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Thread: xX Silabolin' s HIT Castle Xx

  1. #6761
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    ....and you're still running your regular Nebiido injections, right?

    The reason I ask is I sometimes like to mix short and long esters for 6 weeks or so. For instance, I'll draw 50mg of pharma prop and 200 mg of my script cypionate.

    It throws a nice little kick into my energy levels., i drop nebido when i cruise/blast. Nebido is costly.

    But adding a little prop to trt in order to get a little extra energy now and then seems smart and safe to me.

    But Sir. I want u to do something for me. For the rest of your life. And maybe we upgrade. But for now i want u to do a 24 hour waterfast each week. And start reading up on it.

    Best u can do for all health, anabolism, refreshing ARs, growth hormone release and specially IR. Insulin is a dominant hormon which degrades growth hormone and u dont want it.

    I swear, what the say about it, really is true.

    And its for FREE. The best medicin and drug u ever get your hands on, is for free. Actually u will save bucks off it. Short and longterm!

    If u think this is for crossfit only and not for juice heads, muscle maniacs, you are wrong.

    "dr" Tony Huge and coach Trevor pratice and suggest this now. They go further. A 48 waterfast each week.
    And u wont find more dedicated juiceheads/musclemaniacs than those two.
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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-28-2022 at 05:01 PM.

  2. #6762
    Join Date
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    Now then..lets get serious.

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  3. #6763
    Join Date
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    I def think he will do damage this summer. All of a suddon he got his sidechest up. And thats wo carbs and real doses!!

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  4. #6764
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    The guy to the rigth has a more pleasant physic. His midsec is way better. His shoulderwith also wins and everything flows a lot better. Also his chest and arms are bigger. Dude to the left is dryer, has bigger traps and also a bit more cut, but all in all, easy win for the guy to the rigth.

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  5. #6765
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    Arnold 2017.
    More stif competition, specially from the left top guy. But when they all turned and showed their backs, it was once very clear. The guy at the bottom left won by 2 points.

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  6. #6766
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    As a matter a fact, the other refused to turn when they saw the norwegians back. In my 15 years of covering IFBB shows, i have never seen anything like that before.

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-29-2022 at 05:55 PM.

  7. #6767
    Join Date
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    Damned im going to have fun this summer[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]

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  8. #6768
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    May 2015
    So...whats up today.
    Well big things actually. Im 26 hours in my 48 hours fast. Yes thats rigth, ill train tomorrow at a fasted state. Some 44 hours fasting. Its a shame ive got legs, but fuck it.
    After the training ill do 5 capsules of omega 3, then tuna. Tuna only. 60 grams of protein. In oil and water.
    Then in 2 hours ill do a regular low carb meal. I guess 100 gs of protein from chicken with fat. More fat sources and veggies.

    This is how my new guru suggests breaking the fast.

    I just did manual labour at the house. Two hours and felt like shit. After i drank water with salt and felt better.

    So my intra tomorrow will be salt and water.

    I also should have eaten some pre biotics in order to dont let the fast twist the gut flora, new to this. Cant remember everything.

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-30-2022 at 06:48 AM.

  9. #6769
    Join Date
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    Fucking Sil- giving me my daily chuckle.

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  10. #6770
    Join Date
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    AG...whats chuckle? he trying to be cool and young again?

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  11. #6771
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    May 2015
    Hm..38 hours into waterfast. Just wakened. Now 7 hours work, then legs at the gym. No nothing . Just water and sodium. One cup of coffe. U should not drink more coffe during fast. Interfers with hormonerealese and it can wear out your adrenalin glands or some shit. Dont remember exactly

    Another goal is to let all this fasting thigten the skin around the abs. They say thats the best approach for loose skin.

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-30-2022 at 07:01 PM.

  12. #6772
    Join Date
    May 2015
    48 hours without food. Yes the training sucked.
    Think they mean u shal fast for 24 hours, then train.

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  13. #6773
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    Feeling a lot better now. Little omega 3 and some 60 gs of protein from lean tuna.

