The word for the weekend has been: cleanup. We are cleaning up the patio, windows, screens, etc in anticipation of having people over for the first time in.... a long ass time.
But I still got some time in for exercise.
I walked two miles and jogged a half mile Friday, walked and worked the heavy bag yesterday, then did fasted LISS cardio this morning.
I will hit the weights Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday I go to have 'Lefty' rubber banded. Listen, don't google 'rubber band ligation'. It ain't pretty. But, that is what is happening come Wednesday afternoon, and figure about a week after that, Lefty is just supposed to fall off. I think I'm supposed to avoid heavy lifting until it heals, so I'm guessing two weeks post procedure and I should be back at the weights in earnest.
I already have some TB-500 / BPC-157 that I'm going to run to help with this, plus some HGH that I'm going to get back on, pending the results of my MRI. Speaking of which, I'm expecting to hear back from the doc on that, but if the insurance company is being a peckerhead, I will just cash pay and give them nine kinds of hell about it.
And you are correct sir, lol. We haven’t spent time as a group (3 couples) since Covid, so it was a nice gathering. A little wine, bbq and lot of whiskey. Fortunately we paced ourselves and kept our stomachs filled with food. Guilty today of not working out though.
Thank you for asking, hopefully you are having a great weekend!
Man, this getting old stuff is for the birds!
All the house and yard work I did yesterday had me wore out today. So, it is a rest day. I'll hit the weights tomorrow and maybe Wednesday morning before "Lefty gets a noose around his neck" on Wednesday afternoon.
Had a short time frame (well, relatively short) at lunch today. Kept it semi-circuit style with:
Landmine squats
Landmine Shoulder press
Landmine rows
3 minutes on the heavy bag
15 kettlebell swings
I only did 2 rounds, but it was enough this day. Did a one mile walk to warm up and cool down, then hit the shower and back to work.
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon for the 'rubber band ligation' of my hemi. Maybe you shouldn't google that, BTW, it ain't pretty. Anyhow, I'm guessing in about 2 weeks everything should be good as new, right as rain, etc. I'm hoping this works, because it will be the first time in like 30 years that I haven't had to contend with hemis.
No heavy weights until everything heals, but I have some TB-500, BPC-157, HGH and may put my hands on some GHK-Cu to help facilitate that process. We will see how it plays out.
Life is still good, y'all!
The appointment with the doc went relatively well, discounting the probing of my behind.
The whole procedure took maybe 5 minutes. They really do just sort of draw the hemi up, then snap a rubber band around it's base. Crude perhaps, but evidently effective.
I asked him explicitly about activities and he said basically, business as usual. I can run? Yep. Swim? Yep. Lift weights? Yep. I mean, HEAVY weights? Yep.
So maybe I won't be taking it too easy over the next couple of weeks. He did say that I might not even notice it when Lefty falls off, there might be some blood, but nothing bad. I'm like doc, these things have bled so bad before it looked like someone slaughtered a hog in the toilet, so I think I can handle it.
Anyhow, I had planned on taking today off, so I will chill for the rest of the day and revisit tomorrow.
Buy a bidet! I guarantee that you’ll ask yourself why the hell it took you you so long.
I've had an already busy day, and it gets a bit busier before I'm done. I couldn't get to the top panels (we are having some friends over for dinner tonight), but running the pressure washer for a couple of hours and some elbow grease got us to what you see below.
Life ain't half bad, y'all!![]()
You know, being in the Central Florida area, this really isn't that expensive, compared to the North East or Cali. I mean, starter homes in Sacramento go for 3 to 4 x the cost of homes like this in our area. Our neighborhood was right around $100 per square foot in 2014, sitting on a 1/2 acre in a nice neighborhood about a mile as the crow flies from a state park. So, if you want to be in town, this ain't it, but we aren't in the sticks, either.
But those hurricanes tho! :O
Dinner is yet to come. Firing up the grill around 5:30p, we will see what we get. The Wife did the shopping, I know we have 'fish', shrimp, mushrooms, some sort of salad, and since this is a cheat meal, you know what's coming: tots!
I'm taking a break ATM, because I just pressure washed the porch and front walk. I need to put some of my sh!t away in the house, and MAYBE get in my first weight workout since 'The Banding of Lefty', but it might be too much to do. Maybe if I get off my a**, I can get it done.
