There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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So an update to my story is I've been having problems with nausea the last couple weeks with today I'm throwing up multiple times. So my girlfriend talks me in to going to the ER to have them treat the nausea. They do bloodwork and my creatinine level is 2.51 and my GFR (they didn't say if it was e or not, but I'll assume it is) was 30.
Needless to say I'm going to have to go through the whole process with my nephrologist again. Tomorrow I'm supposed to have a regular telesession with my GP, so it's going to be mentioned then and probably get another referral in.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Well WTH, again? So you dont have any kidney stones or anything like that, right? One of my co workers was just out last week because he had to pass 2 or 3 stones. He said he has done that before.
I know I mentioned OTC cleanse before but are you using any apple cider vinegar and/or cranberry juice? They work good for flushing you out also.
We need to get a pack started and stop getting older.
I have some friends in the Philippines who recently also had kidney infections and I had some OTC kidney cleanse sent to them in pill and gummy's since one of the kids was also sick, enough for the entire family as well as a couple large bottle of cranberry juice and a bottle of apple cider vinegar and in just a couple days they were feeling better and within a week pretty much cured and weight gained back. They were more than happy.
Ive actually done like this for a few families over there and I think most of them are considering me a natural-path healer now. lol I keep trying to explain to them that the internet is used for a lot more than just fb and youtube.
Last edited by lovbyts; 03-13-2023 at 07:53 AM.
The funny thing is the nausea has been pretty much keeping me from holding anything down. But as far as things I can pinpoint, the only gear that I've been doing is the 100mg of test that I split up in 2 doses, but that's my TRT. I don't even bother with the nandrolone anymore since I started thinking it wasn't doing anything for me. My RBC and WBC looked good. I was dehydrated, but I attribute that to the fact I couldn't hold anything down.
I've never had stones before so as far as I know I don't. I'm not having kidney pain or anything.
And as far as cranberry juice goes, I'm already pretty well addicted to that Cran-Raspberry juice. I usually drink a jug of it every day (or pretty close to it).
I did speak to my PCP today and although I've got to wait for an appointment with my nephrologist, we decided in the interim to give me 8mg of zofran whenever I need it and from here to load up on water for the next two weeks. Then I'll go do some more bloodwork and then see where I stand with it. He also wanted to give me a suppository to help with nausea, but I told him I'd rather die than shove something up my ass.
Same here on the suppository use. Back before it was discontinued, I had a Dr.prescribe me Tigan suppositories
for wicked nausea. When he said suppositories, I told him they better be flavored because my ass is a one way street.....exit only. He said you'll never get better if you don't take the meds as prescribed. Told him that I was going on one hell of a cut then.
I don't know how you're belly is feeling about other juices, but I alternate drinking the stuff below and no sugar added cranberry. Both of them seem to help me if I get a sour stomach, but the one below really suits me.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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I buy it here at Food Lion and I think Publix has it. That's about 2 main stores in my area.
But, yes sir, the Tampico Paired Up does me right. When I first saw it, I read the label and it said it contained beets, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. I thought to myself, I'm going to drink this and shit everywhere, so I bought 3 of 1.5 at bottles of it. I waited until I got home to take a sip of it and it was pretty damn good; ended up drinking a 1.5 qt bottle that evening.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Alright their website says they sell it at my local Ralph's. So I'll try a bottle and see how it is. I have no idea what beets taste like though, but I like all of the rest. But shit, if it'll calm my stomach down, I'll drink it even if it tastes bad. I've drank some pretty nasty bodybuilding/fitness supplements in the past. I can down some juice.
Have you tried some bone broth, chicken broth, beef broth, etc.?
Stay hydrated, H_K, and please keep us informed.
Last edited by almostgone; 03-14-2023 at 02:37 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Could be anything, from medicine you are taking over the counter, to legal supplements, foods, alcohol, smoking, etc. I don't know your personal life, nor am I a nephrologist - but the only thing I can see is try to dial stuff back or use a process of elimination to figure out what's making you feel like shit. For about a year I was having daily nausea. Since getting my appendix out, getting off TRT for fertility, and working out less, lowering my dose of bp meds, and who knows what else... I no longer have that nausea. I couldn't tell you what it was, and it could just be a fluke, but maybe one of those changes was the culprit. Maybe it's the same for you.
You now Ive always had a damn solid stomach, never got stomach ache or acid type refux but I went through a little over 1 year where 4 or 5 days a week my stomach was just not right and had acid reflux. I tried most everything I have suggested to everyone else and it helped a little but didnt go away. All of the sudden it just stopped.
