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Thread: Are stricter gun laws, BANS coming to the land of the free?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    The 2016 election was a shock because they didn't bother to cheat as much.

    The democrat party was broke. Deep in debt to very powerful people who expected returns on thier investment.

    Hillary was supposed to win. All thier "anylists" and "experts" told them so. Thier army of bellowing, drooling zombies were all gawking over Hillary. The script was written, the cat was in the bag.

    When she lost, those shareholders knew they were going to lose on thier investment. So they went on a full force all out propoganda war.

    The 2020 election was simply the empire strikes back. The corporate class got thier way, the billionaire class bought the outcome they wanted.

    The democrat party is basically a globalist PR firm. They sell american policy to wealthy investors. In a nutshell.
    They sell horsecrap slogans and meaningless catch phrases like "systemic racism' and "racial justice" to thier brainwashed multitude to keep the power of public office. And they sell american policy and money laundering services to wealthy elites and investor's.

    Since they cheated the 2020 election and pillaged the federal reserve for trillions they are now emboldened and swimming in cash. The shareholders are getting paid thier divedends in foreign policy and the DNC propoganda machine has plenty money to work with on the next few election cycles.

    Be advised, if you begin to preach the truth about the democrat party here, you will invite the wrath of some of the DNC indoctrinated masses that exist here. They'll do all of the typical and predictable things any of them always do. Accuse you of some kind of "ism" or "ist'. Howl racist or whatever, then begin insults and name calling to the point of irrationality. Harmless in reality. But be prepared.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    The 2016 election was a shock because they didn't bother to cheat as much.

    The democrat party was broke. Deep in debt to very powerful people who expected returns on thier investment.

    Hillary was supposed to win. All thier "anylists" and "experts" told them so. Thier army of bellowing, drooling zombies were all gawking over Hillary. The script was written, the cat was in the bag.

    When she lost, those shareholders knew they were going to lose on thier investment. So they went on a full force all out propoganda war.

    The 2020 election was simply the empire strikes back. The corporate class got thier way, the billionaire class bought the outcome they wanted.

    The democrat party is basically a globalist PR firm. They sell american policy to wealthy investors. In a nutshell.
    They sell horsecrap slogans and meaningless catch phrases like "systemic racism' and "racial justice" to thier brainwashed multitude to keep the power of public office. And they sell american policy and money laundering services to wealthy elites and investor's.

    Since they cheated the 2020 election and pillaged the federal reserve for trillions they are now emboldened and swimming in cash. The shareholders are getting paid thier divedends in foreign policy and the DNC propoganda machine has plenty money to work with on the next few election cycles.

    Be advised, if you begin to preach the truth about the democrat party here, you will invite the wrath of some of the DNC indoctrinated masses that exist here. They'll do all of the typical and predictable things any of them always do. Accuse you of some kind of "ism" or "ist'. Howl racist or whatever, then begin insults and name calling to the point of irrationality. Harmless in reality. But be prepared. Backing up your theories with hard logic and demonstrable fact will only enrage them. They are that far gone. Just be aware.
    Very well said. In fact I couldn’t have elaborated it better. So, what are your thoughts about Q?

    I started giving Q a thought once I started realizing Trump certain patriots that are helping him restore our constitutional rights. NSA, CIA, probably not FBI or DOJ, certainly military. General Flynn, Steve Bannon, to name a few. The rest is anonymous? Q drops are interesting and perhaps that’s the push to try to save USA.

    What’s your opinion? You must agree that there is anonymous federal employees that is helping Trump?

    Your prediction on 2024 election?

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Bro, TY, I like bro. Someone else here uses sir and I don’t like it as it makes me feel old.

    I never assumed that I do know you as we’ve exchanged 2 posts and you are a new member. I don’t get the little Iowa’s boy reference. So, introduce yourself so that I have a better understanding.

    Have you lived in Southern Illinois? I did some of my education there and dated a farmers daughter. They sure as shit weren’t repulsive or Godless. I was best man to a buddy in Southern Illinois. A God loving, Baptist church going guy. As decent a fellow as you can meet. Malicious, disgusting? Pump your brakes on the generalizations.

    So, you’ve seen some negative crap in Chicago, wow.

    Yup breaking the law sucks and is repulsive. Just why are you on a forum dedicated to such a thing if it’s so Godless? Are you here to enlighten the sinners?
    Not sure what you are suggesting. Madigan is an excellent example of IL. He controls the contracts, unions, he can shut down a Gov by holding hostage a budget. Doesn’t own a cellphone for obvious reasons.

    ComEd had to pay 200M to the Federal Gov for bribing Madigan. But Madigan doesn’t involve himself in the interaction. He just has his inner circle take the envelope. That way the Feds can’t get to him.

    So that to me is repulsing. Make sense?