Had a brief upper body workout today. Did overhead press, followed by dips, skull crushers, curls and finished with calf raises. Felt good, and Lefty didn't really give me any trouble, though he is acting up some now. Maybe they do that when they are about to fall off.
No dinner pics, sorry! Brothers and sisters, the word of the next few days is 'cardio'. I'll spare you the details except to say that Mexican Coca Cola and Bacoo rum make maybe the world's best Cuba Libre. TBH, I'm not even sure where the Bacoo came from. It was in the cabinet and man, it was perfect with the Mexican Coke. All that real sugar, I guess.
No regrets!![]()
I took an off day today. It was sort of scheduled anyhow.
Perhaps TMI forthcoming...
BTW, I think I might have lost Lefty yesterday in the shower. Without being TOO graphic, I noticed some blood (minor amounts in my experience) in the toilet, then hopped in the shower. All planned, it wasn't like 'OMG there is blood I have to wash up!!' or anything. While in the shower and checking my nether regions, I found what could have been a scab. The doc did say that I might notice a scab fall off but since this thing had just come from my butt region, I didn't really want to study it TOO close, even being in the shower and all.
I have a squat workout planned for tomorrow, this should help determine what is what.
Thank you for the graphic descriptions. Perhaps a second pair of undies in case the bleeding is too bad with squats?
I have some friends that swear by Coca Cola from Mexico. There’s a couple of places here to buy it, it really is time for a taste test.
RIP lefty.
Bleeding is / was almost always in the loo, so no danger in the weight room lol!
And I a) gave a TMI warning and b) edited my description from an NC-17 to a PG-13. Trust me, it could have been and almost was much more detailed! But hey, if you ever need a hemi banded, you know where to come for what to expect...
PS - Should have lullabied Lefty long ago....
Interesting workout today.
Did my normal squat workout, maybe a little lighter because of Lefty's departure.
Then I tried something new....
You know how I got that landmine setup? You can trust me, or go peep the previous entries. I'll wait...
Anyhow, so I've done some cool stuff with it so far. Today, I wanted to try hack squats. I needed something to rest one end of the bar on, so I put one of the hooks on the squat rack facing out and set the high end of the bar on that. Loaded it up with only a single plate, put the viking press attachment on it, and sort of got myself underneath it. Squatted it up and side walked away from the hook, and things felt a little loosey goosey. No sooner than I was thinking 'oh snap, something bad is about to happen' but the viking press came off and the end of the barbell raked down my back, hit the floor and left me cussing. I wasn't hurt, just pissed lol! Like shit, dumbass, what the hell, man.
A smart man might been traumatized away from trying it again.
Of course I, being somewhat like Wile E Coyote, said nah, mf'er this shit is going to work. Rummaged around for a couple of things and the pic below is what I ended up with. Hey, it works. Also, it helps to tighten down that set screw, but now I have a redundant safety system.
Anyhow, did some hack squats, and that was kind of cool. Did some calf raises and pullups, then a 1/4 mile run to finish, with a 1/4 mile walk and a hop in the pool to cool down.
So in short: hack squats - cool. Just be smart (or at least safer than me)
Life is good!
PS - the chain wraps around the barbell through the weights, not connecting to them, so it really is safe!
I had a nice, short'ish bench workout yesterday at lunch. Bench press, flyes, skull crushers and bicep curls. No dips, because I wanted to sub in the flyes because I haven't done them in forever. Dips will show up again Monday on overhead press day. Anyway, nice brief but intense workout yesterday.
My date with the needle is feeling more and more like July 1. I'm trying to avoid changing too much right now, as I have a follow up MRI on Thursday to figure out this ringing in my ears. I suspect this is a pituitary issue as Clomid stimulates it, and long term use (or short term high dosage) can cause over stimulation of the gland. This would of course mean that my only real option going forward for HRT would be Test, but that's in the works anyhow, so its all good. In addition, I likely have two more hemi-bandings in the next month, and possible (though man, I hope unlikely) surgery for the sinus cyst and whatever the MRI finds. So yeah, just trying to maintain an even keel right now.
BUT, that doesn't mean I can't try some 'Old School' fertility / HRT stuff!
