Sun, may 30th

Upper body

Super set 1
Bench press 225 12,10,10,8
T-bar row. Two 45's. 15,15,15,15

Super set 2
Cable flys. 12,12,10,10
Reverse flys 12,12,10,10

Super set 3
Military press 115. 10,10,10,8
Dips with 45. 10,10,10,8

Super set 4
BB curl's 95. 10,10,10,10
Tricep extension BB. 10,10,10,10

Hammer curl 25 DB. 10,10,10,10
Close grip push up. 10,10,10,10

P.M. workout(abs)
Circuit x10
Leg raises
Jump rope
Cable crunch
Ab wheel

2.5 hours total yesterday then did yard work.

The job site is too wet to work today so I will have the day off, and I feel like I recovered well, today is leg day