Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
I agree with TM. These liver supports are like putting band aids on gunshot wounds.

That being said, the liver can take a lot of damage and bounce back from it. Supposing you're not taking a lethal dose of something (which you're not), you'll elevate your enzymes and irritate the liver, but when you're done it'll go back to normal. Permanent damage is really from long term things (like diabetes or alcoholism).

Really though, this "lean bulk" shit I see is just people thinking if they can take more drugs it'll make up for a shitty diet, where they're not eating enough to grow. And taking extra steroids isn't going to make up for the fact that you're not eating enough to maximize muscle growth. When I would want to put muscle on, I wouldn't worry so much if I put a little fat on too. It's going to happen to some degree. That's why we also can cut.
when i was younger i was more into dirty bulking, meaning eating excessive calories along with AAS use to gain as much as possible. i feel like after bulking like that, id diet and the end result would be similar to having not eaten so many calories. i always lose muscle when dieting, and being fat just isnt an option.

but if i had no constraints, meaning periodic check ins with my TRT doctor i could see how blasting with test/deca/dbol with heavy calorie intake, followed up immediately with strict cutting on test/tren would yield the fastest and most extreme results.