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Thread: Newbie, Question about the sups on this site

  1. #1

    Newbie, Question about the sups on this site

    The supplements are named to mimic the steroid, LIKE vAR 10 ETC

    My question is are these really what the name implies? What is the difference is Var 10 and Anavar? I'm in the US!

    Looking to start back lifting again! 6'5 260 with a lot of bad weight! Has anyone had any success with Var 10?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by Royce22 View Post
    The supplements are named to mimic the steroid, LIKE vAR 10 ETC

    My question is are these really what the name implies? What is the difference is Var 10 and Anavar? I'm in the US!

    Looking to start back lifting again! 6'5 260 with a lot of bad weight! Has anyone had any success with Var 10?

    Two things to consider.

    First, IIRC, that is the site sponsor you are asking about.

    Second, I would encourage you to take a look at the ingredient label on those products, then determine if those ingredients will help you meet your goals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Diet is key to your goals.There are no short cuts on that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Royce22 View Post
    The supplements are named to mimic the steroid, LIKE vAR 10 ETC

    My question is are these really what the name implies? What is the difference is Var 10 and Anavar? I'm in the US!

    Looking to start back lifting again! 6'5 260 with a lot of bad weight! Has anyone had any success with Var 10?

    I've heard over the years that quite a few people have tried the supplements and some have had decent results with them. The key to everybody who had success with them is in their diet, how hard they train and how dedicated they are to getting results.

    But regardless of what supplement or what steroid you use, training and diet are going to be key to whether or not you're going to get good results.

    Seeing that you have "a lot of bad weight," I think you should spend a lot of time in the diet section on here reading other threads/stickies. I'd say at least 90% of the gains you get from this training lifestyle (or in the case of somebody trying to lose fat, "losses") is going to be based on what they do in the kitchen.

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