Smoooooooooke on the waah-tur, ............
Expert says cop was justified in pinning down George Floyd
... Brodd likened it instead to a situation in which officers use a Taser on someone fighting with officers, and the suspect falls, hits his head and dies: “That isn’t an incident of deadly force. That’s an incident of an accidental death.”
Several top Minneapolis police officials, including the police chief, have testified that Chauvin used excessive force and violated his training. And medical experts called by prosecutors have said that Floyd died from a lack of oxygen because of the way he was restrained.
But Brodd said: “I felt that Officer Chauvin’s interactions with Mr. Floyd were following his training, following current practices in policing and were objectively reasonable.” ..
... Brodd also appeared to endorse what prosecution witnesses have said is a common misconception: that if someone can talk, he or she can breathe. (emphasis added)
“I certainly don’t have medical degrees, but I was always trained and feel it’s a reasonable assumption that if somebody’s, ‘I’m choking, I’m choking,’ well, you’re not choking because you can breathe,” he said....
You’ve played around with words to convolute an argument.
It appears the witness said “choking”, which is two syllables. “Talk” or “breathe” each are one. One breath per syllable is required. That is particularly accurate when your breathing is being compromised and you are short of breath. Additionally you have to account for the volume of George’s voice. He would have to be loud in order to be heard and to express the severity of his predicament. He couldn’t whisper. In that situation it would be impossible to speak loudly and express in proper vocabulary and in multiple syllables that he was having a difficult time breathing.
And it burns, burns, burns ...
... The ring of fire, the ring of fire ....
BREAKING: Medical expert testifies George Floyd died from sudden cardiac arrhythmia brought on by heart disease and drugs during restraint by police
His refusal to grant change of venue already did that (duh!) so now there's two grounds for appeal. And that's presuming he's found guilty, and the jury -- literally -- is still out on that account.
Judge In Chauvin Trial: Maxine Waters’ Remarks Could Lead To ‘Whole Trial Being Overturned’ On Appeal
"I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trail being overturned."
-- Judge Cahill
Democrat Threats And BLM Riots May Have ALREADY Corrupted Chauvin Trial, Jury May Say GUILTY In Fear
Grounds for appeal #3
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey taints jury by implying Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd
...It's hard to get more inflaming than for the Mayor to publicly say, "Regardless of the decision made by the jury, there is one true reality, which is that George Floyd was killed at the hands of police."...
As Police Week Ends, the Big Lie Continues
May 17
Written By Michael P. Tremoglie
The police are an impediment to those seeking to overthrow the established order. They stand in the way of ill-gotten power and wealth. It’s therefore imperative for “revolutionaries” to discredit law enforcement.
It is known by many names: Große Lüge, the Big Lie, dezinformatsiya, and disinformation. But they all mean the same thing—false, misleading information; distortion or mischaracterization of facts solely for the purposes of deception.
At the close of National Police Week, it’s still evident that the police are a major target of The Big Lie, and understandably so: they are the most powerful, and the most visible, domestic arm of government.
One example of the Big Lie spread about the police is the shooting of Jacob Blake by Kenosha, Wisconsin police last August. The incident triggered nights of violent rioting. The Big Lie was that Blake was an unarmed Black man shot by a racist White police officer.
CNN’s Jake Tapper stated this during a broadcast. He said, “Video shows police shoot unarmed black man.” Future President Joe Biden repeated The Big Lie, tweeting, “Once again, a Black man—Jacob Blake—was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick. Is this the country we want to be?”
But the truth was that Jacob Blake was armed with a knife.
Another example of the Big Lie was the police shooting of Michael Brown. The media routinely peddled the falsehood that Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when shot by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer. The truth was that Brown did not have his hands up asking the police not to shoot. But the facts did not prevent future Vice President Kamala Harris from repeating the Big Lie—five years after the incident occurred.
Police are vulnerable to the Big Lie because they take actions and make judgments in nanoseconds during moments of mayhem and terror. Actions and judgments that their denouncers and critics—journalists, lawyers, “civil rights” leaders, “civil libertarians,” and too many judges and jurors—have hours, days, weeks, months, sometimes years to deliberate, reconsider, debate, and resolve.
Police are easy to condemn because they operate within a framework of unstable laws, rules, and procedures that have the consistency of the color of a chameleon on a kaleidoscope. They must somehow adhere to policies that can change whimsically.