    2 hours after the tuna break fast meal, ill blast a max keto meal. Some 80-100 gs of protein, tons of fat and a few veggies.

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  14. #6774
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    AG...whats chuckle? he trying to be cool and young again?

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    Ah, he's just getting a little laugh to motivate you.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  15. #6775
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Hm..38 hours into waterfast. Just wakened. Now 7 hours work, then legs at the gym. No nothing . Just water and sodium. One cup of coffe. U should not drink more coffe during fast. Interfers with hormonerealese and it can wear out your adrenalin glands or some shit. Dont remember exactly

    Another goal is to let all this fasting thigten the skin around the abs. They say thats the best approach for loose skin.

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    Don't forget to get your potassium in as well. I'be done keto diets in the past and they really purge the fluid from your body, but it also can deplete your electrolytes. Maybe some avocado would fit into your meal plan? Plus it would give you some more fats?

    Just don't want to hear that you are electrolyte depleted. It can upset several body systems.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  16. #6776
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    48 hours without food. Yes the training sucked.
    Think they mean u shal fast for 24 hours, then train.

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    Damn....48 hours is a long time!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  17. #6777
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Damn....48 hours is a long time!!
    Then its time to eat. Kebab meat with lots of garlic sause.

    Yes, i tried to drink water with sodium, but i think 48 hours are too long.
    Wo sucked.
    I try 24 hours next time.

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  18. #6778
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Then its time to eat. Kebab meat with lots of garlic sause.

    Yes, i tried to drink water with sodium, but i think 48 hours are too long.
    Wo sucked.
    I try 24 hours next time.

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    That's a good meal there! Especially like seeing the avacado and olives.

    Dammit, now I'm hungry and still have a good 10 hours or so to go at work.
    Think I may grill some steak and put some Tzatziki sauce on it this evening!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  19. #6779
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Chuckle is actually an old timers word.
    I almost fell out of my chair seeing the picture of you with the body building lineup. That was ingenius.
    I’m laughing with you, not at you.

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  20. #6780
    Join Date
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    BTW- listen to AG or you may have to go and see a Dr.

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  21. #6781
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    That's a good meal there! Especially like seeing the avacado and olives.

    Dammit, now I'm hungry and still have a good 10 hours or so to go at work.
    Think I may grill some steak and put some Tzatziki sauce on it this evening!!
    Haha, my dish made u hungry. Yes man, it was a damned good meal. Lots of good stuff without raising insulin which pushes the fat inside the cells. And my 48 hours fast makes everything work twice as good/anabolic. Eatingday tomorrow also.
    Then saturday ill make their eyes fall out at the gym

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  22. #6782
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Chuckle is actually an old timers word.
    I almost fell out of my chair seeing the picture of you with the body building lineup. That was ingenius.
    I’m laughing with you, not at you.

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    Yeah just trying to amuse myself. Im soon 51 you know and have done my duties.
    Rest of my life is dessert.

    But stop sending me to the doc all the time. My doc doesnt know shit. I lived through corona. It was not canzer. Just long covid. As i said.

    But...sodium is important when fasting. I agree. And prebiotics for the gut bacteria.

    Its cool man, ive studied all this during my long covid off period.

    And uyou saw the lineup. The proof is in the pudding. I can cope, u know.

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  23. #6783
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    May 2015
    Got my answer. Shit works. Training fasting. Cave man theori. Million years of evolution. Not this short chickenshit 12 000 years agriculture era.
    When i woke up, i testet feader shoulder laterals. 40 hours into the fast, i did 36 reps. 50 reps is normal.
    Now after the meals yesterday and a sollid breakfast, i did fucking 60 reps. Great pump, slim skin.
    So lets follow the cavemen and for days and hungry hunt down a sabeltooth tiger.
    Then lets feast. And grow like a motherfucker.

    And dbol is out. All ive got is high trtdose of test e and tren e, but the tren e was also stopped last week.
    So 200 testeron enanthate. No mk677 or cardarine cause the mail from uk is fucked up because of war and covid. Dude said.
    But. I stick to the caves. We will hunt. We we win.

