Okay first. What gauge should I use with QV winny? Reason I'm asking is cause I never used it before, (ex: I read suspension can pass through insulin needle but I had to use a 22 gauge.) I wasn't sure if it consisted of larger particles. I've never taken winny before and I know what it does. I am very lean and pretty good vascularity in arms. Will it also help with vascularity on shoulders and chest, etc? Reason I'm aksing is cause I've never done it before and don't know anyone who has that I know of.
Secondly, I did a cycle a while back with no PCT (due to lack of not knowing where to get it). I have what I need now (clomid, HCG, Nolva). After my cycle for several weeks I had a very low sex drive. My question is, with proper PCT will my sex drive be back to normal alot faster or the same as is when on the juice? Whenever I'm on a cycle my sex drive is alot higher than normal, just wondering if it will stay the same, so I don't crash.