Hey guys
I was just about to make a purchase when the supplier I took the time to vet stopped offering the brand that my harm reduction site showed to be the safest, most accurately dosed gear, so sad. So now, I need to find a new brand that I can trust.
I just want the basics, Test E, Nolva, Clomid, Arimadex, HCG. I've got a long list of manufacturers here at the source site, am I allowed to ask what the best makers are? I'm not really looking for "personal anecdotal experience", I'm hoping someone who has been in the scene for a long time and knows intimately that a particular manufacturer has had a good long clean record.
I can also post the manu's here for people to comment on if that doesn't break board rules.
Thanks! Looking forward to finally starting my first cycle in over 9 years =P