I'm doing the clomid right now at 12.5mg EOD, and just yesterday added Proviron at 25 to 50 mg per day. I started with a single 25mg tablet, and will monkey around with doses till I get to 50mg a day and maybe see how that makes me feel. Just lowering SHBG and helping with E control might make this a very interesting protocol. It is KIND OF moot, I suppose, since I'm somewhat looking forward to giving the needle a go, but damn, man, I just want to know. Call it 'scientific curiosity' or 'mad scientist labrat man' or whatever.
Finally, remember "The Hack Squat Incident" aka hey dumbass, tighten that set screw? Where the barbell escaped and raked my back? The pick below is what it looks like now. You can kind of see how it sort of skipped / bounced down my back.
No, I didn't post more of my my physique.... Listen, I don't want to turn any straight men gay, or give any of the ladies heart palpitations with my 'Soccer Dad' bod combined with that 'Ring of Remaining Hair' on my head aka the reverse mohawk. And no razor has touched my back since... 1990. That's fact. So just deal with it. Focus on the bruise, not the lusty feelings you may develop while wondering what the rest of "Big Poppa Three 5 Seven" might look like. I won't be responsible for turning you gay! Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Been a couple of off days, just a couple of 2.5 mile walks. For some reason, my knees have been sore as hell the past few days, plus Lefty's remaining friends gave me hell yesterday.
Back at it tomorrow in earnest.
I took last week off completely. My knees were giving me hell for some reason. Maybe the proviron was overpowering the clomid in my case and tanking E or something, or more likely something else entirely. I did drop the proviron though and things seem to be improving.
I DID start back lightly this week, though. Sunday I did squats and today I did bench. Good workouts, kept them light, planning to ramp up next week.
In the 'Latest Wile E Coyote Adventures of Cylon', I'm trying to come up with a way to do leg presses with the landmine setup and viking press.
I'll keep you posted on that. Or maybe not, if things go really south on me.
I've had a couple of good workouts to get back into the swing of things. Nothing particularly heavy, but getting the foundation laid. I did deadlifts (keeping it light) on Thursday, and overhead press on Friday, both with a few accessory exercises.
On Thursday, I followed my conventional deads up with a set of sumo. I have to study my hand placement and form on that one. It never feels quite right to me, like I'm pressing my chest in from the sides or something. I also did a set of snatch grip deads, for these I needed the straps. That is an interesting variation that seems to focus some of the benefit into the traps.
Friday's overhead press workout was nothing special. But it does lay the ground work for really getting back at it next week. Which, BTW, starts tomorrow with squat day.
No special HIIT'ish stuff cooked up yet, but those are sometimes spur of the moment things. I also have yet to try to leg press with the landmine and viking press, but it is coming!
Leg day is always a good start. I'm going to try some of those sketchy landmine hack squats on my next leg day.
Good squat workout tonight. Yes, I pushed it from yesterday to today but it was worth it.
Did squats, plus a couple of sets of those previously mention landmine hack squats (though they have become progressively less sketchy since that first time). Man, that is a cool variation. I turned around and did a couple of sets of forward facing squats with the landmine / viking press setup, just cause I'm not right in the head, evidently.
Did some lying leg curls, then supersetted barbell calf raises with calf raises with the kettlebells. Really, since the moves are kind of similar, it was like each set was sort of like one continuous set of about 40 reps. Man, I was walking like a cat with tape on it's feet for a bit and the calves are going to hurt tomorrow. YOLO, baby! Or whatever cool thing kids say these days.
Moved on to pull ups, sort of super setted with dumbbell curls. I say 'sort of' there because I'm really targeting different muscle groups, in this case, it was more an effort to move the workout along.
Finished with 2 rounds of:
3 minute jog on the treadmill
10 reverse hypers
10 regular hypers
1/2 mile walk to warm up and another to cool down, then when I got back from the cool down, hopped in the pool. Man, that was refreshing and much needed.
Today was one of those something good, something bad days.
The something bad was the "Banding of Son of Lefty" aka the banding of the 2nd of 3 hemis. That sh!t just gets old, man. Irritating and sometimes painful - all the hemis must go! But, they can only band one at a time. Surgery could take them all out a once, but I'm against surgery, though I do have to admit, I'm starting to warm to the idea. Lets see how this banding (and the next one) goes.
