But. Maybe ill get there. Trained yesterday. No discomfort.
Hit it again today. But just 10 minutts, ligth.
But i have 300 x 10 mg dbol in my garage. So....i migth blow up 8 pouns a week soon.
Pic from summer 2021
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Before and after
Sorry about the flag and the halloween effects.
NOOO disrespect.
And we ended that discussion long time ago. I m very thankfull for what u guys did for Europe!
Anyway, im 50 to the rigth. Guess 44-46 left.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-09-2021 at 04:51 PM.
Anyway. I will hit the hym in 4 hours. At work now and feeling ok. But im sitting. I have long covid. Feels like ME i guess. But doing some movements suoerligth wont be more stressfull than walking.
Will be first time since early september.
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At the gym with long covid. Good to be back after 10 weeks, yet a 10 year old gal lifts heavier than me now...but i show the mfs...u can count on that.
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Finished. Well...gotta start someplace. Ok, this was great. Now fix diett and up the doses and introduce dbol.
...and some shaving i guess...
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I migth be ready for social chrustmas activities after all
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At the gym. Stil feeling just 60%. But i just doesnt care anymore.
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Wardrobe after.
But i show em. Fuck long covid. Turning angry. I ve been tested long enough. Payback time.
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This chick is coming now..
So ill better get pumped in the sofa.
Dbol s already kicking, guys.
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Sunday morning. Finished workout. Finally starting to look buff in the gym again.
Few people, but one damned hot chick. Astrid S lookalike. Swear to God, she was just as pretty as this famous norwegian singer.
I saw her talk to a good looking guy. Guess they were lovers maybe. But when i left, she kind of followed and when i met her outside the mens room, she smiled. I didnt return it. I just saw her smiling when i looked up.
She sat down next to the exit and when i was about to leave the gym, she looked up, smiled and said bye. This time i was "online" and answered steady goodbye in return. But i didnt misuse the situation to say something more.
My ekswife always said, yo the reasom girls like that smile at you, is not an invitation to fuck their asshole. They just wanna make sure u wont kill or rape them, lol
Anyhow, im dating the horsegirl, so its ok.
But she was freakin hot[emoji16]
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Nop. My comeback didnt work. Felt more sick, so i quit. All i do now is just some movements wo weigths infront of mirror in the mornings. Well, i have 2 15 pounds dumbells i rep out with. 1 set. For bis. All i do.
But. I stil look like the natty version of me. Even wo training.
Im using 5-600 mg sus, mk677, and just a little dianabol.
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So i would suggest, a mod cycle and good diett wo training will take u just as far as natty training and the same diett.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-20-2021 at 08:37 PM.
Dont need to lift. Im permanently more buff than all u guys and 99.9% in the streets.
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That was a joke btw
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I do not care if the world ignores me. I feel fine alone in my Castle. Perfect, i dont like people.
Anyway, going severe bad, bro. I was sick for 2 weeks. No vaccine. No taste and smell. But no breathing and chestproblemes.
I was back at work, but..body will not cope with training. Now..10 weeks after jobreturn, i am not able to walk 100 meters wo discomfort.
Weigths are totally out of quesrions. All i do is movements in front of the mirror in the morning. Doing the exercises wo weigths. Well, i have 15 pound dumbell i migth curl for one set. And maybe shoulders.
But if i try to lift, ill get sick rigth away. Flu symtoms that is.
Im on 600 mg sus, 25 mg mk677 and 10-20mg dbol and 250 deca, so my gf says she dont notice any musscleloss.
What surprises me is, im ok with it. I dont get depressed. I know one day, it will be ok.
And. I guess my muscle memory will kick. 3 weeks with training and im back. I think.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-23-2021 at 06:23 PM.
And thats because this job gives me access to pretty girls phonenumbers who i look up on Facebook and send dirty messages when i come home. And....1 out of 5 is up for it. So....read me on that one lol?
