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Thread: Shawn Rhoden Dead

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Shawn Rhoden Dead

    MD is reporting IFBB Shawn Rhoden is dead. Anyone else see this or hear anything? Seems like a bad year of early deaths.
    Last edited by warchild; 11-06-2021 at 08:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    MD is reporting IFBB Shawn Rhoden is dead. Anyone else see this or hear anything? Seems like a bad year of early deaths.
    Yep- just saw it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Heart attack

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Yup. RIP

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    Heart attack
    So sad to hear this. Unfortunately it seems more and more common guys in this sport having heart failure. Sad news. Rest in peace legend

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    All the morons on youtube are like "so sad he didn't get to defend his title." Like that is what is important, not that he died in his mid 40s. Anyway, RIP. I know he was accused of raping that chick and his wife left his ass... but whatever, I guess we'll never know the truth on that one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    the drug store
    Met him last month at the O.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexin-rph View Post
    Met him last month at the O.
    Good to see you around Flexin -

    That the show you took your boy to? Pretty wild you were just taking photos with the guy…sad

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    So sad to hear this. Unfortunately it seems more and more common guys in this sport having heart failure. Sad news. Rest in peace legend

    My man! Good to see you brother!

    Speaking of legends

    (These dudes are my age, to TMO’s point…it’s a bit of a wake up call. I’m calling it at 50 and the gonna get into yoga and endurance stuff. The young guys can have it )

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Good to see you around Flexin -

    That the show you took your boy to? Pretty wild you were just taking photos with the guy…sad
    Yeah...we had a great time. I've been to dozens of pro shows, but the 1st for my son. He had the time of his life!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    That’s awesome, I’m sure it had to blow his mind seeing those giants!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    So sad to hear this. Unfortunately it seems more and more common guys in this sport having heart failure. Sad news. Rest in peace legend
    First O since Columbo who died. Franco was over 80 years.
    Many humans die from heartatrach in their 40s 50s.
    And Shawn had grusome stress last 3 years.
    And many who died, where extreme. Piana, Dallas, Muntzer.
    Ofcourse there are hidden names.
    But..i think moderate use dont prevent us from hitting the 80s atleast.
    Just stay away from fructose:, only thing that increase VLLDL. VLLDL is small LDL, which is able to get inside your artillerie walls and buid bumps from the inside which migth create stroke and heartattachs.
    Fructose is the evil. And the main reason for the big raise in the metabolic syndrome among americans, since the autorities asked the people to lower the intake of saturated fat in the early 80s.

    Source R. Lustig, MD, Univeristy of California
    Source: Dr. Sten Ekberg.

    Steroids increase LDL, but thats not dangerous.

    Sent fra min SM-G998B via Tapatalk
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-07-2021 at 03:38 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Apparently he had 2 other heart attacks since 2019 before his third fatal heart attack. What is clear to me is that he must have been under a significant amount of stress the last 3 years after winning the O. His wife left him, the Olympia banned him, the accusation ruined his opportunities/sponsorships/revenue. What was supposed to be a life changing event after his win, became a nightmare. From what I hear, the woman who accused him was supposedly involved in another scam. Maybe she lured him to try to blackmail him... as a man I know how hard it can be to turn down an attractive woman, married or not.

    In other news, Kali Muscle just had a heart attack, 100% blockage of the carotid artery. Also in his 40s. It's crazy how this keeps happening. You know, it's strange how this has been occurring so frequently since COVID and the vaccine situation. I think that both the vaccine and the virus itself seem to have clotting side effects. Tony Huge recently came out and said he almost died after getting COVID, that his clotting factors went through the roof and are still severely elevated, months later. It's no wonder that people like us who are using anabolics and have thicker blood are at greater risk. Of course, previous health issues and the cumulative effect of lifestyle choices are the majority to blame.

    Personally, I'll be taking aspirin for weeks before and after I get the booster shot, if I end up getting it. Never thought I'd be remotely on the fence about this, but it's just too weird at this point. I hope you all stay safe and keep it moderate.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2015
    What I don’t understand is if these guys have Dr’s that objectively review their health or if they just say screw it.
    I have had to deal with so many issues, granted I do not admit using AAS. I have had to go a couple of times to the hospital when on cycle- none directly related to cycle. I will do initial testing but at some point I start refusing testing because I know what they will find. I know the
    I have my heart checked, measured, etc . They did an ultrasound of my Neck arteries because they couldn’t find the reason for my rapid change in cholesterol ( it’s called a competition cycle with a shitload of Tren)….. that’s how they found the cancer.
    I obviously go off for about a month prior to my yearly tests.
    They also found afib.
    How can none of this be found in them? Maybe they just ignore what the Dr says?
    This is their livelihoods so maybe they just say screw it. I can see that happening.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Apparently he had 2 other heart attacks since 2019 before his third fatal heart attack. What is clear to me is that he must have been under a significant amount of stress the last 3 years after winning the O. His wife left him, the Olympia banned him, the accusation ruined his opportunities/sponsorships/revenue. What was supposed to be a life changing event after his win, became a nightmare. From what I hear, the woman who accused him was supposedly involved in another scam. Maybe she lured him to try to blackmail him... as a man I know how hard it can be to turn down an attractive woman, married or not.

    In other news, Kali Muscle just had a heart attack, 100% blockage of the carotid artery. Also in his 40s. It's crazy how this keeps happening. You know, it's strange how this has been occurring so frequently since COVID and the vaccine situation. I think that both the vaccine and the virus itself seem to have clotting side effects. Tony Huge recently came out and said he almost died after getting COVID, that his clotting factors went through the roof and are still severely elevated, months later. It's no wonder that people like us who are using anabolics and have thicker blood are at greater risk. Of course, previous health issues and the cumulative effect of lifestyle choices are the majority to blame.

    Personally, I'll be taking aspirin for weeks before and after I get the booster shot, if I end up getting it. Never thought I'd be remotely on the fence about this, but it's just too weird at this point. I hope you all stay safe and keep it moderate.
    i heard high rbc red blood cell count is also something that leads to clotting and embolism. that's why many donate blood, to lower their rbc.

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