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by flyinlow View Post
    Very well said. In fact I couldn’t have elaborated it better. So, what are your thoughts about Q?

    I started giving Q a thought once I started realizing Trump certain patriots that are helping him restore our constitutional rights. NSA, CIA, probably not FBI or DOJ, certainly military. General Flynn, Steve Bannon, to name a few. The rest is anonymous? Q drops are interesting and perhaps that’s the push to try to save USA.

    What’s your opinion? You must agree that there is anonymous federal employees that is helping Trump?

    Your prediction on 2024 election?
    I really only heard about Q recently. Ironically it was when one of our resident leftist thugs accused me of being a Q-nut did I look up what it was. I really don't know much about it just yet. What little research I've done so far is intriguing.

    I can say with logical certainty however that the evidence of a deep state conspiracy on the other side is undeniably evident. There's no possible way Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sold uranium and stinger missles to hostile foreign actors without very high up corroboration in the pentagon and US armed forces. It's undoubtedly the same reason any one or two star General who wants a career in the pentagon or Washington DC must devoutly express loyalty to democrat party before he can even consider a career advancement like that.

    We all know there's really no reason for Chinese communist party investment bankers and Ukrainian gas companies to have someone like hunter biden on thier board of directors other to pay him and indirectly buy influence in American policy. And you can't logically assume the US intelligence agencies weren't fully aware of it all , every step of the way. They had to know everything, and helped to keep it on the downlow. It's obviously a very lucrative racket.

    The FBI, literally took a fake dossier, paid for the democrat party full of deliberately false disinformation, knowing it was fake, and lied to the FISA courts to illegally spy on political rivals of the democrat party. If that's not weaponizing American institutions against political rivals, then what is? And these institutions are just like the top brass of the military. If you want a spot at the top, fealty to the democrat party is absolutely the first prerequisite. So, They were aware of what was going on completely at the time they were doing it.

    Extend that to the extensive corporate media propaganda machine of the democrat party, who basically functions as thier cover and marketing team and the picture becomes clear. Even conservative news outlets operate in open fear of saying too much and try to ride the fence.

    To a logically thinking person, un-indoctrinated by the noxious lies of the party the dots are not hard to connect. They've literally just plundered trillions of dollars from American taxpayers. In most of the bogus "relief" bills they've rammed through, id bet 80% of that money will go unaccounted for. It literally bought the last election for them, and paid the debs they owed for losing in 2016.

    As far as Q. Whith what little i do know, I would think as a freedom loving American, I can only hope the democrat party has some meaningful and formidable opposition. I hope Q is real, imhope they have real opposition, Because if they have truly consolidated the power of the American public institutions and can weild them at will to maintain their own power and weaponize them against thier political rivals and dissenting public.
    Then God help us all for the "woke facist" hell we've got coming

    And I don't care if you lean left or right in political philosophy. We're all fucked if the democrat party has consolidated that kind of power.

    You asked about the 2024 election? The 2024 election will answer the question of whether the democrat party has taken complete control of America. And possibly much of the world.

    There's no reasonable way the democrat policies will win them national elections. So how deep and how strong is thier corruption and stranglehold on American institutions?.

    We shall see
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-03-2021 at 06:11 AM.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I really only heard about Q recently.
    I find that statement fascinating.

    Q had been in the news for years.
    Part of the Trump base is Qanon.

    Even Eric Trump knows who Q is...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eric trump and Q.jpg 
Views:	59 
Size:	30.0 KB 
ID:	181001

  6. #126
    Download telegram app and follow General McInerney. I learn a lot about what's going on in the military that I am privileged to from our lovely MSM. General Mcinnerney was number 3 in charge of the air force during Vietnam. His career is very extensive. 3 Star General, he posts about Q. He claims Q is just a handful of patriots in NSA, CIA, Finance & military. He claims it was all started from Michael Flynn.

    If Biden has full power of our military then how did Joseph Flynn get a promotion from the Pentagon to lead US army Pacific? That promotion would require President Biden's approval. After what Obama did to Michael Flynn, you know Biden surely wouldn't give his brother a promotion like that.

    There was a Q drop in 2018 that stated Trump's permanent Twitter suspension, then 5 RED Codes and then ended with "Castle Rock" Castle Rock is a production CO in California. Early on there was a lot of suspicion about Biden's oval office. Just looking out the window you would see a dump truck. Recently WH Press secretary was interrupted by a loud plane that she clearly couldn't talk over. I'm fairly certain planes are not allowed to travel over the WH... Also recently WH Press Secretary was interrupted by a weed whacker? Or nail gun or something very loud. Again I really don't know, but this Biden inauguration was highly suspicious.

    In 2017 when Trump spoke at his inauguration. There was a few short sentences when Trump was speaking about transferring power from the WH to the American people etc. In that paragraph of his speech 7 high ranking military leaders stood behind him. Those military leaders only stood behind him for maybe 20-25 seconds, then marched away after Trump was done talking about the transfer of power.

