Damn you're still getting ink that stuff going to affect your brain
Damn you're still getting ink that stuff going to affect your brain
the little white shorts brought Obs back Sil.
Talk shit guys. U know what. Me and my new outfit are training upper body with a model monday.
While ur jerking off alone in the toilet.
So...why dont u give me respect??
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End week 2, 400 mast, 300 mg test e.
3. week, must up the doses. Never do the same. Do the same stay the same.
But its early. Gonnabe a long summer.
3. Week...well i think like 400 mast, 500 test??....yeah, think so.
No need for 19nors yet. Or Dbol. But soon
Sides?...no sides, chest, lunges, BP, lower back pump...no man, feels like a teen.
Thanks to keto, imf and fasting.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-07-2022 at 04:47 PM.
Check this shit out. Start week 3. Already contest ready.
And trained with the model again.
Damned im glad i was coronasick 6 months and studied fasting, keto and imf.
So where am i at....12%...seriously??
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-09-2022 at 05:19 AM.
Its ok guys, its very early. Just week 3 out of 13-15.
Ofcourse this will not do on the strip. And no 19nors yet.
He got skinny legs too..
Hey mf, i said E A S Y....just healed from long covid remember.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-13-2022 at 04:56 AM.
So. It happened. For the first time in my life, i think. I was waiting in the pharmacy, buying needles. Then a lady in her 60s, british i think, came up to me. "May i take a picture of you"?, she said. What...i was surprised, my coolguard was off, tired from work, in my taxi uniform, feeling common.
I said, sure, but... "Well i have this friend...and, u DO look like a Viking", she said with her strong british accent.
Oh..actually i felt a tiny blush coming, especially when thinking of the everyday norwegians waiting in a line behind me. But i hit a pose, not a muscular one, but straigthened my back, head up etc.
Then it was happening. In my local pharmacy. Like i was a star. Brad Pit, Mel Gibson or something lol
My God. Kind of cool though.. Must admit that.
Lets see what happens in week 10 to 12 lol[emoji56][emoji56][emoji56][emoji4]
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-14-2022 at 04:37 AM.
Ok guys. Ive been stuck at the last bodyfatlevel. If its 11, 12 or 14 or whatever.
So, in order to get below 10, i will try to do a 24 hours waterfast every other day. On training days.
I think i will be able to not loose my strength, as i will try to up and switch roids/doses.
Suffering from 24 hours waterfast is now pretty much nonexisting, thanks to keto.
Body uses ketons.
I feel better if i skip breakfast and really dont feel any need for food until 14 to 16 hours. But the hunger is not bad. So 24 hours is easy.
Best of all, this approach is the most healthy u can do.
Running tren at 400 for 8-9 weeks, should be perfectly safe.
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Everything heavy today
Fasting every other day is not optimal for strength i guess.
But..hell with it. I put in a good post wo meal, then ill do a 48 hours waterfast. Lets get rid of some fat.
But..who cares about strength...
U gonna lift your diningtable??
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-19-2022 at 05:18 AM.
24 hours in my waterfast. 24 to go, the training. THEN omgega 3 and 50 gs pro from tuna in water.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-20-2022 at 06:52 AM.
Ok. In my fourth day wo food. Kind of. To days ago i had some tuna and a meal after workout. But i will not eat before after wo. In 10 hours that is.
Feeling clear and energic. Hungry yes, but not severe.
Getting some electrolyttes in, lemonwater, sodium, fiber and ACV.
Heart beat sitting down is 69. Which is nice.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-20-2022 at 07:52 PM.
Finished wo. 4 days, only one meal. But, i didnt notice any strength loss. Weird, but this ketose works.
For sure i looked all time best with smal waist and much less fat.
But now i will eat a lot for mon days wo, with the model again.
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Lacking beef yet in a natural environment pic wo pump.
But just on a little test and mast.
But easy...soon time for dbol n tren.
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Yo yo yo. Important upper body wo in 8 hours. Skipped breakfast. Down to two meals aday now, when not fasting.
After most workouts, i do a giga thai keto bufet. Last time 6 dishes. Atleast 150 gs og protein, i guess lol.
Upping my game. Adding tren e today, and a low dose dianabol until tren kicks.
In addition to 500 test, 400 mast and the 250 deca, which i started last sunday.
Runs out of mast, ca, when the tren kicks, which is planned.
It will be tren rest of the summer. Starting at 200 and then 400 within 2-3 weeks.
Havent deceided if i will do 250 or 500 for test along with tren.
Feeling no sides, 100% clean in chest, heart, breathinh. Everything. Even heart beat at rest is in the 60s.
Thanks to keto and fasting, no doubt.
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Ok guys, fading more and more into this OMAD thing.
With possible alternation also using bcaas and mct on non training days.
The benefits are too great. And the cons too little to not try it.
One meal aday. If somebody told me that could be a way for getting a buff body one year ago, i would call 911.
Ofcourse tons of carbs are better for size and strength, but NOT very much better. Just sligthly.
But on OMAD fat melts away, health becomes superb even on tren and in a tank u will look better than eating Pianastyle.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-29-2022 at 07:59 AM.
