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Thread: Some gains, what do you think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Some gains, what do you think?

    This is what one someone can do if they bust there ass for 11 months. I am no where near where i want to be so theres no stoping me from gaining another 30 pounds in 2004. I would really appreciate some feedback, all flames and questions welcomed. All natural here, and lets keep in mind that i am only 16 years old!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Transformation 11 months.JPG 
Views:	785 
Size:	44.2 KB 
ID:	26981  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Those are some mad gains bro...your shoulders are wider, neck is bigger around, chest seems bigger, and your arms have grown a lil bit. I envy your traps too bro, . Keep up the good work. Cheers for bri,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    great job bro. you should be pimpin but don't be that guy that always wears wife beaters. I know it is popular for guys your age to do that when they think they are big. I know cause I had friends do it. Great gains. Results from hardwork and natural test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    great job bro. you should be pimpin but don't be that guy that always wears wife beaters. I know it is popular for guys your age to do that when they think they are big. I know cause I had friends do it. Great gains. Results from hardwork and natural test.

    Wife beaters eh? There's nothin wrong with them, . I just like the way they look, i'll get mine off soon enough, as soon as i have something better to show. . Not trying to hijack your thread bro, just stating my opinion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    great job bro. you should be pimpin but don't be that guy that always wears wife beaters. I know it is popular for guys your age to do that when they think they are big. I know cause I had friends do it. Great gains. Results from hardwork and natural test.
    Not a huge fan of beaters. I only wear them in the gym though, because it gets me as close to shirtless as posible. I just cant stand working out in a bunch of clothing. Thanks for the compliments.

    My arms have grown about 2 inches, nothing compaired to my chest, my chest was 32 in the before pic, now its 40. All good though, we all have our week points.

    Flames/responces welcomed!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Great job bro. great and impressive gains. Keep up the good work. Mad props to ya.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    keep it up man. just imagine the diff in pics next year

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Good job, keep up the hard work..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ha some gains...Excellent job man!!!! i can tell the differnce in your shoulders, ur arms too, you got all around thicker... hell of a job bro, keep up the good work..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks guys, means alot coming from all you people that have been in the game for awile. I am curious to know how big all of you were when you were younger. What do you suggest for a bi and tri routine, my bi routine is:

    Standing dumbell curls- 3 sets of 8 (30lb Dumbells)
    Standing barbell curls- 3 sets of 8 (65lbs, my max is 95lbs)
    Standing reverse curls- 3 sets of 8 (35 lbs)
    Then i go to the cable machine and hook the rope up to the pully on the floor and do curls, mainly for my forearms. 3 sets of 8

    The only real work out i do for my tris is cable pull downs, because chest and tris are on the same day. I have heard of people putting bis and tris on the same day, what do you think?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    check out the pics in clothes section. what is your split?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by anadrol devourer
    check out the pics in clothes section. what is your split?
    What the h e l l is a split?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    training split? like what bodyparts do you usually train together?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by anadrol devourer
    training split? like what bodyparts do you usually train together?
    Chest - tris

    shoulders - bis


    Shoulders - neck


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miami, FL
    Any reason why you do shoulders twice? I could see doing legs twice, like Big 'OL does, but shoulders??

    Cut out one shoulder day, and make it a bi/tri day...Try to schedule it so it doesnt interfere with your workouts though in the sense that you have to lighten the workout because you arms are tired from bi/tri day....

    I think if you did Chest, Arms, Legs, Shoulders, Back, rest on weekend you would be fine. Play around with the days to see how you feel....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    definetely get rid of one of the shoulder workouts. ive always liked the chest/tri, back/bi, legs, shoulders, rest split. or if you want to do the antagonistic one i tried was chest/back, legs, bis/tris, shoulders.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    I've always done Chest/ tris , Back/bi's , Abs, legs, shoulders, abs, rest.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by FROST
    Not a huge fan of beaters. I only wear them in the gym though, because it gets me as close to shirtless as posible. I just cant stand working out in a bunch of clothing. Thanks for the compliments.

    My arms have grown about 2 inches, nothing compaired to my chest, my chest was 32 in the before pic, now its 40. All good though, we all have our week points.

    Flames/responces welcomed!

    Thats pretty good and your neck and triceps are very well developed. I suspect your frame has more growing to do, like a lot more, for example I still look like a skinny minnie and I measure 45 inches on the chest but its probably because my bones are bigger. A lot of guys will do quite a bit of final bit of bone growth between the ages of 20 and 24 so at 16 your frame is still not as big as it will be. Your foot size should indicate how much bigger you are going to get. What is your height, weigth and foot size just out of curiousity. For example size 10 thru 11 shoe at your age means you'll be within 3 inches + or - of 6 ft, size 12 to 13 shoe means you should be within 3 inches + or - of 6 ft and 3 inches, size 8 and 9 shoe means should be within 3 inches + or - of 5 ft 9 inches... etc. Myself I am 5 ft 11 inches and wear a 10 1/2 shoe.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    Hard work does pay off.. Keep training HARD bro.. Good work

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I am 5'8 and my shoe size is 11. My brother grew another 4 inches or so after he graduated high school, so i hope i still grow some more. He also put on about another 20-30 more pounds. But i did that in a year . My neck is 17.5 in. any one know how to measure traps? I also have some long a s s arms whick makes it harder for me to bentch, from my elbow to my finger tip is 19 in. I would measure my whole arm but i have no one to do that for me.