    And of course you noticed there was no cannon salut for Biden's inauguration? Even when Biden motorcade drove away all the soldiers turned there back on him. Biden used a private jet to his own inauguration, not AF1 lol

    Again, I have way more questions than answers. But I encourage you to research it if you have the tolerance for rabbit holes. Thanks for your feedback, I enjoyed reading your responses.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by flyinlow View Post
    Download telegram app and follow General McInerney. I learn a lot about what's going on in the military that I am privileged to from our lovely MSM. General Mcinnerney was number 3 in charge of the air force during Vietnam. His career is very extensive. 3 Star General, he posts about Q. He claims Q is just a handful of patriots in NSA, CIA, Finance & military. He claims it was all started from Michael Flynn.

    If Biden has full power of our military then how did Joseph Flynn get a promotion from the Pentagon to lead US army Pacific? That promotion would require President Biden's approval. After what Obama did to Michael Flynn, you know Biden surely wouldn't give his brother a promotion like that.

    There was a Q drop in 2018 that stated Trump's permanent Twitter suspension, then 5 RED Codes and then ended with "Castle Rock" Castle Rock is a production CO in California. Early on there was a lot of suspicion about Biden's oval office. Just looking out the window you would see a dump truck. Recently WH Press secretary was interrupted by a loud plane that she clearly couldn't talk over. I'm fairly certain planes are not allowed to travel over the WH... Also recently WH Press Secretary was interrupted by a weed whacker? Or nail gun or something very loud. Again I really don't know, but this Biden inauguration was highly suspicious.

    In 2017 when Trump spoke at his inauguration. There was a few short sentences when Trump was speaking about transferring power from the WH to the American people etc. In that paragraph of his speech 7 high ranking military leaders stood behind him. Those military leaders only stood behind him for maybe 20-25 seconds, then marched away after Trump was done talking about the transfer of power.

    And of course you noticed there was no cannon salut for Biden's inauguration? Even when Biden motorcade drove away all the soldiers turned there back on him. Biden used a private jet to his own inauguration, not AF1 lol

    Again, I have way more questions than answers. But I encourage you to research it if you have the tolerance for rabbit holes. Thanks for your feedback, I enjoyed reading your responses.
    Saw a documentary-series on Q recently. Some pretty damn compelling evidence presented who Q is and he is laughable. If it isn’t him directly (and it looked damn compelling it was), then he and his father have their finger-prints all over it and it makes for great comedy at best.

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by flyinlow View Post
    Download telegram app and follow General McInerney. I learn a lot about what's going on in the military that I am privileged to from our lovely MSM. General Mcinnerney was number 3 in charge of the air force during Vietnam. His career is very extensive. 3 Star General, he posts about Q. He claims Q is just a handful of patriots in NSA, CIA, Finance & military. He claims it was all started from Michael Flynn.

    If Biden has full power of our military then how did Joseph Flynn get a promotion from the Pentagon to lead US army Pacific? That promotion would require President Biden's approval. After what Obama did to Michael Flynn, you know Biden surely wouldn't give his brother a promotion like that.

    There was a Q drop in 2018 that stated Trump's permanent Twitter suspension, then 5 RED Codes and then ended with "Castle Rock" Castle Rock is a production CO in California. Early on there was a lot of suspicion about Biden's oval office. Just looking out the window you would see a dump truck. Recently WH Press secretary was interrupted by a loud plane that she clearly couldn't talk over. I'm fairly certain planes are not allowed to travel over the WH... Also recently WH Press Secretary was interrupted by a weed whacker? Or nail gun or something very loud. Again I really don't know, but this Biden inauguration was highly suspicious.

    In 2017 when Trump spoke at his inauguration. There was a few short sentences when Trump was speaking about transferring power from the WH to the American people etc. In that paragraph of his speech 7 high ranking military leaders stood behind him. Those military leaders only stood behind him for maybe 20-25 seconds, then marched away after Trump was done talking about the transfer of power.

    And of course you noticed there was no cannon salut for Biden's inauguration? Even when Biden motorcade drove away all the soldiers turned there back on him. Biden used a private jet to his own inauguration, not AF1 lol

    Again, I have way more questions than answers. But I encourage you to research it if you have the tolerance for rabbit holes. Thanks for your feedback, I enjoyed reading your responses.
    Thanks. I've started researching it and plan to continue.

    I know it's a damn shame what the democrat party did to Micheal Flynn. More than the shame of it, is that they got away with it.
    In addition they spread lies of "Russian collusion" for years with total impunity. "Quid pro auo" they literally impeached Donald Trump and accused him for doing exactly what joe biden did openly.