Police are never called when things are trouble-free. They are only called when there is danger, tumult, and often death.
Society desires the impossible from the police. Cops are expected to comport themselves with the refinement of a head waiter, but be stern and cruel as a soldier in battle—simultaneously. They are expected to leave the scene of a gruesome automobile accident, a horrible rape or murder, or a vicious domestic dispute, then return home within 30 minutes to have dinner with their family, acting as if nothing ever happened. They are expected to leave a holiday dinner and—within the hour—transport a suicide or a corpse impaled on a spike to the morgue. As if that weren’t enough to endure, some officers work rotating shifts, which severely disrupts biorhythms.
Despite these severe stressors, society’s elite ignores the emotional, mental, and physical toll on police. Why they do so defies comprehension.
I recall a conversation with a friend about combat versus policing. He is a decorated, Purple Heart Vietnam veteran. We spoke of the differences between his wartime service and my duties as a police officer in an inner-city, high-crime area of Philadelphia. One of the differences we noted was decompression.
A soldier returning from overseas does not immediately regain the tranquility of home life. Despite this time to readjust from the brutality of combat, many soldiers still suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
On the other hand, a police officer who experiences a life or death situation does not have time to readjust to the placidity of the home. For example, once, after taking a gunshot victim to the hospital at the end of my shift, I noticed the victim’s blood and what looked like skull fragments on my uniform as I entered my home. I quickly showered, changed clothes, and put my uniform in a trash bag to take to a laundry later on before sitting down to dinner.
Despite the conflicting roles, responsibilities, and burdens society puts on the police, they do their job anyway. But if an officer makes a mistake, there are legions ready to exploit it for personal gain. None of these journalists, lawyers, or “civil rights” activists could do the job they ask of police. But they will profit from police errors, real or imagined.
The police are an impediment to those seeking to overthrow the established order. They stand in the way of ill-gotten power and wealth. It’s therefore imperative for “revolutionaries” to discredit law enforcement. False claims of systemic racial injustice and brutality are propaganda used to silence dissent and demonize police.
Do not be fooled by the Big Lie.
The Untold Story
The Future of Floydism
Steve Sailer || May 25, 2021
Gun murders are up 34.4 percent in the 365 days since George Floyd’s death.
According to data scraped from Gun Violence Archive, in the Year One B.F. (Before Floyd) from May 25, 2019, to May 24, 2020, there were 13,024 murders committed with a firearm in the U.S.
In contrast, in the Year One A.F. (After Floyd) from May 25, 2020, to May 24, 2021, there were 17,499 gun murders, an increase of 4,475 corpses. (In contrast, the NAACP reports that 3,446 blacks were lynched in all of U.S. history.)
That’s a lot of blood that our new state religion, the worship of the holy martyr George Floyd and his racial brethren, has on its hands.
Normally, murders are a rather stochastic phenomenon and thus are fairly stable from year to year. People kill other people for idiosyncratically personal reasons, so even major social trends like The Sixties can take years to raise murder rates. Thus, the calendar years with the biggest percentage increases in murders since 1960—1968 and 2015—saw rises of only about one-third as bad as the first year of the Age of Floyd.
Technical note: Murder statistics are never quite final because coma victims expire, presumed runaways are discovered in shallow graves, suicide notes are found, and the like. But whatever the ultimate numbers for the first 365 days of the Racial Reckoning will turn out to be, they reflect a massive increase in mayhem, the majority of it perpetrated by blacks. The latest FBI statistics report that blacks were of the known murder offenders in 2019, and all the evidence suggests that the black fraction for the past twelve months, which will be released next September, will have been even more staggering.
Unsurprisingly, nobody in The Establishment is stepping forward to forthrightly apologize and admit that, yeah, the bad people (like, say, me) were right: America’s biggest criminal justice problem is not police brutality, it’s black brutality.
As Woke Stalin might say, the death of one George Floyd is a tragedy, but the deaths of thousands of subsequent incremental murder victims are a divisive white supremacist hatestat.
So, that’s what the first year of the Floyd Era was like: mayhem on the streets of black America.
What will the future of Floydism be?
