as 'toxicity' can be seen as 'fun' by some people. Some people want to play in the sewer.

    I think what's happening now though is that the people who like playing in the sewer are now being told to yield to the people who are here for rainbows and butterflies.

    I think the owner of the forum gets to decide what kind of forum this will be.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    I reckon I'm the person referred to in the last sentence of the second paragraph of Post #5.

    I think behaviour has to be taken in the context of where and when it happens. Being told to become deceased on this board isn't the same as me walking into my local shop 5 minutes down the road and being told the same thing by a cashier who I've never seen before.

    What some people refer to as 'toxicity' can be seen as 'fun' by some people. Some people want to play in the sewer.

    I think what's happening now though is that the people who like playing in the sewer are now being told to yield to the people who are here for rainbows and butterflies.

    I think the owner of the forum gets to decide what kind of forum this will be.
    Just let it be please and move on. You understand what he is saying.

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  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Interesting post.

    So I was gone for a couple weeks. Did I miss anything?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    Interesting post.

    So I was gone for a couple weeks. Did I miss anything?
    No. Nothing at all. Admin was just bored out of his skull. LOL

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  34. #34
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    C27H40O3 is offline
    Admin Sent Me Away.
    Subtle :-)

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Why havent i gotten any pm warnings then?
    Me and Obs have fucked up a lot of threads.
    Aha.... U guys know im big and on tren and not to fuck with.
    Or u all know im THA KING. Muhahaha.

    Guys, life on tren is so much easier. Everybody should be on tren. U just dont care, just fuck it. Move on.
    Toxic threads??... Yeah.... We should know how to deal with it.

    But jokes asides, i saw 100 big companies deceided to stop collaborating with Facebook, due to toxic content.
    Ofcourse if our spondors pull out because of too much bs, its serious.

    My take. Stop snitching to admin. Give him some peace. Stay away from porn, recs, commercials/selling and outing members or publishing personal info about others.
    Rest just fuck it and move on. Meaning, if another member is disrespectfull or makes fun of u, unless you are a newbi, just fuck it. Call your mummy. Shut up and take it out under a bar. Lill pussi.

    Last, i tell u. If GH is driven away, it will be a hard hit for this forum. He is the most serious, knowledgeable guy i saw and his thinking outside the box and new ways of cycling, is very interesting.
    The most knowledge guys who were here back in 2016 when i joined, are gone, and some just dont care to share anymore, so we need GH!!!

    Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-30-2020 at 10:44 PM.

  36. #36
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    Feb 2014
    I believe it was kind of an unspoken rule back in the 90s that you tried not to talk about religion or politics, because it usually just leads to a pointless goddamn argument where neither side is convinced of anything except that they are right and the other person is an asshole.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Why havent i gotten any pm warnings then?
    Me and Obs have fucked up a lot of threads.
    Aha.... U guys know im big and on tren and not to fuck with.
    Or u all know im THA KING. Muhahaha.

    Guys, life on tren is so much easier. Everybody should be on tren. U just dont care, just fuck it. Move on.
    Toxic threads??... Yeah.... We should know how to deal with it.

    But jokes asides, i saw 100 big companies deceided to stop collaborating with Facebook, due to toxic content.
    Ofcourse if our spondors pull out because of too much bs, its serious.

    My take. Stop snitching to admin. Give him some peace. Stay away from porn, recs, commercials/selling and outing members or publishing personal info about others.
    Rest just fuck it and move on. Meaning, if another member is disrespectfull or makes fun of u, unless you are a newbi, just fuck it. Call your mummy. Shut up and take it out under a bar. Lill pussi.

    Last, i tell u. If GH is driven away, it will be a hard hit for this forum. He is the most serious, knowledgeable guy i saw and his thinking outside the box and new ways of cycling, is very interesting.
    The most knowledge guys who were here back in 2016 when i joined, are gone, and some just dont care to share anymore, so we need GH!!!

    Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk
    Wow! You made it out of the castle!!! I think it’s past your bedtime and time to return. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Wow! You made it out of the castle!!! I think it’s past your bedtime and time to return. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    You are rigth. I feel sick. Scared. I have deceided to not stay. Back to the Castle where i feel safe and there are no rules.
    Shame on you, charger. Your trying to make me toxic this thread too... Grrrrr

    Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk

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