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-31-2022 at 05:56 PM.

  24. #6784
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    Only concern is. What if my error is the best. They suggest a 24 hour fast, then train.
    But what if u get even more GH, mTor, etc and growth from 48 hours?
    Damned cause it was a real pain in the ass and at the gym i could hardly walk beetween sets.

    But maybe it will be better next time.

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  25. #6785
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    Another argue for the cavepolicy. Now my mouth is watery. Thinking of the kebab with lots of garlic sauce i can eat after work.

    Eating chickenbreasts, brown rise and brockoli 4 times a day makes me puke. I dont wanna be a bodybuilder like that.

    And yeah, the garlic sauce will make me more cut than the chickenbreast bodybuilder.
    And i live 20 years longer.

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  26. #6786
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    Yo chargi...ur american. U think someone in Hollywood can use me?

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 04-01-2022 at 03:27 AM.

  27. #6787
    Join Date
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    Here he is, my new guru. Thomas Delauer.

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  28. #6788
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Only concern is. What if my error is the best. They suggest a 24 hour fast, then train.
    But what if u get even more GH, mTor, etc and growth from 48 hours?
    Damned cause it was a real pain in the ass and at the gym i could hardly walk beetween sets.

    But maybe it will be better next time.

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    It's kind of pushing things a little hard, Sil. Just my 2cc. With the amount of muscle you carry, a heavy workout is crushing your blood glucose.

    That was one problem I had with a regular keto diet. If I got busy at work and missed a meal/didn't eat for 6-8 hours, my glucose could easily hit the low high 40s to 50s. Next thing I would start sweating like crazy and my thoughts would get fuzzy. So I started keeping a glucometer with me until I figured it out.

    The good thing about recognizing it is you can stop for a few minutes, eat some ground beef and asparagus or whatever and once your body gets a little fuel, you're back in the game.

    Not saying what you're doing doesn't work, just don't push the idea too hard and hurt yourself. You can be as cut up as a madman, but you won't look very cool collapsed on the gym floor or passed out in the parking lot where someone could act like they're helping,but are really snagging your wallet, car keys, etc.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  29. #6789
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Another argue for the cavepolicy. Now my mouth is watery. Thinking of the kebab with lots of garlic sauce i can eat after work.

    Eating chickenbreasts, brown rise and brockoli 4 times a day makes me puke. I dont wanna be a bodybuilder like that.

    And yeah, the garlic sauce will make me more cut than the chickenbreast bodybuilder.
    And i live 20 years longer.

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    I'm with you on the kebabs, lamb w/ Tzatziki sauce, etc.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  30. #6790
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Then its time to eat. Kebab meat with lots of garlic sause.

    Yes, i tried to drink water with sodium, but i think 48 hours are too long.
    Wo sucked.
    I try 24 hours next time.

    Sent fra min SM-G998B via Tapatalk
    That is a NICE plate of food. Damn, what’s not to like on that dish? Thank goodness dinner is in a few hours for me.

  31. #6791
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    It's kind of pushing things a little hard, Sil. Just my 2cc. With the amount of muscle you carry, a heavy workout is crushing your blood glucose.

    That was one problem I had with a regular keto diet. If I got busy at work and missed a meal/didn't eat for 6-8 hours, my glucose could easily hit the low high 40s to 50s. Next thing I would start sweating like crazy and my thoughts would get fuzzy. So I started keeping a glucometer with me until I figured it out.

    The good thing about recognizing it is you can stop for a few minutes, eat some ground beef and asparagus or whatever and once your body gets a little fuel, you're back in the game.

    Not saying what you're doing doesn't work, just don't push the idea too hard and hurt yourself. You can be as cut up as a madman, but you won't look very cool collapsed on the gym floor or passed out in the parking lot where someone could act like they're helping,but are really snagging your wallet, car keys, etc.
    Collapsed in the parking garage?...u need to read up. Most of us carry around enough vit min energy to "easily" move 4 weeks after food. Most likely 40 days, even a normal skin guy.

