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Thread: Mk677

  1. #1


    MK677 What are the benefits and non-benefits?
    I never used it, but I see it very implemented in HGH and Slin cycles. I would like to have a sense of the purpose of MK677

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Interesting post, thank you for this. Hope someone answers.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AwareXx View Post
    Interesting post, thank you for this. Hope someone answers.
    The only thing I know is that it stimulates to release more levels of natural HGH. But I don't have the real benefits of this compound.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Yep! Everything above. It technically does not actually CAUSE a release of GH. If you know anything about the gaba receptors and benzos/barbituates it's a good comparison to understand. MK677 is a lot like a barb, it essentially binds to the ghrelin receptors (as it's functionally a ghrelin analogue) which increases the duration and strength of your natural growth hormone production/secretion operating on a normal diurnal rhythm whereas just taking GH is obviously skipping all steps in between. Because of this MK677 also typically causes an increase in hunger pending when drug levels are highest and when your pituitary is secreting GH naturally.

    Increased lean mass/nitrogen retention (does not impact strength or have anything to do with androgens and unlike taking considerable amounts of GH the IGF1 increases are slight so concepts of IGF1 being extremely high leading to actual myocyte cell division is unlikely to apply)
    Increased REM sleep (I can attest that I now have 30 mins more of REM which has helped with memory) and in turn sometimes vivid dreams
    Decreased recovery time and healing of injuries
    Mobilization of adipose tissue
    Thicker/faster growing hair (sometimes good and bad?)
    For those that struggle to eat a lot it increases hunger
    For lack of a better description: "A general sense of well being/youthfulness"

    Studies haven't shown this (lets not bring up the mice study anymore) but it's generally considered that GH will also potentially increase cancer cell growth if present but this does not CAUSE cancer. There are actually studies that suggest that it might actually decrease cancer risk by decreasing cell turnover (as ANY cell turnover increases risk of cancer because cancer develops during the replication phase w/ inappropriate cell creation)
    Increased hunger (some just cannot stay lean on this because of it and if you try not eating for extended periods of time, I authentically will get wrenching in my stomach and feeling nauseous, goes away with food)
    Some suffer from bloated looks because of water retention (this isn't the case for everyone, I know I haven't)

    That's about all I could think of. I personally think it's fucking straight magic. I can train all the time, I eat as much as I need now, I NEVER wake up with that feeling of "fuck i can't get out of bed" ever anymore (instantly on point), and being a clinician the memory enhancement is completely wild and very useful.

    Hope this helps!

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