A couple of months later I was talking to one of my co workers about how it had just stopped bothering me for no reason. They asked about when and I told them. They said well thats interesting because its the exact time a coworker of ours had to change shifts so we worked opposites days and I never saw him anymore. it meant I did not have any food in the work refrigerator when he was there because I only brought it for the days I worked and never left it over the weekend or days I was off.
He had complained and bragged to several people that others were stealing his food (no one was) and they had was leaving tainted food in the refrigerator in hopes people would take it and get sick. In other words he was basically poisoning my food and maybe others. No I dont know what with and dont want to. It took us almost 2 years to get rid of him. Everyone knew he was a 100% schizophrenic and always accusing people of doing something. HR warned us after he was gone to not let our guard down even for a long time after he was gone. There are other crazy things he did but that one was with my food. I dont know why I hadnt though of that and not brought food to leave at work.
I don't do so much the bone broth as I do chicken broth and beef broth. I use them instead of water when making rice.
As far as supplements go, I pretty much stopped everything including the astraligus. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs anything. Pretty much I take my 3 blood pressure meds (amlodipine, terazosin, losartan) and Prilosec. And I take my test twice a week (50mg each dose). I've been kind of forced to workout less due to the nausea.
My initial thought was maybe the nausea was the Accutane? But I haven't taken that stuff in a month and a half now (due to the other sides).
Out here, we only have Vons, Albertsons (which are owned by Vons) and Ralph's. And pretty much all of them have regular shortages of everything.
That's fucking crazy. I've never heard of somebody poisoning other people's lunches at work before. I haven't brought a lunch in years. At one of my former employers we had some jackass that would eat everybody's lunch. It'd be a different person everyday that was the victim. I'd be tired of going through my stuff wondering where my rice or chicken were. Eventually, I just would eat up the cost of going to lunch everyday.
You probably have already tried mint tea. If you haven't made give it a try, unless you have some fresh mint to chew on. Shit....what's left to try? Unflavored gelatin?
Edit: I think I recall you mentioned dehydration. How were your electrolyte levels?
Just spitballing from past experiences.
Last edited by almostgone; 03-15-2023 at 01:31 PM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Here I'll post my labs:
I don't think my electrolytes were that bad. Sodium was a little low of normal and the other ones were good.
I've heard from other people to try the fresh mint. I'll give that a try too. I took 8mg of Zofran earlier and that stopped me from vomiting, but I'm still nauseous.
Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 03-15-2023 at 10:49 PM.
Hope you have a quick turnaround. When my stomach was really bad I hardly ate, just some chicken soup and then plain chicken tenders and plain mashed potato’s. Sometimes less is more “GooSe”
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
This last week, I've still been nauseous, but I've been able to down some beef and pork stew. So I've been eating it pretty much for every meal. I've also been able to keep down those little tangerines. I haven't thrown anything up either. It's definitely been a better week. The lethargy has been pretty bad though.
I had blood drawn today so I'm hoping to see some improvement. I've also been drinking a lot of water. I'm not too sure though if it's a good idea to drink a lot of water or if I need to restrict myself. I'll talk about that with the doctor on Tuesday.
The blood work looks pretty good. My sodium is always a point or two below the normal lower limit, just like yours. I think that’s a side effect of the bp meds.
Do you eat protein with every meal? I was thinking you could try reducing protein/meats to just one or two meals a day for a month to give your kidney a break and see how you feel.
Btw I was told to stay away from mint when I have acid reflux.
I've been trying to cut down on protein/meat. I'm really fucking addicted to meats though. The smell of the meat cooking for birria tacos this last weekend made me throw up though and I couldn't even hold one down.
I got bloodwork back from Friday:
It looks like pancreatitis to me. I have to speak to the doctor tomorrow.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Yeah, I'm really not looking forward to a diet of twigs and leaves. I'll keep posting updates to see how it goes. More input from people is more stuff I can look up and see if it's worth trying. If nothing more it becomes a case study for others.
I'm tending to think the CKD is a contributing factor to it if not the smoking gun, but I'm going to try eating a more "bland" diet for a while and see if it helps.
On the days where I've been feeling a little better, I've been still going to the gym and trying to do something be it one exercise or if I can do more.. Watching myself wither away and all the work I've put in on my lifts disappear is I think the hardest on me. And more importantly, going to the gym is who I am. Training as hard as I can for as long as I can is who I am. It's what I've been doing since I was a 14 year old kid. I'm sure if I talked about this to one of my "normie" family members or friends, they'd be thinking "what's the big deal?" But letting go of the training and dieting is hard for me. Even me feeling like shit, my mentality is "I want to do this for the rest of my life."
