Since i'm trapped in my prison cell with this ridiculous quarantine, I thought it would be a good time to post my progress. Below is a photo from July 2019 when I was natural and the second photo is from today. In the 2019 photo I weighed in at about 145 lbs at a height of 5'6''. Weighed myself at the gym a few days ago and I am at 172 lbs. Pretty similar body fat percentage in both of the photos, which means I manages to put on about 25 lbs of muscle in about 6 months...
Here is my anabolics log for the past 6 months
Cycle 1 (12 weeks)
Weeks 1-4
Test 350mg
Weeks 5-8
Test 500mg
Dbol 50mgs/day
Weeks 9-12
Test 750mg
Winstrol 50mgs/day
*50 - 100 mg Proviron
Cruise 8 weeks
250mg Test
250mg Deca
Dbol 10mgs/day
Cycle 2 (5 weeks)
550mg Test
280mg Tri Tren
175mg Deca
Dbol 20mgs/day
Weeks 5-8 (Current blast)
250mg Test
150mg Tri Tren
100mg Deca
Dbol 20mgs/day
*100 mg Proviron