    Thanks for all replies, and more welcomed

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Bump for me, this thread died way too quick. Would really like to get more responces, and a good bi/tri routine. My legs blow ass which is the only reason i am not posting pics. Will have back shot tomorrow.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Bi's and tri's are relatively small muscle groups... It's very easy to hit these too much and hinder gains.. As far as a routine if you feel like your arms are lacking try to hit those fresh in the week. By that i mean if you train back or chest...hit legs or cardio (lol if you do cardio, i hate cardio) and let your arms recover from your upper body work outs... Come in for arm day fresh. Find out what your weak points are, some guys are blessed with horseshoes for tri's some guys have a good peak on their bi's it differs.. Figure out the weakness and blast those with the most priority first...

    4-5 exercises are good enough for my tri's, lower rep range (6/8-10 reps) but heavy weight, strict bullsh!tting around...

    Same with bi's, 4-5 exercises same rep range...

    Some good exercises that blow my arms up are:

    skullcrushers(these are my favorite)
    tri-extensions (rope,v-bar,straight or cambered)
    reverse tri-extension(shoulder width, palms up)
    dumbell extensions(laying down on bench)
    dips(weighted, try not to sway strict form)

    straight bar curls(now swaying)<==NO
    preacher curls(cambered bar)
    reverse preacher(same deal palms down)
    concentration curls(dumbells, i don't like machines much)
    21's (these are killer and i never can finish three sets of them)

    form has alot to do with it, it's easy to slop weight up using your delts and sh!t start somewhere and stay dedicated you'll see the weights go up, and always as far as every exercise you want that pump, you want to squeeze what ever muscle you are working at that time at the top of each rep, i can't stress that enough...

    As far as legs, squats and deadlifts...Try squats out they will make you overall stronger in alot of your exercises..they are hard to do correctly at first, but when you learn them they pack on size bro... Deadlifts too one of my favs... Do them right, and you'll benefit bro..

    No time for bullsh!t

    take care..those are just ideas...use what works for you
    Last edited by monster.; 01-16-2004 at 11:06 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks alot for the advise bro, really appreciate it. I will try some of those routines starting on monday. Ive never did a sloppy set in my life, if i did then i would redo it because i would go home and feel like i dident put in 100%. Here is a pic of my arms, i have a killer peak, this pic is of my left, its alittle blury because i held the camera behind my back and into a mirror. I have the peak in my arms just not the thickness.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Back left bi-shoulder, 1-12-04.JPG 
Views:	183 
Size:	16.1 KB 
ID:	27073  

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hell, all I can say is this. You are on a steroid board and your natural. At your age, bro, you look better than most guys a lot older than you. I applaud your hard work and dedication. In a few years, you will grow like crazy. Nice work!!!! I wish I had your dedication at your age!


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by FROST
    The only real work out i do for my tris is cable pull downs, because chest and tris are on the same day. I have heard of people putting bis and tris on the same day, what do you think?
    You do have a really good peak on your biceps, After reading this I think you should put a greater amount of focus on your triceps.. Realisticly Triceps are 2/3 of your upper arm.. If you train these with more intensity you'll see a big difference when you tape ur arms out to measure them, along with building explosive strength for exercises that emphasize pushing (bench, military press)

    It's not a bad idea to start training arms on their own day also, i saw your training split and you would benefit alot from switching things around as far as which days you train what... Muscle groups need a decent amount of time to recover usually 48-36+ hours... You absolutely do not grow in the gym, you grow on off days and when you are getting 8 hours of sleep a night, thats important too, recovery... So try to plan your training splits around the (2 day) mark... Thats optimum for strength training at the least... You don't have to switch your whole routine around but here's an idea as what i'm talking bout..

    ARMS - Probally hit this before any body part or an off day after legs, so your arms are somewhat fresh, this makes a big difference if they aren't a strong point.

    LEGS - Obviously give them their own day, quads, hams and calves is quite a bit to work out in one sitting, if you train them heavy enough.


    SHOULDERS/TRAPS- I can see you have big traps to begin with so you probally don't have to focus on training traps as intense... After chest day you'll notice (at least i do) your front delts are tore up from benching/flys etc. I usually train shoulders and traps before chest day cause for me i can recover rather quickly from military presses and side/rear laterials because it's a smaller muscle group.


    CHEST - This can be switched up, some people like training chest and tri's (both associated with pushing) Some just train chest with all three movements in one day: (flat/incline/decline) Sometimes i alternate flat/incline bench one week do 3-4 exercises with triceps... then the next week hit decline/flat bench again just to focus more on my tris..

    BACK - Another huge muscle group, I usually like to give my back a hell of a work out, and i'm so wasted by the end i usually can't fit biceps in cause my bi's are already shot to sh!t.

    It's hard to put into words but alot of people train their splits with similar muscle groups... Like i said just an idea how you can change things up... All in All you will know what works for you in the long run, and you gotta be patient to find out. Your still young and your muscles are going to get alot more mature with age and will respond better to certain exercises... these are just ideas bro..

    Good luck bro and stay dedicated, its worth it if you ask me
    Last edited by monster.; 01-17-2004 at 12:09 AM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Monster i appreciate your time, thank you. My goal is to hit 175-180 in the year of 2004. Extreamly excited to see what i can accomplish. I cant wait to hit the gym on monday with this new routine. If i dont hit a wall at this rate i should look like a freak by the time i am 18, thats motivation.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Dang bro, you do have nice peaks in your biceps. But like Monster said, triceps are 2/3 of your arm. If you want, you can try out my tricep routine. I've had alotta growth in mine from this. I work them the same day as chest.

    Tricep pulldowns--3sets 8/6/6
    Rope pulldowns---3sets 8/6/6
    Skullcrushers-----3sets 6/6/4
    dips (or french press, maybe both )------3sets 8/6/4

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    yeah, i am going to work out a totally differnt schedual on sunday for me to work with. My Arms are only 14 , my goal for 2004 is to hit 16 posibly larger depends on there grouth, they have a mind of there own.


  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Youll love it when you hit 15, when you hit 16 though you'll wanna cry . I did,

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