It’s hard to predict because it’s so novel in human history for a culture to extol as its moral master race a group exalted for their ineptitude. Consider the strangeness of Americans worshipping George Floyd, an ugly brute who lived an ugly life of major and minor crime that brought him to an ugly end. Then, think about the other BLM martyrs.
When the Germans started worshipping themselves as the master race, it was alarming for the rest of the world because they were known to be competent enough that they just might conquer Europe from London to the Urals.
But now that the citizens of the world’s superpower are being raised to worship blackness as our ideal of beauty and merit, how is that supposed to work?
It’s reassuring to hypothesize that perhaps nobody who matters really takes Floydism—“Black is best and white is worst”—seriously. It’s just a vast practical joke with which to humiliate political enemies. As Taki Magazine columnist Theodore Dalrymple famously observed:
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
Perhaps the people who know how to run large organizations realize, deep down, despite all their press releases to the contrary, that there are not vast pools of untapped African-American talent out there ready to take over after a little training. American institutions have been hungry for adept blacks since the 1960s, with numerous diversity pushes having failed already.
Therefore, white elites presume that black frontmen will always need nonblack éminences grises behind the scenes. So, how bad could it get?
But maybe nobody actually has a Plan that they’ve carefully thought through. Recall that wealthy whites have bet tens of billions on the further gentrification of urban frontiers in places like Brooklyn, Washington, D.C., and Oakland. So far, the impact of the post-Floyd murder surge on property values in big-city neighborhoods that could tip either way has been masked by the pandemic disruption and the general housing bubble. But, a few gentrifying liberals like Matthew Yglesias and, lately, Ezra Klein have started to worry about rising crime.
Granted, the post-Floyd crime wave was all very foreseeable. I predicted “The End of Gentrification” three weeks into the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots. But few other pundits seemed to notice that encouraging blacks to feel both racially aggrieved and above the law wouldn’t be good for either black lives or white property values.
As reassuring as it is to imagine that when disasters befall America they must be the work of an all-knowing conspiratorial deep state out to get you, it seems more likely that there is . Nobody knows how things really work because, like the courtiers in The Emperor’s New Clothes, anybody who expresses doubts about Floydism is, as Hans Christian Andersen said, “unfit for his office.”
Instead, truths that you can’t say in public become ever harder to say in private, and, ultimately, even difficult to conceive of in your own mind.
Charles Murray is coming out of semi-retirement to publish a book next month, Facing Reality, to remind the reading public that the two most exhaustively documented findings of the American social sciences are that blacks are, on average, more violent and less intelligent.
But why does he have to? Why have we wound up with a culture where so many are oblivious to the obvious?
Moreover, every year, less influence in our society is in the hands of semi-well-informed family men like Yglesias and Klein. The younger generation has been marinated in doctrines of black moral, aesthetic, and sexual supremacy, and young women are persuasive at getting whatever the latest fad tells them to want.
How long can the black superiority vogue last?
Not forever, obviously.
Yet, to paraphrase John Maynard Keynes, “The culture can remain irrational longer than you can remain uncanceled.”
The one rational step that American elites could take to meet the demand that they’ve stoked for black leaders is to increase immigration from the educated elites of Africa, who tend to have less dysfunctional cultures than those of African-Americans. Sure, African-Africans have their weaknesses, such as Medicare fraud, but at least their upbringing didn’t convince them that the only manly response to a diss is to open fire in the disser’s general direction even if you might wing bystanders eating ribs and twerking in the background.
How importing the heirs of African slave sellers will benefit the descendants of American slaves is almost as mysterious as how brain-draining Africa of what talent it has will be good for the burgeoning masses of that continent. But that’s not the point; the point is that many Americans at present dream of being ruled by Obama-like blacks, of which America is in drastically short supply.
But American elites are constitutionally incapable of explaining the cynical but at least not wholly stupid reasoning behind their desires. Okay, I could imagine old Joe Biden saying, “Yeah, now that we’re expanding affirmative action, we need more Igbos because American blacks sure aren’t cutting it.” But if he did, CNN would only ever mention it when complaining that Fox News had broadcast Biden’s clip.
Instead, corporations are likely to promote importing Africans with three-digit IQs as a moral necessity owing to, oh, say, climate change, slavery, redlining, Emmett Till, or whatever.