    James "gangster homey" Comey is another absolutely criminal operator on behalf the democrat party that seems to have escaped any consequences of spreading lies and disinformation.

    They literally called hunter bidens laptop, with pictures of him snorting coke off the buttocks of a teenage Ukrainian prostitute "Russian disinformation" up until the time the election was over and they couldn't deny it anymore. Now they simply forbid the propaganda networks to cover it.

    I'm very, very concerned. Then there's multitudes of these braindead idiots running around parroting the putrid rubbish of the DNC propaganda machine like starry eyed children telling stories about tooth fairies and boogeyman. It's wretched. I struggle to understand how they can be so stupid. And yet believe themselves so enlightened and intellectual. Looking for problems in the stars and missing the damn wart right on the end of thier smug noses.

    Thanks for the information. I'll look into it.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-03-2021 at 08:19 AM.

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Saw a documentary-series on Q recently. Some pretty damn compelling evidence presented who Q is and he is laughable. If it isn’t him directly (and it looked damn compelling it was), then he and his father have their finger-prints all over it and it makes for great comedy at best.
    From what I understand Q is a theory, not a person.

    Where did you find this documentary wango?

    Your smug sarcasm is duly noted. But I'd like to see it for myself

  10. #130
    Q is a person (or several people) who supposedly have high government clearance who post cryptic messages on forums such as 4chan and 8 chan.
    Qanon is the whole group of people and the theory that believes in Q.

    According to Q...
    Trump is he chosen one who will save America from the deep state cabal of evil satanic cannibalistic pedophile democrats.

    You know... because anonymously posting cryptic messages on troll forums is the best way to overcome evil.

    here is an example:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	q drop.jpg 
Views:	68 
Size:	32.2 KB 
ID:	181002

    flyinlow can tell you all about it...

    I urge flyinlow to start a thread about it as opposed to derailing this wonderful stricter gun laws thread.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 05-03-2021 at 08:43 AM.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    From what I understand Q is a theory, not a person.

    Where did you find this documentary wango?

    Your smug sarcasm is duly noted. But I'd like to see it for myself

    Sarcasm? Nah, it’s just my impression/opinion of the dude after seeing both him and his father over several episodes.

    Found it on HBO; 6 parts. Of course it’s not perfect, but the maker sure put in the time and put up some compelling evidence.

    It’s called “Q Into The Storm”. It got mixed reviews, meanders a bit here and there, but definitely picks up towards the end.

    I’ve been trying to find other sources, if you come across some, you know that I’d be interested, so please share - TY. Have a good one Hughinn.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6321CD1E-B741-430A-B0B8-2D676CDF3E9A.jpeg 
Views:	48 
Size:	167.4 KB 
ID:	181003  

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Q is a person (or several people) who supposedly have high government clearance who post cryptic messages on forums such as 4chan and 8 chan.
    Qanon is the whole group of people and the theory that believes in Q.

    According to Q...
    Trump is he chosen one who will save America from the deep state cabal of evil satanic cannibalistic pedophile democrats.

    You know... because anonymously posting cryptic messages on troll forums is the best way to overcome evil.

    here is an example:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	q drop.jpg 
Views:	68 
Size:	32.2 KB 
ID:	181002

    flyinlow can tell you all about it...

    I urge flyinlow to start a thread about it as opposed to derailing this wonderful stricter gun laws thread.
    "Red October" was a movie with Sean Connery decades ago if I remember correctly. Something about a submarine.

    I second the idea of starting a new thread on Q.

    I believe somebody more familiar than myself should do it though. I'm not privy to what 8chan or 4chan is. Chatrooms maybe? Ham radio has monikers like that too. I'll look into it.

    I would honestly like to learn more.

    I'm going to say that oftentimes I've found many conspiracy theories rooted in facts, that often get obscured or expanded into something else.

    I'm thinking there is something to learn here. Albeit sifting through lots of other stuff is likely.

    Surely this isn'twhat you mean dog .

    If so, we definitely need someone who knows how to find the right information in this mess of stuff.
    Literally all I can find is DNC propaganda with same old "baseless conspiracy theories" and "debunked accusations", "discredited theories" etc. Etc. Nothing of real content concerning Q itself or anything directly from Q people or actual proponents of Q.

    Just the typical DNC smear jobs everywhere i look. No original content anywhere.

    I'd like to actually see the actual Q content myself and not just the DNC approved press releases on Q. There's obviously a very well organized and concerned effort to suppress the information. Which invokes my curiosity. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, virtually all other corporate DNC sponsors and shareholders seem to have an ongoing effort to suppress and discredit whatever this is, without actually showing any original content.

    It's worth looking into.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-03-2021 at 11:26 AM.

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Sarcasm? Nah, it’s just my impression/opinion of the dude after seeing both him and his father over several episodes.

    Found it on HBO; 6 parts. Of course it’s not perfect, but the maker sure put in the time and put up some compelling evidence.

