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It’s definitely faded around here but guys will show up. Fuck Reddit for this type of info.
My trepidation in replying is on the “tested athlete” component.
I will say this, I like all of the compounds just fine, it’s the esters and clearing time that could trip your up. Obviously TNE and prop is going to clear the system way faster than an enthanate/cypionate ester.
Depending on how you do with gyno or estrogen related sides, I’d skip the AI completely. Mast cuts it for me and I do great with lower test and proviron (don’t know the clearance time though). No clue on the testing for HGH either but that’s about the sweet spot for iu’s. I like the 5 on 2 off method.
I’ve never run Halo so can’t speak to that either.
Why not run Tren Ace with the first cycle and kept it all short esters? Mast, test, Tren and proviron is my ultimate stack.
Best of luck and maybe there’s some value there. We need guys to stick around and contribute so this place stays viable…it’s been monumental in my development over the years