But that would then heighten perhaps the single greatest threat to the Western world: that whites won’t find the moral backbone to keep out the booming billions of rapidly growing Africans. The 2019 United Nations Population Prospects forecasted that Sub-Saharan Africa will reach 3,775,000,000 people by 2100.
This migration process has already started in the U.S.: As of five years ago, almost blacks in America had been born abroad. Fortunately, most got in through old-fashioned selective legal immigration.
In upcoming years, opening the floodgates to excess Africans will be pitched to the public by Woke Capital as an economic necessity since whites aren’t reproducing fast enough to keep toilet paper sales growing.
Of course, the more non-elite Africans are allowed into the U.S., the more that white fertility will fall even further as family formation becomes ever more unaffordable due to the growing need to escape crime and bad schools. (It’s not a complete coincidence that the baby boom ended in the year of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as white families were increasingly driven out of convenient neighborhoods.)
So, we are likely to be plunged into a vicious cycle in which African immigration drives down white reproduction, which is then taken as requiring importing more tens of millions of Africans.
The alternative is that American elites will have to learn to say out loud what sounds utterly unthinkable in the George Floyd Age: We don’t need or want more Africans; we have enough already.
The entire purpose of "floydism" is the same as "critical race theory".
Quite simply, it is a way for the democrat party elite to demonize different populations of the working class against each other.
You can see this in plain operation, right under our very noses even now. Democrat party controlled areas like Baltimore, Detroit and Los Angeles suffering decay, rot and lawlessness have DNC leaders telling the people they are in charge of serving, that thier suffering is all because of "white supremacy" and "systemic racism". Basically convincing them that the poor test scores and crime in Baltimore is because of "racist whites" living in Nebraska trailer parks. And not because of the failed policies of the democrat party leaders controlling those areas. Imagine the stupidity of such a notion.
And yet many liberals, even right here now will howl this absurdity with maniacal shrieks and fanatical beliefs that such ignorance, coggery and delusions have some bizzare basis in truth. It's truly wretched.
Blaming people based on specific skin colors for failures of cities, they don't live in, and for test scores in schools they don't attend. All to deflect away from thier own failures and spread hatred and blame away from themselves. How stupidly absurd can you be? How manipulative, dishonest amd downright evil is that?
The democrat party is exceptionally good at this deception. And floydism is just the latest tool to that end. Get the working class blaming and hating each other for the failures of the democrat party leadership. Steal all the wealth by "pork barrel" policies that don't help american citizens, then convince the citizens to hate and blame each other for the suffering caused by the decadence, greed and incompetence of the decisions of our leaders.
It's time to wake up
Last edited by Hughinn; 05-27-2021 at 07:22 AM.
When someone f’s up at their job it many times will unfairly reflect poorly on the co-workers and remind them to pay particular attention to dot your “i’s” and cross your “‘t’s”. It’s common everywhere particularly when your job is under public scrutiny.
What’s truly truly a shame though is how often lies, miss-truths, and partial truths are used to convince others. It seems to be becoming more prevalent.
Regarding “Floydism”, let’s not forget who brought that upon us and is the root of all this crap.
Indeed Let's not forget who brought "floydism" upon us.
The mainstream media and the democrat party
No logical person could coherently and honestly come to any other conclusion.
Floydism, was not the result of an unfortunate death of a junkie in police custody. It was the intent of a carefully crafted and scripted propoganda campaign on behalf of the democrat party.
Last edited by Hughinn; 05-27-2021 at 08:50 PM.
May 30, 2021
One year after the death of George Floyd, the psy-ops have triumphed
By Peter Barry Chowka
A lot was made last week about Tuesday, May 25th being the first anniversary of George Floyd's death while in police custody. For me, the most graphic indication of the impact of Floyd’s death and its year-long over-the-top aftermath was provided by the photograph and videos of George Floyd’s relatives last Tuesday outside the White House after they met with President Biden and Vice President Harris. Right in front of the White House, family members and their attorney had their clenched fists raised and pumping in the air in a radical black power salute reminiscent of the Marxist Black Panthers of the late 1960s.
A lot was made last week about Tuesday, May 25th being the first anniversary of George Floyd's death while in police custody. For me, the most graphic indication of the impact of Floyd’s death and its year-long over-the-top aftermath was provided by the photograph and videos of George Floyd’s relatives last Tuesday outside the White House after they met with President Biden and Vice President Harris. Right in front of the White House, family members and their attorney had their clenched fists raised and pumping in the air in a radical black power salute reminiscent of the Marxist Black Panthers of the late 1960s.