    It’s called “Q Into The Storm”. It got mixed reviews, meanders a bit here and there, but definitely picks up towards the end.

    I’ve been trying to find other sources, if you come across some, you know that I’d be interested, so please share - TY. Have a good one Hughinn.
    Thanks bro. I'll look into it.

    I've done a bit of research on Q recently and I am interested in learning more.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    Thanks bro. I'll look into it.

    I've done a bit of research on Q recently and I am interested in learning more.
    My pleasure. And whatever stuff you find, I’m sincerely interested.

    Always great exchanging with you Hughinn!

    Flyinlow welcome to the forum buddy, didn’t mean to bust your chops. I’m just a tad sensitive about where I grew up and still have friends/family there. Went the grumpy old man route on you, lol.

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    The 2016 election was a shock because they didn't bother to cheat as much....
    They cheated all they could, it just wasn't enough.

    They only intended to win in 2016 by a 'modest' margin to avoid arousing suspicion, so they only created an algorithm that could give Hitlery a boost of a few percentage points. The problem was, Trump won by double digits pretty much everywhere. He literally broke the cheat code in the Dominion voting machines.

    Then they fine-tuned their algorithm and put a "no ceiling" cheat code in it for the 2018 mid-term elections in Texas. With the new code there could have been 400 million votes cast for Trump 47 and they still would have manufactured a 401 million fraudulent votes for Chairman Xiden.

  17. #137
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves

    Anti-gun laws always have the biggest impact on the less affluent because any law that decreases supply but doesn't decrease demand is bound to drive up the prices on the remaining supply. And black people tend to be clustered at the lower end of the the socio-economic scale, which means a disproportionate number of them will be among those who lack the disposable income to buy self-defense firearms.

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    This should spark a flurry of imitators. As a bulwark against federal overreach, every state should have a law nullifying any federal law that contravenes the US Constitution.

    Idaho Gov. Signs Bill Barring Enforcement of Biden’s Executive Gun Control

    Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) signed legislation Monday to prohibit enforcement of the executive actions for gun control put forth by President Joe Biden.

    One outworking of those executive actions has been the Department of Justice’s attempt to reclassify certain gun parts kits as “firearms.”

    The executive actions are also expected to lead to DOJ action against AR-pistols with stabilizer braces.

    But KTVB reports that the bill signed by Gov. Little “[prohibits] Idaho government entities from upholding Biden’s March executive actions.”

    The Associated Press notes the bill passed the House and Senate with veto-proof majorities and “carried an emergency notice, meaning it went into effect with Little’s signature.”

    The new law is retroactive to January 20, 2021. It is designed to prevent “Idaho government entities from enforcing executive orders, federal laws, treaties, agency orders and rules of the U.S. government involving firearms, firearm components, firearm accessories or ammunition that conflict with the Idaho Constitution.”

  19. #139
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    This should spark a flurry of imitators. As a bulwark against federal overreach, every state should have a law nullifying any federal law that contravenes the US Constitution.

    Idaho Gov. Signs Bill Barring Enforcement of Biden’s Executive Gun Control

    Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) signed legislation Monday to prohibit enforcement of the executive actions for gun control put forth by President Joe Biden.

    One outworking of those executive actions has been the Department of Justice’s attempt to reclassify certain gun parts kits as “firearms.”

    The executive actions are also expected to lead to DOJ action against AR-pistols with stabilizer braces.

    But KTVB reports that the bill signed by Gov. Little “[prohibits] Idaho government entities from upholding Biden’s March executive actions.”

    The Associated Press notes the bill passed the House and Senate with veto-proof majorities and “carried an emergency notice, meaning it went into effect with Little’s signature.”

    The new law is retroactive to January 20, 2021. It is designed to prevent “Idaho government entities from enforcing executive orders, federal laws, treaties, agency orders and rules of the U.S. government involving firearms, firearm components, firearm accessories or ammunition that conflict with the Idaho Constitution.”
    Did that bill have in it anything that requires state LEO to arrest any federal agent who attempts to enforce their anti-gun laws in the state?

  20. #140
    Pure lies...

    According to the founder of the NRA...

    Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis," according to a magazine editorial written by Church.

    But hey... spin it any way you want....

    Yeah... the NRA was sooo concerned about blacks 100 years before the civil rights movement.

  21. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Pure lies...

    According to the founder of the NRA...

    Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis," according to a magazine editorial written by Church.

    But hey... spin it any way you want....

    Yeah... the NRA was sooo concerned about blacks 100 years before the civil rights movement.
    So you're saying that they (the NRA) couldn't have more than one goal, and those black people are lying? Why would you say they're "lying"?

