Sil, you're using testosterone undecanoate for your regular TRT, aren't you?
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Nebido (Testosterone Undeconate)
Nebido contains the long undecanoic acid ester. Its half-life is approximately 90 days, with stability being achieved in approximately 450 days. Due to the long-acting nature of this compound, a loading dose is recommended at six weeks.17. okt. 2018
Jupp nebido.
But i stopped when i started summercycle. Maybe i wont restart. I do fine with my 250 e cruise. New cycle november. Off januar, februar and mars 2021. Maybe i restart then. Depends how my source acts. But mg to mg the cruise is cheaper than Nebido.
On nebido im at 700 ng/dl. Max. Now i think im at 1000-1200 perhaps. DIM for AI is enough.
If i will restart, i Just load with test e.
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Do you inject 4ml, wait 6 weeks, inject another 4ml, and then 4ml every 10-12 weeks? Just curious what injection schedule you followed with Nebido.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
He also likes hole milk. LOL
Love ya Sil!!!!
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Been on it 4 years i think. First, loading 4 ml 1. and 6. week. Then 12 weeks. Didnt work. Asked for 10 weeks. Approved. Worked better. But Changed to 8 weeks last year. Thats perfect. Havent heard from the doc. Just asks for more at the online site every 8 weeks, then goes to the pharm and pic it up. Guess the doc has better things to do, than monitoring if i do 10 or 8 weeks.
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Whatever. Another case, Cape. Ur a midwest cowboy. Ever been in Montana?
Got myself a new fetlife gf. Her name is Hannah, trained horses for 26 years. She is 36. Big boobies. Do u know her? And got a Sister who lives at the farm too and a husband who drinks a lot?
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You forgot one- slinboy.
No matter how hard he tries to mask it, he can’t mask the hillbilly in him. LOL
Tokyoboy is not Slinboy.
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This is not her, Cape. This one is from Trondheim City and if you like pain, she is the one to go with.
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Since i was in high school before i got into lifting when a popular dude kicked my ass, i always wanted to be adressed as the dude with the tats or something.
Finally. Took me some 35 years though, but it def was worth it.
For the record, nooo, i was never å bully victim. The dirtbag was lucky, cause i slipped on the ice.
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In high school I hit a “cool” kid who underestimated me. At our 20 year reunion we laughed about it. Now, I look like I’m not to be messed with. I too am inked, I too am “big” (for my age). Much respect to you however, I mean no disrespect to You or your castle.
Not sure if buckle bunny translates??
I’m a state away from Montana and let’s hope the Californian’s don’t fuck it up like they did Colorado. I fly fish up that way quite a bit and every other ranch is owned by a fucking celebrity.
Shit, that idiot Kanye just bought up half of Wyoming...
Back on track though Sil, they grow them strong up in Big Sky country. Those woman are built for it, just your type I’m sure. I dated a gal from Kalispell, built lie a brick shit house, drove a truck and carried a derringer...smoking hot too.
Get your ass out to MT, Sil. It’ll be worth it. I’ll bring the bud light
Not too big, but then I can’t bulk or think about different compounds because of my blood pressure. There’s that ever present CVA that’s looming to anyone with BP issues & I’m steering clear.
Gym is open now, a little cycle going and I’m filling out and losing fat. Good enough for me.
It’s about to close down again with us, I think. Restaurants are saying fuck you to the governor and saying that they will not close down again. Enough is enough.
I feel a California revolution coming. LOL
My gym will not close. The didn’t before and they won’t again.
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