Left OMAD. Rigth normal. Tiny more beef to the rigth, but as i recall i was on dbol then with test.
Now mast only.
When i up with tren and dbol, i guess i will be just as good with OMAD. With some 20 years added to my lifespan. Atleast.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-29-2022 at 09:03 AM.
Wait..... something is missing. Did you color your beard or do the white hairs disappear when you trim it?
LOL, I'm serious! When I trim my beard or get my haircut, the white hairs seem to disappear.
I like the one meal a day better than the fasting you were doing. Especially when you are hitting back or leg day. Don't need anything happening to the resident Viking!
Without question, you're definitely leaning out.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
U can do a combine. OMAD with some sligth addons, mct/essensial aas or as i do now. OMAD after wo, but coffe with lots of butter and "fløte"..english i dont know, the stuff u make cream for cakes from. Some eaas with creatin.
Then 4 hours later i have a box of sardines in olive oil.
So im playing with the OMAD.
Never the less, yesterday i was as strong as i ever have been before, looked extremely good and crazy pump.
Just 500 test, 400 mg mast and 10 mg dbol. Tren will kick next week.
Bottom line, u dont need carbs every second hour.
When u eat OMAD, the nutritients work 5 times as good.
And...u live 30 years longer.
In all this u add the fast. 2-3 days one time a month, and maybe 24 hours a week.
Well, this is my recepi for pussy this summer.
Facials?...well spotted. I have received my Wish summer skipment. Ofcourse including facial hair coloring
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Going extreme. Now wo, after a big thai keto bufet. Then 48 hours waterfast. Then atleast two days with coffee with a lots of butter for breakfast, then two boxes of sardines in oliveoil for dinner. (38 gs of protein)
Time to get shredded.
I think i keep my strength. Bump the tren to 400.
The test will be upper body wo next friday. Start with barbell incline press. Would be gorgeous if strength is stil there.
Adding creatin also.
Time to get serious.
And Kids, dont do this at home. U WILL shrink.
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Finished upper body wo after 48 hours fasting. No pwo. No loss of strength, first 90 min superpump. Last hour just average.
Time to get ripped.
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Def getting leaner. But how to get there, pure carnivore?...no greens or vegetables at all. No study proofes they are mandatory. Triabs all over which never eat them. Bloodtests perfect.
I add 4 multi vit min tbls.
Flat, just had a 48 hour fast, the teo tiny meal. Im filling up now with coconutoil and sardines in oliveoli.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-07-2022 at 06:05 PM.
Legday tomorrow , not that i need it.
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Wish summercollection lol
Just what girls like[emoji16][emoji16]
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how u going to take a piss in that thing?
Stil not abs. Doing OMAD with some adds.
Strength stil ok. Look like never before in the gym.
But abs...
So im putting in a 4 days butter only diett. Just trained upper body with a big bufet. But from now and the next 4 days, it will on ly be butter and oils.
Monday i have legs, so i will add two boxes of tuna i water post wo.
Then back to the butter diett again.
Wednesday its upperbody again, goal os to keep strength, but look more ripped.
Theori is clear. Its impossible to gain fat when there is no insulin. Butter and oil do not raise insulin. For sure protein does.
And yeah, im pushing it a bit 500 mg test e, 400 mg tren e and 250 mg deca :/
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THIS pic just screams LGBTQ+...!!!
WTF kind of thread is this? Must be a SLOW motherfucking day at the forum when you gotta make threads (and continue threads) with "yourself" as the subject; especially if you are what, a taxi driver in some northern climate...???
All roads lead to narcissism, one might say...
Xnavy?...bet all ya did was cook. You have no respect. They would never put you anywear near a gun.
Bet all you did was handling potatoes. And the knife was a fruitknife and you had to sign for it everyday.
For sure far away from heat in the kitchen and sharper tools.
Xnavy lol..
Have yourself a good day now, mr. Potatobreath. Yeah..i guess u stole and ate tons of them.
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I made it. Abs.
But i want more.
So i continue my extreme diett.
And i know u guys will focus on my underwear. But my ejakulation got more pressure than a vulcano, so it tears everything.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-19-2022 at 05:13 AM.
Well i gotta say, you have made some changes. Nicely done
cant stop seeing ur tat with stomach fold, looks like a cartoon face thats frowning
X Navy is the new Obs. [emoji23]
Sil- your muscles are getting flat. That means that you are going catabolic.
Look at your chest in that photo. You used to have a full chest.
I am not picking on you, I am going through the same thing for contest prep. Increasing the potassium to try and get striations.
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I got booted at the gym today. Man...after 30 years...man..
New owner, bitch late 50s....no connection to training or gym life no nothing.
She came up and asked me to be more quiet. Its too much, she said.
Luckily im fully aware of im running 400 mg tren and i was able to cut brainsignals and act as a zombie, and i said..."oh...ok"
It was the same bitch i had this loud angry coronadiscussion for 30 mins in the middle of the gym.
But she owns 50% of the gym and i like the gym, so i wont push anymore. Specially not when im on.
Nobody likes her anyway.
Only thing, hard time dealing with the fact that a untrained ugly bitch like that, got the nerves to talk to me like that.
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