  22. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    So you're saying that they (the NRA) couldn't have more than one goal, and those black people are lying? Why would you say they're "lying"?
    It looked to me like their perspective was that it was good the NRA was insuring that weapons were present and available for personal defense for black people at a time when democrat party terrorist thugs wearing white hoods and carrying crosses were victimizing black people.

    Seems like a good thing to me.

    And now, thanks to the NRA the case is the same with the current lot of democrat party terrorist thugs wearing black masks and skinny jeans are terrorizing citizens and communities, (while democrat party leaders shield them from the law)
    Especially the elderly and vulnerable. They seem to stay away from grown men. But either way, People have the means to defend themselves.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-12-2021 at 01:02 PM.

  23. #143
    Was the NRA Founded to Protect Black People from the Ku Klux Klan?


    All of them cited the need for organized firearms training in the military as the primary motivation for the NRA’s creation; none of them mentioned protecting freed slaves or doing battle against the Ku Klux Klan.

    I am progun gun.

    I do think there should be some stricter gun laws but I respect Americans right to bear arms.

    I don't think people should spread lies to defend their beliefs.

    further reading:
    Five Myths about the National Rifle Association
    No the NRA did not start out as a civil rights organization.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 05-12-2021 at 02:08 PM.

  24. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Was the NRA Founded to Protect Black People from the Ku Klux Klan?


    All of them cited the need for organized firearms training in the military as the primary motivation for the NRA’s creation; none of them mentioned protecting freed slaves or doing battle against the Ku Klux Klan.

    I am progun gun.

    I do think there should be some stricter gun laws but I respect Americans right to bear arms.

    I don't think people should spread lies to defend their beliefs.
    You didn't answer the question sir.

    I asked you why you accused those black people of lying, when it appears that they were giving thier own perspectives. I never heard anyone, not them or myself claiming the NRA was founded exclusively "to protect black people from the ku Klux klan". You made that shit up on your own.

    What I think those people are saying is It looked to me like their perspective was that it was good the NRA was insuring that weapons were present and available for personal defense for black people at a time when democrat party terrorist thugs wearing white hoods and carrying crosses were victimizing black people. I think they mean that situation was one of the reasons the NRA founders started the organization.

    Seems like a good thing to me. It very well may be true that one or more of the founders had that intention. Many were in fact abolitionist.

    I never suggested anything about it being part of any written policy anywhere. Why would you claim I did? I suggested that perhaps the organization had many goals. And perhaps that was one of them.

    The people in the video made no such claim either. What they said was it was the intent of some of the founders of the NRA to protect freed slaves. It's unclear which founders he's talking about, and without knowing who or what he means, you accused them of lying. Why? I can't find anything myself to prove or disprove thier claims. So I certainly wouldn't howl "liar" like you did. How can we say he's not right?

    I asked you why you howled "liar" when you obviously don't know if it is true or not either.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-12-2021 at 02:40 PM.

  25. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    You didn't answer the question sir.
    I never addressed you.
    I am actually trying my best to avoid "debating" with you at all.

    Beetlegeuse started a post by saying "Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves".
    I was addressing him and his point.

    for further reading:
    The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons

    The National Rifle Association was "founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan."
    The claim is not only inaccurate but ridiculous -- Pants on Fire.

    Gun Control Is “Racist”?
    The NRA would know
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 05-12-2021 at 02:32 PM.

  26. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I never addressed you.
    I am actually trying my best to avoid "debating" with you at all.

    Beetlegeuse started a post by saying "Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves".
    I was addressing him and his point.

    for further reading:
    The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons

    The National Rifle Association was "founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan."
    The claim is not only inaccurate but ridiculous -- Pants on Fire.

    Gun Control Is “Racist”?
    The NRA would know
    So you're not going to explain why you called those people liars because they claimed it was the intent of some of the founders to protect freed slaves. Nobody suggested it was written in any documentation. Just that it was the intent of some of the founders. Nothing you posted disproved that.

    You basically admit you can't prove they lied. And you decline to explain why you called them liars.

    Okay thanks. Gotcha.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-12-2021 at 02:49 PM.

  27. #147
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    These dipshits are incapable of creating rational gun laws because they actively strive to remain as ignorant as possible of their functionality or their history. Their education stops at the moment that they decide they fear them, so they legislate out of ignorance.

    Gun Historian Ashley Hlebinsky Drops Truth Bombs in ‘Ghost Gun’ Hearing

    By Larry Keane || May 12, 2021

    If U.S. senators were hoping to give a lift to the Department of Justice’s proposed rule to redefine a firearm, they underestimated Ashley Hlebinsky.

    She’s a historical powerhouse when it comes to guns. Hlebinsky testified before the Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on The Constitution, in a hearing titled: Stop Gun Violence: Ghost Guns. Hlebinsky started by shredding any pretenses of false authority by those using loaded terms and ended her opening statement reminding senators whom they represent.