I know a bit about the Black Panthers, having been around back then. Coincidentally on Tuesday night – as part of its tribute to George Floyd featuring a day of black-themed films – the Turner Classic Movies television channel premiered a short, award-winning (of course) documentary filmed in 1968, titled . It was produced by a sympathetic French film crew at a demonstration in Oakland, Calif. in support of Huey P. Newton, the Black Panther leader who was awaiting trial for killing a police officer.
In the film, Newton and his fellow Panthers are portrayed as the proud Marxists that they were. They and their flock are seen reading and quoting Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book of revolutionary sayings. They are unabashed in their praise of Marxist regimes like Red China, Cuba, and even North Korea.
The difference between then and now is that in 1968 these violent revolutionaries represented a small fringe. Today, their radical successors are in control, essentially running the White House and the Democrat party.
The death of George Floyd while in police custody was the second in a one-two punch in 2020 that essentially remade the country overnight. The first wave was the Covid-19 Plandemic, which is finally being exposed as a witting release by Communist China if not a cleverly designed bioweapon. Less than three months later, last Memorial Day, the death of Floyd was captured on video – and quickly, thanks to social media, it went around the world. You couldn’t have designed two more effective PsyOps.
The ginned up response to the Floyd video catapulted the Marxist agenda of Black Lives Matter to the top tier of national policy. It has now been almost completely embraced by corporate America, academia, K-12 public and private education, popular culture, sports, the Democrats – almost everything. It has helped to divide this country along racial lines unlike anything since the Civil War.
It also brought to the fore Critical Race Theory, which had previously been largely confined to leftist-controlled academia. CRT has now come to dominate national policy. Here are several examples.
on how the Medical Establishment has come together around the concept of racism being the most serious health problem. This nonsense is being enshrined into national policy by the woke Biden Administration. And not only in health care.
On May 26, the NY Post reported about a significant portion of the $200 million that has been allocated to public schools for Covid relief. One part of the program funds interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social and emotional needs” — including the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of critical race theory.
An incredibly detailed, 53-page document sent to schools around the country, Ed Covid-19 Handbook, spells out the new requirements that schools need to follow. Two excerpts:
“Require a commitment to learning from students, families and educators who disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression.”
Offer “free, antiracist therapy for White educators and support staff,” and “free, radical self/collective care and therapy for educators and support staff of color.”
Even though Derek Chauvin, the first police officer to be charged in the death of George Floyd, was convicted on all counts, that outcome has not satisfied Black Lives Matter and many Democrat politicians. Do you think they will ever be satisfied?
The short answer is No. The Black Marxist radicals and their handlers, the oligarchs of Big Tech, the George Soros’s, the Democrats, Obama, et al are now pushing all the way to final victory. They see the destination of their 100-year Long March finally in sight – and they’re not going to stop now.
Yesterday (May 29) was the anniversary of the publication of an article I wrote for American Thinker four days after George Floyd's death. It was titled “George Floyd’s preliminary autopsy raises the question: Was this another rush to judgment?” The article cited the autopsy that concluded that he may have died from a drug overdose and not anything the police did to him. The reaction to that article – from elements on the conservative right – spoke volumes.
I had obtained a copy of the arrest warrant for Derek Chauvin. I wrote:
The brief mention of the autopsy suggests that the case against Chauvin, and possibly his three colleagues assuming they too will eventually be charged, for being totally responsible for the death of Floyd may not be as cut and dried as previously thought.
As I wrote: “Asphyxiation was not the cause of George Floyd's death, according to his autopsy.” We later learned that George Floyd had at least four times the lethal dose of illegal drugs in his system when he was placed under arrest.
One year ago, people from left, right, and center were all in agreement that George Floyd had been killed by Derek Chauvin. The video “evidence” was unassailable. A trial would not really be needed. For simply raising the issue of the autopsy, I was pilloried by former supporters on the conservative right. The concept of a defendant like Chauvin being innocent until proven guilty? Fuggedaboutit! All you needed to know about the case was contained in the 9-minute cell phone video.
