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Thread: First AAS Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    First AAS Cycle

    Hey guys. So I am 39yo 5'5, currently 190lbs and dropping (on a cut). About 18% bf but plan to be around 15% before this cycle starts. Been working out on and off since I was in my early 20's. Been steady now for about four years.

    I have done three SARM cycles before. The last one was LGD and I gained 15lbs. I have been on TRT for a while now so there wont be a PCT as I will just revert back to my TRT schedule which is 120mg/wk test cyp. The wife has made it clear there will be no more kids so fertility not an issue.

    I have spent many hours on this forum and have learned a lot from all you. The cycle I am thinking of doing is nearly the standard first cycle but with a little kicker so I wanted to get your thoughts on it.

    Oh, and I have my bloods done all the time so I will be sure to watch my levels as this goes. I plan to get them in the middle of the cycle as well. Here is what i was thinking...

    50mg of test prop EOD for two weeks
    So that the injections fall on the same day - 250mg test cyp E4D

    After two weeks its:

    250mg test cyp x 2/wk for 10 weeks (Mon and Thurs)
    .25mg Anastrozole EOD starting on day two for 10 weeks
    250iu HCG x 2/wk for 10 weeks

    I plotted out how the test should be entering my body via steroidplotter. When I entered the typical 100mg of test pro EOD, it sent my levels really high and I dont think I am comfortable with that for my first time. I simply want to bridge the gap a bit so I can get the most out of the whole 12 weeks and according to the graph, 50mg looks better.

    Anyway, thats pretty much it. I know real life experience and graphs arent always the same so any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Here's the graph plotting the cycle.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cycle #1.JPEG 
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ID:	180934

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    No critique's?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Looks solid to me. Good to use prop in the beginning to raise levels. I tend to run a short ester no matter what in the beginning. Looks like you took time to think things threw. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Looks solid to me. Good to use prop in the beginning to raise levels. I tend to run a short ester no matter what in the beginning. Looks like you took time to think things threw. Good luck.
    This ^

    I believe short esters are the best way to go. Dosage can be adjusted quickly and effects notices quickly.
    Then if you need to stop for whatever reason, they clarify out much faster and side affects subside far quicker.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    I wouldn't be so set on taking the arimidex. Have it on hand, but if you're not experiencing high estrogen symptoms, there's no sense in taking it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I wouldn't be so set on taking the arimidex. Have it on hand, but if you're not experiencing high estrogen symptoms, there's no sense in taking it.
    Good point. Forgot about that.

  7. #7
    No need to front load a first cycle.
    Being 18% BF you may need the AI but I would wait at first and then maybe do E3D.
    Test P causes PIP for some so it is often not a good choice for a first cycle.

    Being that you are on TRT you can just do hCG forever... not just on cycle.

    I would just recommend 500 test C or E for 12 weeks.
    Maybe start AI after 2 weeks.
    hCG forever if you want.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I wouldn't be so set on taking the arimidex. Have it on hand, but if you're not experiencing high estrogen symptoms, there's no sense in taking it.
    I really dont like what I've read in terms of the negative side affects of AI's, particularly higher cholesterol values. I already have to control them with meds. In the book Anabolics by William Llewellen he recommends Tamoxifen or an AI. Do you think I would be better off going with that first and having the AI on hand in case? If so whats the recommended dosage?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by tootallshorty View Post
    I really dont like what I've read in terms of the negative side affects of AI's, particularly higher cholesterol values. I already have to control them with meds. In the book Anabolics by William Llewellen he recommends Tamoxifen or an AI. Do you think I would be better off going with that first and having the AI on hand in case? If so whats the recommended dosage?
    As DD stated, with a higher BF it’s wise to have it on hand. I do better with it myself but used .25 2x/wk at 500 mg test/week. Genetically dudes in my family carry a little extra chest fat, so I tend to run nolvadex when I cycle. I believe the thought is that it is used when needed only, but I like it as a precaution. Good luck!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by tootallshorty View Post
    I really dont like what I've read in terms of the negative side affects of AI's, particularly higher cholesterol values. I already have to control them with meds. In the book Anabolics by William Llewellen he recommends Tamoxifen or an AI. Do you think I would be better off going with that first and having the AI on hand in case? If so whats the recommended dosage?
    First of all the steroids themselves will raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good.

    Secondly, while AIs can mess with your lipids...
    Do realize that the prescribed amount of Arimidex is 1mg/day.
    You will be taking 1/8th to 1/12th of that.

    Your lipids will get hit far worse from the 500mg of test than the tiny amount of AI.

    You can take 10mg of nolva per day to help avoid gyno.

    The AI however will help you hold less water weight.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Cool, thanks everyone. I will run Nova as DD suggested and just keep the AI on hand. I will need to figure out what works for me as I can tell it really depends on how my body reacts. If i start to notice symptoms I will run it at first like Wango suggested as I don't want to do anymore than whats absolutely necessary. Again, much appreciated.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Looks solid to me. Good to use prop in the beginning to raise levels. I tend to run a short ester no matter what in the beginning. Looks like you took time to think things threw. Good luck.
    This was what I was gonna say. That looks great in my book.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    I'd run the short esters at the end so you can hop on PCT quicker.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    So, how’s it going? Updates please!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    So, how’s it going? Updates please!
    Haven't started yet wango. Waiting on a Dr appointment next week and supplies to arrive shortly after. The plan is to start sometime beginning of May. Will update progress and stats beginning, middle, end. Thanks for checking in!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by popeyewhite View Post
    I'd run the short esters at the end so you can hop on PCT quicker.
    Popeye, I'm on TRT so won't be doing a PCT.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    So everything checked out with my bloods at the Dr. Everything in working order. Next appointment in 6 months so with supplies in hand, its off to the races!

    I am starting at 187lbs, 18%bf. Will be going with a slight caloric increase of +300 kcals to start. That puts me at 2800/day. May go up to 3000 but just coming off a cut its hard to do atm.

    After talking to my TRT Dr. I am adding 120mg/wk Deca to my TRT and this cycle once it arrives for my joints and tendons. I will be dropping finasteride and switching to RU58841.

    I pinned my first on Monday and damn, the PIP from the test prop was a bit more than I was anticipating but its just sore today and not actively burning like it was yesterday.

    I'm going with the protocol I first posted except Ill be adding in the Deca in addition once it gets here in about two weeks, taking an AI only when needed and 10mg Nova/day.

    I'm excited to see how this goes man. Thanks again for all the input and Ill update here along the way.

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