    “Firstly, I will not be using the term ghost gun and that’s because as a historian I try to be as precise as possible and the term is used more as a rhetorical tool, a marketing tool and because of that, it can create a false sense of authority on the subject,” Hlebinsky told the senators.

    Hlebinsky knows a thing or two about firearms. She’s the president of the consulting group The Gun Code and was formerly the Robert W. Woodruff Curator of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West’s Cody Firearms Museum, and is now Curator Emerita and Senior Firearms Scholar. Before that, she researched at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Firearms Collection.

    That’s why Hlebinsky wouldn’t repeat the politically-charged term “ghost gun.” It’s too easy to conflate with something that is invisible, indetectable or untraceable. None of which is true.
    What’s Old is New

    “But the big takeaway about the history is that these privately made firearms have been around for centuries, basically since the first system was developed over 500 years ago,” she said.

    Hlebinsky reminded senators that it was private gun makers that played a vital role in the American Revolution, using locks and barrels the same way parts kits are sold today. Private innovation fueled development.

    “I know a lot of people here don’t necessarily like some of the technology that exists today, but I really want to make the point that innovation also means making firearms safer,” she explained.

    Hlebinsky added that the proposed rule change by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) suggests modification to definitions that are inaccurate. She noted that striker-fire and split-receiver firearms aren’t new phenomena, but technologies that date to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. [the 1852 Kufahl revolver was striker-fired using Dreyse needle-fire cartridges -- Beetlegeuse]

    “It’s interesting and important to understand that these things can affect both sides, criminalizing those that would otherwise be considered innocent and opening the door for loopholes and litigation, and worst of all, continued violence,” she explained. “The complicated laws continue, you are not only leaving your constituency left vulnerable of a false sense of security, something here nobody wants from either side.”...

    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 05-15-2021 at 05:59 PM.

  28. #148
    The war against the police, is what I believe is a movement to do away with localized police forces.

    Basically a local police department would, or could be a rallying point and source of leadership and resistance at a time of crisis.

    Federalizing a police force instead of letting local communities police themselves can greatly reduce the chances of insubordination and localized resistance to any sort of large scale policies that may otherwise lead to localized insurrection.

    We've already seen many local sheriff's and police chiefs refuse to enforce policies of the democrat party in regard to second amendment rights. So the democrat party has basically decided to "defund the police".

    Soon a federalized "solution" will be offered. It always works the same way.

    Observe it with grim mirth gentleman. And watch the sheep bleat.

  29. #149
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    Jul 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by flyinlow View Post
    Please elaborate your expression. I am wanting to rebuttal your reply sir

    I am elaborating my expression. See if you understand it! YOU are BANNED! No longer needed or wanted here enough said.. *admin*

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    You need to stop being so frigging confrontational. Try that for a change. Otherwise, leave or get booted out. Your choice.

    He lost his choice!
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days! -

    Help Stop Steroid Abuse - Click Here!

  30. #150
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    the lower carolina
    All righty, then. *Admin* has gotten that cleared up, and I have (hopefully) gotten some of the off track dialogue out of the thread.

    Y'all know I'm about pro-2A as you will find. In fact, I just received my Crimson Trace CMR-206 on one of my AR-15s. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to align it with my Primary Arms prism scope later today. I have to say the green laser has a better contrast and is much easier for my eyes to pick up, even in daylight vs. a red laser. I will admit that I may end up buying a Steiner DBAL-A3 for one of my other AR-15s, which will open up another can of worms.

    But anyway, thanks for everyone's patience while this situation was handled. Now, the thread is reopened so we can discuss ( in a friendly manner) our thoughts and please remember Bettlegeuse's original premise for the thread:

    Are stricter gun laws, BANS coming to the land of the free?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  31. #151
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    the lower carolina
    Just a quick side note. Everyone remember the person that got flyinlow banned was.......flyinlow.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  32. #152
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    All righty, then. *Admin* has gotten that cleared up, and I have (hopefully) gotten some of the off track dialogue out of the thread.

    Y'all know I'm about pro-2A as you will find. In fact, I just received my Crimson Trace CMR-206 on one of my AR-15s. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to align it with my Primary Arms prism scope later today. I have to say the green laser has a better contrast and is much easier for my eyes to pick up, even in daylight vs. a red laser. I will admit that I may end up buying a Steiner DBAL-A3 for one of my other AR-15s, which will open up another can of worms.

    But anyway, thanks for everyone's patience while this situation was handled. Now, the thread is reopened so we can discuss ( in a friendly manner) our thoughts and please remember Bettlegeuse's original premise for the thread:

    Are stricter gun laws, BANS coming to the land of the free?
    Stricter gun laws are always going to be coming until guns are banned entirely. The people passing these laws don't care about "sensible gun laws." That's just it as an angle they work to push anti-gun legislation through. It's similar to how they got cannabis legalized in many states. They started with saying "but it's for medical purposes." That was their foot in the door (mind you, I'm not anti-weed either, but I understand how they worked it through the system).