It’s not like you can’t lift anymore, you just have to lift more intelligently. And just take it easy on the gear and protein. Also good to have another outlet. For me it’s biking and my home music studio. Got me a nice torque sensor e bike that lets me ride up to 50 miles on a charge. I think you said you live in NoHo; if that’s the case, a lot of riding you could do out there. Just have to pivot your passion toward something else for a while. I understand what you’re going through, but you can’t let the gym and bodybuilding be your identity.
I have nothing except compassion for anyone going through a internal issue. Not like the tendons or joints . I was in a coma in 2020 and they thought I was going to have to go on Dialysis The kidney Dr told me if I did not up my water intake I was going to have serious issues . I was under the weather then and had to force myself to drink water . When I finally saw my kidney Dr I was taking Ibuprophen which in some ppl causes an abnormal amount of Creatine in some ppls kidneys . I stopped that and like I didn't know but the Dr said make sure I drink a gallon of water a day . I have done that not guessing but just like needed meds and many of my blood levels have improved and other BW also I have been on Ozempic due to type ll Diabetes . Weight does drop off but due to the ppl using it for weight lose and a much high dose there is a true shortage to Vets . VA change me to Trulicity Which takes longer to stabilize in the body and how they work is by suppressing appetite . So ppl with the Doe Ray Me get the good stuff and Vets get the left over . Life is GOOD !
Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-29-2023 at 02:10 PM.
I have to be careful with how much water I drink, because of edema.
Really the worst symptom I've been having are the muscle spasms. It's even worse than the nausea, loss of appetite, edema, fatigue, itching or difficulty breathing at night. All the time a part of my abdomen will start contracting on its own. It's unbelievably painful so I'll stretch it out by bending my back. That causes spasms in my back and I'm on agony until they release.
Then I get them in the arch of my feet, my pecs, shoulder, neck, hands, forums, calves and even quads and hammys. It's likely that I'm not getting enough water. So I'll drink more water and have more edema issues.
This week though, I have a regular PCP doctor's appointment this morning and on Thursday, I have an early morning endoscopy that my GI specialist ordered.
And yeah, even though all this is going on, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. I was laying in bed Sunday morning with girlfriend (who was still asleep) and it really struck me how blessed I am. I'm where I wanted to be professionally/financially, I've got a good extended family and friends. And most importantly, I've got her with me
Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 04-24-2023 at 02:17 AM.
Did you copy and paste this from a website?
At the early stages of kidney disease, drinking a lot of water is helpful. When the kidney function drops low enough, you start getting edema in your hands and feet and even around your lungs if you drink too much water. So it eventually becomes a hard balance.
As far as diet goes, what I've been experiencing is that if I eat something high in fat (like fried foods or buttery foods), I'll get nauseous and throw up. So it becomes a balancing game of how much protein I can eat.
When the doctors say "exercise regularly," they're talking to normies who don't lift heavy and to excess. When you train heavy you teardown more muscle tissue and cause more protein and waste products in your blood. This can make you more nauseous. Again, since most people with CKD don't do any physical activity, exercise to them isn't that intense and they can tolerate it better.
So the 27th of last month I had my endoscopy done. They did 6 biopsies. I met with the GI doctor yesterday and he said it was just inflammation in my throat and stomach. Gastritis is the diagnosis they gave. They did a CT scan of my abdominals and kidney and decided they want to do a colonoscopy next Which I get to do on the 23rd.
I've been limiting protein intake and fats too. The last couple days have been tolerable, but I have had some nausea despite this.
I took a few days off after the endoscopy from lifting at the gym, but the time away made me miss it, so I've been back at it again trying to go as heavy as I can. I've decided I'm not going to let this condition keep me from walking away from what I love to do.
Well damn, you would think in this day and age they would have a more solid answer to what/why its going on and stop it
My daughter went through a lot of that (Endoscopy several times and Colonoscopy) when she was having reflux issues as a kid but grew out of most of it and found she was allergic to yellow dye #9? I know I mentioned some of that before. She tries to cut out most dyes.
You reminded me again Im over due for my Colonoscopy.
I hope you get this figured out and fixed soon.
I had the endoscopy and was given the same diagnosis when I was having nausea off and on. I just had another couple of days of feeling terrible. I’ll get a few days where I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut, and then I’m fine.
Also, recently found out I’m a carrier of the gene for PCKD. My EGFR 4 years ago was 80-something, and about a year ago was 65. I always got a lot of cramping on cycle. So I’m pretty sure I have ongoing kidney issues. Bp has always been high, but controlled for most of my adult life. A lot of factors.
