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Thread: testosterone 4130 ng/dl estrogen 80

  1. #1

    testosterone 4130 ng/dl estrogen 80

    hi everyone. i have been on 500mg/week pharma grade testosterone enanthate and 20mg dianabol. anastrozol 1mg twice/week after week 6. 10 weeks on cycle, pin on tuesday i had blood work on thursday it shows 41.30 ng/ml or 4130 ng/dl / estrogen 80 pg/ml no gyno. blood pressure within high normal clean diet. no libido and i take 1mg anastrozol ED to get estrogen on range. what do you guys think about the test should i cut the dose to 250mg /week. and how much anastrozol .5 ed or .25 ed
    no libido (high at the start)
    hindered gains
    low energy
    sleep disturbances
    blood work attached
    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	73 
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ID:	181690

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    You are killing your gains and libido with that much AI. Your test is 4000+, your Estrogen SHOULD be elevated as well, especially with the dbol. That is why it is there!

    Look at the words you typed: Your libido was high at the start of cycle. You added AI at week 7. 4 weeks later you are feeling like crap.

    It's all right there. Your issues are from the AI and tanking (relative to your test) your estrogen.

    Don't take a highly estrogenic compound like dbol and then kill its benefits with AI. It makes no sense. Just drop the dbol. You are wasting compounds and money.

    Don't be afraid of letting estrogen run well into the 100s with test that high, unless you are prone to estrogenic sides. In that case, don't run estrogenic cyles. Replace the dbol with anavar or primo and you may never need an AI again.

  3. #3
    i have ran dianabol before with no AI. i never went over 20 for estrogen level. it’s definetly the test e. the first time i use pharma grade. the test i used before definitely was underdosed. i see most of the people on cycle have test levels no more than 1200ng/dl is 4000 ng/ dl or should i cut back on the dosing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    If you never made it over 20 estrogen with dbol, I would say your dbol is suspect.

    You started feeling bad after you introduced the AI.

    You need to eliminate the AI.

    I would leave the test at 500mg per week and drop the dbol. You should be towards the end of the oral run anyhow at week 6.

  5. #5
    probably my AI was not enough as the test level kept getting higher in the blood as estrogen did too. i will give it a try and stay on anastrozol for 5 days and see what happens. 4130 ng testosterone you get aromatization i rather have estrogen on range or at least high range that have estrogen on the roof that can’t be healthy. i’ll keep you updated with the experiment. you know everybody is different and when it comes to hormones there is no set rule that works for everybody unfortunately

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