Oh you think THAT was way TMI? Oh my brothers and sisters, you don't know the half of it! I spared you many details - you're welcome.
The something good was I still got my bench workout in. Benching doesn't irritate the situation like squats or deadlifts, but I still was kind of miserable from the pain (literally, pain in the ass but I digress). Got my bench numbers in, then dropped to 2 sets of wide grip and two sets of close grip. Man, those close grip ones really ignite the tris, and the wide grip hits my outer chest well. Moved on to dumbbell flyes, then SORT of a super set of tricep pushdowns and dips. I did keep it kind of short, but this was one of those days where something is definitely better than nothing. Anyhow, 1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1/2 mile to cool down, then a soak in the pool.
Even with the literal PITA, live is good, y'all!
Man, Son of Lefty is a real assh*le! The pain there kept me up most of the night. Called the doc, because there should be no pain, and he recommended a sitz bath.
Soon, here I sit, typing this update, sitting with my a** soaking in warm water. They don't sell this aspect of 'getting old'... oh, the things I would have done if I would have known I was going to end up sitting with my ass in a bucket...
For real though, these hemis Got. To. Go. If the sitz bath, prep h and advil don't alivieate the issues, I will go see the doc tomorrow. I do have to admit, though, this sitz bath thing ain't all bad. Not only is it helping the hemi situation, it's keeping.... err 'Cylon Jr and his two pals' nice and warm, too. Find the positive in every situation, I say!
As I sit here, typing this response, yes, I DO in fact have my ass in another sitz bath. This one warmer and with Epsom salt.
Sounds kind of wimpy? Man, anybody that lives through this will be like 'lemme at that butthole bucket thing!'
I know what y'all are thinking, I really do. You're thinking "how in the hell could this thread be any lamer? Man, the only way it could is if he started talking about soaking his butthole or something."
Well, there you go!
Seriously (and 'seriously' shouldn't be interpreted literally), where you gonna go when you want to know how to tend to your hemis? Right here, baby! I got you covered.
Though having said all that, I'm already about 100x better than I was this morning. I don't know if I'll be doing my deadlift workout as planned tomorrow, but let's see where we land at that time.
I did not deadlift yesterday, too much risk of aggravating 'Son of Lefty'. I did get in a two mile walk followed by a half mile jog, so I wasn't totally sedentary.
Today, however, I am not doing sh!t. Trying to get SoL to chill out enough for squat day tomorrow, but that may be a pipe dream. We'll see. I'm just waiting for him to fall off like his daddy before him. If the past is any indicator, he ought to be leaving this plane sometime tomorrow, but I feel like he is going to linger. He is a real a**hole, but I guess living in that neighborhood, it was inevitable.
Sunday Squat Session went pretty good, all things considered. Son of Lefty didn't give me too much grief, but that little bastard is still hanging on. I guess the sequel is usually longer than the original. The initial pain from this second banding has me reconsidering surgery. It may not help that my GI doc is Dr Shrek Hands. Seriously, the first time I saw him I was like 'whoa, doc! you gotta take those baseball mitts off!' but no, that's just how it is.
Anyhow, the squat day was good. I basically did the previous squat workout, with a couple of minor variations. For calves, I did the barbell raises semi-super setted with kettlebell raises semi-super setted with single leg raises. I only did two sets but DAMN it was somewhere near 60 reps per set. They had that locked up feeling this morning but loosened up some pretty quick. I want to do a similar calf routine Thursday during dead lift day, so I backed off some yesterday. Still a good workout, though.
I added a rep to my working sets, trying to get the reps to 10 or 15, maybe 20... the comments in another thread inspired me there. Can't remember who made the recommend, will update and give credit where due shortly.
The final difference was in the cardio / hiit'ish finisher. I did 3 rounds of:
3 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minute mile pace
15 kettlebell swings
with a legit 1 minute between rounds.
Still got in my 1/2 mile walk to warm up and cool down, hopped in the pool (it is sitting at 78 right now - nice!) and then did some yoga stretches to finish. I think the stretches helped contribute to my lesser soreness today.
Feeling good, just waiting for SoL to leave the building.
Edit #1: it was @Chicagotarsier who made the suggestion in another thread, thanks for the inspiration.
Last edited by Cylon357; 06-14-2021 at 11:11 AM.
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