As far as lifting intensely - realize it takes a fraction of the effort required to build muscle, to maintain muscle. Hopefully you have the size and/or muscle memory where you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym going forward. I realize that for some people, the intensity is part of the bodybuilding mentality, but if you really want to do this as long as you can and still look good, you’re gonna have to make some adjustments.
Dang... just skimmed this thread....
prolly should be on a ACEI (if that hasnt been done)
Thats pretty good proteinuria, i didnt see a 24 hour one.
Anyways, feel free to ask away, i can help with that stuff
[QUOTE=Honkey_Kong;7589360]So an update to my story is I've been having problems with nausea the last couple weeks with today I'm throwing up multiple times. So my girlfriend talks me in to going to the ER to have them treat the nausea. They do bloodwork and my creatinine level is 2.51 and my GFR (they didn't say if it was e or not, but I'll assume it is) was 30.
Needless to say I'm going to have to go through the whole process with my nephrologist again. Tomorrow I'm supposed to have a regular telesession with my GP, so it's going to be mentioned then and probably get another referral in.[/QUOTE
I had a similar experience several years ago where I had unexplained severe nausea for months. Like you, I had an upper endoscopy (among other tests) and they diagnosed me with "Gastritis". This is the medical way of saying "We dont know but wont admit it". Anyway, I tried everything and was just about to jump when a substitute doctor I saw for one of my visits to my general practitioner (my GP missed my appointment due to illness) suggested an old stand by medication called Sucralfate. I started taking 1 gm before meals and at bedtime (4 gm daily) and amazingly I got better in a matter of a few days!!! Im no doctor but you might ask about this drug.
Just had labs earlier.eGFR continues to improve. In 2021 I was CKD stage 3b (32} I'm sticking with the astragalus as a maintenance med for a while.
I can't say it's a cure-all, that would be a lie. But something sure eliminated the cysts on my kidneys without surgical procedure or intervention. My eGFR increased, creatinine is holding steady at top of the range.
I honestly was thinking PKD was going to end up wrecking my kidneys. Maybe astragalus is beneficial depending on the cause of poor kidney performance? eGFR is now 65.5 ml/m/1.73.
I didn't fast for these panels in the pic below, so glucose was a tad high. .Even though lipids are in range, I want to lower Total and LDL just because they used to be out-f-in standing. Test wasn't pulled on a trough day.
Going to setup my 45° press for hacks, reverse hacks, calve raises,and then switch to leg presses. See if that improves the lipids a tad more.....I don't usually play on leg exercises; I tend to give it hell and go with multiple working sets. I miss my 20 reps sets of breathing squats.
I'm cleared by the neurosurgeon for back squats, but I don't want to have too much action on too many things at once right now. I would like to get in some front squats, but the shoulder doesn't like that movement. A friend of mine that coaches at the local high school has an old rusty safety squat bar that he used to use for front squats, he's had shoulder and neck surgeries similar to mine. He just flips the bar around backwards. I may try it.
I have the potential for some hand surgery in a few months so if can't do an exercise, legs will be the victim.
Last edited by almostgone; 07-06-2023 at 07:42 PM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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That bloodwork looks really good to me. I wish mine were as good as that. Are you on growth at the moment? My IGF is in the 300s naturally, so just curious cause most people I see it's much lower. Are you on a high TRT?
My natty IGF-1 runs low 200s, which is a tad high for my age range. I'm a few months shy of 59. Running 2.7 iu of Serostim.
My TRT is ~66mg twice per week, but I'm scripted 200mg/week. I occasionally push it on up to 200/ week for 10-12 weeks, but then drop it back to prescribed dosage 6-8;weeks prior to labs. I wouldn't even call it a blast. Just....more of an hormonal reward, lol.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Not a lot except for biceps. I've managed to hold onto most all of it. Legs actually got a shade bigger and have a little vascularity at waist and upper quads. The biceps are just going to be a long haul. The nerve damage is a bitch. I even ran 30g of creatinine per day up until 2 weeks ago.
I read a study, from Japan, I think. Study stated that abundant ATP looked promising in nerve regeneration. Quickest way I know to increase ATP is creatine mono....or eat a side of beef per day
As far as weight....lost 8 lbs..
Last edited by almostgone; 07-06-2023 at 09:43 PM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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4g/day is where I'm at now, Cuz. Dante always mentioned that all his guys use Vitamin Shoppe brand, but I don't know that it is superior to any other. Usually for the higher end stuff, I think Swanson's, NOW brand, etc.
I have a bag of Bulk Supplements astragalus, but want to use up my Vitamin Shoppe before I make a test run with Bulk Supplements astragalus.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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