Checking in on you brother! Looking amazing!
Hey fellas! I’ve now completed the cycle after going with 350T/400 mast/25 winstrol the last 5 weeks. I’ve attached pictures and like always I show the few that I snapped vs. the best of 100 pics. I think I look much freakier/better in person in front of the gym mirror than I see in my pictures. Of the three phases this last one was my least favorite. I don’t think I was quite ready (not lean enough to enjoy) the cosmetic effects provided by mast and winny. I didn’t really experience any negatives other than the same difficult-but-controllable acne I’ve gotten from crushing SHBG through anavar or winstrol. I hear this may get better over time and I’ll also be able to find the correct-for-me test base to run along with to mitigate sides.
Hair loss was something I was concerned with going into using masteron, but I liked my chances as there’s not a man on either side of my family as far back as I’ve seen with balding issues. I did notice a mild degree of hair loss but it was hard to know as all else wasn’t equal, I kept my quarantine hair and have grown it out much longer than ever before and I’ve seen (with every woman I’ve ever known) people with longer hair finding much more hair coming out in the shower. Mine is also very thick and being paranoid about it doesn’t help. I prefer to keep my GQ-dooI did enjoy the hard look I got but I don’t think it was necessary in my current state/goals.
I gave myself 16 weeks to decide if I wanted to PCT off or not. I’ve decided to accept the consequences that come along with blasting/cruising. I’m in my thirties and continue to learn as much as I can about pursuing this lifestyle responsibly. I understand I will very likely be on TRT for life and it will take a ton of work monitoring health markers and even then they’ll be consequences. There’s still a lot I need to learn. I’m thankful to all here that share their knowledge and experience.
I’ll be dropping to cruise for a few months at 125mg/wk with EOD injections shallow IM with 1/2in insulin pin in ventroglutes. I’ll be getting bloodwork roughly 8 weeks post this cycle and cruise 3-4 months, using BW to decide if I’m ready to roll again. One thing I am trying to maximize is my ability to be fertile should I choose to by coming off and blasting HCG/HMG Dave Palumbo pregnancy protocol. There’s a lot that could be talked about on this topic but I’ll keep it short as this is already a long post. I’ll say it is comforting that most anecdotal evidence and otherwise lends to not doing irreparable damage. I’ve also heard the following strategy could be beneficial: Blast/cruise 9-10 months a year then coming off completely once annually for 2.5-3 months ‘PCTing’ with HCG/clomid for 8 weeks while allowing androgen receptors to “reset” (I’ve also been told that whether there’s a true benefit of allowing receptors to reset is more of a theory). I’ve learned here from a member I respect that it’s always better to run HCG than not and that “you wouldn’t let any other body part atrophy” but he knew I was cycling and I want to know if I should continue to use HCG year round.
Any input/comments/advice/warnings etc welcome! Thank you all!
Appreciate the input Charger, thank you.
I had gotten the idea from this video where he states why he does TRT with slin pins, namely less scar tissue buildup and no loss of oil, and said he used 1/2inch in ventroglutes. I certainly feel delts would be a good spot for me and want to try before tris/bi, afraid of quads though.
I was afraid of quads but no longer with slin pins. He is definitely right about scar tissue. Your front delts can handle 1 cc also.
I just think VG is too deep. I could be wrong. I can pack 3 cc’s easily in VG. VG and glutes are the only places I don’t use slin pins.
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Expanding upon my feeling that I wasn’t quite ready in my body’s current state or my experience level for the androgenic phase, I had compared my photos at the end of using 350t/mast/winstrol vs 350t/primo/var and I don’t see much of a difference except perhaps being slightly more vascular. I’d wager an experienced user would have advised me to forego mast/winny at my current BF% or goals but I’m glad I got to see how I’d respond. Probably better to save when I could better utilize the cosmetic effects those drugs provide or should I go a route where masteron would be helpful used simultaneously with another drug.
1st pic is mast/winny + 2nd pic primo/var (5 weeks apart)
First off, amazing work.
I would agree that you look the best (hard to tell with pics) during your primo run. I think you’re definitely lean enough for mast though, not sure if the dose was dialed up enough or if your shirt is covering some of the density. Also it doesn’t feel like estrogen is your enemy (very similar to me). I have noticed some density with the mast and definitely some vascularity in my stomach area...this is with Dbol and MK677 which are known to bloat.
I can’t really critique it because the end result is fantastic. You certainly are a responder. The biggest difference I notice is in your chest, awesome job.
As far as blasting and cruising, you know the drill. If you’re dedicated to this lifestyle it’s the obvious choice. I’ll add in that both of my boys were conceived while on test. One on a blast and one on a cruise and only one while I was running hcg (I abandoned it years ago).
The biggest thing now is figuring what your goals are moving forward.
Really just want to congratulate you on another successful run and appreciate the way you log it and your openness to feedback. You have a maturity that matches your physique!
I really do think the primo is your friend, but again, tough to tell with pics. I’m like you, I feel my pics don’t always do me justice.
I think a nice cruise will be awesome for you as you plan your next steps and am not sure that you need a 3 month break, but do what you feel is best. I’ve been on TRT 5 years now and my labs always look great, I get wanting to “cleanse” the receptors but i question some of the science surrounding it and have a well respected physician who agrees with me. It’s neither here nor there
Again, just awesome work and thanks for the inspiration!
(Any noticeable differences in strength when cycling through your phases?)
great to watch the progress man thanks for the posts
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