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Thread: AAS and AstraZeneca COVID vaccine

  1. #1

    AAS and AstraZeneca COVID vaccine

    Hi guys,
    I'm not new in steroids and use "blast and cruise" for years. Two months ago I got my first vaccine shot from AstraZeneca and I start to feel unusual AAS side effects .
    I make two injections per week 750mg each (homebrewed blend: 50% Test C+ 50% Boldenone). After each injection after ~ 10 - 60 sec I start to feel:
    - "Needle" pain in lips, neck, fingers;
    - Feel salty taste in my mouth;
    - Heat;
    - And cough. Just like a tren cough but this one is slightly different.

    Anyway, my best guess was that it is somehow related to autoimmune response. I tried to take anti allergic drugs and it helped for 4 injections in a row. Today I thought that maybe it's all gone now and did not use anti allergic drugs before AAS shot. Guess what? Cough, pain, heat and feeling that you may die again. I’m not sure, maybe it’s just a coincidence. Any thoughts? Does my story make any sense?

    Thanks for any advice or tips.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    You injected an untested (EUA) substance into your body. There is nobody on the planet that can give you feedback on the vaccination sides...since it was never offically tested.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    You injected an untested (EUA) substance into your body. There is nobody on the planet that can give you feedback on the vaccination sides...since it was never offically tested.
    What was never tested?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    What was never tested?
    I think he is talking about vaccine and long/short term side effects.
    Have to agree, but if it is due vaccine - I should be not the only one who experience this. Anyway, today took anti allergy medications and injection was with no problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    What was never tested?
    The vaccine. All vaccines for Covid skipped any official testing. This was via (in the USA) the Cosmetic law from years ago that allows Congress to declare emergency and label the substance as EUA. EUA (Emergency Use) means it was never tested to standards. They took the word of Big Pharma they were safe.

    That is why if you check there are NO warnings on Covid vaccinations concerning other medications. It was all covered by listing DEATH as a possible side effect to the Vaccine. Here over a 5 day period and 5000 doses there were 100+ people dead or in hospital due to stroke. The gov here did a 180 and removed any manditory requirement for people taking the vaccine. There is 0 understanding why the strokes occured because it could have been anything, however 2 percent of takers having the exact same reaction is too much to be "random".

    That is why no one, even the manufacturer of the vaccination, can give you any direction on sides or issues. It has no scientific testing toward these ends.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    In general I don’t advise the vaccine my sister is getting progressively worse for 3weeks of blood clots and heart arrhythmia from her first Pfizer shot. I’m not talking conspiracy theory but it is a gamble at best.

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