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Thread: 2 cycles to critique. Thx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels

    Lightbulb 2 cycles 2 critique

    1st cycle for soon to be tested athlete:
    Test Prop 100mg EOD 1-12
    Mast Prop 50mg EOD 1-12
    Halotestin 10mg
    TNE 100mg

    For strength gains and using this to maintain then drop weight the last 6 weeks. Considering using Halo and TNE only 3x week before strength training sessions. Reduce liver stress and extend time they can be run. Probably Adex .25 EOD. Low dose GH 2.5IU/ED may bump to twice daily for 5iu. Would like NPP for joints but not an option. Considerd Turinabol but want to keep retention to minimum. Open to suggestions and ideas.

    2nd cycle for cut:
    Test E 600 1-15
    TrenE 500 1-15
    Mast E 500 1-15
    Halo 10mg 1-4
    Winstrol 50 mg 13-17
    Adex .25 EOD

    Probably throw Clen T3 into this one after the halo along with 2.5iu growth if budget allows. ECY stack if it can be found alternated every 3-4 weeks with Clen/T3
    Any reason to ramp up or down doses of injectables? A T400 TestE/TestC blend is available but I didn't see a benefit to raise T any higher. Got some HCG to run the last weeks up to PCT.

    Rough sketch here but putting thoughts on paper. Schools of thought change over time so just want some input. If we can keep it polite and respectable I'd appreciate the input.
    I see Sarms and Peps are pretty popular. Might be old school but if there's serious merit for injury healing and joints for the athlete or cutting body fat for the other I'm all ears.

    Thx -100%
    Last edited by 100%NATURAL-theGH; 01-20-2022 at 01:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Wow... nothin? 20 years ago I'd have 20 replies by now... did everybody go to Reddit? .... sometimes change really sucks...
    O well. Hopefully somebody knowledgeable has something to add or I'll just run them as is. Thx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    1st cycle for soon to be tested athlete:

    1. I would have Arimidex on hand and only use if needed, at 100mg test prop EOD I personalty wound not need or use Arimidex at al.

    2. Of al the steroids I ever used Halotestin by far felt the most toxic, I would never recommend anyone use it unless they are already a world class athlete, even then I would recommend using something safer.

    3. Oral Turinabol does not cause water retention, maybe I read your comment wrong but it is a great option for those who want to keep estrogen and water retention to a minimum IMO.

    2nd cycle for cut:

    1. I would replace the Halotestin with Anavar.

    2. I run 600mg test cyp a week (300mg 2x a week) I use Arimidex 0.25 twice a week, 24-30hours after test injection. Arimidex long term eod Is something I would not recommend, twice a week is safer and better. Better for your joints and better for your bones.

    Just my 2 cents.Good luck with your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Turinabol is detectable for 4-6 months. Can't have that. Understood about the Adex. Should I use Nolvadex or is that being used exclusively for PCT these days?

    For the second cycle I feel like Var isn't strong enough to have an impact with Tren. Adex 2x week sounds right. I've always used Nolvadex but seems Adex is the popular choice.

    Thx Iranon
    Last edited by 100%NATURAL-theGH; 01-20-2022 at 01:50 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH View Post
    Wow... nothin? 20 years ago I'd have 20 replies by now... did everybody go to Reddit? .... sometimes change really sucks...
    O well. Hopefully somebody knowledgeable has something to add or I'll just run them as is. Thx

    It’s definitely faded around here but guys will show up. Fuck Reddit for this type of info.

    My trepidation in replying is on the “tested athlete” component.

    I will say this, I like all of the compounds just fine, it’s the esters and clearing time that could trip your up. Obviously TNE and prop is going to clear the system way faster than an enthanate/cypionate ester.
    Depending on how you do with gyno or estrogen related sides, I’d skip the AI completely. Mast cuts it for me and I do great with lower test and proviron (don’t know the clearance time though). No clue on the testing for HGH either but that’s about the sweet spot for iu’s. I like the 5 on 2 off method.

    I’ve never run Halo so can’t speak to that either.

    Why not run Tren Ace with the first cycle and kept it all short esters? Mast, test, Tren and proviron is my ultimate stack.

    Best of luck and maybe there’s some value there. We need guys to stick around and contribute so this place stays viable…it’s been monumental in my development over the years

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    It’s definitely faded around here but guys will show up. Fuck Reddit for this type of info.

    My trepidation in replying is on the “tested athlete” component.

    I will say this, I like all of the compounds just fine, it’s the esters and clearing time that could trip your up. Obviously TNE and prop is going to clear the system way faster than an enthanate/cypionate ester.
    Depending on how you do with gyno or estrogen related sides, I’d skip the AI completely. Mast cuts it for me and I do great with lower test and proviron (don’t know the clearance time though). No clue on the testing for HGH either but that’s about the sweet spot for iu’s. I like the 5 on 2 off method.

    I’ve never run Halo so can’t speak to that either.

    Why not run Tren Ace with the first cycle and kept it all short esters? Mast, test, Tren and proviron is my ultimate stack.

    Best of luck and maybe there’s some value there. We need guys to stick around and contribute so this place stays viable…it’s been monumental in my development over the years
    Absolutely. Mine too even if I'm a little rusty.

    Unfortunately Trens got 4 months of detectability or it'd be my first choice with Test P. Everything else is 3 weeks or less. Run TNE till a week out.

    Appreciate the insight on the AI. I'm going to look into using proviron. Someone else mentioned exemastane. Anything else that would be better than arimidex?

    Should have my order any day and I decided to go with 150 TP and 50 MP eod and I went with Var. Looking forward to my first shot, 3cc with 100mg TNE to kick things off.

    Yeeeeeaahhhh Buddy!!!

    Thx bro

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