  33. #153
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Stricter gun laws are always going to be coming until guns are banned entirely. The people passing these laws don't care about "sensible gun laws." That's just it as an angle they work to push anti-gun legislation through. It's similar to how they got cannabis legalized in many states. They started with saying "but it's for medical purposes." That was their foot in the door (mind you, I'm not anti-weed either, but I understand how they worked it through the system).
    In California, the goal of legalizing pot was about added tax revenue, in short $$$. As long as guns make the mullah, they ain’t going extinct anytime in the future.

    Funny movie - scene with the gun, tobacco and alcohol lobbies

    Last edited by wango; 05-15-2021 at 02:03 PM.

  34. #154
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I know a guy.

    He's a veteran LEO and the training officer for the SWAT team in his depertment.

    His wife is LEO.

    She is part of the assigned protection detail of a notorious anti-gun politician (we're talking meme quality ignorance-- you've seen this person quoted before by anyone pro-2A, trust me). His wife is with this person day in and day out. She made an offer to this politician to sit down with her hubby and discuss firearms with him and even go to the range and learn about them up close. Education, nothing more.

    Politician refused.

    True story.

    I have to leave out details and politician's name to protect them from probable retaliation.

    Beetle is right, they wear their ignorance like a badge of honor.
    Last edited by Ernst; 05-15-2021 at 02:12 PM.

  35. #155
    Maaaaaan. All these opinions. 80% lowers are STILL LEGAL & so are pistol braces.

    Everyone keeps bitching about it on some Drake shit -

    "Oh Lord, know yourself, know your worth, nigga... My actions been louder than my words, nigga"

    I dont know about else, but I've been preppin for 2 decades. If you wanna make moves, purchases, etc. DO IT NOW!!! (Before it's too late.)


  36. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Stricter gun laws are always going to be coming until guns are banned entirely. The people passing these laws don't care about "sensible gun laws." That's just it as an angle they work to push anti-gun legislation through. It's similar to how they got cannabis legalized in many states. They started with saying "but it's for medical purposes." That was their foot in the door (mind you, I'm not anti-weed either, but I understand how they worked it through the system).
    Totally disagree that guns will be totally illegal. I will bet anybody any amount of money over any time frame in my lifetime. (Slight hyperbole - I actually don’t gamble much at all.)
    I don’t know a single individual who feels that all guns should be illegal.

    Besides... there is money in guns. Our government is pro-money.

  37. #157
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Totally disagree that guns will be totally illegal. I will bet anybody any amount of money over any time frame in my lifetime. (Slight hyperbole - I actually don’t gamble much at all.)
    I don’t know a single individual who feels that all guns should be illegal.

    Besides... there is money in guns. Our government is pro-money.
    When you have the politicians pushing for this gun legislation like Pelosi, Feinstein and that sexy retard AOC actually saying their ultimate goal is a total ban on guns, you have to think there is only so much ground to give up. Will it totally be banned in my lifetime? I'm not sure. They'll definitely slow-play this. But restricting magazines to 10 rounds. Requiring the magazines to be fixed. Extra stamp taxes, Background checks on ammunition sales, banning of all AR's that are not featureless, handgun rosters that in order to add 1 gun to it (rosters of guns legally able to sell) 3 have to be removed.

    These are mostly Commiefornia laws on books, but you're seeing them rolling out nationwide. Eventually, everything aside from shotguns and bolt actions will be banned. Eventually to have access to those firearms, you'll have to be a member of a gun club and your guns will have to be housed there. That's the final plan.

    And you're right about there being money in guns. And impending bans sell guns at inflated prices. So during the whole time of giving up ground, people will spend big money to "get what they can." Gun bans sell more NRA memberships than anything.

  38. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Totally disagree that guns will be totally illegal. I will bet anybody any amount of money over any time frame in my lifetime. (Slight hyperbole - I actually don’t gamble much at all.)
    I don’t know a single individual who feels that all guns should be illegal.

    Besides... there is money in guns. Our government is pro-money.

    We both know that ain't true. Hell, I live in Texas and know people that think guns should be illegal. And I know you do too.

    As far as politicians, well some are afraid to say it. Thats all.

  39. #159
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    In California, the goal of legalizing pot was about added tax revenue, in short $$$. As long as guns make the mullah, they ain’t going extinct anytime in the future.

    Funny movie - scene with the gun, tobacco and alcohol lobbies

    So what you are saying is that if tobacco & alcohol kill far more than gun violence, yet they are still legal because of the $ they bring to this country (and certain folks) we won’t get rid of guns? Isn’t that well, kind of all about the money in a way?

  40. #160
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South

    But a 3D printer, fuck the ATF

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