I have ran tren ace a coulple times for probably no more than 6-7 weeks. I handle it very well with no negative side effects. I ran between 300-400mg per week.
I’m planning on adding it to my next cycle and this time I will be using tren e. I was going to up the dose to 500-600mg per week and was looking to run it for an extended period of time.
How long can you safely run tren enanthate for? And why is tren considered to be so harsh on your body in comparison to running deca or high levels of test? And not that I ever drink, but why is tren the only injectable steroid that any alcohol consumption is strongly advised against? And last question.. when I run 400-600mg a week of deca, about 6-7 weeks in my nipples get very sore and sensitive, can I expect this with higher doses of tren as well?