    Reason why u felt bad without carbs, was because your methabolic flexiability was so bad.

    In a few weeks with short fasts, intermediate fasting and keto, your body will be good at using ketons for fuel.

    That way it should be like stealing candy from kids training 48 hours wo food.

    But u just wanna go easy. 70%

    I went in 100% with calves and hams first.

    Then i was done before the heavy quads exercises.

    Only prob is, as i said, quality of life that two days wo food.

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  32. #6792
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    That is a NICE plate of food. Damn, what’s not to like on that dish? Thank goodness dinner is in a few hours for me.
    Hehe. I think its so cool. U guys like my selfmade food. Seriously

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  33. #6793
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Collapsed in the parking garage?...u need to read up. Most of us carry around enough vit min energy to "easily" move 4 weeks after food. Most likely 40 days, even a normal skin guy.

    Reason why u felt bad without carbs, was because your methabolic flexiability was so bad.

    In a few weeks with short fasts, intermediate fasting and keto, your body will be good at using ketons for fuel.

    That way it should be like stealing candy from kids training 48 hours wo food.

    But u just wanna go easy. 70%

    I went in 100% with calves and hams first.

    Then i was done before the heavy quads exercises.

    Only prob is, as i said, quality of life that two days wo food.

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    I was referring to blood glucose not the amount of fats stored in out body. Some people process fats much different on strict keto diets when they are in heavy ketosis and glucose will plummet.

    I can literally can drop into the 40-50s when hustling at work if I go more than 6-8 hours without eating. Always have been like that.

    A man that hasn't eaten for 48 hours and hits a heavy leg session can very easily hit the floor. That I know for a fact, and that's w/ no insulin use. Look at some of the more intense physical training routines and watch what happens when people skip meals. Disagree if you want, but I know what happens to me and I know my statements are based on fact. Have a nice day.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  34. #6794
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    Now, can people last for long periods of time in low exertion survival mode? Absolutely.

    There's plenty of into on exercise induced hypoglycemia when incorporating fasting. There's a recent article on endocrine web (dot com, I think?) about it and other reputable reports.

    I'm just trying to prevent the man from hitting the floor like I did.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-01-2022 at 05:43 PM. Reason: ....added URL extension.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  35. #6795
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    Well, im going to test the effect now. I have been eating for 48 hours now i think,past the 48 hour fast.
    Training in one hour.
    Feeling full. And i will try togo heavy. If i break records due to the doses im using, i will know for fact if this lifespan extending fasting also will increase musclesize and strength.

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  36. #6796
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    Best wo i ever had. No intra. Pump for 2 and a half hours. I just could go on and on and on..
    Never seen anything like it.
    And i dropped dbol 4 says ago. I was running 40 mg.

    Crazy. Just crazy.
    Metabolic flexibility.
    Ketons all day.

    I will do another 48 hours fast then training soon.

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  37. #6797
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    At the gym. Legs. I have fasted for 20 hours. And added sodium and 500 mg magnesium.
    But it should be slow realising magnesium. I learn more and more. The usuall magnesium supp stuff, doesnt work that good. But better than nothing.

    First calves, no loss of strength. Feeling real good actually. Yet.

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    What the fuck is happening. Calves, half of hams done. Crazy pump, superb strength. No pwo, intra. Just a 20 hour fast prior. No dbol. Just trtdose and ugl 200 mg tren e.
    I know its not the tren. Been on 4 weeks.
    New ground. One word. Inzane. Puts all my knowledge to 0.
    Looking big and ripped.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 04-04-2022 at 03:03 AM.

  38. #6798
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    Thigths almost done, pump is stil there. Superb strength.
    Rest is easy, contacttraining with rear delts, neck, traps.

    I think i never will train in a non fasted state anymore.

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  39. #6799
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    Now. After wo. 3 capsules omega 3.
    Two boxes of tuna in water.

    Best post workout after fast acourding to Thomas Debrauer.

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  40. #6800
    Join Date
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    You better keep it going because this old man has put on a lot of new tissue. I found the secret for my legs after years of searching.

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