A worthy piece of accurate, independent, untainted analysis in this respect is a compelling 24-minute video by George Parry, Who Killed George Floyd?
The recent trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd was a kangaroo court – the triumph of mob rule. Harvard law school professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Democrat, observed that the trial should have been moved out of Minneapolis, which was under constant threat of violence and intimidation from the mob. Meanwhile, the city –which has defunded its police department -- paid Floyd’s family over $27 million on March 13, 2021, for his death. This “largest pretrial civil rights settlement ever,” according to the Floyd family’s attorney, was announced prior to the trial of Derek Chauvin, further tainting the jury pool.
On May 15, American Thinker published an article “Floyd Defendant Accuses State of 'Prosecutorial Misconduct.'” One of the former cops who has yet to be tried is alleging that the physician who performed the autopsy on George Floyd was essentially coerced into changing his findings when he testified at Chauvin’s trial – to make it seem like Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck or his shoulder was a primary cause of Mr. Floyd’s sudden death.
I have been asked repeatedly during the past year if there is a thread that ties Covid-19, George Floyd's death, and the manipulation of these crises (real or manufactured) together to advance a specific political outcome.
Short answer: YES. Longer answer: Are you serious? Both the Chinese Communist Party’s Covid-19 Plandemic and the manipulation of the news about George Floyd’s death are the one-two punches aimed at the takedown of the United States of America. You couldn’t have designed two more effective PsyOps to transform the country virtually overnight – one right after the other.
The proof is in the reality today. I advise skeptics to look around. Do you even recognize the country anymore? Ultimately, both of these PsyOps not only transformed America – they effectively took out the only thing standing in the way of the Marxist Left that might have prevented or delayed their total victory: President Donald J Trump.
Source: s_have_triumphed.html
Thanks Derrick. I’m putting you right up there with Colin Kapernick in inflicting this bs upon us.
I sure recognize the country in the neighborhood where I’m currently living. Reminds me a lot of the all white Chicago suburb that I grew up in, in the 60’s. The market that I go to is just down the street to Michael Jackson’s expensive childhood home. The only change that I’ve noted as of late is that I just saw my first black employee in 10 years of shopping there.
It wasn't Derek Chauvin that did this. It was the mainstream media and the democrat party. I've already explained that to you. This was a deliberately scripted and orchestrated propaganda campaign designed to create hatred and dissent to benefit the democrat party.
Your bragging, or critical description of your neighborhood is typical of any liberal thinking person. You live in a priveledged white enclave and feel guilty for it. I get that. The irony of it, is that you stay there, by choice, and criticize it at the same time as you criticize everyone else assuming we live the same way you do.
Lots of us here live in the deep south and some of us in places where white people are the minority. We live the diversity you celebrate, or pretend to, and have no reason to feel guilty. You should try it sometime.
Back to the point though, ask yourself what would've happened had the propaganda networks been news instead, and the headline been something like,
"Unfortunate death of drug user in police custody, brings questions to police procedures"
The truth you know.
Or maybe, after Chauvin was charged,
"Police officer responsible for death of man in police custody"
But, no.
The narrative was "racist white cop kills innocent black man" . And that was to illicit the prescribed response.
You see, liberals and Democrat party sheep have been conditioned to react to certain triggers. It's part of your indoctrination. "Racist " for example means "attack". For instance, if the Georgia ID law is called "racist " by the democrat party, then it gets attacked by the minions. It doesn't matter that no logical explanation as to how the law is racist could be made, because the trigger word was said. It's basically a command, and just like dogs, they obey without question or hesitation. They point and say "racist", and the trained dogs "attack". It's just that simple.
Same with you wango. You sit in an isolated, predominantly white place in a state being destroyed by democrats and your concern is not about the destruction of your state or country, but all about a few powerless, broke, mostly isolated people on the fringe of society because of your trained trigger words. It doesn't matter that no reasonable person could logically come to the conclusion that a few white bigots on the fringes of the community is a bigger danger to the community itself than the malignant , corrupt and incompetent leadership responsible for its decent into destitution. Because you're triggered, and trained to be triggered. I don't expect you to realize it easily, pr even like some here, ever realize it at all. But you can see through it if you really want to. It would be very uncomfortable, to admit to yourself that most of what you've believed is a lie, but it can be done.