Anyway. Crazy how little training u need if test and diett is good. Im only able to curl 10 pounds in the mornings when i brush my teeth, yet...my arm stil can do some damage among natties, girls and everyday life gymrats
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I like solitude, especially this time of year. 🤔
Hopefully, your symptoms will abate soon I had COVID-19 before it was "officially" here. Put me down for 3 weeks and then a couple of months of just enough strength to work and eat, then some kind of funky pneumonia hit me at the end.
About all I can offer is hydrate like a madman if you're thirsty and keep up the nutrient rich foods/super foods.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Just some months ago. But...i will soon be much bigger and much more cut than this.
My studies have given me a new weapon.
Kefir. With the fat.
Even better than hole eggs!!!!
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Today. 3 months wo training. Tried to fetch some christmas stuff from the roof room today.
Had to take a breake and go for the sofa.
Windy as fuck.
Glad i took those inks. Keep me from looking like the guys in the streets
Maybe i never heal.
Anyway, stil iwill be ARs King Silabolin forever!![emoji6]
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Why are the girls phones always more interesting than me when im dating?
Because i talk too much about frenchpress, proteinintake and safe cruisedoses?
Cmon man, those are important things!!
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deca and girlfriends do not go well together. you could not pay me enough to touch that shit again.
Getting worse. Had to stop my 100 pounds homegym decline benchpress also.
Not depressed or scared. Actually in very good mood. Which surprises me. But i have made more money lately. Instead of training, im working. And money is the most important thing in life. Cause without money, u can forget all about girls and bodybuilding.
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Tell u one thing guys. Not lifting is not torture. A high testlevel and life is nice. 250 deca also makes me feel real good.
But...u want to stay more home. But, i have a nice home, so i dont careAnd gf dont care. And why the heck should i impress the dudes at the gym. They re all gone. The buff ones. Skinny mfs are running the place now. I dont need em.
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Which one is your GF now? The one that texts her lover?
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I think i stil can do damage in the Mens Open, No Training Alloved division
Soon 4 months and even lost my diettmotivation.
Only bodybuilding "diettfood" now is 4 capsules EAA with breakfast and two litters kefir during day.
Else its food at will.
Cycle is 600 sus, 250 deca, 40 mg dbol, 25 mg mk677.
Kind of serious and i dont dare to think how i would look without it.
Goal is to be able to train again medio january when i stop the cycle.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-04-2021 at 02:43 AM.
What u mean which one??...sounds like im changing by the week. Cmon man, been with the horsegirl 4 months now and the romance is getting hotter by the day.
She is not a gymbabe, but she is young and funny and loyal and even all my sense tells me stop it now, i let fantasy take us further.
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Not sure. But what i have studied so far, do not suggest thats important. But, what is importsnt is the fat content. You dont want the skimmed products, the altered ones. Hole milk variants with 2,7 grams fat, is the ones u want.
Kefir is the ultimate bodybuilding food. Better than hole milk, good for digestion and 10 other factors on google on why u wanna drink kefir list.
If u only bother to do one thing, due to other problemes, 2 -4 litters of kefir a day, will have u going.
And, its all out there, but one thing i learned from doctor Ekberg. Go for the high fat ones, cause then u will utilize much much more of the top level protein u find in kefir.
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This is a family owned goat farm, they only have fresh whole milk, no nonfat/skim goat milk. They mainly sell goat meat to the public, buy they occasionally have a little more kefir than they need.
I stopped by recently to get some fresh chicken eggs and they were getting some more grain (kefir) from their relatives. They had their jars sitting out on the counter and their kids were playing with their cats and knocked a bunch of the jars over and broke them, so they couldn't reuse the grain.
They did give me some goose eggs in addition to the chicken eggs I bought. The goose eggs are big and the yolks are huge. LOL, it's a struggle to eat an omelet made from one goose egg!
Anyway, just wondered if your kefir came from cows or goats. They said the kefir from cows was very rich tasting.
Edit: I definitely agree kefir is loaded with beneficial enzymes and bacteria. Keeps the digestion working, but not overworking.
Last edited by almostgone; 12-05-2021 at 05:48 PM. Reason: Spelling
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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