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Thread: AlphaDestiny and his book Naturally Enhanced

  1. #1

    AlphaDestiny and his book Naturally Enhanced

    Alpha Destiny is a youtuber as some might know and ive watched some his videos etc. and yesterday i somehow got to his webpage and read some articles of his and he kinda impressed me his training princibles and philiosophies are in many ways similar to mine. I saw he was selling his book too on the page and i think the price was around 100 bucks so pretty expensive. I was able to download it for free though with a simple google search Naturally enhanced free pdf or something in those lines. I know im a terrible person etc but yeah, i dont have the money to buy every random book that i might not even like for 100 bucks. But reading the book, im kinda impressed. Pretty interesting book imo, one of the better ones ive seen lately. He prioritises neck, traps, upper back shoulders forearms and glutes as the most impoortant muscles to develop to have this imposing "bear" look. That if you have decently developed those muscles, you will look big. Thats a pretty interesting concept imo what i have not read / thought of before. Anyways yeah, the book is 250 pages or something long and pretty interesting imo, with indepth routines and concepts, if anyone is interested can check it out. The guy himself is a alledgedly natural athlete with pretty decent strength developement

    Edit; Sorry i remembered wrong the book is 47 american
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 06-02-2022 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    New England
    Appears to be like most YouTubers, regular looking guy passing himself off as an expert with some new theories.
    Its all been done, its all very basic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Most of the guys in here are 20+ years older than that dude. I doubt anyone needs his advice on training. It's just basic bodybuilding and genetics. That's all it comes down to. You can prioritize whatever you want, but your genetics will determine if you have big traps, big arms, big chest, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yeah nothing too impressive a quick search revealed I am 90 lbs heavier than him and leaner too.

  5. #5
    Yeah well we have to take into consideration that he is natural. He has decent lifts I must admit at first i didnt liek the guy so much but now i have found many of his videos and theb book also "informational". Has added a little new perspective in my training. Considering hes natty and has 100 kg+ overhead press, 180 bench,102kg bench x 26, 100 kg+ weighted dip, 300kg + deadlift, 6 one arm pullups etc he is advanced and defently has trained considerably and knows his shit abit and can be informative and helpful for someone with abit less expirience like me. He works as trainer also and his clients have made signifact improvements also.

    All in all, no probs if all dont like him. All cant like the same shit i just made this thread because i liekd the book and thought id recomend it

    Maybe why I like it abit more is i have small backround in boxing training and I have a sweet spot for. Because that backround i like to train neck and forearms because they are important muscles in that sport, and this "naturally enhanced" has neck and forearms on high priority. Also shoudlers are my favourite muscle to train and for this guy it is the same. So maybe I like it more because hes style of training is abit similar to mine
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 06-07-2022 at 12:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Most guys claim natty but aren’t just FYI. Drug tests even mean nothing.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Most guys claim natty but aren’t just FYI. Drug tests even mean nothing.
    true :P

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