Thats why "floydism" was ever able to be realized in the first place. Because if enough people could think for themselves, it wouldn't have been possible to begin with.
Last edited by Hughinn; 05-30-2021 at 10:05 PM.
*There’s a lot here and it’s late, so let me just touch some high points.
I live in a place where the cops beat the shit out of Rodney King and got off and we (myself & friends included) celebrated. I live in almost an exclusively white neighborhood. I do NOT feel guilty of either. I chose to live where I am comfortable. I feel guilty if I don’t bring in my trash cans immediately or my front lawn isn’t ideal, because that’s what we do here in this neighborhood.
If you don’t like where you live or who you live with - move, we did. That’s why we’re here. And I ain’t complaining - nor bragging, just stating an opinion or a fact in my case.
I (and my friends) could GAF about you or anyone else for that matter, but when you go out for dinner it would be impolite to say otherwise
You seem to be alright by my standards Hughinn, except you keep linking me with things I don’t associate with nor believe in.
In closing, F Derrick cause he’s an f - up of epic proportions.
Last edited by wango; 05-30-2021 at 10:20 PM.
Ok. I can respect that. You seem okay by my standards, because I think everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want.
You can go out to "dinner" at your favorite "boutique Cafe" restaurant in white LA suburbs with all your friends and laugh all you want about all of us "racist" deplorable people.
But the fact is, we live with diversity. Our entire lives include "equity". And we choose to live that way. I'll be going to a crawfish joint where it's 50/50 black and white for memorial day. And nobody is going to be bitching about "inequality" or "systemic racism". We're just going to get plastered and gorge on crawfish and whiskey, dancing drinking partying and fighting all together. It'll be a blast. Always is. My gorgeous little wife will get her fill of daquiry drinks, crawfish and oysters, then , Hopefully I get, a good time, maybe a Black eye or something and come home to get laid like a hero. (Hopefully not another crown, they cost too much)
And ain't none of us griping about "racism" or "white supremacy" or "discrimination". Because it doesn't exist where we live. Or actually I should say, it exists among all people to some degree. But most of us don't adhere to it.
It exists where you do, mostly in your head.
That's why south Carolina, Florida or Texas, or Alabama, doesn't want to welcome California refugee's into the community. Because we're literally decades even centuries ahead of the liberal DNC horseshit propogated in California, Massachusetts or Washington state. And there's no need to go back.
And certainly no sense in allowing such nonsense to take up any time we need to spend moving forward.
And maybe I don't understand your point of view. But I want to. I don't mean to be insulting. I hope you explain. I hope you ain't afraid of saying what you really think. Because if you do. We're all fucked. Because the the DNC has genuinely succeeded.
Last edited by Hughinn; 05-31-2021 at 04:27 AM.
For the record, I and the people that I associate with find “racist” ideology deplorable when it harms others. We don’t sit around poking fun at people from your state or others, nor do we bitch and moan about that stuff. Most of the people I associate with or I know in my little neighborhood are somewhat ‘racist” to some degree and own guns. In the case of Rodney King, were the cops a tad excessive; yup, but we didn’t find it “deplorable”, not really. To return to this thread for a moment, Derrick was “deplorable” & really f’d s**t up for a lot of people because of it. If you want to be racist, fine, it’s your right, I sincerely believe that. However don’t f it up for others because of it.
Like guns. Fine own them, cool. But dammit, don’t make the other gun owners look bad because you then decide to off all of your co-workers in a mass shooting. That ain’t a left or right reaction, it’s a typical knee-jerk reaction. Don’t blame the reaction, but the action that caused it.
Just because I live in a white neighborhood doesn’t mean there is an absence of other nationalities that we associate with every day. Los Angeles is a major city ffs and being that we live in Los Angeles county, there is plenty. It just happens that the residents around this area are white and it’s primarily due to income. When my wife has her co-workers over for a party, we co-exist just fine (we don’t do the fighting thing however) and it is as diverse as all hell.
Sounds like the four of us would have a hell of a time in one of our favorite cities, New Orleans.
The reason that I enjoy exchanging with you is that I enjoy hearing your point of view and you have the decency of making allowances for mine. Communication is really never to be taken for granted, particularly in this day and age. Dude, the day that I stop saying what I think will be the day that I die.
In memory of all of our veterans, here is to a blessed Memorial Day.
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